#legendary chalice


Okay, NOW I have headcanon, that Henchman can be friends with cupbros and Ms Chalice, and I regret nothing

So, are we gonna talk about that Chalice literally became a ghost?

No, I was expecting some hints that she is the Legendary Chalice

But I didn’t expect her to be half ghost

Is she half dead? Did she made a deal with the Devil?

And why does she lead such a lifestyle?

It also raises questions in what period of time the events of the series take place. Before or after the events of the game?

Most likely before, because the Legendary Chalice was quite alive, judging by her statue in the game, only then she became a ghost and ONLY THEN she became Ms Chalice

Or maybe the events of the animated series have nothing to do with the game

But questions about Chalice still remain open
