#lesbian date ideas


she kisses snowflakes from your eyelashes and you laugh when she gets mascara on her tongue 

I can’t wait to have a little home with my girlfriend and our rambunctious puppy and I’ll always surprise her with flowers to put on our windowsill

on winter’s first snowfall, in the gathering dusk, the old fireplace crackles to life. the coming storm & sharp scent of pine & crisp mountain air. blankets tucked around you both. lips to shoulder, lips to neck, lips to lips.

cute wlw date ideas: sleepily call yourself “the softest baby beluga” to your girlfriend, and then you have to teach her the lullaby, and finally change the lyrics of popular songs to sing them about whales

you slice farm-fresh strawberries beside a happily gurgling coffee pot. morning mist swoops low around your cabin. humming softly, your wife glances over from her perch on the counter- as she has done a thousand mornings, and will continue for a thousand more - and you are at peace.
