#lesbian memes


i had my first kiss a few days ago under the stars just like in the movies. ahhh it was magical and now she’s my girlfriend gdjkfddjk

being single was okay when i thought i was straight,, now i just want a gf

i took her to a field for a picnic. we cuddled,,, held hands,,, and talked…. i also kisses her forehead fdhgdgjdhjfj also my dog loves her and she was sooooo precious with him

i may or may not be going on a date ig with this girl,,,, we’re gonna go on a picnic and i’m gonna get her flowers and bake her goods…. omg i’m so excited jdhdjfjfhjs

sleepy girls are the most precious thing on this planet,,,, thank you

cute things my girlfriend does:

(part two)

1. she’ll blush at really small things like when i hold her, call her petnames or give her love letters

2. she gets flustered everytime i call her cute or adorable even tho she tries to play it cool

3. she’ll play with her hair and mess around with it and it’s really adorable

4. she takes really good care of her little sister and will tuck her in and stuff and it makes me want to cry like ahhhhhhh that’s so pure

moral of the story: my girlfriend is super precious and adorable

cute things my girlfriend does:

1. when i hold her hand she’ll stroke the back of my hand with her thumb and i always melt

2. when she says goodbye to me she always hugs me and her voice get really soft

3. when she sees a dog or kid and her face immediately lights up and she asks me if we can get one

if you like these i’ll post more cute things she does

eek so i actually kinda went on a date and it was vv wholesome. we bought a stuffed animal puppy and we shared a crepe under the stars. we held hands and talked and then i held her. it was kinda greatttt. also for anyone who didn’t have a valentine you are still loved and valid and beautiful/handsome,,,,, i’m just kinda excited and gay and wanted to share

i’m gonna be single for valentine’s day and it’s really sad bc i wanna do all that cheesy stuff for my girlfriend and spoil her with flowers, cuddles, and kisses but sadly i cannot and it will be yearning hours on friday. thank you for coming to my ted talk….

girls are so prettyyyyy

my girlfriend is really out here just being cute and you’re telling me i can’t hold her in my arms and kiss her. homophobia at its peak…. i’d like to speak the manager!!

ahhh so it’s kinda late but i still thought the sapphos would appreciate hearing about my halloween experience. so my girlfriend and i sat and handed out candy together and kept complementing houses and she was just like being such a wife ya know. and then she talked about us having a house together and i kinda died ya know but it’s okay. and then i held her for a while bc it was cold we were wrapped up in a blanket being gay and i just never wanted that moment to end

cis people tryna find out if I’m a boy enby or girl enby

cis people tryna find out if I’m a boy enby or girl enby

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Astrology for genitals

Astrology for genitals

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Right On Point

Right On Point

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PragerU illustrates the slippery slope for kids

PragerU illustrates the slippery slope for kids

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Folks, they found out (found on a random youtube video)

Folks, they found out (found on a random youtube video)

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ok but Kai is like a trans god at this point. like it’s such a popular chosen name. I mean it

ok but Kai is like a trans god at this point. like it’s such a popular chosen name. I mean it is a pretty swaggy name, you could say it’s fire(I’m so sorry) /lh

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