





I do find it funny that lesbians are perceived as man-hating but gay men are not perceived as woman-hating, and in fact are often illogically shielded from accusations of misogyny simply by being gay

This is so true that it hurts.

I had a gay housemate, who was your typical dirty, lazy dude and he would use ‘but it’s the same for me’ every time I talked about sexism and misogyny ‘because I’m gay’. He thought that being gay made him somehow special and excused his crappy behaviour, especially toward other LGBTQA+ people and women. He thought he was part of some privileged club that excused him from understanding and empathising with everyone else.

One of the many reasons I don’t include myself in the lgbtqaplus community.


Source : We Do; A Celebration Of Gay And Lesbian Marriage - Edited by Amy Rennert
