#lia fluff


Lia as Your GF

A/N: Hello my wonderful guys, girls, and non-binary pearls! I hope this week will be good for you, and I hope this fic brings you some sort of happiness and comfort.

If you like fics like this, then you should check out my Masterlist!

TW: Food, fluff overload

- She’s always so smiley around you.

- She even has your name as ‘My Personal Sunshine ☀️’ on her phone

- Loves spoiling you with the finest of dates, gifts, etc.

- Does not care if you say no because she will spoil you anyway.

- She’s a great person to watch sad movies with because she’ll cry at the sad parts with you.

- But be prepared to jokingly be called “heartless” if you don’t cry during sad movies.

- Likes to switch between being the big spoon and little spoon while you cuddle

- Sometimes, she wants to take care of you, and other times, she just wants to be held in your arms.

- Lia always is complimenting you on everything that you do because she gets jealous very easily and doesn’t like when other people compliment you.

- “You’re so beautiful, honey. Have I told you that today?”

- “You’ve said that ten times in the past hour, but I appreciate the sentiment.”
