#itzy x reader


Itzy - Reaction To S/O Pranking Them (Requested!)

A/N: Hi guys, girls, and non-binary pearls!! I hope everyone is doing well, and I hope you enjoy this fic. ❤️

You can find other works like this in my Masterlist!

TW: None!


- Falls for it 80% of the time

- Yeji trusts you with all of her heart, so it’s easy to trick her.

- Won’t be super annoyed with you unless you stain her hair or clothes.


- Falls for it 50% of the time

- You have to be more clever with Lia because she’s pretty good at reading your mind.

- Will laugh at both your successful and failed pranks because she thinks it’s cute when you try that hard


- Falls for it 10% of the time

- You’re going to have to be super sneaky in order to get to Ryujin

- The best reaction you’re going to get out of her is an eye roll because she’s semi-done with your antics.


- Falls for it 90% of the time

- She only trusts a few people, and she trusts them with every bit of her.

- Chae might take your pranks literally, so I would recommend having a nice date planned afterwards.


- Falls for it 70% of the time

- Yuna loves how creative you can be with your pranks, and she thinks that they’re the funniest thing in the world.

- Also is the most likely to prank you back, so be warned!

Itzy - Reaction To You Kissing Them And Then Running Away (Requested!)

A/N: Hi guys, girls, and non-binary pearls! I hope this week has been treating you well, and if not, I hope this sets you back on the right pace!

If you enjoy works like this, then you should totally check out the rest of my Masterlist!

TW: Nothing but fluff between you and the girls :)


- Super confused

- She’ll just sit there wondering what happened as you’re already out the door

- By the time she comes to her senses, you’re long gone.

- “Baby, wait! I want another kiss!”


- Outsmarts you before you can do anything

- She wraps her arms around you after you kiss her.

- When you realize that you cannot escape, she chuckles to herself.

- “Didn’t think this one through, honey?”


- Probably knew what you were planning before you planned anything

- She’ll simply sit there and wait for you to return

- A smirk will lie on her face when you walk into the room.

- “I’m assuming that you missed my kisses as much as I missed yours, babe.”


- She’s super shy when you kiss her

- And she immediately scrambles after you because she wants more kisses

- Will catch you with a small hug.

- “Can you kiss me again? I liked feeling your lips against mine.”


- Immediately starts whining

- She’s on your tail from the moment your feet take off

- Catches you in a tackle hug that sends you both to the floor.

- “I want more kisses, Y/N. You can’t just kiss me and run away!”

Mafia! Itzy - Reaction To Their S/O Being Smarter + Stronger Than They Seem (Requested!)

A/N: Guys, girls, and non-binary pearls, I hope you’ve been doing well today! If not, I hope this reaction cheers you up.

If you enjoy works like this, then you should check out my Masterlist!

TW: Mafia AU themes (guns, violence, etc.)


She sighs in disbelief as she nervously plays with a strand of her hair.

“Who in their right mind puts a puzzle lock on a vault?” She thinks to herself.

Apparently those guards of hers took the instruction ‘make sure my money is secure’ a bit too seriously.

She facepalms before hearing another set of footsteps join her.

“Hi, honey!” You giggle as you wrap your arms around them.

She grumbles a greeting back before looking at the door again.

“Do you need help?” You ask.

“I’m fine, Y/N-” She’s interrupted by you placing a flower crown on her head.

You skip over to the lock before messing with it for a minute. It clicks open, and she stares at you in shock.

“How did you…” She trails off as you kick the door to the vault, which causes it to slam open.


  • Surprised/Embarrassed 
  • “Thank you, dear. I appreciate your assistance.”
  • She definitely did not expect that from you at all.
  • Yeji blushes out of pure embarrassment since she could’ve at least gotten the lock with a few more tries.
  • But she keeps your skills in mind as she returns to her office after grabbing what she needed.


  • Complete Shock
  • “When did you learn how to do that?”
  • With her mouth agape, she watches as you retrieve your flower crown from her head before skipping down the hallway.
  • She’s standing completely still, partially in fear of you.
  • But, she smirks as she turns around and chases you. 
  • Lia’s found a way more valuable treasure than whatever was in the vault.


  • Proud
  • “That’s my baby!”
  • She ruffles your hair and places a kiss on your scalp before dragging you down the hallway.
  • Forget the money, she’s got something way more important to deal with.
  • “C’mon, I’ve got to teach you how to shoot a gun.”
  • “But I wanna make more flower crowns!”


  • Concerned
  • “Are you alright, babe? You aren’t hurt, right?”
  • She immediately rushes over to you to check for any wounds.
  • After she’s sure that you’re fine, she takes your hand in hers as she leads you into the vault.
  • “It’s time that you learn what is being kept here, Y/N.”


  • Annoyed
  • “I could’ve done that myself, Y/N!”
  • She huffs before the realization hits her.
  • You managed to open a locked door and infiltrated her secret vault in less than sixty seconds. Most of her best-ranking officers couldn’t do that.
  • Yuna changes courses as she excitedly hugs you.
  • “I’ll teach you how to fight, Y/N! Those recruits won’t stand a chance against you.” 

Yuna as Your GF

A/N: Hey everyone! I hope your week was good. Make sure to get lots of rest, my pearls, along with drinking water and eating food.

If you enjoy works like this, then you should check out myMasterlist!

TW: Fluff overload

- Adventurous and spontaneous are Yuna’s forte, so most of your dates tend to reflect that.

- “We should go skydiving next! Doesn’t that sound like a great way to spend our anniversary?”

- When it comes to anniversaries and birthdays, Yuna goes all out.

- A big, fancy party with lots of gifts and streamers is just the start.

- Not to mention the very expensive gift that she gets you.

- “You’re the most important gift that I’ve ever gotten from the world, and I wanted to show you how much I love you… so here you are!”

- Filled with so many cheesy pick-up lines which are accompanied by her classic cheesy smile

- You’re convinced that she googles them for fun just so she can tell them to you and watch you cringe at how bad some of them are

- Bear hugs are Yuna’s favorite form of affection. She’ll just wrap her arms around you and never let go.

- Has too many embarrassing pictures on her phone of you.

- “Your mom sent me your baby pictures. How come you never said that you were this cute as a baby?”

- Loves to make you smile and laugh with her over-the-top and rather goofy actions.

Chaeryeong as Your GF

A/N: I hope you all are doing well this week, my dear pearls! I love you all so much.

If you happen to like this work, then I recommend checking out my Masterlist!

TW: Fluff overload (she’s so cute sometimes I just can’t-)

- Be her hype person and personal cheerleader please-

- Her genuine smile and laugh are like pure serotonin.

- Loves when you take the time to compliment every part of her

- Dancing together is a given; if you aren’t good at dancing, then she’ll teach you how to.

- If you try to practice on your own and she catches you, it’ll literally make her fall for you harder

- Won’t express her feelings often unless you do so first

- Likes to subtly take care of you whenever you’re not at your best.

- May occasionally roast you to a crisp, but it’s fine because you love her.

- Aesthetic dates are an absolute yes from her.

- Staying inside by a fireplace and cuddling while drinking tea/hot cocoa is like a dream date with you.

- And when it eventually comes true, she’ll be the happiest woman in the world.

- “You did this all for me? Thank you, Y/N, you’re the best!”

Ryujin as Your GF

A/N: To my lovely guys, girls, and non-binary pearls: I hope the end of your week provides some well-deserved relaxation and joy because everyone needs to have some down time to do whatever they please. Make sure to take care of yourselves, my dears, and I will talk to you all next week!

If you enjoy works like this, then you should check out my Masterlist!

TW: Mention of rollercoasters, fluff overload

- Super clingy and cuddly in private

- Like, she’s the big spoon and she will not let you go until dawn rises again.

- “Y/N, you don’t have to work for another hour. Stay in bed for another 10 minutes, please~”

- Curse her charming morning voice; it’s one of your weak points and she uses it to her advantage.

- Is your own personal hypewoman; she will never stop complimenting you, especially if you’re insecure.

- “You look so hot in that outfit, babe. Mind if we match today?”

- Likes to do cliche couple things, even though she won’t admit it

- She’s a natural charmer and smooth talker. Can talk you into/out of anything that she please.

- Sometimes, Ryujin uses this for good purposes. Other times…

- “We should totally go on that roller coaster. It’d be so much fun to do it together!”

- Will act cute if it makes you smile

- But she’ll cringe at herself afterwards, which is much funnier

Lia as Your GF

A/N: Hello my wonderful guys, girls, and non-binary pearls! I hope this week will be good for you, and I hope this fic brings you some sort of happiness and comfort.

If you like fics like this, then you should check out my Masterlist!

TW: Food, fluff overload

- She’s always so smiley around you.

- She even has your name as ‘My Personal Sunshine ☀️’ on her phone

- Loves spoiling you with the finest of dates, gifts, etc.

- Does not care if you say no because she will spoil you anyway.

- She’s a great person to watch sad movies with because she’ll cry at the sad parts with you.

- But be prepared to jokingly be called “heartless” if you don’t cry during sad movies.

- Likes to switch between being the big spoon and little spoon while you cuddle

- Sometimes, she wants to take care of you, and other times, she just wants to be held in your arms.

- Lia always is complimenting you on everything that you do because she gets jealous very easily and doesn’t like when other people compliment you.

- “You’re so beautiful, honey. Have I told you that today?”

- “You’ve said that ten times in the past hour, but I appreciate the sentiment.”

Yeji as Your GF

A/N: Hi guys, girls, and non-binary pearls! I hope that the end of your week was good.

If you’re interested in reading works like this, then you should check out my Masterlist!

TW: Fluff and softness overload

- She’s so sweet and lovely around you

- Like, she just melts at the sight of you

- Big-time cuddles. She just cannot get enough of you whenever she sees you

- Lots of soft pecks on the lips is her favorite way to kiss you.

- She’s your biggest fan throughout the smallest and biggest task in life

- And you always cheer her on too because you love her so much!

- Loves to hold your hand, especially in public.

- Also her heart flutters if you get jealous of other people.

- “Hey, back off my girl!”

- Yeji swoons over anything slightly romantic that you do.

- Poking her cheek is a surefire way to make her smile

- Compliments are her favorite form of flirting that you do.
