#libra lunar eclipse

THE WAR & PEACE REPORT“The only things that life denies you are the things that you are


“The only things that life denies you are the things that you are willing to let pass by. Fight for the things you love, and love that which is worth fighting for. ”

When the Sun blazes through the young fire of Aries it lights up all the symbols and qualities that Aries aspires to capture, express or suppress - new beginnings, startups, births & rebirths, sparks of fire, selfishness, aggression, conflicts, war. But while the light shines on the individual self, the Full Moon is eclipsing and illuminating the hidden qualities and expressions of it’s counterpart Libra. 

This lunar eclipse in Libra offers a space to review the shadows of our relationships and the blindspots that need visibility. It wants us to learn from the experiences of relating that rattled us at the core, but are still not quite finished yet. Or there may be a need to take another look at the resistance around commitments, the darkness of over pleasing, and to face the stumbling blocks around joining another, creating unions, merges and acquisitions, marriages and partnerships. Are they peace?

With these trailing and intense transits, it is important that you listen to your body and pay attention to the guidance and wisdom it is offering. Constipation may be alerting you of the need to let go totally and completely.  A difficult task for many but one that says you’re holding on. Flushing with room temperature water accentuated with lime or lemon or even a pinch of pink Himalayan salt will begin to perform wonders in creating movement and flow within.  

Our kidneys are under pressure during this Lunar eclipse and Full Moon in Libra. Many are up against long held fears now awakening and bidding it’s time to be removed with all the False Evidences Appearing Real. A kidney flush would be perfect. Apparently water is the essential element to balancing the fire and air so that we are not overheated from the blazing flames of Aries or dried out emotionally by excess Libra breeze. The Solar Eclipse in Pisces is still in our midst moistening us with emotions that want to anchor us into the heart center.

War & Peace are two sides of the same coin. The War is not out there it is inside of you and the Peace is not something someone else brings to you. It rests deep inside of you. Aries & Libra makes these two opposing yet complimentary forces clear. Somethings are worth fighting for and all peace only shatters you to pieces. Until we embrace both as a part of human nature, the world, life, and you will continue to be lopsided, out of balance. It is in our nature to fight. And it has become a habit to want peace while undermining or disregarding war. War wants its due process. 
And peace wants to be authentic and just enough.

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