#spring equinox

[Image: A sketch of Moomin, laying in the grass on his belly with his eyes closed, and Snufkin, lean

[Image: A sketch of Moomin, laying in the grass on his belly with his eyes closed, and Snufkin, leaning his back against Moomin and smoking a pipe. End ID]

welcome back, spring

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Happy Ostara, I’ve been very busy sorting out our shed today so didn’t have a lot of time to do many craft activities, but I did do a bit of gardening, went on a walk and had a hot cross bun hot choc

photosofnorwaycom: Skjold, Norway by Vest der ute https://flic.kr/p/2kSDa7j Skjold is in the very no


Skjold, Norway by Vest der ute https://flic.kr/p/2kSDa7j

Skjold is in the very north of Norway, in the province of Troms og Finnmark.

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Also known as the spring equinox

Takes place around March 21st, but the exact date varies each year. It is the midway point between the winter and summer solstices

Herbs: mint, jasmine

Flowers: daffodil, lily, tulip, violet, lilac

Trees: willow, pine, olive, elder

Animals: chick, hare, robin, lamb, butterfly

Foods: eggs, chocolate, dairy, sunflower seeds, warm bread

Crystals: clear quartz, agate, rose quartz, aquamarine, amazonite

Colors: yellow, purple, green, pink, blue, white

Incense: rose, jasmine, strawberry, vanilla, cedarwood

Decorations: flowers, ribbon, baskets, pot of soil with a new seed

Deities: Persephone, Aphrodite, Eostre

Activities: Bake pastries/bread, plant seeds for a garden

 Rainy Day MoodSource | https://www.instagram.com/mariathearcane/?hl=enEverything has felt so imposs

Rainy Day Mood

Source | https://www.instagram.com/mariathearcane/?hl=en

Everything has felt so impossibly loud this week and it has taken its toll.

I’m taking note from the sky, from the rain falling in gentle streams, and just releasing today.

Today I’m taking a step back from the pull to go-go-go, letting myself enjoy intuitive body movements/stretches when called to, digging into a book that’s been sitting in my kindle, and relishing the gentle rhythm of the rain outside.

How are you?

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 How We Develop Magickal Plant CorrespondencesSource | https://www.instagram.com/mariathearcane/?hl=

How We Develop Magickal Plant Correspondences
Source | https://www.instagram.com/mariathearcane/?hl=en

It is so easy to look up correspondences now in days and find keywords given from others, but where do they even come from? Do you find yourself using correspondences that you hardly understand or you just add spellwork ingredients willy nilly despite them not resonating with you in the slightest?

In order to connect with the materials you are using, I recommend looking them up before spellwork. Not just their keywords. It will help you understand the herb and connect with its unique spirit on a personal level.

Correspondences come from a few different things
•How they grow
•Historial aspects, magickally or otherwise
•How they involve your senses (taste, touch, smell, sound, and looks)
•How they have been used for healing, health, poison, etc
•Their color
•Most importantly, your experiences with the plant

Deck - Seed & Sickle - @liminal_11&@rosdottir

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 A Few Floral CorrespondencesSource | https://www.instagram.com/mariathearcane/?hl=enWhat is your fa

A Few Floral Correspondences
Source | https://www.instagram.com/mariathearcane/?hl=en

What is your favorite flower to do spellwork with?

Spring is right around the corner so all sorts of flowers will be blooming soon, which means it will be a terrific time to add some floral inspiration to your spellwork! I thought I’d share a *few* of my favorite spellwork flowers and *some* of their magickal correspondences.

Blue cornflower - Divination & Creativity
Orchid - Beauty & Saucy Magick
Dahlias - Dignity & Innerself Revealer
Passionflower - Sweetness & Attraction
Babies breath - Communication & Familial Love
Wisteria - Antiblockage & Magick
Red roses - Protection to Thrive & Beauty
Honeysuckle - Happy Home & Sweetness
Dandelion Seed Flowers - Wishes & Expansion
Lavender - Calmness & Magick

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Velikdan celebration (spring equinox) held by the members of Lug Velesa. Velikdan celebration (spring equinox) held by the members of Lug Velesa. Velikdan celebration (spring equinox) held by the members of Lug Velesa. Velikdan celebration (spring equinox) held by the members of Lug Velesa. Velikdan celebration (spring equinox) held by the members of Lug Velesa. Velikdan celebration (spring equinox) held by the members of Lug Velesa. Velikdan celebration (spring equinox) held by the members of Lug Velesa.

Velikdan celebration (spring equinox) held by the members of Lug Velesa.

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Blessed Spring witches! I hope this season is treating you well so far. I’m sorry I haven’t posted a lot recently, life has taken a turn and I suddenly ran out of time to do anything witchy… I’m hoping spring will bring in some new energy and help me get out of these difficult times. 

Here’s a list of what I’ve been doing to feel more like myself, and appreciate the season of fresh starts and new beginnings. 


  • if you can, walk around in a forest or in a field, barefoot, and learn to notice the trees and flowers growing all around you.
  • if you live in a city, and have limited access to nature, bring it inside your home: decorate it with fancy flowers and new plants to take care of. 


  • donate clothes and furniture that no longer inspire you, deeply clean and freshen your home to give yourself a new environment. 
  • spiritually, open the windows wide open and practice rituals to banish old energies and bringing in the new. 

Self care: 

  • eat fresh salads, green vegetables and bake beautiful honey cakes that are tasty and make you feel good. 
  • celebrate your body by moving again, whether it’s dancing, exercising, practicing yoga, stretching, walking, running or cycling. 


  • the cold season is over, so it’s time to dress in florals, pastel colours to celebrate this new season!
  • paint your nails, use makeup with colours that inspire you and make you feel like you’re on top of the world. 


Celebrating Ostara 

SPRING EQUINOX | March 19-22

Decorations: flowers, butterfly, eggs, baskets, four-leaf clovers

Incense: rose, sage, jasmin, lavender, lemongrass, lilac

Food: honey, banana, eggs, milk, seeds and nuts, green vegetables, quiche, lavender lemonade

The fairies are really busy at the spring equinox, looking after the flowers that are nearly blooming. Ostara is a goddess who represents dawn. Night and day are of equal length but the year is now waxing and light is about to defeat the darkness, and celebrate its own fertility.

Rituals to celebrate:

With people, gather in a circle to set intentions for togetherness, fertility and abundance.

In the kitchen, bake honey cakes and banana bread.

Get crafty, by making a bird feeder for your garden or decorating eggs to put on your altar.

Dress up, with spring colors: whites, bright, and floral patterns.

Write in your journal, about negative thoughts that you are choosing not to bring with you in the coming spring.

Meditate, about what fertility and growth means to you.

Other ideas to celebrate:

  • Plant and gather flowers.
  • Do some research on herbs and their properties.
  • Start a new project (creative, personal or professional).
  • Spend as much time in nature as possible.
  • Reconnect with animals by going to a farm or an ethical zoo.

Blessed Ostara witches! 

Hello my dears! Despite the snow still piling up outside (here in N.Y we have about 2 feet) it is almost time for the Spring Equinox! 


The Spring Equinox is also known as the Vernal Equinox, and is considered the first official day of Spring. The sun is crossing the celestial equator, transitioning the Northern hemisphere into Spring.

For Wiccans and other pagans, this day is celebrated and often called Ostara (or Eostre). I look at this as “Wiccan Easter”, though I know little to nothing about Easter. For Ostara, a major symbol of the holiday is the egg, which is also seen on Easter. Ostara is all about new beginnings, fertility, and the coming of Spring. It is a time to plant the seeds of change and hope (both literally and figuratively).

Here are a few things you can do to celebrate Ostara:

❀ Dye Ostara eggs (there are tons of resources online, like this one, that show how to naturally dye eggs).


❀ Decorate the house/altar with fresh flowers.

❀ Meditate about your goals and dreams for the coming spring.

❀ Try to stand an egg up-right, during the Spring Equinox you can balance an egg!


❀ ❀  Plant little seeds of flowers or early spring plants (check outthis resource!) When you plant the seeds, give each one a special meaning, a wish or goal, and tend to that seed. As the months progress you can tend to your seedling and your goals, and watch them both grow! In time you will be able to pick the fruits of your labor.


❀ ❀  In my tradition, we bury our best naturally dyed eggs at the gate to our garden as an offering. This is something that was done a long time ago that was said to promote a healthy garden! I have also heard of people burying the eggs at each of the cardinal directions.

Have a wonderful Ostara, everyone. As always…Be safe, Be happy, and Have fun!

photo credit: pentacleegg,dyed eggs,seedling

Ostara, spring equinox spell

Soon I will be selling spells on etsy‍♀️ merry meet and merry part‍♀️

Goodbye Winter, Hello Spring 2019And so the old nag gave birth to Spring.Goodbye Winter, Hello Spring 2019And so the old nag gave birth to Spring.

Goodbye Winter, Hello Spring 2019

And so the old nag gave birth to Spring.

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THE WAR & PEACE REPORT“The only things that life denies you are the things that you are


“The only things that life denies you are the things that you are willing to let pass by. Fight for the things you love, and love that which is worth fighting for. ”

When the Sun blazes through the young fire of Aries it lights up all the symbols and qualities that Aries aspires to capture, express or suppress - new beginnings, startups, births & rebirths, sparks of fire, selfishness, aggression, conflicts, war. But while the light shines on the individual self, the Full Moon is eclipsing and illuminating the hidden qualities and expressions of it’s counterpart Libra. 

This lunar eclipse in Libra offers a space to review the shadows of our relationships and the blindspots that need visibility. It wants us to learn from the experiences of relating that rattled us at the core, but are still not quite finished yet. Or there may be a need to take another look at the resistance around commitments, the darkness of over pleasing, and to face the stumbling blocks around joining another, creating unions, merges and acquisitions, marriages and partnerships. Are they peace?

With these trailing and intense transits, it is important that you listen to your body and pay attention to the guidance and wisdom it is offering. Constipation may be alerting you of the need to let go totally and completely.  A difficult task for many but one that says you’re holding on. Flushing with room temperature water accentuated with lime or lemon or even a pinch of pink Himalayan salt will begin to perform wonders in creating movement and flow within.  

Our kidneys are under pressure during this Lunar eclipse and Full Moon in Libra. Many are up against long held fears now awakening and bidding it’s time to be removed with all the False Evidences Appearing Real. A kidney flush would be perfect. Apparently water is the essential element to balancing the fire and air so that we are not overheated from the blazing flames of Aries or dried out emotionally by excess Libra breeze. The Solar Eclipse in Pisces is still in our midst moistening us with emotions that want to anchor us into the heart center.

War & Peace are two sides of the same coin. The War is not out there it is inside of you and the Peace is not something someone else brings to you. It rests deep inside of you. Aries & Libra makes these two opposing yet complimentary forces clear. Somethings are worth fighting for and all peace only shatters you to pieces. Until we embrace both as a part of human nature, the world, life, and you will continue to be lopsided, out of balance. It is in our nature to fight. And it has become a habit to want peace while undermining or disregarding war. War wants its due process. 
And peace wants to be authentic and just enough.

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All of us, lost leaves,

are carried unceasingly

into the future

In Spanish:

Somos llevados

de manera incesante

hacia el futuro

Tomorrow is the Spring equinox, the days have been becoming longer and longer and Winter is ended. I see, and I love, the smooth and accurate mechanichs of nature and the continuous cycles of life. We ride a wave ruled by PI dancing on sine and cosine… eternal, undefined ad infinitum, restricted to a small interval of unlimited values.

What was will be, and Future is just a reflection of the Past.

I see poetry in Math, don’t you?
