



Bro I finally got into SotC and finally met h e r

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I fixed it

Bro I finally got into SotC and finally met h e r

why does everyone in this game have a great personality

Anyone who tries to tell me Angelica has anything more than 1 (one) braincell than Roland is a fucking liar

The girl’s gotta hella guts and no thoughts, head empty

Right so uh

Who’s interested in an Angelica Protagonist AU,,,

because I’ve recently accidentally hyperfixated on that owo;;

Headcanon that Angela used to let the nuggets greet guests until they pulled shit like “Welcome to the reception! Which floor did you want to be booked on again?”

I want to write something for our local sad leg man. But I shouldn’t-


I’m pretty sure everyone has heard,,,

But just in case


This exists! If you want a chance at winning a LoR Artbook (and money,, BUT THE ARTBOOK) check this out!

Also,, sorry for the lack of updates TwT I know y’all have been real patient with me and I seriously appreciate it. My classes start next Monday so like,,, Hype, but also extreme fear OwO;;

On top of working on the Angelica AU (which,, I did not anticipate how painful it would actually be) and now this comp,, work is gonna be slow, sadly. I’ll do my best, but my workload is admittedly, uh,, a lot.

Thanks again to y’all again <33 I’ll do my best to get through at least a few requests before the end of this month.

Angelica AU Excerpt

Yes it got a rewrite, that’s why it’s taking so long,,, also many thanks @kinda61 for being the beta reader go follow him he’s got some good shit

Ah, the agender Patron Librarian of the Floor of Philosophy?

Did you mean: Non-Binah-ry


So me and @kinda61 were talking about the possibility of Angela unbooking people from their books if anyone actually won their fights and

And who might this be? (design not final but it’s pretty close owo)

Library of Ruina -  Gebura I love all about Floor of Language…….. kill me Gebura!!!!Library of Ruina -  Gebura I love all about Floor of Language…….. kill me Gebura!!!!

Library of Ruina -  Gebura

I love all about Floor of Language…….. kill me Gebura!!!!

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