
 Rompamos el silencio: violaciones de derechos humanos basadas en la orientación sexualAmnistía Inte

Rompamos el silencio: violaciones de derechos humanos basadas en la orientación sexual
Amnistía Internacional
EDAI, 1994 - 46 páginas


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 Gender Rock Exploding The Myths Of Male And Female By Phyllis BurkeAnchor Book - 1996ON SALE At a

Gender Rock Exploding The Myths Of Male And Female By Phyllis Burke

Anchor Book - 1996


At a time when men are staying home to parent and women are leaving to practice law and politics, America is confused and anxious about what differences truly exist between the sexes. In a world of changing roles for both sexes, how are “masculine” and “feminine” defined? If women and men are created equal, how then do gender differences emerge?

Combining investigative journalism with a survey of current scientific research, Phyllis Burke pushes our society’s hottest button, gender anxiety. Contrary to gender gurus such as John Gray, who have depended upon exploiting the differences between men and women, Burke debunks the myth that men and women are from different planets. She casts a disbelieving eye on the shockingly popular diagnosis of Gender Identity Disorder, in which children as young as three years old undergo therapy for not adhering to accepted notions of “girl” and “boy” behavior, and she encourages a shift towards a “gender independent” culture, in which individuals adopt the best traits of both sexes.

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Homos Y Travestis Algunas Cuestiones Para Mejorar La Respuestas desde el Sector SaludONUSIDA - 2011F

Homos Y Travestis Algunas Cuestiones Para Mejorar La Respuestas desde el Sector Salud

ONUSIDA - 2011

Fragmento del prologoLa epidemia global de VIH aún representa uno de los desafíos de sa-lud pública más devastadores, a pesar del reconocido avance en el acce-so a tratamiento y la prevención de nuevas infecciones, mayormente por la vía perinatal. Después de casi 30 años de epidemia, las desigualdades de género persistentes y las violaciones a los derechos humanos conti-núan obstaculizando los progresos y amenazan los logros alcanzados hacia el acceso universal a prevención, tratamiento, atención y cuidado en relación al VIH, suponiendo un impedimento hacia la consecución de los Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio.


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 Transgender Health and HIV Prevention: Needs Assessment Studies from Transgender Communities Across Transgender Health and HIV Prevention: Needs Assessment Studies from Transgender Communities Across

Transgender Health and HIV Prevention: Needs Assessment Studies from Transgender Communities Across the United States 1st Ediciónde Walter O. Bockting (Author), Eric Avery (Author)

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