








Inflation. Housing crisis. Banned books. Revisionist history (like with slavery). Abortion bans. The rise of white nationalist groups. $813.3 billion for national defense. $773 billion for department of defense. No money for schools. No money for covid relief. No money for anything. $6 gas when the minimum wage is $7.25. A large portion of ex-current military and police officers being part of far right movements. Neo nazis at local farmers markets

I could go on. Are you getting the picture I’m painting??

I’m at the point now where I’m less worried about like moving somewhere in the United States and more worried about how I’m going to get out of this country


Oh I have even worse news

America is nosediving into open fascism fast as fuck if only people were warned a million times but ignored it bc it didn’t impact them directly until now when it’s basically too late

We’re like quite honestly in danger………..

Also if you’re American. Maybe don’t ignore this. I know shit looks bleak but it’s important that we are all informed. I’m not joking.

Eggs actly!!!!!



The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence speaks out on the Depp/Heard verdict

Victim blaming comes in many forms, including criticizing a victim for not acting how you expect them to. While we support the idea that survivors are experts of their own lived experiences with abuse, survivors are not necessarily experts of all survivors lived experiences with abuse. What you would have done, or not done, is immaterial; what matters is believing a victim even if you disagree with how they responded.ALT