#life admin






(Source: me)

My boyfriend has ADHD and I have Autism and he’ll still be like, “We need to go to the store.” And then two hours later he’s confused that I don’t have shoes on.

Like… You didn’t even say today, let alone a time.

Okay real talk - this is so 100% accurate BUT telling people they need to keep directly telling us to do something puts a lot of emotional labour on them. We want them to be our partners/ friends/ families, not our managers, so we need to find systems for this.

My flatmate and I have started splitting up chores so that we both know what we are each responsible for in a week. We have also set up a time for “flatmate meetings” where we can discuss new chores/ sort out any problems that occurred with chores in the previous week so they don’t happen again etc.

This means that neither of us feel responsible for everything and neither of us feel like we are nagging/ being nagged by the other.

It means we can both be really explicit about things for an hour or two a week and then move on with an equal friendship.

When we first moved in together she got upset with me because I hadn’t realised that she took out the bins for a full 6 months… We have come a long way!
