#life reference





But still interested in feeding yourself? What if I told you that there’s a woman with a blog who had to feed both herself and her young son…on 10 British pounds ($15/14 Euro) per week?

Let me tell you a thing.

This woman saved my life last year. Actually saved my life. I had a piggy bank full of change and that’s it. Many people in my fandom might remember that dark time as when I had to hock my writing skills in exchange for donations. I cried a lot then. 

This is real talk, people: I marked down exactly what I needed to buy, totaled it, counted out that exact change, and then went to three different stores to buy what I needed so I didn’t have to dump a load of change on just one person. I was already embarrassed, but to feel people staring? Utter shame suffused me. The reasons behind that are another post all together. 

AgirlcalledJack.com is run by a British woman who was on benefits for years. Things got desperate. She had to find a way to feed herself and her son using just the basics that could be found at the supermarket. But the recipes she came up with are amazing. 

You have to consider the differing costs of things between countries, but if you just have three ingredients in your cupboard, this woman will tell you what to do with it. Check what you already have. Chances are you have the basics of a filling meal already. 

Here’s her list of kitchen basics. 

Bake your own bread. It’s easier than you think. Here’s a list of many recipes, each using some variation of just plain flour, yeast, some oil, maybe water or lemon juice. And kneading bread is therapeutic. 

Make your own pasta–gluten free. 

She gets it. She really does. This is the article that started it all. It’s called “Hunger Hurts”.

She has vegan recipes.

Don’t have an oven or the stove isn’t available? She covers that in her Microwave Cooking section. 

She has a book, but many recipes can be found on her blog for free. She prices her recipes down to the cent, and every year she participates in a project called “Living Below the Line” where she has to live on 1 BP per day of food for five days. 

Things improved for me a little, but her website is my go to. I learned how to bake bread (using my crockpot, but that was my own twist), and I have a little cart full of things that saved me back then, just in case I need them again. She gives you the tools to feed yourself, for very little money, and that’s a fabulous feeling. 

Tip: Whenever you have a little extra money, buy a 10 dollar/pound/euro giftcard from your discount grocer. Stash it. That’s your super emergency money. Make sure they don’t charge by the month for lack of use, though.

I don’t care if it sounds like an advertisement–you won’t be buying anything from the site. What I DO care about is your mental, emotional, and physical health–and dammit, food’s right in the center of that. 

If you don’t need this now, pass it on to someone who does. Pass it on anyway, because do you REALLY know which of the people in your life is in need? Which follower might be staring at their own piggy bank? Trust me: someone out there needs to see this. 


She’s amazing. She even argues with UK politicians

queenofthecommunistcannibals: calvin-reads-problem-sleuth:scholarc: the notes are brokenRebloggi




the notes are broken

Reblogging partly for awesome computer shortcuts, and partly because I wish to once again take part in a Post That Broke The Notes. 

[image description: a reference sheet for computer help. At the top is says “Did you know?” And below are some helpful tidbits.

  • If you download a PDF and you see it ends in .exe, delete it. It’s a virus.
  • If the WiFi at the airport/hotel costs money, add ?.jpg [question mark dot j-p-g] onto the end of any url (they don’t usually redirect images)
  • To download a YouTube video just add “ss” [s s without the space] between the www. [W, w, w dot] and YouTube in the URL.
  • Accidentally close a Word file without saving? No autosave either? Search .asd [dot a, s, d] in file explorer under this/my PC the document will be there, Windows has your back.
  • How to make an essay longer: hit control F, search “.” [period] and change the font size on the periods from 12 to 14. They look the same but will make your paper significantly longer. [Transcriber’s note: this obviously doesn’t work for papers with a word count or anything turned in digitally where the professor can access the font size. End transcriber’s note.]
  • Highlight a section in Word and hit shift F3 to make it all caps or lowercase.
  • When you copy something from the internet use control plus shift plus V to paste it. This will prevent the text from formatting.
  • Save powerpoint presentations as a “.ppsx” [dot P, P, S, X] file (PowerPoint slideshow) and it will open to the slideshow
  • Alt plus click on any Google image to save it to your computer.]
  • [end ID]

Post link





legitimate fucking lifehack: discord server literally just for yourself to keep track of stuff over devices. links. reminders and checklists. all neatly divided into categories. search function and dates. why didnt i do this earlier oh my god.

op here. everybody adding passive aggressive comments like “just use [other thing]” or “wow u dont know [other thing] exists get well soon ❤️” owes me 5 dollars

everybody else especially adhd folks are very welcome and i hope u see something beautiful today

ive been doing this lately and it works pretty well!


these r the channels i use

basicallyorganisationhasmy schedule and any random stuff thats happening or i gotta do

media is where i drop a youtube video, episode of a show, or fic im reading with the time of where i am in the video that i need to close so i can focus

plus it doubles as a catalog of stuff to do when I’m bored!

thendocumentis links to things i need open to do work or any slideshow links i get for school

andformulas are the formulasialways search for those classes like a wavelength formula or molar mass or smth!

what the fuck what the fuck
this is genius
what the fuck
