
anonymous asked: Gamzee icons, but with a lime-blood theme rather than purple-blood? Sort of like heanonymous asked: Gamzee icons, but with a lime-blood theme rather than purple-blood? Sort of like heanonymous asked: Gamzee icons, but with a lime-blood theme rather than purple-blood? Sort of like heanonymous asked: Gamzee icons, but with a lime-blood theme rather than purple-blood? Sort of like heanonymous asked: Gamzee icons, but with a lime-blood theme rather than purple-blood? Sort of like heanonymous asked: Gamzee icons, but with a lime-blood theme rather than purple-blood? Sort of like he

anonymous asked: Gamzee icons, but with a lime-blood theme rather than purple-blood? Sort of like he’s a follower of The Signless, if you get me! Thanks guys!

i was going to add a signless necklace to some of them but I don’t have my drawing tablet on me right now. anyway, i hope these suffice!

mod sol

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Ok, so oh boy was this Friendsim was a doozy. 

However, to isolate one thing to talk about, Fozzer has one particular line that’s pretty peculiar. 

12? 12. 12 subtypes. This brings up quite the predicament; as there should technically only be 11. We know that at some point there was a limeblood genocide, and that mutants, like Karkat and The Sufferer have shown up, but the MSPA reader hasn’t encountered any of them. As far as the Reader knows, there’s only twelve. 

I may be wrong, but I don’t remember limebloods even being mentioned. The Sufferer was, but it would make little sense to include them as a subtype as to the Reader’s knowledge there’s only ever been one troll with that mutation.

So, that brings into question; when does this take place? Is is pre or post limeblood genocide? I wish I could formulate a more cohesive theory, but really the only “evidence” of this being pre-limeblood genocide is the possible lime looking substance on one of the body pillows (which may, in fact, be sopor slime). ((There’s also the issue with this being only loosely cannonical)) I suppose, however, we’ll have to wait for more info, as the absence of limebloods or any mention thereof would hint that this is post-genocide.

So, for now, I believe this may be possibly either:

1. Pre-Limeblood Genocide

2. Some sort of weird omniscience as seen in Boldir’s ending or in one of Marvus’ Bad Endings.

3. Simply an error

4. I’m looking way too deep into this

Anyways, I just thought this was a really interesting line, and I kinda wanted to touch on it.
