#lindsay demeola


Submissions Welcome

So since I don’t update this as often as I’d like, I want to remind everyone that I do take submissions! And the people aren’t limited to the boys! You can have any of the following people/pets included:

Cody Carson

Maxx Danziger

Dan Clermont

Zach DeWall

Sydney Madison

Shay Fox

Lindsay Demeola

Katie Jo

Zelda Clermont

Pistol Danziger

Crash Danziger

Mateo The Chorkie

I’m pretty sure that’s everyone, but I’ll let you know if I missed anyone. Anyway, feel free to send in your submissions, but try and be mindful about the content you’re submitting. If you have to question if it’s okay, it’s probably not. Thank you all for following and loving these. They’re really fun to do. And feel free to comment on them, or tag me in posts whenever you like. The Set It Off family really is like a second family to me, and I love you guys a lot.

- Alexis ⟠
