#liom orientation


AchamoricorKenomoric: A term kenochoric people may use for their orientation, not fitting into other categories of attraction or labels due to their kenosity. They might not feel perfectly “straight” or “gay,” because they feel that being kenochoric makes them not fit into any of those groups. It can be an orientation on its own, or it can be used as an umbrella term to describe a variety of kenous attraction.

Achamoric can also be used to describe a relationship in which one or more of the individuals involved is kenochoric. An achamoric relationship is neither “straight” nor “gay,” due to at least one of the parties being kenochoric.

Acha- may be used as a prefix for orientations to further specify, such as acha-lesbian, acha-veldian, acha-bi, and so on. “Achamoric” comes from the Greek word “achanís”, meaning vast. Kenomoric is a synonymous term for those who prefer it.

Achamoric was made with clear inspiration from diamoric. However, achamoric is not necessarily a subterm, as kenochoric individuals may or may not identify as nonbinary and/or consider themselves to also be diamoric.

TLDR: This term is mainly for people who 1. feel as though their feelings of attraction and/or labels do not fit into other categories because they’re kenochoric, 2. are in a specific kind of relationship that is not “straight” or “gay” due to at least one of the parties being kenochoric, or 3. have kenochoric specific attraction in general.

pirammosic | pirbavastic | pirlavenic

pirammosic (pyre - ah - moss - ick) : a gender which is connected to pirates, pirate aesthetics, gender piracy, tropical beaches, and sand.

pirbavastic(pyre - bah - vast - ick) : a gender which is connected to pirates, pirate aesthetics, gender piracy, pirate slang/expressions, and shoals.

pirlavenic(pyre - lah - ven - ick) : a gender which is connected to pirates, pirate aesthetics, gender piracy, being lavenian (or any similar term), and gender non-conformance.

etymology : pir- der. pirate; -ammosic der. psámmos; -ba- der. bajío; -avastic der. avast; -lavenic der. lavenian.

colors : middle five representing pirates. on pirammosic: light yellow representing sand; seafoam green representing tropical beaches. on pirbavastic: purple representing gender non-conformance; lavender representing being lavenian.

flag/term created by me !

୨୧buy us a coffee!

all loving lesbian// lotus lesbian

lotus lesbian or just “all loving” lesbian is for lesbian who can love anyone no matter what gender one is, this isnt saying one is inherently a mspec-lesbian eventho their attraction could be classified as one. this can be also used when one is lesbian n also experiences multi-attraction but cannot get themself be connected to mspec terms to be added next to their lesbian identity or one just personally definds their lesbianism including other form of attraction than just “queer attraction at women etc”. even lesbians who r so called “gender blind” n dont mind dating ppl eventho others gender experience might not perfectly fit into ones “queer attraction at women” due to gender blindess while forming emotional feelings

all loving lesbian doesnt have to include every gender but has a big spectrum of genders outside of “classic” view/experience on lesbianism. label is also open for ppl who do identify with mspec labels, this isnt exclusive just to lesbians who are open to dating multiple genders but don’t identify with mspec terms

flag n term coined by me ( @idk-i-guess-mogai)
