#listen to these albums yall


I was tagged by @acadiera to post my three comfort albums (your picks were Immaculate so idk if I can beat them), this is vaguely on topic for this blog because I’m screaming about music recs, so here goes:

  1. Equilibri by Blaumut. They always show up in my Spotify Wrapped as one of my most played artists and I get confused because I never remember listening to them, but actually I listen to this and 0001 so much as comforting background music, they are really excellent albums <3
  2. Ravalby Zoo. I mean??? one of the best albums of the 21st century, what can I say
  3. Esnesaltzailearena by Esne Beltza. I’m sorry sir, that’s my emotional support trikitixa.

(Honorable mention to Ibn el-Leil by Mashrou’ Leila but that’s my gay existential depression album and brings emotional spiraling not comfort so I don’t think it quite counts, also same for Translúcidby Smoking Souls)

I tag anyone who needs to yell about their music, please rec me some good and fun albums because I need large quantities of new music at all times to keep functioning ahaha
