
Got tagged by @minglana to post my top albums of 2021, here they are! The first three are ones that Got tagged by @minglana to post my top albums of 2021, here they are! The first three are ones that Got tagged by @minglana to post my top albums of 2021, here they are! The first three are ones that Got tagged by @minglana to post my top albums of 2021, here they are! The first three are ones that Got tagged by @minglana to post my top albums of 2021, here they are! The first three are ones that Got tagged by @minglana to post my top albums of 2021, here they are! The first three are ones that Got tagged by @minglana to post my top albums of 2021, here they are! The first three are ones that Got tagged by @minglana to post my top albums of 2021, here they are! The first three are ones that Got tagged by @minglana to post my top albums of 2021, here they are! The first three are ones that

Got tagged by @minglana to post my top albums of 2021, here they are! The first three are ones that I literally built my entirely personality out of and the rest are just ones that I listened to a lot (and also loved ofc <3 they’re all masterpieces):

  1. Llepolies by Zoo
  2. Jaja salu2 by El Pony Pisador (yes it’s a meme album yes it’s literally perfect)
  3. Rosa permanent by Roba Estesa
  4. Carrer by Ebri Knight
  5. OKTA by KEiiNO
  6. Gioventù bruciata by Mahmood
  7. Supernova by Valira
  8. Embruxo by Baiuca
  9. Fotosíntesi by La Fúmiga

Anyways, I’d highly recommend them all to you guys! I’m going to tag @espanhois@chatwiththeclouds@alvallah@res–publica@langsandlit@euryalus@anthropologicle and anyone else who wants to, the more music the better <3

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This song is a bop (as are all the songs on this album), but I thought if I translated it then maybe I could convince some of you guys to scream over Rosa permanent with me. Anyways, please enjoy, and also listen to their whole album!

A tu, que ets llavor i que creixes lliure
You, who are a seed and growing free

t’he vist en els ulls milers d’estels.
I’ve seen thousands of stars in your eyes

Dins teu surt la llum de la ferida
Inside you, light emerges from the wound

que ha cicatritzat amb temps.
That has scarred over with time

Tot el plor del món no n’abasta gens

All the tears in the world won’t encompass it at all

per del pit omplir el forat, per estimar tot el que es perd.
To fill the hole in your chest, to love all that is lost
Plorem del riure que ens fa la vida,
Let’s cry from the laughter that makes our life

brindem pels amors eterns.
Let’s toast to eternal loves ]

Cada llàgrima que et cau (dibuixa el teu camí)
Every tear that falls from you (draws your path)

Full en blanc, esperit d’estrip.
A blank page, the spirit of shreds

Cada pas que et fa saber (dibuixa el teu destí)
Every step that makes you know (draws your destiny)

Desplega l’ànima!
Bare your soul!

Vesteix-te de somnis i utopies.

Dress yourself with dreams and utopias

Recull l’alegria dels mals dies,
Gather up the joy of your bad days

i torna, torna a brillar
And return, shine again

i torna més forta que abans.
And return stronger than before

Preferim ser un incendi que morir en el glaç.
We’d rather be a fire than die in ice ]

La por als moments difícils només posa llum
Fear in difficult moments just shines a light

a les teves veritats.
On your truths

Les millors coses arriben quan deixem el fum,
The best things happen when we leave behind the smoke

quan seguim l’estel fugaç.
When we follow the shooting star

Dins teu, dins teu reneix aquella llum que et fa viure.
Inside you, inside you, the light that makes you live is reborn

Dins teu, dins teu colpeja fort el crit que no dius.
Inside you, inside you, the cry that you won’t let out knocks insistently
Desplega l’ànima!
Bare your soul!


The Evening of the Year - A November PlaylistOur twilight month November isThe evening of the yearTh

The Evening of the Year - A November Playlist

Our twilight month November is
The evening of the year
The brilliant summer noontide left
A pallor soft and clear

I put together a little playlist of songs in multiple languages (the goal was as many as possible) which captured all the different feelings that November makes me feel. It’s a lot of indie and folk, and I tried to make it as chill as my music taste would allow. Hope you guys enjoy it!


ROMANTICIDI|Pantaleó & Anaïs Vila(Catalan)

Lo Berde|Rewşan(Kurdish)

Veleno|Baiuca & Rodrigo Cuevas(Asturian)

Aeode|Mashrou’ Leila(Arabic)



Cançó|Marala & Xarim Aresté(Catalan)

Tyrd yn ôl|Plu(Welsh)


I Barval Pudela|Šaban Bajramović(Romani)

Torna a casa|Måneskin(Italian)

Kea|Zea Mays(Basque)

Quart de Lluna Minvant|Blaumut(Catalan)

La Canción del Pensador|Ciudad Jara(Spanish)

Dh'éirich mi moch, b'fheàrr nach do dh'éirich|Julie Fowlis (Scottish Gaelic)

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Diversity win! Every single song on Roba Estesa’s new album is a bop

I was tagged by @acadiera to post my three comfort albums (your picks were Immaculate so idk if I can beat them), this is vaguely on topic for this blog because I’m screaming about music recs, so here goes:

  1. Equilibri by Blaumut. They always show up in my Spotify Wrapped as one of my most played artists and I get confused because I never remember listening to them, but actually I listen to this and 0001 so much as comforting background music, they are really excellent albums <3
  2. Ravalby Zoo. I mean??? one of the best albums of the 21st century, what can I say
  3. Esnesaltzailearena by Esne Beltza. I’m sorry sir, that’s my emotional support trikitixa.

(Honorable mention to Ibn el-Leil by Mashrou’ Leila but that’s my gay existential depression album and brings emotional spiraling not comfort so I don’t think it quite counts, also same for Translúcidby Smoking Souls)

I tag anyone who needs to yell about their music, please rec me some good and fun albums because I need large quantities of new music at all times to keep functioning ahaha

cors armats my beloved

Not me back on my Niche Valencian Music BS™ but like….that album really never gets old huh
