#literally me

virare: “One Way Ticket” Lily Donaldson by Skye Parrott for Dossier #10


“One Way Ticket”

Lily Donaldson by Skye Parrott for Dossier #10

Post link



i dont want to be an adult i want to go to the shiny secondhand trinkets store and spend seven hundred dollars

god is hiding somewhere in here and he is only $4.99


TRUE story


i blog for girls who are plagued by loneliness despite being overall well liked



girls who sit on the ground in public places should unionize

thank you for saying this


dude fuck off im not gonna put microcurrents on my face when I get a pimple I’m not gonna be 28 using prescription retinols in fear of wrinkles I’m not gonna be 15 worrying about razor bumps I’m not gonna be doing this MANNNN FUCK OFF FUCK OFF FUCK OFF. What if I just had skin and it had blemishes and discoloration and texture what then . What would you do then
























That autistic / ADHD feel when you want to do… something.

I call this “activity cravings” because it’s like when you want a certain food but you aren’t sure which food. But for activities.

Do I want to go for a walk? Play a game? If so, what kind of game? DO I want to make things? Read? Watch tv? A movie?

then when that executive dysfunction comes into play and since you could do literally anything in the world, you end up trapped and unable to choose anything to do at all, and do nothing instead but live in that restlessness

One of the best additions to this post yet. This is one of those nuances of choice paralysis that people fail to understand - sometimes it is because we lack the executive function to choose, sometimes we want to do all the things and can’t choose.

And, if your depressive anhedonia kicks in, even if you DO decide on something, you quit 10 minutes later because the thing just isn’t doing it for you.


god this post is such a mood, all the time

Me on my days off from work

Do I have “I’m Not Being Productive Enough” fatigue or “I Need A Break From Productivity” fatigue?

Will I become an overworked wreck or an underworked anxiety ball? tune in next w

jeez just tag me next time

same damnit

as someone who regularly stops at the grocery store when hungry, stares at different foods for half an hour, and goes home without buying anything to eat an entire tube of saltine crackers because 1) am Hungry and 2) all this Maybe Food and none of it is Yes Food … yes, I just realized I have this same situation with activities sometimes

Ah, shit. You just made this post come back around and hit me in the ass callin’ me out.

The only way that helps me decide (most of the time) is asking what someone else wants to do….. If I don’t ask a person just as cursed as me!

I made a list of activities to choose from to get me motivated. Doesn’t mean I can always pick one, though…

Please just @ me next time someone wants to write my biography.

I mean… hard same. Anyone else spend the entire time prepping for everything and doing none of it though? Because that’s another issue I have.

Clean the kitchen to cook? Proceed to not cook. Proceed to not even eat anything until god knows how much time has passed.

Plant to write? Prep to write? Proceed to not actually write for weeks, if ever.

Yeah, this is also A Mood

All of this

@platypus-mcslothman this is why I always ask for your opinion on stuff

*has art assignment*

*wants to art*

*doesnt art for the entire class (1 and a half fucking hours)*

I also get the issue of “want to do the thing but it takes energy and if I do anything else I won’t be able to do the thing” so I end up sitting in bed watching tv or scrolling through tumblr waiting on the motivation to do The Thing, and then…. never do

the only way i can somewhat get around this is flipping a coin: heads im going to eat a sausage, tails im going to eat a sandwich. coin comes up heads, and in that SPLIT SECOND, i feel my true ‘want’, if i go ‘oh cool, sausage’ then i can proceed and eat sausage happily. if i go ‘oh fuck off, dont want sausage, sandwich would have been better’ then i know that i should eat the sandwich. it really is just in the tiny tiny tiny split second that this happens. if i try and ‘force’ myself to pick sausage or sandwich via coin flip, my brain goes ‘fuck you, you cant force me to eat a sausage! i want a sandwich!’ but ha-ha brain, i have out smarted you this time, you secretly wanted a sandwich and thats what you’re gonna get!

m o o d


date a girl who sends you memes when you try to flirt with her


Another day another instance of misreading tone tags because they use existing acronyms…….. /Pieceofshit /handjob


support creators or they’ll lose motivation to create things


normalise being aro in the most obnoxious way possible. put a 6 ft aro flag on ur wall!! paint ur nails!! dye ur hair !! put an aro patch on ur jacket!! make the world know !!!!!!! we r coming for them >:)


Whimpering at the club #scared

literally meliterally meliterally meliterally meliterally meliterally me


they are sharing a fat cuban cigar in bed


You associate All Star with Shrek

I associate it with the Digimon Movie

We are not the same
