#little bear


29 de julio de 2019

Digo, pues, por la gracia que me es dada, a cada cual que está entre vosotros, que no tenga más alto concepto de sí que el que debe tener, sino que piense de sí con cordura, conforme a la medida de fe que Dios repartió a cada uno (Romanos 12:3).

Little Bear and this kid from the Orajel Training Toothpaste commercial are flat earthers

Little Bear and this kid from the Orajel Training Toothpaste commercial are flat earthers

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Little Bear Peak from Lake Como, Sunset

Little Bear Peak from Lake Como, Sunset

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Ok but what is everyone’s comfort media? Because I feel like it says so much about people, some of them are absolutely bizarre and not something that would ever bring me comfort, but I find it so cool when there that one movie that you’ve watched so many time or have such a niche and special connection too.


I have just taken my maths and physics mocks and Im fairly certain i’m in shock lol

Woah woah woah we have to remember that the Big Dipper is NOT the entire constellation. The whole constellation is Ursa Major, of which the Big Dipper is a part.

This is the entire constellation of Ursa Major:

and I think you’ll now see where the bear comes from ;)

Otis is ready to explore the world!

— fanart de “o pequeno urso” no episódio “a  sereia do pequeno urso “ feito para o desafio do mês de

fanart de “o pequeno urso” no episódio “a  sereia do pequeno urso “ feito para o desafio do mês de maio ‘mermay’

• photoshop CC + paint tool sai + wacom bamboo pen & touch

© deb manci  | insta: @deb.manci|

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