#liu mingyan

not gonna lie, the new mingling ilustration in the svsss eng book made me crave tall strong lmy and

not gonna lie, the new mingling ilustration in the svsss eng book made me crave tall strong lmy and gremlin sized shl

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Liu Qingge going to retrieve Shen Qingqiu’s corpse:


Liu  Mingyang after writing “Resentment of Chunshan”:


Lan Xichen to Jin Guangyao in Guanyin Temple:


Whole fandom to Jin Guangshan:


Fu Yao & Nan Feng after seeing for the first time San Lang:


He Xuan and Hua Cheng dealing with each other:


Other parts: 1,2,3,4,5




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Girl’s night ♡

What’s the name of their shiiiippp???? I’ve been looking (wrong probably) i love then but this is the first art i make of them sooo what’s the naaame??

[what kind of clothes girls from svss would wear if they have lived in xxi century]sha hualing;- sex[what kind of clothes girls from svss would wear if they have lived in xxi century]sha hualing;- sex[what kind of clothes girls from svss would wear if they have lived in xxi century]sha hualing;- sex

[what kind of clothes girls from svss would wear if they have lived in xxi century]

sha hualing;

- sexy af.

- definitely into revealing and tight-fitting clothes; she knows she has a great body and she’s not afraid of showing it. there are some people who would call her “slutty” because of that, but a lot more find her incredibly alluring and even admirable, since she’s so confident in her looks.

- her outfits tend to be seductive and bold; deep cleavage, short bottom revealing her long and slim legs, clothes emphasising her figure. she also loves wearing a silk, sliver jewelery and heavy make-up (but since she cares a lot about her looks, she doesn’t wear it too often to not damage her complexion, but a red lipstick is a must).

liu mingyan;

- between cute or sexy, liu mingyan is definitely beautiful.

- unlike sha hualing, liu mingyan doesn’t really like showing her body too much and overall, she prefers blending in with the crowd than being in the centre of attention (but due to her height, face too beautiful to be real and distinctive clothing style, people very often can’t help but stare at her)

- her outfits tend to be quite mature, classy and elegant (well, at least most of the time, because sometimes she’s tired of feeling pretty, so she wears some random t-shirt and jeans, but she still manages to look breath-taking somehow). she has kind of a “grandma style”; you know, these long-ass skirts and dresses, loose sweaters and blouses.

ning yingying;

- cute cute cute.

- i think that she’s a perfect balance between liu mingyan’s grandma outfits and sha hualing’s revealing ones; she’s cool with wearing both more tight-fitting and loose clothes, everything depends on her mood. also, i believe that she wouldn’t spend too much time on getting herself ready; she takes basic care of her appearance and wears make up mostly on a special occasions.

- her outfits are usually casual, cute and “youngish”; although she likes wearing trousers, i think she prefers cute dresses or skirts much more. she doesn’t get so many stares like two other girls, but she definitely can receive a few glances of appreciation, she gives a really fresh, youthful and adorable vibe.

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I think I never posted this here? Anyways here’s my piece from the MXTX non dominant hand zine from

I think I never posted this here? Anyways here’s my piece from the MXTX non dominant hand zine from last year ehe

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