#living wage

I remember when I was taking my first tax class in college, my professor had a section specifically

I remember when I was taking my first tax class in college, my professor had a section specifically on why it sucks extra to be single. Memories, memories, haha

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Look at this letter that I just received from my boss!(How someone of y’all sound with your fake pos

Look at this letter that I just received from my boss!

(How someone of y’all sound with your fake posts)

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You know it’s been quite a while that I took my business law class, but there was a legal defense th

You know it’s been quite a while that I took my business law class, but there was a legal defense that I remember learning about called, doctrine of avoidable consequences, which prevents a person from recovering damages that could have been avoided through reasonable efforts.

For 13 years, OP chose to work as a part-time worker at a grocery store for an average annual raise of $0.05.

Obviously, OP isn’t trying to take their employer to court or anything to recover damages, but dang, could they have made a reasonable effort to avoid these consequences. Like this is borderline negligence for their own well-being haha

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Some of these have some practicality and value to them, but which do y’all think is the least practi

Some of these have some practicality and value to them, but which do y’all think is the least practical?

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workingamerica:The MN House will vote Friday on a minimum wage increase. Send a message to your Re


The MN House will vote Friday on a minimum wage increase. Send a message to your Representative and ask them to support HF 92: http://bit.ly/14O33Ai

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