#liz reads manga


I think the fact I find this panel so funny is part of the reason I’m probably not going to have any kids of my own.

This is my fun task list for tonight. I’m trying to get through the part series that I have before I go out and pick up any more.

Hinata just rolled a 20 on his intelligence check.

Noya sees the gears turning in Hinata’s brain (they’re not used often, so it’s obvious when they work)

I think it’s a nice touch that Hinata is blocking a number 11 when he’s thinking of Tsukki. Tsukki knows this too. He’s so adorably salty

My favorite dum dum trio, featuring a photobomb by Atsumu.

I feel like Furudate is a Tsukki stan like me. That detail though.

It’s new Haikyuu volume day! Funny thing, I get the email notification that it’s in a couple hours after I picked the large amount of Banana Fish that was waiting for me at Chapters, but it worked out, since I’m waiting for my roommate anyway.

I haven’t even opened the book, and I’m excited. This is a kickass pose of Saeko, and I already know she plays a huge role this game. I do enjoy it when female characters gets a meaningful spotlight.

After some ordering shenanigans, I now can make more progress on the Banana Fish manga. Perfect on a day when my brain is recovering from con.

I may have locked myself out of my apartment and have to wait until my roommate comes home.

After a good healing day where I managed to almost look across my shoulder thanks to Tylenol 3s and a heating pad, I’m going to finish the night with Space Brothers.

I’ve always loved space movies that featured real exploration, so moments like these make me feel like a kid again. It doesn’t hurt that they are both giant dorks.

One good thing about being off work is that I have a higher chance of getting through a taller stack of manga volumes because I don’t have work getting in the way.

Now it’s just a matter of making sure I don’t fall asleep because of the pain meds and the heating pad on my neck.
