#lizard people


kira with the death note simply slaying with the pen

find clarity then lose it think its ego number ten

baptism to rebrand all my sins are forgiven

wash my hands and take command its the young evangelion

find myself in the abyss need some limits to make a difference

sweetboy i insist cant be timid with my wishes

lift the veil to free your mind stake a claim when you find the void

 searching for my soul pulled in dual directions like du bois

ask me theres no choice, went silent to find my voice

auto pilot lizard leaders rejoice while they exploit

workers who have the power too scared to use the leverage 

fighting for some water in illusionary deserts

genjetsu on the peasants break free to find the present

cant be out here acting stupid makin rash decision

be still to think it though shikamaru plotting different 

believe it believe it believe it believe it 

This is because I’ve been really into conspiracy videos recently but technically hollow earth is cannon in the riordanverse. Like in the tower of Nero they meet the troglodytes which is proof that there’s a bunch of tunnels under the earth and even entire population of lizard people (which is a conspiracy theory in and of itself). Some interpretations of hollow earth is that it’s completely hollow and that there’s an entire world under us (which in some way could be Tartarus ?? That’s only if it’s actually underground and not just another realm). Other interpretations are that there’s massive tunnels that have another species living in them (in pjo’s case the troglodytes).

Basically what I’m trying to say is that things that happen in the riordanverse are conspiracy theories in our world which is really funny to me for no reason.

Like for example giants and even seeing visions in dreams and being able to travel in your dreams.

(Also the triumvirate is lowkey kinda what we theorize the Illuminati is so there’s that)
