#lmfao typical minako at the end tho



He couldn’t get free.

He couldn’t get free, and if he couldn’t get free, he couldn’t protect Mina, the very thing that had brought him here to begin with. Kain groaned, vision blurring slightly with how quickly he was being drained - it was always easier to drain someone who’s energy was close to the surface, someone who’d been actively using it. He tried to speak, to tell Minako to get out of there, even though in his gut he knew she wasn’t going anywhere. She wouldn’t leave him.

Would they die together, this time?

She shouted something, hard to hear more than STOP! through the roaring in his ears, but there was a glow. Familiar, a comforting shade. Hercolor.


He didn’t even mind his sword vanishing, a tiny, tired smirk curling his lips as gray eyes pried themselves open. He looked up at the monster as it squinted, blinded by her transformation. “…you’re… about to be… in a world of hurt…”

Gathering his strength, he summoned an energy attack at the distracted monster, blasting it in the chest hard enough to get it to let him go. Staggering backwards, he waved to it. So long as he could keep conscious, he would fight - beside her, this time. “Shall we, m’lady?”

Venus smiled proudly at him and walked closer, taking his hands into hers. “Im sorry it took so long.” she tip toed up to him and planted a soft and short kiss on his lips, giving him some of her new energy to heal. 

“Let’s end this now.” she nodded at him then turned her attention back to the creature that was getting back up on it’s feet after getting blasted in the chest by Kain. “I will never forgive you for draining the life energy of innocent people! I am Sailor Venus, the soldier of Love and Beauty and in the name of Venus, I will punish you!” 

The monster growled and once again launched at her. “How dare you try to hurt such a cute girl like me. VENUS, LOVE AND BEAUTY CHAIN!” she called out, using her Love Whip to send a blast of light energy towards her target, making it turn to a shadow and disappear into the ground releasing the energies it had drained before. 

“We did it!” she smiled brightly and turned to the taller male. “And I look so cute in my new form!” 
