




imagine chat noir getting sooo arrogant like of course i can give a haircut ive gotten hundreds of haircuts. and then.


sorry i came up with this joke like two minutes after i posted


this idea came to me in the shower and I actually doubled over because I was laughing so hard

#lmfaooo    #vaccine    #covidiots    


thinking about the plot of nbc hannibal from jack crawford’s pov is so wild because it’s like,, imagine you’re trying to solve this murder and you know a guy who’s a little weird but can do the job better than anyone so you hire him, and then it turns out he needs some mental help because he’s got an empathy disorder so you get him to see the eccentric psychiatrist everyone has vouched for and you’re like yeah, he’s polite and mild-mannered and wears silly suits it’ll be cool. and all the while your wife is dying of cancer and things are quickly spiralling out of control and before you know it the empath is seriously losing his mind and that psychiatrist from earlier is actually lowkey a cannibal and you think you’re gonna catch him but then the empath falls in love with him ?? deadass ?? and the empath ruins your whole operation because he wants to be swept off his feet and melt into the darkness or whatever the hell he’s been whispering about ?? and he chases the cannibal to florence in his stupid fishing boat and now they’re speaking in riddles and romanticising cannibalism and staring deeply into each other’s eyes while you’re trying to grieve your dead wife, until the cannibal turns himself in because they broke up ?? like for real this time, it’s over over but it doesn’t matter because years later you’re still dealing with their bullshit because now they’re quoting romeo and juliet to each other from across the glass in the insane asylum and being bitchy and jealous like. I’d shoot myself



*beats the dream community with a bat* we already were a very small community but we are being very quickly separated from the rest of the fandom and it shows NOTICEABLY in the fact that dream art very specifically has absolutely TANKED in the number of notes any art piece has been getting in the past couple of months so for the love of god get off your high horses about not having any post that isn’t your own on your blog and reblog dream art when you see it or you’re going to start seeing it less and less because artists will stop drawing dream art if no ones around to reblog it

this 100% stems from you fuckers who have decided you are better than everybody else because you have made your dsmp blog a horrible place for dream’s fans because you dislike him a little bit and figured it made you morally superior to us like we have Noticed that some of you preach about reblogging every piece of art you see and then you don’t reblog art of dream. get off your goddamn high horses we all stan the same piece of media

dude calm the fuck down it ain’t that deep 


it’s the silence right after “leave america” for me wjxjsjsjsj


Strangers from hell characters as text posts !
