#loki fanfction


Shadows of the Past

Part 41 (Part 40)



“We are absolutely coming here again,” you say as the two of you leave.

She walks ahead of you, turns back and smiles, “And next time, I won’t let you win.”

You stop walking, “Let me win?”

“Mmhmm,” she says, walking backwards away from you.  You catch up to her easily, grabbing her by the waist and pulling her close to you.  “You’re just lucky that I wanted to move in with you,” she smirks.

“I am very lucky,” you keep her close to you, smiling down at her.  You lean down slowly but stop just before your lips touch hers, you wait until she reaches up but then you pull back. “But you forget, I like to win,” you wink at her and let her go.

“I hate you,” she says, rolling her eyes as she walks down the street.

“You love me,” you tell her.

You get to the intersection and wait at the light. She takes your hand and you look down at her. “Only a little,” she says with a smile, holding her thumb and pointer finger close together.

“A bit more than that I think,” you say as you cross the street.

“Maybe…” she pretends to think as you continue walking slowly. A sudden crack of thunder draws your attention to the sky. It was swiftly becoming much darker then it should be at this time in the afternoon. “I thought it wasn’t supposed to storm until late tonight,” she says as the dark clouds roll in.

“I thought so too,” you agree.

“Well that’s annoying…” she says to herself. Before you can say anything it starts to drizzle lightly and she groans. “And… there goes my plan,” she literally throws her hands up in defeat.

“What’s wrong?” you ask her. You try not to smile at how cute she looks when she is annoyed but it is hard not to.

“I wanted to take you somewhere but we can’t do it in this weather,” she says sounding upset but still not wanting to give away the surprise.

You pull her under the awning of a nearby store to get out of the encroaching storm. It has now gone from a light drizzle to a steady rain and you can tell it’s going to outright pour any minute. “We have the rest of the week. We can do it another day I’m sure,” you tell her.

“I know… but you were really going to like it,” she tells you.

“You could tell me what it is,” you joke and she elbows you lightly.  “It was worth a shot,” you say and she shakes her head.

“We should get back, those clouds look awful,” she says, changing the subject.  She peaks out from under the awning, “I think we should take the train.  Walking half an hour back in this would be pretty horrible.”  You agree and she takes your hand.  “Ok, the subway is two blocks that way, hopefully we can make it before the sky really opens,” she says hopefully. 

The two of you leave the cover of the awning and head quickly down the street, still holding her hand tightly. Before you get to the end of the block there is a flash of lighting followed almost instantly by the crash of thunder.  A few seconds later the steady rain becomes a heavy downpour and by the time you reach the subway entrance you are both completely soaked.  You follow Y/N down the steps quickly, glad to be out of the storm.  

She wipes her face and laughs, looking down at herself.  “I look and feel like a wet rat,” she says shaking her head.

“A cute one though,” you smile at her.  Then you let the green glow flow around you and dry you off.

She stares at you, “What the heck was that?”

“I don’t like being damp,” you say with a smirk.

“Care to help me out a bit?” she asks, holding out her arms, letting the water drip off her shirt.

“Hmm… no,” you laugh and make your way over to the turnstile.  “I like you all wet,” you joke.

“Wow… you said that out loud,” she says, obviously trying not to laugh.  She follows you through the turnstile.

"I couldn’t help it,” you say to her with a smirk.  You walk down to the platform and stand near one of the columns.  Its nearly empty down there which is how you prefer it.  You lean on the column and you can hear her water filler shoes squeaking on the ground.  

She huffs and crosses her arms looking at you, “Dry me off Loki.”

You simply smile at her and shake your head no.  She walks over to you, and stands directly in front of you.  You look down at her and act as innocent as you can, “Can I help you?”

“Dry me off,” she says again and you shake your head no.  “Fine, then we will both be wet,” she tells you as she closes the distance between the two of you.  She puts her arms around your neck and pushes her body against yours while you lean on the column.  You can feel the front of your shirt becoming soaked from being pressed against her.  The cool water drips off her hair and onto your arms when you put them around her.  She reaches up and kisses you, slowly at first then harder. You hold her tightly and only let go when you hear the train approach a few minutes later.  You look down at her and smile, covering the two of you in a green glow that dries you both completely.  “See, that wasn’t so hard was it Mischief,” she says with a smile as she takes your hand and you get on the train.   


“Good morning love,” Loki whispers in your ear.  You smile at the sound of his voice but still don’t want to open your eyes.  “I made coffee,” he says and you open one eye to see him standing next to the bed.  

You sit up in the bed and Loki sets a tray down for you.  “Did you make all of this?” you ask, not able to hide the surprise in your voice.  The tray has a cup of coffee, a bowl of cut fruit and a plate with eggs and toast.  

“Don’t get too excited until you taste it,” he jokes as he sits on his side of the bed.  

You start eating and drinking your coffee, Loki puts an arm around you and kisses your forehead.  You look up at him and kiss him, touching his cheek gently.  “I love you Loki,” you tell him with a smile when you finally pull away.  

“I love you too Y/N,” he says.  “And no, I’m not telling you what we are doing today.”

“Oh come on!” you say laughing.

He laughs and shakes his head, “It’s only fair, you kept all of yesterday a secret.”

You groan, “You learn way too quickly.”

(A few hours later)

You take Loki’s hand as you walk down the steps of the Metropolitan Museum of Art.  “That was so much fun, I really love this place,” you tell him with a wide smile.

“Me too, its one of my favorite museums in this city,” he says. When you reach the street he stops and you ask him where you are going now.  “Feel like taking a walk through the park for a bit?” he asks you and you nod in response.  

The two of you enter the park and wander the paths south behind the museum. He runs his fingers over your knuckles, never letting go of your hand.  You walk silently through the park, heading around the great lawn.  A few minutes later Loki asks you if you’ve ever been to the castle.  “No, I’ve heard its beautiful though,” you tell him.

He smiles and says, “Its just over this way.”

“How do you know the park so well?” you ask as you head towards Belvedere Castle.  He shrugs and smiles at you. “What did you memorize the map or something?” you laugh.

He nods and laughs as the castle comes into view, “I might have.”

You pull him towards you and kiss his cheek. As the castle comes into view you stop, look up at it and say, “Wow.” The two of you walk slowly around it, then you make your way to the top.  When you reach the top you walk to the edge and peer over the wall.  Loki stands behind you, wrapping his arms around you as you look out over the park.  He kisses the top of your head and then rests his chin on your shoulder.  A few minutes later, you put your hands on his and smile at him, but he doesn’t notice though.  He seems zoned out, looking off in the distance across the park. 

“Loki, are you ok?” you ask, trying to pull him from his thoughts.

“Hmmm?” he hums, blinking as he looks at you.

“I asked if you were ok.  You seemed far away,” you say.  

“Sorry… I was just thinking about the palace back on Asgard,” he says slowly. You turn to face him and wait for him to keep talking.  “The palace is nothing like this of course but standing here, looking out over everything… sometimes when I couldn’t sleep I would stand on the balcony in my room and look out over Asgard,” he says.

“I’m sorry,” you say slowly looking down.  

“For what?” he asks.

You shrug but don’t look at him, “That you’re so far from your home… and that you can’t go back.”

He puts his hand under your chin and slowly makes you look at him.  “Y/N, of course sometimes I miss Asgard but I have no intentions of going back there,” he tells you.  

“How can you be sure Loki? I mean its your home. Your mother is there, I know you want to see her and… I know you told Thor you wanted to go back  home when-” you start to ramble but he interrupts you.

“Stop,” he says gently. His fingers move from under your chin to your cheek and you close your eyes, feeling a single tear sneak out.  He wipes it away with his thumb, “Y/N I never should have said that, I didn’t mean it. Look at me love, please.”  You open your eyes slowly and he continues, “I only said that because I was scared… I thought you would better for you if I left… but I promise, I’m not going back.”

“You better not… or I’ll have to follow you there,” you tell him, trying to smile.

“Y/N, I love you,” he says, laughing a little.  Then he looks a bit more serious, putting his arms around you and holding you close to him.  “Truthfully, I haven’t thought about Asgard being my home since I found out my father and… and my mother lied to me about everything I had ever known,” he tells you and you hug him tightly.  

He kisses your forehead and says, “But tomorrow, you are moving in with me.  We’re going to have our own home, and that’s all I need Y/N.”  Loki then kisses you softly, his hands on your lower back and the back of your neck. Your arms are around him as you kiss him back. 

When he pulls away slightly, you say, “I love you Loki.” 

(LOK POV - a few hours later)

The two of you arrive back at your room and you are hopeful she likes her last surprise.  “Close your eyes,” you say before you open the door.

“Are you serious?” she asks laughing.

“Yes,” you say nodding.

She shakes her head but puts her hands over her eyes.  You wave your hand in front to make sure she can’t see and then you open the door.  You tap her shoulder and guide her forward into the room.  “Just wait here,” you tell her, leaving her standing a few feet into the room.  You close the door and with a quick bit of magic, everything ready.  “Ok… you can look,” you tell her.

She slowly uncovers her eyes and looks around, her mouth falls open and her eyes scan the room.  “Loki…” is all she manages to say at first.  “Loki, this is amazing,” she turns to take in everything around her.  

You can’t stop smiling, you love how excited she looks.  There are candles and flowers throughout the room and the table in the dining area is set for two with a meal waiting.  You stand in front of her and let a green glow wash over you.  You are now wearing a tailored black suit with a dark emerald green shirt and black tie.  

“Mischief, you look… wow,” she says giggling and you hold out your hand to her.  She takes it and you spin her, allowing a green glow to flow over her. She looks down at herself, gently touching the fabric of the emerald green dress you’ve conjured.  

“You look beautiful Y/N,” you tell her, spinning her one more time.  She blushes which you adore, you pull her tightly to you and kiss her.  You then guide her to the table, pulling her chair out for her.

“Such a gentleman,” she says with a smile.

“Well, I am a prince,” you remind her.  “And you should be treated like a queen,” you kiss her hand before sitting across from her.  You pour wine for the two of you and use your magic to serve the food.  The two of you laugh and talk all throughout the meal.  You can’t remember the last time you had smiled as much as you had in the last few days.  

When you finish eating, you stand, putting your napkin on the table.  You wave you hand and the food and plates vanish.  You offer her your hand and she takes it as she stands.  “May I have this dance?” you ask her, bowing slightly.

She laughs a little, “You can… but be warned, I have no idea how to dance.”

You put on her on her lower back and turn her to face you.  “Well, you are in luck.  I have been to countless balls,” you tell her.  She puts her hand on your back and you move it to your shoulder.  The you take her other hand and you begin to move, following the rhythm of the music playing.  

“I’m sorry,” she mumbles as she steps on your foot.

You laugh, “Its ok Y/N but it is easier if you look up then if you look at your feet.” She looks up at you and you smile warmly at her.  She gradually falls into step with you.  Occasionally you spin her or dip her, sometimes just to show off a bit.  She giggles when you do and you kiss her when she is back in your arms again.

After dancing for a bit, she rests her head on your shoulder and says, “Loki, I love you so much.”

You run your fingers up and down her back, “I love you too Y/N.”

“You know… I was thinking,” she says a few minutes later.

You laugh, “Am I supposed to guess what you were thinking about?”

She laughs and says no.  She pulls back a little so she can look up at you, “I was thinking about how I said I would follow you if you had run off back to Asgard.”

You kiss the top of her head, “I’m not going back.”

“I know, I know. But I’m just saying… if you did go and I followed you there… I would be in a lot of trouble,” she says.  

“Why?” you ask.

“Because if I saw Odin, I wouldn’t be able to keep my mouth shut.  I would tell him how horrible of a father he was to you.  How he never should have lied to you or treated you the way he did when you were growing up.  I’m pretty sure you would be visiting me in the dungeons really soon after I got there,” she tells you.  She reaches up and kisses you quickly.

“You are absolutely incredible, you know that Y/N,” you say to her with a smile. You look at her smiling back at you and you know she means it.  This little mortal would have barged into the palace to tell the king of Asgard he was a horrible father to you.  You touch her cheek gently, and bring her lips to yours.  You kiss her slowly, still swaying a bit but you stop as she bites your lower lip gently.  You pick her up with one arm around her waist and she wraps her legs around you.  You quickly carry her into the bedroom and kick the door closed. 

@michelleleewise@evansabove1981@ace-of-gay@butt-ugly-popsicle-stick@poetic-fiasco@lokisprettygirl22@soubi001@kats72@misswimberly@meibruges@juulle987@asgardianprincess1050@el-zef@xorpsbane@sweatyroadcowboyjudge@apine7@lulubelle814@annoyingcloudninja @yoongissidebitchh@ihategreeneggs @daggers-and-mischief@nonsensicalobsessions@chaotics17@redbluekjw@lokiprompts

Let me know if you want to be added!

Shadows of the Past

Part 40 (Part 39)



“Are you really not going to tell me where we are going?” Loki asks as you put on your jacket.

“Nope,” you tell him with a smile.  

He walks over to you, putting one arm around your waist and pulling you to him.  “Are you sure?” he asks as he raises his eyebrow.  

You try not to giggle and nod, “You’ll just have to wait until we get there.”

His hand settles on your lower back and he leans down slowly, his lips just inches from yours.  You can feel his breath lightly as he ghosts over your lips with his.  “I’m sure I could make you tell me,” he says in a whisper.

You look up at him an feel your resolve waiver, you can almost feel his lips.  You put your hand on his chest and push him away slightly.  “Oh, you are very smooth Mischief,” you say with a laugh.

He laughs and winks at you, “It was worth a try.”

“Just for that, I’m not going to tell you where we are going for lunch either,” you tell him, you reach up and kiss his cheek then untangle yourself from him.  

Loki pretends to be upset, putting his hand on his heart as you walk away from him towards the door.  “So rude, I thought you loved me,” he says.

“I don’t remember saying that,” you try not to smile.

“Hmmm, do I need to remind you?” he walks towards you again.  You bite your lip as he corners you against the wall near the door.  Your back against the wall, he’s careful not to touch your side, instead he puts his hands on your hips and lifts you.  You instinctively wrap your legs around him and he kisses from your collar bone slowly up your neck, making sure not to ignore a single inch of exposed skin.  You moan quietly as he bites your neck gently.  “What was that?” he asks and you can feel his smile against your skin.

You shake your head, “I didn’t say anything.” You smile at him and try to sound innocent.

Loki keeps you pinned against the wall and looks you in the eyes, “We’ll see about that.”  He puts his lips on yours, softly at first but then he kisses you harder.  You kiss Loki back, feeling him run his tongue against your lower lip. He then leaves your lips and kisses up your cheek and jaw to your ear. Loki bites your ear lobe and whispers, “Tell me you love me.”

You try not to moan and shake your head no.  You hear him chuckle lightly and your whole body is covered in goosebumps.  His hands grip yours hips tightly and one of your hands tangled in his hair while the other grabs at the fabric of his shirt.  He kisses you hard, his tongue pushing into your mouth.  He finally pulls back to let you catch your breath and he whispers in your ear again, “Tell me that you love me.”

You can’t help it, you give in, “I love you Loki, more than anything.”

He smiles at you, as if he won a game, “See, that wasn’t so hard was it?”  He sets you back down and kisses your lips quickly.  “I love you too, Y/N,” he tells you as he runs his fingers through your hair, looking down at you.  “We should go, don’t want to be late for this surprise, do we?”  You shake your head no, still catching your breath a bit as he opens the door.  He holds out his hand and you take it, walking down the hall together. 

You and Loki walk through the city for about half an hour when you finally turn a corner and tell him you are here.  He looks up at the building in front of you and stops.  “Wait… really?” he asks sounding more excited then he probably meant to.

You smile and nod, “I figured you might like it.”  

The two of you go inside and the man at the counter greets you both. “Hey, welcome to Damon’s Axe & Knife Range.  How can I help you guys?”

“I have a reservation for Y/N,” you tell him.  He checks his list and nods finding your name.  The man at the counter calls for someone from the back office to bring you down the hall to your room.  He gives you a quick explanation of the rules and leaves you. 

The room is longer than it is wide and at one end is a table with an assortment of hatchets and throwing knives.  At the other end is a wooden wall with several targets of different sizes.  Loki walks over to the knives and runs his fingers over them, you can’t help but smile as he picks one up.  You ask him what he thinks, he winks at you then he throws it at the target at the other end without looking.  

The knife hits dead center in the smallest target and he says, “This should be fun. Its been a while since I’ve done this, Stark doesn’t like the idea of me having my daggers around the Tower.”

You laugh and pick up one of the knives as you walk over to the throwing line.  You can feel Loki watching you as you take aim at one of the larger targets but the knife goes wide.  “Damnit,” you mumble as Loki walks up behind you. 

“Here,” he says as he uses his magic to bring the knife you threw to his hand.  He gives it back to you and positions himself behind you.  You take the knife and he puts one hand on your hip and the other on your arm, moving your body slightly.  He presses himself against your back and adjusts your throwing arm.  He runs his hand up your arm and moves your shoulder slightly.  “Try that,” he says softly to you.

You throw again and this time the knife hits the target, but it still off from center.  “Much better,” he says, sounding proud of you.  He picks up another knife and stands at the line to throw it.  The knife lands an inch from the first one he threw.

“I have an idea,” you say walking back to the throwing line with another knife.

“Hmm, what kind of idea?” he asks.

“How about we make a bet?” you suggest.

He raises an eyebrow, “What kind of bet?”

“Whoever gets the most points after ten throws wins.  Winner gets… whatever they want,” you suggest as you set up for your next throw.

He smiles, you know he assumes he will win easily.  “Very well, take another practice one and then we can start,” he says.

You nod and throw one more time, again hitting the target but not the center.  Loki laughs a little and as he collects all the knives that have been thrown and places them on the table, he asks you what you would like if you win.  He emphasizes the word if and you hit him lightly.  “Mean,” you smile at him.  “Ok… when I win, I want you to cook dinner without any magic.  I see you sneaking it when you think I’m not looking,” you tell him and he kisses you.

“I’m sure I could figure that out,” he agrees.  

“Ok Mischief, what do you want on the off chance you beat me?” you ask trying to sound over confident.

He takes your hands and he looks down at you. “When I win,” he says seriously, “I want you to move in with me.”

You feel your heart skip and all you can manage to say is, “What?”

He touches your cheek softly, “I want you to move in with me.  You sleep in my room every night but all your things are still in your room.  I don’t like when you leave… I want to come home to you everyday.”

“Loki…” you smile at him, “I would love that… but you have to win first.” You laugh a little and he puts his arms around you.  

“I don’t think that will be a problem love,” he pulls you close and kisses you.  "Do you want to go first?“

"Sure,” you say as you pick up one of the knives. Loki crosses his arms and takes a step back to give you room. You stand at the line and take your time aiming, then you take a deep breath and throw. The knife hits the smallest target right in the center and you hear Loki gasp from behind you.

“Did you just…” he looks at you in disbelief.

“Oh, that?” you ask pointing at the target. You smirk and tell him, “Beginners luck.”

“Mmhmm,” is his answer as he picks up one of the knives. He keeps his eyes on you as he makes his throw, his knife touching yours on the target.

“Show off,” you stick your tongue out at him as you trade places.

“Well, I intend to win,” he replies with a smile.

You pick up another knife, “I can see that… but you’re gonna have to work for it.”  You throw again and add to the cluster of knives at the center of the target.

“Beginners luck again?” he asks.

“Nope,” you smile and hand him a knife.  You wait until he is just about to let go of the knife and say, “Don’t mess up.”

His attention shifts for a second and his throw is just off from center.  He looks at you clears his throat, “Are you trying to cheat love?”

“Me? Cheat? How could you ever think that?” you ask innocently.  He shakes his head but you see a smile sneak across his lips.  You throw again, hitting the center of the slightly larger target.  Loki’s next throw lands next to yours.  You each go two more times, both of you always hitting the center of the target.  “Looks like we’re still tied,” you tell him as he uses his magic to pull the knives out of the targets and put them back on the table. 

“Seems like it,” he says.  “Interesting how you were so terrible at this when you were practicing,” he raises his eyebrow when you pick up your next knife.

“It is weird isn’t it?” you smirk.  You throw, hitting the center for the sixth time.  “Oh… I know what I forgot to tell you,” you say as you walk over to him.

“What’s that love?” he asks.

You stand on your toes and kiss his cheek, then whisper in his ear, “I used to come here all the time.  The axes are my favorite, but knives are more practical you know.”

He looks at you in disbelief, “How did I miss that?”

You smile at him, shrugging your shoulders as you hand him another knife.  He throws again, hitting the center.  The two of you continue until it is time for your last throws.  Neither of you have missed yet, always landing your knives in the middle of the target.  As you step up to the line for your final throw, you look back at Loki.  He smiles at you and you smile back, you face the target and aim.  You let go of the knife and it sinks into the wood, inches to the left of the target.  

“What was that?” he asked in surprise.

You look at him and say, “I missed… I guess if you make your next one, I have to move in with you.” You walk over to him, putting your arms around his neck as you reach up to kiss him.  He kisses you back, his hands on your sides.  “Don’t miss Loki,” you whisper to him.

“I don’t plan on it,” he kisses you again, then without letting go of you, he summons a knife from the table and throws it at the targets.  It lands perfectly in the center.  

“Oh no… I lost,” you pretend to pout as he strokes your cheek.  

He leans down to kiss you then says, “I know, how terrible.”

@michelleleewise@evansabove1981@ace-of-gay@butt-ugly-popsicle-stick@poetic-fiasco@lokisprettygirl22@soubi001@kats72@misswimberly@meibruges@juulle987@asgardianprincess1050@el-zef@xorpsbane@sweatyroadcowboyjudge@apine7@lulubelle814@annoyingcloudninja @yoongissidebitchh@ihategreeneggs @daggers-and-mischief@nonsensicalobsessions@chaotics17@redbluekjw@lokiprompts

Let me know if you want to be added!

Shadows of the Past

Part 46 (Part 45)



A metal door slamming shut in the distance wakes you suddenly and you sit up so fast you get dizzy. You close your eyes and wait for the room to stop spinning before opening them again slowly. You look around the room as you move to the edge of the hospital bed. Rubbing the bruises on your wrists from the restraints as you try to stand up. Your knees buckle and you catch yourself before you fall, sitting back on the bed.

The room is small and has concrete walls with a metal door. There are no windows and no clock so you are unable to decipher the time. You sit on the edge of the bed and put your head in your hands as you realize you have no idea how long you were unconscious for. It could have been hours or days… and no one had found you yet. Why hadn’t they found you? Was anyone hurt, is that what was keeping them? You sit quietly, wondering where you could be when your attention is pulled by a scream from one of the other rooms.

The scream fades and you hear a metal door opening and slamming shut. You watch the door to your room as you hear footsteps getting closer. You swallow hard and carefully but quickly get up and stand next to the bed. You listen to the electronic beeping of what must be a keypad outside your door and then the bolts unlock. You hold your breath and back up slowly as the door swings open.

“Good to see you awake finally,” Marc says as he enters the room.  He is followed by three guards, two of them come towards you and the third closes the door. 

“Get away from me,” you say, backing away from the guards but they each grab one of your arms. You struggle and manage to pull an arm free, elbowing one of the guards in the face. He grunts in pain and the other guard hits you hard in the stomach. You cough and fall to your knees, the man you hit grabs you again and they pick you up. 

“Still a fighter, that’s good,” he smirks and comes closer to you.

You try to get free again but you can’t. Marc takes your chin in his hands and makes you look at him. “What do you want with me?” you demand.

“What do you think Y/N?” he asks and you try not to let the fear show on your face. “You are going to help us test a brand new project we are working on.”


You walk down the hall and into the kitchen. You sigh to yourself when you see Loki isn’t there. You had called him half an hour ago and asked him to meet you here, he had reluctantly agreed. You look around the empty room and are unsure if Loki actually forgot or decided against coming down, both were equally likely.  

Steve & Bucky walk in while you are going through the fridge. “Hey Thor. How’s Loki?” Steve asks.

“How do you think? Its been over a week and we still haven’t found Y/N. Every lead we’ve chased has turned into a dead end,” you answer as you slam the fridge closed, harder than you meant to.

“Thor-” Steve starts but you interrupt him.

“Sorry… I’m sorry. You guys know I love her like a little sister and I want to get her back more than anything,” you say as you walk to the island where they are standing. 

“So do I Thor. We’re going to find her, all of SHIELD is working on this,” Steve reminds you. 

You rub your eyes and tell them, “We have to rescue her soon, I don’t know how much longer Loki can go on like this. He isn’t sleeping, he barely eats… He hasn’t been in their room since she was taken.”

“Loki’s still refusing to leave her office?” Bucky asks.

You nod, “I keep trying to get him to come out, even just for a short time but he won’t. He’s been working with Stark and Hill, spending every minute looking into anything he can on Hydra.” You shake your head and look down, “Everyday Y/N is gone, Loki becomes more closed off. He is coming apart and I can’t just stand around and wait for a lead. We need to do something.”

“We’re doing everything we can Thor,” Bucky says.

“It’s not enough,” you tell him loudly. You lean against the island and before you can apologize for snapping at Bucky he walks out of the room. “I didn’t mean-” you start to tell Steve.

“I get it, we all love Y/N Thor but taking our anger out on each other isn’t going to help us find her,” Steve says. 

You nod and he leaves the kitchen. You stand there alone for a few minutes before deciding to go up and see Loki. If he won’t come down to eat, you’ll bring the food to him. You begin opening the cabinets and looking for something you know how to make. 


There’s a knock on the door but you ignore it, reading the latest email from Hill. A minute or two later, there is another knock and you tell whoever it is to leave. You continue taking notes, reading through the email about the SHIELD agents who were blackmailed into helping Hydra. You want to ‘talk’ to each of them personally even though you know Nat already interrogated them.

The door opens and you look up to see who it is. “Brother, I told you I would come down when I finished this,” you tell him, turning your attention back to the screen.

He closes the door and says, “That was an hour ago Loki.”

“I’m not finished,” you respond flatly. 

You hear him sigh loudly as he takes a seat across from you. "You have to take a break,” he says.

“How am I supposed to do that? Do you think Y/N is getting breaks from whatever Hydra is doing to her?” you ask him angrily. 

“I’m not suggesting you stop looking for her Loki. We are all doing everything we can but you are going to burn yourself out completely if you keep this up. You need to rest, you need to eat. You’ll be more help to her if you aren’t exhausted,” he tells you. 

“I know but… I just can’t stop Thor, not until I know she is safe,” you say, looking at him. 

“Brother, just ten minutes. Here, I brought you something to eat,” he tells you as he points to a container on the desk. You hadn’t noticed it when he came in.

Your mind drifts back to all the times you brought Y/N lunch or dinner while she was buried in work in this office. You smile at the flood of memories, including the first time you brought Y/N dinner… she had been avoiding you for weeks after you almost kissed her but you couldn’t stop thinking about her. You missed everything about her and you wanted her to know it. You had been so afraid you ruined things with her just as you were starting to become close. She had texted you after you brought her dinner and you thought your heart would leap out of your chest when she told you she wanted to see you. The two of you talked for so long that night and you could still remember how cute she was when she asked you to kiss her. You knew after that first kiss you were never going to let go of her. 

“Loki?” Thor gets your attention and you realize there are tears running down your cheek.

You wipe them away quickly, “Sorry, I’m fine.”

“You know, it’s ok if you aren’t,” he tells you and you nod, telling him once again that you are fine. “I will believe you and leave you alone the rest of the night if you at least eat,” he slides the container across the desk. 

You open it and just stare at the food inside. “I heard Y/N making fun of you for liking this so much-” he starts to explain but you pick up the container of mac and cheese and throw it at the wall behind Thor. “Loki what the hell?” he asks loudly but you feel all the anger you had been trying to push down bubble to the surface, you are unable to contain it any longer. 

You scream as you lash out with your magic, not fully aware you are doing it. The glass in the window behind you shatters and the chairs slam into the walls. The maps that had been tacked to the walls are torn down and the filing cabinet drawers are ripped open. The files on her desk are thrown around the room and you sink to the floor on your knees. 

As the violent outburst subsides, Thor kneels next to you. You look at him, tears in your eyes and unable to speak. He puts his hand on your shoulder and you look at the ground. Something in the pile of papers thrown around the office catches your attention. You shrug Thor’s hand off you and walk over to it without saying a word. 

You bend down and pick up the picture frame, the glass is broken, so you take the picture out and throw the frame back on the ground. You stand in the middle of the office, smiling down at the photograph. You were standing behind Y/N with your arms around her waist, kissing her cheek as she took the picture of the two of you. You remember sitting in the library while she explained to you what a selfie was and the she insisted you take one. She ended up taking almost a dozen, some were like this and in others you convinced you to make silly faces with her. 

You can feel your heart breaking as you wonder if you will ever see her again. Will you hear her laugh or make her smile, taste her lips and feel her arms around you? You couldn’t bare the thought of losing her, she meant everything to you and you would burn down the world if that’s what it took to find her.  

“Brother?” Thor asks.

“I’m not fine, Thor…” you tell him, still looking at the photograph.

“I know,” he says.

You walk over to the trashed desk and put the picture on top of the disheveled pile of papers. You notice a piece of yellow paper taped to the bottom of the now upside down mouse pad. The paper has Y/N’s handwriting on it and you think that is a very odd place to keep a note. You peel it off and read it, then you re-read it.

“What’s that?” Thor asks, you hand it to him.

“I think Y/N left us a lead without even knowing it,” you tell him.

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