#loki x female reader


SGDA Masterlist

Pairing:Stephen Strange x OC and Loki x OC

Summary:OC is a lawyer visiting her best friend in New York. Will she fall for the charming doctor? Or will her neverending conflict with the god of mischief lead to more?

Tags:Post-Endgame, AU where everyone is alive and well, Eventual Smut, Fluff with some Angst, Second Person POV, No Y/N, Avenger Loki.

SGDA Taglist -Playlist

Chapter 1 - London to New York

Chapter 2 - Do not Talk to Strangers

The Sorcerer, The God and the Devil’s Advocate 

Chapter 2/? (Previous Chapter) (Chapter Masterlist) (SGDA Taglist)

Pairing:Stephen Strange x OC and Loki x OC

Summary:OC is a lawyer visiting her best friend in New York. Will she fall for the charming doctor? Or will her neverending conflict with the god of mischief lead to more?

Tags:Post-Endgame, AU where everyone is alive and well, Eventual Smut, Fluff with some Angst, Second Person POV, No Y/N, Avenger Loki.

Chapter song: Boys like You - Dodie (SGDA Playlist)

You tried to look inside the building while maintaining your distance at the bottom of the stairs. “Give me a second.” The man walked inside the apartment, leaving the door ajar. You stood there a little embarrassed, feeling extremely out of place. ‘This would probably be the stupidest way to get kidnapped’, you thought to yourself, holding Bjorn’s leash tighter, hoping the gigantic dog would discourage them from taking you. 

You could hear mumbling inside, “no… noo… you are a doctor. Help her… she seems nice… just help her.” The door opened again, and a tall well-groomed, handsome man stood there, wearing the same intriguing clothes as the other. You shifted your weight between your feet, unsure whether this was the doctor the other men had spoken of. 

“Wong has told me you hurt your shoulder. Do you need any help?” He spoke stoically, almost mechanically; however, you could feel a faint hint of annoyance in his voice.

“Well, I am okay. He told me he knew a doctor and that maybe my shoulder was dislocated. Are you the doctor?” You asked, feeling extra self-conscious about your looks now that this handsome stoic man was looking at you from the top of the stairs.

“Oh, yes, I am the doctor. Call me Stephen. I would be happy to give your shoulder a look. However, I guess you would have to come inside for that,” he sighed, looking down at you, “and I am not sure how comfortable you are with coming inside a stranger’s house.” The message was loud and clear as he obviously found this request a waste of his time. You felt instantly more uneasy, as he seemed bothered by your presence.

“It’s okay. I’ll just go home and put some ice on it. Thank you and sorry for bothering you.” You decided to leave, unwilling to let the doctor continue to make you feel uncomfortable. You started to walk away, missing the disapproving shove Wong gave the doctor. 

“I am sorry. I think I unintentionally came out as rude. Give me one second.” Stephen walked behind you, and Wong followed. “I will just give it a look here. Wong, can you hold the dog?” Wong looked at you, asking for permission to grab Bjorn, and you gave him the leash. His tone had changed drastically between sentences, sounding more eager to help now.

“Can I touch your shoulder?” He asked patiently. You nodded, and he started moving your arm, trying to figure out where it hurt. His touch on your skin was delicate and surgical as he tried to come into contact with it as little as possible.

After a couple of minutes, he stated, “everything seems to be fine. However, it would be best if you tried to not put any pressure on it for the next couple of days. Although you seem to have just slightly over-stretched your ligament, it is important to be careful because you could sprain it.” His eyes were still on your shoulder as yours searched for his. He eventually backed away and stood by his friend, distant and dismissive. 

You smiled at him awkwardly “well, thank you. Ehm… Wong? Could I have Bjorn back, please?” You used the name you heard the doctor call the other guy. 

“Oh, I think you should let Strange walk you at least to your street. As he said, you may sprain your shoulder, and this guy seems to have recuperated all his energy already,” Wong responded, pointing at Bjorn, who was going in circles and trying to chase a wild squirrel. The doctor and his friend exchanged a look. You were unsure if Wong expected Stephen to flirt with you or just liked to put him in awkward situations, but you would not have minded the extra help.

“It’s okay. I am sure you are both very busy.” The doctor did not seem particularly keen to do it, and you were not gonna push it. Wong moved closer and elbowed him. 

“I would be happy to walk you to your street. Wong is right.” The doctor cleared his throat and spat out the words quickly, looking at the street.

“Ehm… I mean, sure.” Wong gave Strange the dog’s leash, and you started walking towards Central Park. The shorter man waved at you as you exchanged an entertained look, hoping he had not just set you up for the most awkward walk of your life. 

Stephen walked in silence by your side, his jaw tightly clenched as he tried to think of something to say. You hated awkward silences and could not understand how such an attractive man could be so inept at socializing. “So.. you are a doctor… What type of doctor are you?” You asked, kicking a small rock in front of you as you walked.

“I wa- am a neurosurgeon.” He answered, adding little to nothing to the conversation. You pressed your lips, unable to understand what his problem was. 

“Wow, you don’t strike me as somebody with a god complex.” You joked, hoping it would help him relax and open up the conversation.

“Do you think all surgeons have a god-complex?” He looked at you curiously, letting the corner of his lips lift just so slightly. Your sincerity had taken him slightly aback. 

“I don’t think, I know. I am the daughter of one.” You responded, kicking another tiny rock and keeping your eyes on the street. “Big egos and an even bigger need to always have everything under your control.”

He grinned, entertained. It was not the first time he had heard that. “What do you do?” He tried to change the topic. Sure your perception of surgeons would not help him impress you.

“I am a lawyer, recently qualified. I work in London.” You looked at him, scanning his face for a reaction. He shook his head incredulous as soon as you finished speaking, smiling, thoroughly entertained. You had not quite understood what was so funny.

“A lawyer judging a surgeon for his god complex, a bit hypocritical, wouldn’t you say? What brings you to New York?” You were looking at each other properly for the first time, and you could not help but appreciate his handsome features. His gaze had softened significantly since you first saw each other, offering you a friendlier, more welcoming expression. 

“Lawyers are nothing compared to surgeons when it comes to ego.” You tried to defend yourself, although you knew he was right. “My best friend lives here. I have five weeks off before I start full time as an associate, and she has taken it as a personal challenge to bring me here and make me fall in love with New York so I won’t go back.” You broke the eye contact and looked at the trees.

“Well, you must be enjoying the nicer weather here.” He commented, leaving out that he had been in London visiting the Sanctum just two hours ago, “I hope to be helping her case.”

“There are places with good weather all year round that I like more,” you replied unamused, already annoyed at New Yorkers’ obsession with New York.

“So, what direction are we going?” He asked as you had been walking for a while now.

“I need to get to Central Park. I am having lunch with my friend there. It is quite a long walk, so I am happy to continue alone,” you responded honestly, slightly saddened at the thought of having to say goodbye already, just as the conversation was finally improving.

“No, it’s alright. I need to leave my house more often. A long walk will be good.” Maybe he was more charming than you initially believed. You relaxed instantly, hoping to talk to him a bit more.

Bjorn was behaving nicely. He seemed to like Stephen. You looked down at the leash instinctively and could not stop yourself from looking at the doctor’s hands. Although faded, you could see he had severe scarring on them. You looked up before he could catch string, not wanting to make him uncomfortable. 

“So, do you have any plans for your time here?” He asked politely, opening the conversation again.

“Not really, my friend Sophie spends most of her time at work during the week, so I was hoping to find my way around and have some solo adventures. I like doing things by myself. I feel like people don’t do many things they want to do because they don’t have anyone to join them, which is a wasteful mentality. Life is too short to wait around.” You answered, smiling without taking your eyes off the street.

“Well, if you ever need a city guide, I am sure Wong or I can show you around.” He awkwardly offered. You pressed your lips together as you smiled, noticing his intentional inclusion of Wong in his proposal. 

“That sounds great; yeah, Wong seems super nice. Not a man of many words for sure, but very nice.” You teasingly specified, trying to see if he was just being polite or if he actually wanted to hang out with you.

“Well, I am sure Wong would love to show you around, but now that I think about it, he has been very busy lately. Also, I think I am better company generally, a lot more talkative.” You felt your cheeks grow warm as you had the confirmation that he was at least somewhat flirting with you. 

“Oh really? You don’t strike me as particularly chatty.” You teased him again, hinting back to the initial awkwardness and silence.

Your conversation was interrupted by Sophie calling you, “Babe? Hello? I am so so sorry, but I won’t be able to grab lunch with you. There is a situation at the office. I will tell you all about it once we see each other. We can meet at home at 4 pm?”

“Ehm, yes, no worries. I am in good company anyway. See you later.” You answered, referring to Bjorn but hinting to the doctor and hung up. “Well, my lunch plans are cancelled, so I think I’ll just head home.”

“If you’d like, we can grab something to eat. You need to try a sandwich from a deli while in New York.”

“Sure! Let’s do that.” You agreed, smiling down, hoping he would not notice your excitement. 

You grabbed the most giant sandwich you had ever seen and sat down together on a bench. You got some water for Bjorn from your backpack and a little snack.

You eventually told him your name, giggling about the fact that he had not asked earlier. The two of you spoke about music and art. You told him how much you loved galleries, and he asked you what your favourite painting was. You answered that The Swing by Fragonard was one of them, so detailed and full of hidden meaning. You could look at it for hours and continue to find new elements. 

He told you he was not a huge art nerd but that Caravaggio’s chiaroscuro style had always called his attention. You asked him which of his paintings was his favourite, and he thought about it for a second, “the betrayal? The taking of Christ, I believe, is the full name. The light in the armour makes it so realistic.” You thought of the painting in your mind, thinking how the expressions of shock and betrayal had always stopped you from appreciating the realistic lighting of the image. 

You continued walking after a while, lost in your conversation. Stephen was a well-travelled man, dwarfing your travel achievements. It seemed like he had been everywhere, visited every city you had and more. You eventually arrived at Sophie’s apartment’s street, letting him know this was your stop.

“Well, I should get going,” You announced awkwardly. Stephen gave you Bjorn’s leash and opened his mouth hesitantly.

“You know, I should probably look at your shoulder again in maybe a couple of days to make sure you did not sprain anything.” He tried to keep a stern expression, but the nervousness was tangible, making you smile as you felt your cheeks grow warmer.

“Wanna check it out over dinner, maybe? I pay, you know? For the medical fee?” you gave him a confident smile, and he chuckled, smiling back.

“Sounds good, but you have to let me pay. Please take it as a welcome gift to the city. I am sure you’ll have another occasion to pay back your medical debt. Could I have your number to send you the dinner details?” You smiled. He wanted to take you out.

“Yes, of course.” You proceeded to give him your number. “Well, it was a pleasure to meet you, Doctor.” You gave him one final dashing smile and entered the building.


Sophie got home around 4:30 pm, and as soon as she entered, she ran to Bjorn. “Hello! How is the goodest boy in the world doing?!” She asked him, ignoring your presence.

“Well, he is okay, except he almost dislocated my shoulder and ate some guy’s sandwich!”

“Oh no! My baby Bjorn would never ever do that! He is just a playful boy. He would never hurt anyone!” She kept the baby talk while petting him. “He is so tired! What did you do to my poor baby?” She added.

“Well, he should be super tired. We walked more than 8 kilometres this morning!” You responded, moving to the side of the couch so she could sit next to you.

“Why would you do that? Oh my god. You know we have public transport here too, or how do you call it? The tube,” she tried to pull off a posh London accent, forcing you to roll your eyes. 

“Well, I was first supposed to only walk to Greenwich Village, but then I hurt my shoulder, and this guy told me he knew a doctor, and well then we went to the doctor’s house, and the doctor was this super handsome man and his friend forced him to walk me back, so I walked back with him.” You spoke, trying to summarize your morning in one breath, hoping she would not hear the part where you followed a stranger to another stranger’s house. 

“What happened with do not trust strangers in New York? People here are weird. I am glad you did not get killed.” She answered, alarmed. There was a weird dismissiveness in your friend’s gaze as she refused to look at you properly, keeping her eyes on the dog. 

“He kind of asked me out on a date. It was more like me asking him, but I gave him my number, so we will see.” You decided to ignore her dismissiveness, knowing that if she needed to tell you something, she would do it herself. 

“OH my god … that is awesome! He is a doctor too?! That’s fantastic. How old is he? What’s his name?”

“He is for sure older than us. He has some grey hairs but in a hot way. I don’t think he is old, though, he is maybe in his late 30s, but I am not sure. He is a surgeon and has a house in Greenwich, so he cannot be too young to be done with all his specialization and be making that type of money. His name is Stephen.” You said, laying your head on her shoulder as Bjorn tried to spread across both of you for pets.

“Okay, well, he sounds nice, and he walked you all the way here, which is insane. So let’s hope for the best. I found the perfect bar for us to go to tonight on other interesting news.”

The two of you started to get ready together and ordered some sushi for dinner. You sat on the ground doing your makeup while eating pieces of nigiri. Sophie had kept the weirdly fidgety attitude going, letting you know she was close to breaking her silence. 

She finally spoke up, pausing the music, “I have something to tell you, and I know you are gonna kill me once I tell you, but like I had to wait until I knew it was okay.” There it was. Years could go by, but your best friend’s lack of capacity to keep a secret had not improved.

You looked at Sophie, putting down your mascara. “What’s up? What did you do now?” You asked her to continue.

“I am so sorry for not informing you before. You know my job, right?” She spoke shyly, sitting closer to you on the ground. You cocked your head, unsure where this was going.

“Yes…what about it? You are starting to worry me. Just tell me.” You reached for her hand.

“So… you know how I work in 'Risk Management’? That actually translates to I deal with all the fuck ups and problems the Avengers have. I am like the new Pepper Potts, except I am not gonna marry any of them.” She joked. You looked at her, not sure if she had been drinking already before coming home or if she was trying to be funny. “You know the dog? Well, that’s like Thor’s dog,” she added.

The silence in the room grew thick as she expected an answer. “Mmh mmh,” You hummed, going back to putting on your mascara, unsure what was the point of her joke. 

“Is that all you have to say?” Don’t you wanna kill me for not telling you before?“ She shook your shoulder and looked at you in shock. 

"Well, if it is true. Why didn’t you tell me before?” You looked at her sceptically, putting down the mascara once again before you would end up poking your eye out. 

“Because we are not allowed to and I was waiting for Tony to be okay with it and I have been talking to him about you for the past weeks and he is finally okay with it. He even wants to meet you and see if you vibe with the team.” She rambled, looking at you seriously.

“Sure, Sophie, well, we can meet him after I am done hanging out with Matthew Grey Gubler next week.” You joked, not understanding where she was going with this random lie/joke. Sophie was incapable of keeping secrets from you. This was practically impossible, or it meant she had been in constant agony for the past couple of months. 

“Babe, I am being serious. Whatever. You are meeting them all next weekend anyway, Tony is throwing a party, and we are invited. So somewhere next week we have to go shopping for dresses.” She stated, getting up a little irritated that you refused to believe her.

“Yep, I’ll make sure to organize a dinner with the queen of England next time you visit.” You laughed at yourself, grabbing your mascara again. Bjorn was sitting next to you, so you patted him on the head “you are the dog of the god of thunder, huh? That totally makes sense.” Sophie let go of the topic, for now, unwilling to ruin the night. 

Right before you finished getting ready, you received a text from an unknown number:

'I have made a reservation for this hidden gem in the city. It’s a little difficult to get there, so I am happy to pick you up. The reservation is for Tuesday 8:00 pm.


You saved his number and answered quickly:

'That’s perfect. I’ll send you my address so you can pick me up on the day.’

The night was fun. You drank a lot of tequila and danced with a group of bankers. Sophie was a little annoyed at you for not believing her, but you just could not get over the fact that she would somehow keep this a secret from you for so long and then randomly decide to tell you before you went out. She got over her bad mood pretty quickly once you started drinking, and then you had a lovely night reminiscing your years partying together.

After you had lost the count of the shots at some point during the night, you had the amazing idea to text Stephen. A fantastic drunk idea that you would surely regret in the morning. You grabbed Sophie’s arm and took her away from the dance floor into the bathroom.

“I am gonna send Stephen a message!” You screamed at her in the bathroom, smiling like a drunk dumbass proud of your 'clever’ idea. 

“OMG yess! Take a selfie in the mirror!” She cheered you on just as drunk as you. You made two terrible decision-makers while drunk. 

You took a picture of yourself trying to look as sexy yet innocent as humanly possible and wrote:

'Wishing you were here xx’

You closed the messaging app and went back into the dance floor, forgetting about it completely a couple of minutes later. The bankers offered to take you guys home, but you refused, not accepting their advances. You got home at around 3 in the morning, completely drunk. Sophie took the keys out of her bag, trying to open the flat door.

“Do you need help there?” you asked her as she missed the hole at least twice.

“Nope, you are drunker than me. No chance you can be of any help right now.” She finally got it on the fifth or sixth try. 

You entered the flat and turned on the lights. Bjorn woke up from all the noise, a little confused about what was happening. Sophie petted him, and you threw yourself on the couch after taking off your shoes.

“Oh man, we drank a lot. Maybe a little too much. Do you have any aspirin? I don’t wanna be too hungover tomorrow.” She answered your query with a glass of water and two aspirins in her hand, anticipating your request.

“Here, take this, and let’s go to bed.” She said, moving your legs, sitting next to you, downing her glass of water, and then dropping her head on the back of the couch. You took the aspirins and put the glass on the coffee table.

“I want nuggets.” You spoke, hungry.

“Well, you should have thought of that before we got home.” She looked back at you, annoyed.

“Well, can you not get like Spiderman to deliver us some?” You joked, causing her to punch you on the arm. 

“It is not funny bitch. I am being honest with you. I have been only working for them for like two months. There was no chance for me to tell you any earlier. Come on, believe me.” She begged you, “also, Peter is probably fast asleep, probably spent the night doing math homework or something” she laughed at herself.

“Oh man, is Spiderman a teenager?” You looked at her incredulous.

“Anywayyy, let’s go to sleep.” She responded evasive, trying to get up and pulling your arm to take you to bed.

“But nuggetsssss…” you complained, standing up with her.

“Tomorrow, you can get nuggets.” She said, pushing you into the bathroom to brush your teeth

The warmth of the sunlight on your face brought you back to life. The killer headache took over your senses as soon as you regained consciousness. You tried to open your eyes, but the mere thought of it made you feel stupidly dizzy. Next came nausea, forcing you to run eyes closed and all into the bathroom and throw up whatever was left of the sushi in your stomach.

'What a great start to your Sunday morning’, you thought while lying on the bathroom floor by the toilet for what seemed like forever before Sophie came in running and screaming, “MOVE.”

You barely moved in time before your friend met the same faith as you, throwing up as she tried her best to hold up her hair. You crawled out of the bathroom towards the kitchen looking for water but were met by a gigantic excited puppy running your way.

“Good Morning Bjorn. Please let me go, or I will throw up on you,” you warned him as he jumped on you, making you lay flat on the ground.

“I cannot do this. What the fuck did we drink yesterday night?” Sophie grunted from the bathroom.

“I only know one thing, I am never ever ever eating sushi again.” You answered, still lying face down on the floor.

“Bjorn needs to go on a walk.” Sophie let you know, asking the unspoken question.

“Well, that is not my responsibility. I walked him yesterday, and he is your friend Thor’s dog.” You replied, knowing damn well you would have to walk him anyway.

“You may see the handsome doctor on your walk. You can go to Greenwich.” The handsome doctor… those words brought an image back to you from yesterday night, and just like that, your nausea from the drinking was substituted with nauseating embarrassment. Your eyes opened wide, and you got up from the floor, running towards your phone that lay dead on the couch. 

“FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK. WHERE IS YOUR CHARGER?” You screamed, running into the bathroom to find Sophie slowly getting up.

“What’s wrong?? It is in the kitchen! Calm down!” Your face turned as warm as possible as you ran to the kitchen and plugged the phone. “What’s wrong?!” Sophie shouted again.

“Oh my fucking… I texted him while I was drunk at like one in the morning. I sent him a picture of me. You told me it was a good idea! Aaaah” you screamed dramatically, standing by the phone, hoping the pressure would make it charge faster.

“Oh fuck yeah haha, I remember. I am sorry about that haha,” although still dying, Sophie found this funny incident to be the silver lining of a shitty morning. “I am sure you looked hot,” she lied to you between giggles.

“It does not matter how hot I looked, Sophie! I was drunk! I met him yesterday! He is gonna think I am insane!” You replied, dropping yourself on the couch and giving up on your phone turning on any time soon.

“You are overthinking it! Everybody sends drunk texts to people they find attractive. He will be flattered, and if he is not, you dodged a bullet because you hate boring man.” She said, going to the kitchen and grabbing glasses of water for the two of you.

“Can you check if it is on?” You asked, covering your face with a pillow on the couch.

“Nope, still nothing.” She responded, bringing you the water.

“I am just gonna block him and never step a foot on Bleeker street ever again. I am just gonna take the next flight to London.” You announced theatrically, chugging the water after sitting up.

“Everything is okay! New Yorkers are not as presumptuous as British men. He won’t judge you for it.” She tried her best to make you feel better, giving Bjorn some food before sitting by your side.

“But he is not a twenty-year-old rugby lad Sophie, he is a proper sophisticated man, and I wanna die.” You cried out, putting your head on her shoulder.

Although minimal, the vibration of your phone made you spring up from the seat faster than you should have, as you instantly felt nauseous again. You opened your phone as if it was a time bomb and opened the messaging app.

1 - Unknown Number

2 - Stephen 

“Oh my god, I have two messages from him. I don’t wanna open it, Sophie. I am gonna throw up.” You cried out again.

“Don’t be such a baby! Open it!” She said, walking to your side and opening them for you


Wishing you were here xx

1 Attachment

Well, this is something nice to wake up to.

Hope you enjoyed your night out, darling. Don’t overwork your shoulder.

“See! Everything is fine! He is flirty!” Sophie reassured you, looking over your shoulder. You opened the other message.

Hey! It’s Hunter from Goldman Sachs. It was nice to meet you yesterday.

“Who the fuck is Hunter, and how the fuck does he have my number?” You looked confused at your friend.

“Oh shit, I think I gave it to him on our way out. Sorry, Babe. He was cute, though and seemed to be very into you. Keep your options open! It is New York!” She answered apologetically.

“Sophie, he is an investment banker. I would let a mass murderer rail me before an IB man. He would probably have better karma anyway.” You joked, closing your phone.

“Oh well… I take Bjorn on a short walk, and you buy us some breakfast? I don’t want you to overwork your shoulder.” She winked at you teasingly.

“Sounds like a plan. I need a baseball hat, sunglasses, and black coffee in my system.” You declared, turning around and putting some water to boil on the kettle you had gifted your friend years ago. You were glad she kept it.

Sunday was uneventful at best. You both felt dead inside and ate little to nothing in fear of throwing up. You finally ordered some burgers for dinner and finished them. After eating, you took Bjorn for a short walk around the block, staying away from Greenwich completely.

Monday morning, Sophie left for work early, and you had breakfast on the couch with Bjorn. After your morning walk, you received a bunch of emails from London requiring you to sign certain documents and jump on a quick call with the firm’s employment team. At some point in the afternoon, you finally took the chance to explore the building’s gym and exercise a little. After a warm shower and another quick walk with the Golden Bear, you sat on the couch watching the news. Sophie had gone MIA, and it was almost 10:00 pm. You sent her a message checking if everything was okay, but your phone started vibrating just as you finished sending the message.

Incoming Call - Stephen Strange

'Oh God, why was he calling? Like who even calls people nowadays without texting them first,’ you thought as you picked up.

“Hello?” You answered.

“Hi, how has your day been?” He replied smoothly on the other side of the line.

“All good, boring, doing lawyer things. What about yours?” You responded as a smile formed on your lips at the sound of his voice.

“It has been good. I wanted to check if you were still up for tomorrow?” You could hear a faint hint of nervousness in his voice again.

“Yes, of course, I was worried you were gonna cancel on me after my drunk messages from yesterday night.” You responded, laughing at your drunk self.

“Why would I ever do that? As I said, it was a great surprise to wake up to, and you looked stunning. I am flattered to know I occupied your thoughts while you were out partying.” You could not help yourself but smile cheekily.

 This man knew exactly what he was doing. You were surprised; he really did not give you any playboy vibe the first time you saw him. I guess everyone has a little of a hidden past.

“Well, I hope to not disappoint with my looks tomorrow night.” You said, obviously asking for more validation from him as he tapped on keys that he had not before.

“Well, I hope the same too. My expectations are even higher now.” He was good. He was not gonna give you more than a taste of his advances. He knew how to keep a woman wanting. You bit your lip.

“Goodnight, Doctor, sweet dreams.” You cut the conversation short, hoping to leave him wanting for more.

“Goodnight, darling, sleep well.” He hung up; however, you could hear the smile in his voice.


Liv’s Note

A huge thank you to everyone that is reading this story. You have my heart, my soul, and everything else. Looking forward to hearing what you think of the story or its improvements haha Please please reblog the story to support my writing ♥️

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The Sorcerer, The God and the Devil’s Advocate 

Please read this announcement for more information on the story or if you have previously read SGDA.

Chapter 1/? (next chapter) (Chapter Masterlist) (SGDA Taglist)

Pairing:Stephen Strange x OC and Loki x OC

Summary:OC is a lawyer visiting her best friend in New York. Will she fall for the charming doctor? Or will her neverending conflict with the god of mischief lead to more?

Tags:Post-Endgame, AU where everyone is alive and well, Eventual Smut, Fluff with some Angst, Second Person POV, No Y/N, Avenger Loki.

SGDA Masterlist - SGDA Taglist -Playlist

You shouldn’t have left this early. The train to the airport was empty, and your head felt like it was on the verge of exploding. Waking up in the middle of the night to secure the cheap morning flight never felt worth it at 3 a.m.

Your phone vibrated in your left pocket as you were falling asleep, forcing you to move uncomfortably to get it out as the bag on your lap weighed you down. “Hello?”

“Good Morning! Are you at the airport already?” A cheerful voice asked on the other side of the line.

“I am on the train, should be there in fifteen minutes. Are you picking me up from the airport?” You asked as your voice gained some energy. You were exhausted, but the excitement to see your best friend after so long tramped it all. 

“Of course, I will! What type of host would I be otherwise? Excited to see New York?” She tried to continue the conversation after hearing the sleepiness in your voice, scared you would fall asleep on the train and miss your flight. 

“I am more excited to leave London. I am only visiting to get away from this city and maybe meet an Avenger or two.” You joked, pushing the bag from your lap to the floor before your blood circulation halted completely. 

“Bitch, you don’t want to meet the Avengers. 99% of the time they are around, something bad is about to happen. You don’t wanna be there” Sophie was not a big Avengers fan, but who could blame her? She lived in New York. She had to live through every fuck up Tony Stark, and his friends caused.

“Whatever, I hope I get a picture with at least one of them. I will be snooping around the city for them." 

You talked with Sophie for the rest of your train ride, got to the airport safely with plenty of time and boarded. The flight was quick, and you slept most of the way. 

You were starving by the time you went through security and picked up your bag. Thankfully, your best friend would want to grab food as soon as she picked you up. You were excited to have access to all the American food chains you could not get in London.

As soon as you stepped out of the security area, you spotted Sophie waving at you excitedly. You ran towards her as fast as your backpack and gigantic suitcase would allow.

"Aaaah, babe, I cannot believe you are finally here!” She hugged you tightly. It was like a suffocating breath of fresh air to hug her again after so long. So much had changed since you last saw each other, and although phone calls helped, it was nothing like having her by your side. She smelled like your childhood and felt like home, even after all these years.

“You look super hot! Where are you coming from?” You asked her as soon as she let go of you. She was wearing a lovely fancy red dress that gave her a corporate look you were not used to. 

“Just work, I had to deal with a last-minute issue, but everything should be fine now. I am all yours for the rest of the day.” She reassured you, grabbing your suitcase. “Let’s get you some food now.”

“Great! I am starving!”

You grabbed a quick bite and caught up on the latest news in your life. You were both still very much single, but she was hoping to fix that. On the other hand, you wanted to stay away from any serious commitment, too busy with work. Sophie told you that she was working in some Risk Management corporate position, and well, you were about to make associate at a law firm in London. Five weeks from now, you would not have time for anything or anyone but work. So this was the perfect opportunity for you to enjoy your last weeks of freedom before working in something completely different from your original law school dreams.

After grabbing brunch, you headed to Sophie’s place. She must have been making good money from the looks of her beautiful apartment in a building in Manhattan. You did not know a lot about rental prices in New York, but if they were even close to anything in London, this was an expensive place to rent. 

“Girl! I guess they are paying you very well at your new job!” You teased her as you entered the beautiful flat. 

“They have to. I am constantly saving their asses. They make me work 24/7, so the least they can do is give me enough money to have a nice place to crash after work.” She responded dramatically, taking off her heels. 

“Look at her, Sophie Meyer, Columbia Graduate,” you pointed at the graduation pictures on her wall. That had been the last time you two had seen each other almost four years ago (or nine if you counted the time you were gone). “This city is magnificent at night, and I must say, this is a little nicer than my view in London”, you added, pointing at the breathtaking skyline surrounding her living room. 

“So, although I may be making enough money to have a nice apartment is still a one-bedroom, so we will have to snuggle up together. Like the old times.” She said, reminiscing all the times she visited you in London, and you had to share your bed. “I have work tomorrow, but I should be free all weekend just for you. Feel free to do whatever you please, go Avengers hunting in Central Park or whatever,” she joked. 

You spent the rest of the afternoon giving her the gifts you had brought from London and catching up on gossip about your families and friends from school. By 10 p.m., you were exhausted and jetlagged and decided to head to bed while Sophie sent some more emails. 

The morning after, you awoke to the smell of coffee and the tumbling of objects in the living room. 

“Yes. I will be there in 20 minutes. No problem. Have a good day.” Sophie mumbled on the phone while trying to sip on her coffee as she put on her heels. Today she was rocking another dress, this time a navy blue one which was flowier and had a ribbon on the front. 

She ended the call and screamed, “fuck, fuck, fuck I have to go. Now." 

"Well, good morning to you too, sweetheart. Where are you headed to at….” You looked at your watch “7 in the morning?”

“My boss needs me. There has been some complication with a contract that was leaked to the press. I have to solve it. Ouch,” she added as she finally managed to put on her shoes. 

“I will see you for dinner?” You asked.

“Yes, yes. I’ll try my best to be here. I’ll ask my boss if I can introduce you to our team. You know, I need you to move to New York instead of starting that dumb, boring job in London.”

“Yes, whatever, Sophie. It is one of the most coveted positions in London. You should be proud of me like the rest of the world is.” You rolled your eyes at her, tired of her honesty and persistence on the topic. 

“I am proud of you. I just think you are giving up everything you believe in, all your dreams. You know success is great, but your values have always been more important than that. We both know no amount of money or success will fulfil you as much as chasing your dreams. You need to do what makes you happy, not what others think you should do.” She argued while putting on her jacket, “Also, a friend from work asked me if I could take care of his dog while he is away, so we may have to do that. It is only for a couple of days. Anyway, I gotta go! Love you! Please be careful out there. This is not Notting Hill! Do not trust any strangers on the street! My spare keys are here. Please don’t lose them!” she added before walking out the door.

“Byee!” You screamed as she closed the door. Although Sophie was right, this job was not per se your dream job. It was the dream of 90% of lawyers. Giving up this opportunity would be naive, and it would disappoint many people, including your parents and law school friends. This was too much pressure for you to simply not go for it. You would find happiness in other aspects of your life, in your apartment in Notting Hill, in your nights out in Shoreditch, in the cat you wanted to adopt and in the men that would entertain your evenings. 

You got ready to go on a walk; the day was super sunny, and the smell of spring filled the apartment. You painted your nails. You did that every day. It was inevitable; at some point during the day, you would start peeling it off and wouldn’t stop until it was all gone. It was a habit you had developed through your years in uni. It was either the nail polish or your nails and cuticles, so it was a tedious but necessary habit. 

Opting for a comfortable yet stylish outfit, you wore a dress with flowers. You never know when you may run into an Avenger. 

You spent the day on the streets of New York, window shopping and grabbed a slice of pizza for lunch before heading to the MET in the afternoon. Galleries were your favourite place in the world. Nothing giving you more peace than standing in front of a beautiful painting. Sometimes you wished you could just meet these artists and hear what they were thinking about while painting.

It had gotten dark by the time you got back to the flat. You took off your shoes and laid on the couch immobile and exhausted, until the entrance door opened again.

“Good afternoon, babe! How was your day out?” Sophie sang tired as she entered the flat and took off her heels. 

“It was beautiful! I went to the MET, almost as nice as the National Gallery!” You joked, making her roll her eyes. “Anyway, how was your day, businesswoman? Chasing your boss around?”

“Yeah, whatever, it was nice, I ended up having lunch with the team, and I told them about you. My smart best friend from London sounds like somebody everyone wants to meet. I don’t think you wanna meet them, though; corporate Newyorkers are not as nice as corporate Londoners.”

“The fact that you are calling any corporate sell-out nice already says everything about your judgement on people”, you answered sarcastically.

“Woa woa woa, look who’s talking? Miss ‘I will work in Banking and M&A and watch the world burn’” she spoke, throwing her jacket at you. 

“Now, to the important things. Is there anyone within your team you would like to set me up with? Because I did not come all the way to New York to go on Hinge dates.” You asked, lifting your eyebrow and making an insinuating face.

“I don’t know, really. I don’t think anyone in my team is soo up their ass to be your type. Wait.. mmh… Nah, but I will ask around. Maybe they know some narcissist, tall, skinny, dark-haired asshole. That’s still your type, right?”

“Yes, indeed. I am glad you still remember,” you matched her sarcastic tone, getting up to grab some water.

“Anyway, my coworker is coming later today to drop off his dog. He will be with us just for five days. I am sure you will be happy to have somebody keep you company while you walk around Central Park. He is a cutie, a big cuddly golden retriever, so all the eyes will be on you.” Sophie let you know and then added, “but going back to what we talked about before, babe. I don’t think you should go back to London, I really don’t. You were always keen to do something good for the world and help people, and now you are throwing all of that away." 

"That’s not true. I will still do pro bono work once in a while,” you argued. 

“You know that is not enough, and you will be unhappy. New York is a great place for you, and I will talk to my boss and tell him how awesome you are. We help people, babe, and you could do it too. I also know quite a few people that work for the UN. You could work there too.” She answered as you both sat on the couch. 

“Is this why you invited me to New York? To kidnap me?” You laughed, and she kept her serious look.

Your conversation was interrupted by the intercom ringing. Sophie got up in a hurry to answer. “Yes, yes, I will be down in a second.” She hung up the phone and started putting her heels back on. 

“Are we going downstairs to pick up the puppy?” You asked, curious to meet her coworker. 

“No need, you can wait up here. I will be back in a minute.” She said, closing the door behind her. 

After 10 minutes, the door slung open, and a giant golden retriever entered, dragging Sophie in with him. As soon as he saw you and Sophie dropped the leash, he ran and jumped on your lap, covering your whole body and almost suffocating you.

“Well, hello boy, what is your name?” You spoke to him sweetly, petting his head, trying to keep him calm as he tried to lick your face. 

“His name is Bjorn. It means bear. He kind of is a bear.” Sophie answered for him, and you giggled as he moved from your lap to the side of the couch so you could finally pet him properly. 

“Thank you for not suffocating me, Bjorn, you cutie.”

“I have just been informed that they need me to go into the office tomorrow morning. Will you be okay?” Sophie asked. “Also, I may have found somebody I can set you up with, but I am not 100% sure yet." 

"Uhm, interesting; keep me updated.” You winked at her. “This cutie and I will go for a walk in Central Park, and then we can meet you at your office?” You asked without taking your eyes off the furball. 

“That’s okay. I’ll meet you there, I’ll bring lunch, and we can eat in the park.”

You had a quick dinner, chitchatted while playing with the pup and then headed to bed. Sophie refused to show you a picture of your possible set-up, letting you know she needed to check some things before it was confirmed. Bjorn decided there was not enough space for the three of you on the bed and slept on the couch instead. 

Around 8 in the morning, you woke up hearing the shower in the bathroom turn on. You got out of bed, went into the living room, grabbed Bjorn’s food from the bag the owner had prepared for you two and served him some kibble. He was still half asleep on the couch but jumped up as soon as he heard his food being served.

Sophie got ready and ran around, as stressed as the previous morning. “So plan for today, I go to work, we meet at Central Park, you find us a nice place to sit down and have lunch and tonight we go out for drinks? Saturday night fun?”

“Yes, sure,” you answered while petting Bjorn, who had joined you on the couch after devouring his breakfast. 

“Please take care of Bjorn! Love you!” She said, closing the door behind her as last morning. 

You made yourself some coffee and a sandwich and then proceeded to sit down on the couch, turning on the news. Tony Stark was being interviewed on his decision to accept Loki Odinson into the Avengers after what he had done in New York. Stark explained how Loki was under the control of Thanos and had now shown loyalty to the protection of earth and the Avengers team. 

You did not know how to feel about it. It must be so difficult for the families of the people that died in the attack. Seeing the killer of their loved one free and revamped as a hero. However, if it is true that he was being controlled by Thanos, then he may deserve a second chance. You guessed this was another Winter Soldier situation where villains are not truly villains, and heroes are not true heroes. 

After eating, you proceeded to repaint your nails, going for a baby blue. Once they dried, Bjorn started bothering, wanting to go for a walk. So you went into the bathroom, took a shower and changed for the day. 

“Okay, okay, cutie, we can go now. You gotta find me a man in the park or a job at the UN, whichever is easier.” You joked, putting his collar on, excited to have some company on today’s walk. 

You left the flat and started walking towards Greenwich Village, looking to see a different part of the city. It was a 30-minute walk from the apartment in Chelsea, and you would take the underground to Central Park later to meet with Sophie. 

Once you made it to your desired destination, you started to walk down this beautiful wide street. Although a cutie, Bjorn was not the best-behaved dog. He kept on trying to chase pigeons and wanted to play with every dog he saw on the street. Given his insistence and strength, it had gotten increasingly difficult to hold him back. Your whole upper body had started to get sore as you held tightly onto the leash while he pulled.

You took a deep breath as you finally managed to calm him down enough to stop for a second and look around. Almost as if he could feel you finally relax and look away from him, he pulled with all his strength to your side, making you trip. You tried to keep him calm, but he pulled your shoulder, causing you to cry out in pain. He was uniquely strong for a dog, or you were just particularly breakable. 

“Ouch, Bjorn! Stop it!” You pulled the leash again, holding it with your opposite hand, getting him to finally sit. You looked up, realising he was trying to jump on a man holding a sandwich between his hands. 

“I am so sorry! He is a little too excited to be outside. Your sandwich must smell delicious,” you apologised profusely while trying to stop the pain in your shoulder to no avail. 

“No problem. He is a big dog. Did you hurt your shoulder?” The man answered unimpressed, noticing how you were slouching your shoulder.

“Oh no, it is okay. He just pulled harshly. I am sure it is nothing.” You responded, looking down at Bjorn, that was now behaving properly, sitting by your side. 

“It looks like it could be dislocated. That is pretty bad. I can call a doctor if you want?” He replied, taking a bite out of his sandwich and breaking off a piece for the hungry dog that had just eaten breakfast. 

“Oh no, doctors are super expensive in the U.S. I am fine. I’ll just go home and put some ice on it." 

"I am sure he will look at your shoulder for free. Wait, he is just around the corner. Follow me.” He started walking along the street. You did not know whether to follow him. Sophie had told you people may be dangerous in New York, but he seemed pretty normal. You prided yourself on having a good vibe detector, and he seemed nice, a straightforward guy. You started to walk behind him. Bjorn seemed to have understood he had hurt you and was walking at a better speed. 

The man in the peculiar clothes stopped in front of 177A Bleecker Street and opened the door screaming, “Strange! We have a situation. Come here. We need your medical assistance.”


Liv’s Note (please read)

I hope you enjoyed reading the first chapter. Given the length of the work, I have created a separatetaglistfor it, so please join it to get notified when a new chapter is posted. I have tagged people who are on my general/marvel/Loki/Strange taglist for this chapter but please join the taglist if you want to be tagged again. Please read the PSA linked at the top of this chapter or here. Sending you all my love! Please reblog the story to support my writing ♥️



@scandalous-chaos@vipentin@stinky_tootsies@diksy1112@inas-thing@freakyat3am@lucywrites02@missfalcon@blondekel77@vexedvalerie@rlupinx@saturdaynightzemo@thewinterpoet2@stephensidekawa@sherlock-holland@markywithissues@evelynrosestuff@daisesnerd@aephereal@hootoyakawa@luvbcumbers@sherlux@rlupinx@dogboyben@notfaithxo@weepingdreamerpanda@bloodyxsaint@persephonehemingway@gumgum78@elzabethann@jessyballet@sherlockwatsons@iwishihadabettername@srapalestina@happyiidiot@theyluvjadi3@sea040561@put-the-smut-in-the-bag-rn@turkisherlockian@sleutherclaw@Will0wfairy@sharp-cheekbones-locked@crushingonfreddie @aalexdaviess @mytearsric0chvt @yourmajesty13@fuckthealarm@cottagecore-cat@heartangel1331

What if a demoness kept Loki as her pet in the depths of Muspelheim?

I’ll just… I’ll just leave that here for you. Bye!

With your head tilted, you skimmed your eyes over what had gotten caught in the fire pit. And then you saw him. The raven-haired god with the sharp jawline and cheekbones to die for. Blue eyes bore into yours, his thin lips parted. He was sweating, on his knees, breathing heavily. He was stunning.

“Who is that?” Intrigued, you pointed at him. His eyes narrowed.

“That? Keeps rambling about being a god.”

You chuckled. “I figured this much.”

“I am a god!” He bellowed. Damn.His voice was sexy. Dark, smooth, like it was able to convince you to do almost anything. “I am Loki, rightful king of Jötunheim and I demand—“

“Loki? You are an Asgardian god? How did you end up here?”

The demon gave you an annoyed huff. “I have no time for chit chat. Time to say goodbye, god of whatever you are.”

Loki’s eyes widened. And for a good reason too. It would be a shame to turn that pretty face to ashes.

“Wait! I want to keep this one. Do with the others as you will.”

“You’ll stop bothering me then?” The demon growled. You winked at him when he grabbed Loki’s arm and dragged him towards you. The god stood, his expression both menacing and threatening. A smirk tugged at the corners of your red lips. Three, two, one…

A dagger materialised in his hand the very moment your eyes turned bright red. You leaned back almost casually when he drew back but just before the tip of the blade could penetrate your skin you breathed out a surge of fire, melting his weapon down.

Loki let go of it just before it could singe his skin. The shocked expression on his face was priceless.

“Cute. You’re gonna be a fun pet.”

A/N: Requests from four anons. You guys all had the same thought, it seems. President Loki is back a

A/N: Requests from four anons. You guys all had the same thought, it seems. President Loki is back and he’s naughty. Enjoy, everyone! ;-)

Words: 2478
Warnings: smut, light dub-con, exhibitionism

“Get dressed, pet. I have news.” Rousing from your sleep, you turned around, draping the blanket back over your bare form. You couldn’t remember the last time you had worn clothes. There was no need for it, after all. Loki—your Loki—kept you in his domain like a princess. The captive princess of another kingdom he had claimed as both a lover and a pet but a princess nonetheless.

You loved him. You had loved him when he ran for President and almost enslaved an entire planet and you had loved him when the TVA showed up and sent him to this godforsaken place. One of the Minutemen had called you soulmates, leading you to believe that all Lokis out there had… well, one of you.

This Loki was just lucky enough to still have you—and to have you love him. And boy, did he love you too even though he’d never admit that… not verbally anyway.

“What is it?” You mumbled, refusing to open your eyes. Loki chuckled, causing you to blink and squint against the bright daylight—well, as bright as daylight got here in the Void. His figure came into your view, the long, raven hair and the golden horns that you had not just once wrapped your hands around while he fucked you senseless…

“The lesser ones found a new Variant. That might be interesting.”

“Interesting for you because you could recruit another Loki? What’s your plan, Trickster, do you want to raise an army?”

“Thin ice, pet. You are moving on very thin ice. Now be a good girl and get dressed.”

“You think we’ll find some more chocolate bars on your conquest?”

Loki chuckled once more. You laughed when he ran his fingertips over your sides, tickling you.

“We might just get more than that. One of their Lokis revealed the location of their shelter. All of their supplies will be ours soon.”

“Sounds good…” You smiled, turning back over to get a few more minutes of restful peace before another exhausting day full of trying to hide from Alioth.


As it turned out, it didn’t sound too good after all though, for what Loki had failed to tell you was that the group of Lokis he had spoken about was witty. Dangerous. And they already had the new Variant on their side. One that, as it turned out, looked exactly like yourLoki. Their timeline must have been so similar you wondered whether there were only subtle differences with how things turned out for him in the first place.

Besides that, you were wondering what had caused this Loki to get on the TVA’s radar and end up here. He did seem like he had been through a lot—just like your Loki once his presidential campaign had gone downhill.

Only this Variant was different. This Variant… recognised you. Your heart skipped a beat when he spoke your name in midst of this strange hideaway underground. You half hid behind your Loki to remain undetected, not interested in a confrontation with any of the Lokis who, ultimately, all wanted the same thing—power, a throne, recognition.

There was pain reflecting in his eyes. “I thought I lost you…”

Your lips parted. “Loki… um, I’m… I’m not your… I’m from a different timeline.”

“She’s mine, Variant,” your Loki growled.

The new Variant’s eyes shot up, locking with President Loki’s eyes. It was a stare down contest if anything, neither of them willing to blink.

“Loki, he’s telling the truth. I don’t know you.”

“I recognise her too. You are so young.” The oldest Loki in the room suddenly spoke up. He didn’t seem to take any particular interest in you beyond that, perhaps because you were several thousand years younger than he was. The kid in the room had probably not met his version of you yet and for the Loki wielding what looked a little like Thor’s hammer, you must have looked different as well.

It was the new Variant that your Loki felt threatened by as of right now. The tension was palpable.

“Is he keeping you hostage here?”

Gasping for air, you shook your head. Your Loki right next to you was fuming.

“I will not hesitate to gauge your eyes out if you keep looking at her.”

The new Loki breathed out, rolling his eyes and shaking his head a little—almost as if he was annoyed by this mirrored version of himself. He had guts, reminding you once more that this Variant and the Loki you had fallen in love with were quite possibly almost the same.

You felt a little… sorry for him. Who knew how he had lost his version of you in his own timeline. Any of them. But with this Loki, looking the same as your Loki, it felt… more intense, as if there was a connection.

SomethingyourLoki did not fail to notice.

“Enough of this!” The Loki with the rather strange Mjölnir replica bellowed with a start. “Let’s focus on the task at hand here. I betrayed you and now I’m king!”

President Loki raised his eyebrows, stepping forward menacingly. The subtle and yet so dangerous move did not fail to send shivers up and down your spine.

“About that…”

“You can’t be serious!”

“Come on… what did you expect?” Fuck.You bit your lower lip, stifling a hysterical laugh. One thing was for sure—your Loki was the hottest man walking the planet, wasn’t he? You sighed, averting your gaze quickly when you realised that the new Variant was still staring at you, observing each and every single one of your reactions to whatever was unfolding in the hideaway.

“That was not the bargain! I gave you our location in exchange for shelter and supplies, you give me your army and I take the throne!”

“Ah, yes… not so good a bargain. How about this one? My army, my throne. Now get on with what we came here for!” He shouted.

Next thing you knew, all hell broke loose and the Variants following Loki’s every command attacked, plundering, fighting, tricking.

Your Loki grabbed your upper arm. It was apparent he had no interest in participating in this battle himself.

“Let’s get out of here! And take him.” He ordered, nodding towards the new Variant. His gaze met yours, a mischievous and menacing smirk spreading on his lips. “He might come in handy. And he will pay for laying his eyes on you, pet.”


“Did you see the way he looked at you?” Loki barked once you were back at your shelter, the Variants following you suit. Well, except for the new one, that was. They were struggling dragging him along. You flinched when he flung an empty glass bottle off the nearby table using his magic.

“Loki… Loki, I know you’re angry but please, calm down.”

“What do you think will happen if we don’t get him under control? He will want you all for himself! If he is anything like me beyond his looks, he is going to try anything in his power to take you from me!”

“That won’t happen! I won’t letthat happen! I belong to you, Loki! We came from the same timeline, we are meant to be together. No one can take that from us!”

Growling like a feral animal, he reached for you and pulled you close so that you got knocked into his steel chest. You gasped, unable to take a proper breath before his lips came crushing down on yours, claiming your mouth like he was afraid this was going to be the last time he got to kiss you. It wasn’t a chaste kiss—it was raw passion, raw need and lust, all teeth and tongue.

Your lips were swollen by the time he pulled away to let you catch your breath, his hands tugging at your clothes which almost felt weird on your body after being naked in his quarters for so long.

“Loki… Loki, we’re not alone…”

“Then let them see what belongs to me. Let them see what only Iam allowed to do to you.”

“L-Loki, wait, I don’t think…”

But the God of Mischief was already tearing your clothes off of your body. Your dirty trousers came off right along with your knickers to pool at your feet, acting like makeshift shackles of fabric that stopped you from moving away. Loki lifted you up as if you weighed nothing, his hips forcing himself between your legs as he sat you down on the table and pushed you back until your head rested on the flat and hard surface.

Fuck, this was turning him on, even more so when he realised that two of his lackeys had just dragged the new Variant in, holding him down on his knees. His blue eyes widened, his lips parted when he caught sight off the show your Loki was putting on.

A moan escaped your lips when he pulled his already erect member free from his suit trousers, the warm tip wet with precum pressing against your entrance. Shit… at the end of the day, it didn’t matter where you were or if someone was watching, no? Loki could make you sing for him with but a mere touch of his, could play you like an instrument until you begged him for mercy, having passed out more than just once from all the orgasms he had forced out of you.

“I want you to scream my name. Let them know who’s the one to give you pleasure, pet.”

The Lokis behind his back gulped and even the new Variant stopped struggling when he realised that he wasn’t bluffing. He was going to fuck you right in front of them.

But before you could take a breath to protest, Loki had already sheathed himself inside of you. Almost brutally, he claimed your quim for himself, his strong hands wrapping around your ankles tightly to keep your legs spread for him.

From this angle, they weren’t able to see much of your private parts and yet, you felt more exposed than you had ever had running around naked in Loki’s quarters. More than you had going to the sauna with your friends and where no clothes had been allowed for hygiene reasons. This was different.

Fuck, of course it was different! Loki wasliterallyfucking you! You moaned once more when he withdrew almost completely only to thrust back into you so forcefully you struggled for air. With your fists clenched, you hissed in pain when the back of your head hit the table and yet, your body was already begging him for more.

You grew wetter by the second, your cunt welcoming him in, your walls moulding around him like you were made for him—which you were, technically.

With every single stroke, you felt the hot and greedy glances of the other Variants on you, making your skin and the back of your head tingle with excitement and arousal. There… fuck, there was something about being watched while Loki took you like that. Feral, raw, passionate, with any disregard to tender love-making—for that was reserved for when you were in private.

You were the only one who caught regular glimpses of Loki’s soft side, after all. But that didn’t matter now. Nothing mattered but his hard cock buried deep inside of you, hitting all the right spots to make you sing and moan and whine.

You arched your back, your hips bucking up to meet his eager thrusts. Even though your eyes were more than just likely to roll to the back of your head at any given moment, you were unwilling to let that happen. Too tempting was the sight of Loki and his raven hair falling into his face as he kept rocking into you with his gaze fixed on your helpless form in front of him, and the golden horns reflecting the gloomy daylight.

The way his forehead grew sweaty and the way he was panting as he picked up the pace, whispering sweet nothings as well as dominant orders to you.

“Hmm, you like that pet, do you not? You like being on display, showing everyone how I can pleasure you? Don’t you wish to show them?”

You swallowed thickly, whimpering in response. You loved and hated the fact that he could read you like an open book both at the same time. He was right. With every single thrust, you climbed the ladder of pleasure higher and higher, your desire for this man clouding your mind, your pussy begging for an orgasm.

“Cum for me,” he demanded darkly. You would not have been able to disobey him even if you had wanted to. Pleasure rippled through you like a wildfire, your toes curling as you screamed his name. Your cunt clenched around him rhythmically, your mind shattering into a million pieces.

Loki grunted when he felt you convulse around his length while he was still pumping into you, relentless and unwilling to give you a break. “That’s it… good girl…”

You were shaking by the time your climax faded. Had you not been lying on the table, you would have collapsed. And then, only a few last hungry thrusts later, Loki joined you into the abyss. He stilled inside of you, burying himself as deep as he could as he filled you with his warm seed, eliciting yet another moan from you. And it felt so damn good you wanted him to do it again this instant.

Loki leaned forward, scooping you up like a kitten so your head rested against his chest.

“Hmm…” He hummed. “Perhaps I shouldlet him touch you. The Variant who looks like me… wouldn’t it be fun for you to tease him and give him a little appetizer of what he will never be able to have…”

Peeking over to him, you could practically feel the blood rushing to your cheeks. But you were too far gone to realise how incredibly cruel this would be.

“Now… I hope you are hungry, pet.”

“I am… but not just for food.”

Loki chuckled darkly. He tugged himself back in, a smirk tugging at his thin lips when you whined upon the loss of his now slowly softening member inside of you and then, surprisingly, he helped you get dressed again as well. Not once did he shoot the Variants still gawking, too stunned to speak, a look.

“We managed to claim quite a few promising supplies in the heat of the moment. The other hunger I shall sate for you later.”

You grinned, your mind wandering off to a place where you were sat on Loki’s lap on his throne, impaled by his cock while he was feeding you, all the others watching in envy.



A/N: If you enjoyed this story, I would appreciate it so much if you supported me on Kofi! ko-fi.com/sserpente

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Hands Off - Loki X Reader

Requested by:@fandoms-are-my-friends-1321

Hope you like it

Summary: Reader gets defensive when Clint gets physical with Loki.

Warnings: none

Thor insisted that you and Loki should tag along with him. He was pretty sure that it would be okay. He was going to visit the Avengers after a long time and he knew you always wanted to see other planets. Being their best friend as children and eventually starting to date Loki, you were pretty close with the Asgardian princes.

After the battle of New York, Loki was brought back to Asgard. It took a lot of convincing from you and Frigga to get him out of prison. Odin was a stubborn man but he always listened to his Queen. You were beyond happy that Loki was still alive. Despite being bullheaded and not wanting to admit it, Loki missed you so much. He couldn’t bear the thought of you being with someone else so he immediately proposed to you after getting out. Now you were engaged.

Thor was so excited to show you all of Midgard and his Avengers. You couldn’t bring yourself to hate them because they were just defending their home. I can’t say the same about Loki, though.

You wanted to go as well but didn’t want to upset Loki. He was aware of this so he said that you could go but with one condition: He has to come, too. You didn’t understand why he would want to see those people again after everything but he said he didn’t trust them. Even though you knew the Avengers wouldn’t hurt you (even if they tried, Thor could protect you) you accepted it. You were happy to have Loki with you.

From the moment you stepped into the Avengers compound, you knew that Loki was not forgiven yet. Everyone was sending him death glares but he didn’t seem to care. He was holding you very close to him. Thor showed you around and you met most of the Avengers. You heard bad things about them but it’s not like Loki would think very highly of any of them anyway. It was Natasha you liked the most. Despite being an assassin, she seemed pretty friendly and funny.

Sam was even better. Some of them were wary of you but you couldn’t blame them. They didn’t know Loki was being mind-controlled during the battle and in their eyes, you were in love with a murderer. You hoped that some day, they would understand Loki. Everyone.

It was getting late and Avengers decided that having dinner together would be a great idea now that Thor was back. You were heading to the dining room with Loki and Thor. All of a sudden you heard a man shouting.

“What the hell are you doing here?!” he pointed an arrow at Loki and he looked beyond pissed. That must be Agent Barton, you thought.

Loki rolled his eyes. “ I don’t mean any harm, Barton. Don’t create drama.”

The others came to see what happened and Tony stood in front of Clint. “Thor brought them here, bird boy. He is unarmed and point break is watching over him.” trying to calm him down. But Clint was having none of it.

“Bullshit. Did he just come here to visit us like a good friend? Do you really believe that this man can be any good? The last time he was here he killed thousands of people. He brainwashed me.” he pointed the arrow at Loki again but Steve took it from him. “That’s enough, Barton. If Thor says we can trust Loki, we can. This building is full of Shield agents and trained superheroes. We can defend ourselves if anything happens.”

He scoffed and started walking towards Loki. Now you were getting angry. Who was he to decide for everyone? Did he really think that he could hurt Loki with a fucking arrow?

No one was stopping him this time, kind of wanting to see what will happen. He put his hand on Loki’s shoulder harshly and before he could say anything. You pushed his hand off roughly. He almost fell backwards and looked at you with wide eyes, not expecting you to do that and definitely not expecting a small girl to be so strong.

“Get. your. hands. off.” You said through gritted teeth. Pulling out a dagger and pointing it at him. Thor was shocked. Everyone was shocked but Loki was smirking. You were always so sweet and calm, they didn’t see that coming. Thor spoke softly, not wanting to anger you further. “Lady Y/N…” You looked at him with questioning eyes. You still looked angry. Loki calmly took the dagger from your hand. “It’s okay, love.” You sighed, a bit calmer. You looked at Clint one last time and narrowed your eyes. “If you ever touch him again, I swear to Odin…” He was not talking. Tony laughed a little, easing the tension a little bit.

Loki kissed you sweetly and thanked you for defending him when everyone left. Even though he could easily defend himself against Clint, it felt good to know that there was someone who had his back.

You all had dinner like nothing happened after that but everyone was being a little more careful with Loki now.


F&D - Search for Infinity ❤️‍P26❤️‍ A drink before the war

Previous Chapter Next Chapter

You showered and got changed into some comfortable clothes with the burden of knowing you had to tell everyone about everything still weighing heavy on your shoulders. You thought back to what Wanda said, what was she going on about? You tried to downplay her ramblings with the excuse that she could potentially be drunk but it was rather coincidental that she figured there was something pressing in your future. Not allowing yourself to dwell on that, you remembered her other words saying all will work out. You had to believe them.

Loki entered your room asking if he should gather everyone up but you decided you’d have a drink first, nothing like some liquid courage to tell your friends you were about to take part in some sort of ancient frost giant ritual. Managing to avoid everyone, you made your way towards the small liquor cabinet in the kitchen where you took out a bottle of bourbon and a glass. You poured some out before drinking it, grimacing at the familiar burn of it going down your throat. Finished with the first glass, you poured another before Steve entered. Smiling at him, you drank the drink, taking out another glass and pouring you both a drink.

Keep reading


Y/N: You’re so insufferable. Do not and I repeat DO NOT distract me EVER AGAIN during a mission!

Loki: I apologise

Y/N: Apologise? You have cost us this whole mission

Loki: Well it was hardly a mission was it?

Y/N: Not a mission


Loki: Well you were not complaining about staying in bed a little longer this morning when my head was between you’re le—

Y/N: Point made apology accepted

Loki: Fantastic! Now how about we go upstairs and continue what we were doing this morning ;)


A Second Chance - Part 2

Welp, guess I am going to make this a three parter. The third part will be the last part, I swear!

Summary: You didn’t really like Loki, but you lost your memories and Loki takes advantage of the situation by pretending to be your boyfriend. What could go wrong?

Warnings: Some smut if you squint. Also didn’t proof read this cuz I’m le tired. Sorry.

Words: ~ 3k

Part one on my master list.

You furrowed your brows at the man in front of you, who apparently was named Loki and was your boyfriend. None of this looked familiar, but something about him being so close to you felt…weird, but also right. You believed every word he said. Loki, or so he calls himself, was rubbing his thumb over your hand and you were thankful that you weren’t here in this hospital bed alone.

“I’m sorry that I don’t remember you.” You continued to look down at your joined hands and you genuinely did feel bad. How horrible must it be for him for his lover to forget who he was? You said so out loud and he gave your hand a gentle squeeze.

            “It’s okay, Darling. I am not upset. I am just glad you are okay.” His eyes were glassy, and he looked at you. The love and affection were apparent in his eyes, and you felt obligated to give him a little smile.

            “How long have we been together?” It was an innocent question, but Loki seemed thrown off by it. Thankfully, the God of Mischief was good at thinking on his feet.

            “It’s relatively new,” He cleared his throat awkwardly, “but we are very happy.” He looked so stiff, but you just assumed it was because his girlfriend forgot who he was and the stress of that.

            You laughed and that seemed to perk him up a bit, “I will take your word on it.”

Keep reading

Freaking amazing!! I’m completely in love with this

Shadows of the Past

Part 41 (Part 40)



“We are absolutely coming here again,” you say as the two of you leave.

She walks ahead of you, turns back and smiles, “And next time, I won’t let you win.”

You stop walking, “Let me win?”

“Mmhmm,” she says, walking backwards away from you.  You catch up to her easily, grabbing her by the waist and pulling her close to you.  “You’re just lucky that I wanted to move in with you,” she smirks.

“I am very lucky,” you keep her close to you, smiling down at her.  You lean down slowly but stop just before your lips touch hers, you wait until she reaches up but then you pull back. “But you forget, I like to win,” you wink at her and let her go.

“I hate you,” she says, rolling her eyes as she walks down the street.

“You love me,” you tell her.

You get to the intersection and wait at the light. She takes your hand and you look down at her. “Only a little,” she says with a smile, holding her thumb and pointer finger close together.

“A bit more than that I think,” you say as you cross the street.

“Maybe…” she pretends to think as you continue walking slowly. A sudden crack of thunder draws your attention to the sky. It was swiftly becoming much darker then it should be at this time in the afternoon. “I thought it wasn’t supposed to storm until late tonight,” she says as the dark clouds roll in.

“I thought so too,” you agree.

“Well that’s annoying…” she says to herself. Before you can say anything it starts to drizzle lightly and she groans. “And… there goes my plan,” she literally throws her hands up in defeat.

“What’s wrong?” you ask her. You try not to smile at how cute she looks when she is annoyed but it is hard not to.

“I wanted to take you somewhere but we can’t do it in this weather,” she says sounding upset but still not wanting to give away the surprise.

You pull her under the awning of a nearby store to get out of the encroaching storm. It has now gone from a light drizzle to a steady rain and you can tell it’s going to outright pour any minute. “We have the rest of the week. We can do it another day I’m sure,” you tell her.

“I know… but you were really going to like it,” she tells you.

“You could tell me what it is,” you joke and she elbows you lightly.  “It was worth a shot,” you say and she shakes her head.

“We should get back, those clouds look awful,” she says, changing the subject.  She peaks out from under the awning, “I think we should take the train.  Walking half an hour back in this would be pretty horrible.”  You agree and she takes your hand.  “Ok, the subway is two blocks that way, hopefully we can make it before the sky really opens,” she says hopefully. 

The two of you leave the cover of the awning and head quickly down the street, still holding her hand tightly. Before you get to the end of the block there is a flash of lighting followed almost instantly by the crash of thunder.  A few seconds later the steady rain becomes a heavy downpour and by the time you reach the subway entrance you are both completely soaked.  You follow Y/N down the steps quickly, glad to be out of the storm.  

She wipes her face and laughs, looking down at herself.  “I look and feel like a wet rat,” she says shaking her head.

“A cute one though,” you smile at her.  Then you let the green glow flow around you and dry you off.

She stares at you, “What the heck was that?”

“I don’t like being damp,” you say with a smirk.

“Care to help me out a bit?” she asks, holding out her arms, letting the water drip off her shirt.

“Hmm… no,” you laugh and make your way over to the turnstile.  “I like you all wet,” you joke.

“Wow… you said that out loud,” she says, obviously trying not to laugh.  She follows you through the turnstile.

"I couldn’t help it,” you say to her with a smirk.  You walk down to the platform and stand near one of the columns.  Its nearly empty down there which is how you prefer it.  You lean on the column and you can hear her water filler shoes squeaking on the ground.  

She huffs and crosses her arms looking at you, “Dry me off Loki.”

You simply smile at her and shake your head no.  She walks over to you, and stands directly in front of you.  You look down at her and act as innocent as you can, “Can I help you?”

“Dry me off,” she says again and you shake your head no.  “Fine, then we will both be wet,” she tells you as she closes the distance between the two of you.  She puts her arms around your neck and pushes her body against yours while you lean on the column.  You can feel the front of your shirt becoming soaked from being pressed against her.  The cool water drips off her hair and onto your arms when you put them around her.  She reaches up and kisses you, slowly at first then harder. You hold her tightly and only let go when you hear the train approach a few minutes later.  You look down at her and smile, covering the two of you in a green glow that dries you both completely.  “See, that wasn’t so hard was it Mischief,” she says with a smile as she takes your hand and you get on the train.   


“Good morning love,” Loki whispers in your ear.  You smile at the sound of his voice but still don’t want to open your eyes.  “I made coffee,” he says and you open one eye to see him standing next to the bed.  

You sit up in the bed and Loki sets a tray down for you.  “Did you make all of this?” you ask, not able to hide the surprise in your voice.  The tray has a cup of coffee, a bowl of cut fruit and a plate with eggs and toast.  

“Don’t get too excited until you taste it,” he jokes as he sits on his side of the bed.  

You start eating and drinking your coffee, Loki puts an arm around you and kisses your forehead.  You look up at him and kiss him, touching his cheek gently.  “I love you Loki,” you tell him with a smile when you finally pull away.  

“I love you too Y/N,” he says.  “And no, I’m not telling you what we are doing today.”

“Oh come on!” you say laughing.

He laughs and shakes his head, “It’s only fair, you kept all of yesterday a secret.”

You groan, “You learn way too quickly.”

(A few hours later)

You take Loki’s hand as you walk down the steps of the Metropolitan Museum of Art.  “That was so much fun, I really love this place,” you tell him with a wide smile.

“Me too, its one of my favorite museums in this city,” he says. When you reach the street he stops and you ask him where you are going now.  “Feel like taking a walk through the park for a bit?” he asks you and you nod in response.  

The two of you enter the park and wander the paths south behind the museum. He runs his fingers over your knuckles, never letting go of your hand.  You walk silently through the park, heading around the great lawn.  A few minutes later Loki asks you if you’ve ever been to the castle.  “No, I’ve heard its beautiful though,” you tell him.

He smiles and says, “Its just over this way.”

“How do you know the park so well?” you ask as you head towards Belvedere Castle.  He shrugs and smiles at you. “What did you memorize the map or something?” you laugh.

He nods and laughs as the castle comes into view, “I might have.”

You pull him towards you and kiss his cheek. As the castle comes into view you stop, look up at it and say, “Wow.” The two of you walk slowly around it, then you make your way to the top.  When you reach the top you walk to the edge and peer over the wall.  Loki stands behind you, wrapping his arms around you as you look out over the park.  He kisses the top of your head and then rests his chin on your shoulder.  A few minutes later, you put your hands on his and smile at him, but he doesn’t notice though.  He seems zoned out, looking off in the distance across the park. 

“Loki, are you ok?” you ask, trying to pull him from his thoughts.

“Hmmm?” he hums, blinking as he looks at you.

“I asked if you were ok.  You seemed far away,” you say.  

“Sorry… I was just thinking about the palace back on Asgard,” he says slowly. You turn to face him and wait for him to keep talking.  “The palace is nothing like this of course but standing here, looking out over everything… sometimes when I couldn’t sleep I would stand on the balcony in my room and look out over Asgard,” he says.

“I’m sorry,” you say slowly looking down.  

“For what?” he asks.

You shrug but don’t look at him, “That you’re so far from your home… and that you can’t go back.”

He puts his hand under your chin and slowly makes you look at him.  “Y/N, of course sometimes I miss Asgard but I have no intentions of going back there,” he tells you.  

“How can you be sure Loki? I mean its your home. Your mother is there, I know you want to see her and… I know you told Thor you wanted to go back  home when-” you start to ramble but he interrupts you.

“Stop,” he says gently. His fingers move from under your chin to your cheek and you close your eyes, feeling a single tear sneak out.  He wipes it away with his thumb, “Y/N I never should have said that, I didn’t mean it. Look at me love, please.”  You open your eyes slowly and he continues, “I only said that because I was scared… I thought you would better for you if I left… but I promise, I’m not going back.”

“You better not… or I’ll have to follow you there,” you tell him, trying to smile.

“Y/N, I love you,” he says, laughing a little.  Then he looks a bit more serious, putting his arms around you and holding you close to him.  “Truthfully, I haven’t thought about Asgard being my home since I found out my father and… and my mother lied to me about everything I had ever known,” he tells you and you hug him tightly.  

He kisses your forehead and says, “But tomorrow, you are moving in with me.  We’re going to have our own home, and that’s all I need Y/N.”  Loki then kisses you softly, his hands on your lower back and the back of your neck. Your arms are around him as you kiss him back. 

When he pulls away slightly, you say, “I love you Loki.” 

(LOK POV - a few hours later)

The two of you arrive back at your room and you are hopeful she likes her last surprise.  “Close your eyes,” you say before you open the door.

“Are you serious?” she asks laughing.

“Yes,” you say nodding.

She shakes her head but puts her hands over her eyes.  You wave your hand in front to make sure she can’t see and then you open the door.  You tap her shoulder and guide her forward into the room.  “Just wait here,” you tell her, leaving her standing a few feet into the room.  You close the door and with a quick bit of magic, everything ready.  “Ok… you can look,” you tell her.

She slowly uncovers her eyes and looks around, her mouth falls open and her eyes scan the room.  “Loki…” is all she manages to say at first.  “Loki, this is amazing,” she turns to take in everything around her.  

You can’t stop smiling, you love how excited she looks.  There are candles and flowers throughout the room and the table in the dining area is set for two with a meal waiting.  You stand in front of her and let a green glow wash over you.  You are now wearing a tailored black suit with a dark emerald green shirt and black tie.  

“Mischief, you look… wow,” she says giggling and you hold out your hand to her.  She takes it and you spin her, allowing a green glow to flow over her. She looks down at herself, gently touching the fabric of the emerald green dress you’ve conjured.  

“You look beautiful Y/N,” you tell her, spinning her one more time.  She blushes which you adore, you pull her tightly to you and kiss her.  You then guide her to the table, pulling her chair out for her.

“Such a gentleman,” she says with a smile.

“Well, I am a prince,” you remind her.  “And you should be treated like a queen,” you kiss her hand before sitting across from her.  You pour wine for the two of you and use your magic to serve the food.  The two of you laugh and talk all throughout the meal.  You can’t remember the last time you had smiled as much as you had in the last few days.  

When you finish eating, you stand, putting your napkin on the table.  You wave you hand and the food and plates vanish.  You offer her your hand and she takes it as she stands.  “May I have this dance?” you ask her, bowing slightly.

She laughs a little, “You can… but be warned, I have no idea how to dance.”

You put on her on her lower back and turn her to face you.  “Well, you are in luck.  I have been to countless balls,” you tell her.  She puts her hand on your back and you move it to your shoulder.  The you take her other hand and you begin to move, following the rhythm of the music playing.  

“I’m sorry,” she mumbles as she steps on your foot.

You laugh, “Its ok Y/N but it is easier if you look up then if you look at your feet.” She looks up at you and you smile warmly at her.  She gradually falls into step with you.  Occasionally you spin her or dip her, sometimes just to show off a bit.  She giggles when you do and you kiss her when she is back in your arms again.

After dancing for a bit, she rests her head on your shoulder and says, “Loki, I love you so much.”

You run your fingers up and down her back, “I love you too Y/N.”

“You know… I was thinking,” she says a few minutes later.

You laugh, “Am I supposed to guess what you were thinking about?”

She laughs and says no.  She pulls back a little so she can look up at you, “I was thinking about how I said I would follow you if you had run off back to Asgard.”

You kiss the top of her head, “I’m not going back.”

“I know, I know. But I’m just saying… if you did go and I followed you there… I would be in a lot of trouble,” she says.  

“Why?” you ask.

“Because if I saw Odin, I wouldn’t be able to keep my mouth shut.  I would tell him how horrible of a father he was to you.  How he never should have lied to you or treated you the way he did when you were growing up.  I’m pretty sure you would be visiting me in the dungeons really soon after I got there,” she tells you.  She reaches up and kisses you quickly.

“You are absolutely incredible, you know that Y/N,” you say to her with a smile. You look at her smiling back at you and you know she means it.  This little mortal would have barged into the palace to tell the king of Asgard he was a horrible father to you.  You touch her cheek gently, and bring her lips to yours.  You kiss her slowly, still swaying a bit but you stop as she bites your lower lip gently.  You pick her up with one arm around her waist and she wraps her legs around you.  You quickly carry her into the bedroom and kick the door closed. 

@michelleleewise@evansabove1981@ace-of-gay@butt-ugly-popsicle-stick@poetic-fiasco@lokisprettygirl22@soubi001@kats72@misswimberly@meibruges@juulle987@asgardianprincess1050@el-zef@xorpsbane@sweatyroadcowboyjudge@apine7@lulubelle814@annoyingcloudninja @yoongissidebitchh@ihategreeneggs @daggers-and-mischief@nonsensicalobsessions@chaotics17@redbluekjw@lokiprompts

Let me know if you want to be added!

Shadows of the Past

Part 40 (Part 39)



“Are you really not going to tell me where we are going?” Loki asks as you put on your jacket.

“Nope,” you tell him with a smile.  

He walks over to you, putting one arm around your waist and pulling you to him.  “Are you sure?” he asks as he raises his eyebrow.  

You try not to giggle and nod, “You’ll just have to wait until we get there.”

His hand settles on your lower back and he leans down slowly, his lips just inches from yours.  You can feel his breath lightly as he ghosts over your lips with his.  “I’m sure I could make you tell me,” he says in a whisper.

You look up at him an feel your resolve waiver, you can almost feel his lips.  You put your hand on his chest and push him away slightly.  “Oh, you are very smooth Mischief,” you say with a laugh.

He laughs and winks at you, “It was worth a try.”

“Just for that, I’m not going to tell you where we are going for lunch either,” you tell him, you reach up and kiss his cheek then untangle yourself from him.  

Loki pretends to be upset, putting his hand on his heart as you walk away from him towards the door.  “So rude, I thought you loved me,” he says.

“I don’t remember saying that,” you try not to smile.

“Hmmm, do I need to remind you?” he walks towards you again.  You bite your lip as he corners you against the wall near the door.  Your back against the wall, he’s careful not to touch your side, instead he puts his hands on your hips and lifts you.  You instinctively wrap your legs around him and he kisses from your collar bone slowly up your neck, making sure not to ignore a single inch of exposed skin.  You moan quietly as he bites your neck gently.  “What was that?” he asks and you can feel his smile against your skin.

You shake your head, “I didn’t say anything.” You smile at him and try to sound innocent.

Loki keeps you pinned against the wall and looks you in the eyes, “We’ll see about that.”  He puts his lips on yours, softly at first but then he kisses you harder.  You kiss Loki back, feeling him run his tongue against your lower lip. He then leaves your lips and kisses up your cheek and jaw to your ear. Loki bites your ear lobe and whispers, “Tell me you love me.”

You try not to moan and shake your head no.  You hear him chuckle lightly and your whole body is covered in goosebumps.  His hands grip yours hips tightly and one of your hands tangled in his hair while the other grabs at the fabric of his shirt.  He kisses you hard, his tongue pushing into your mouth.  He finally pulls back to let you catch your breath and he whispers in your ear again, “Tell me that you love me.”

You can’t help it, you give in, “I love you Loki, more than anything.”

He smiles at you, as if he won a game, “See, that wasn’t so hard was it?”  He sets you back down and kisses your lips quickly.  “I love you too, Y/N,” he tells you as he runs his fingers through your hair, looking down at you.  “We should go, don’t want to be late for this surprise, do we?”  You shake your head no, still catching your breath a bit as he opens the door.  He holds out his hand and you take it, walking down the hall together. 

You and Loki walk through the city for about half an hour when you finally turn a corner and tell him you are here.  He looks up at the building in front of you and stops.  “Wait… really?” he asks sounding more excited then he probably meant to.

You smile and nod, “I figured you might like it.”  

The two of you go inside and the man at the counter greets you both. “Hey, welcome to Damon’s Axe & Knife Range.  How can I help you guys?”

“I have a reservation for Y/N,” you tell him.  He checks his list and nods finding your name.  The man at the counter calls for someone from the back office to bring you down the hall to your room.  He gives you a quick explanation of the rules and leaves you. 

The room is longer than it is wide and at one end is a table with an assortment of hatchets and throwing knives.  At the other end is a wooden wall with several targets of different sizes.  Loki walks over to the knives and runs his fingers over them, you can’t help but smile as he picks one up.  You ask him what he thinks, he winks at you then he throws it at the target at the other end without looking.  

The knife hits dead center in the smallest target and he says, “This should be fun. Its been a while since I’ve done this, Stark doesn’t like the idea of me having my daggers around the Tower.”

You laugh and pick up one of the knives as you walk over to the throwing line.  You can feel Loki watching you as you take aim at one of the larger targets but the knife goes wide.  “Damnit,” you mumble as Loki walks up behind you. 

“Here,” he says as he uses his magic to bring the knife you threw to his hand.  He gives it back to you and positions himself behind you.  You take the knife and he puts one hand on your hip and the other on your arm, moving your body slightly.  He presses himself against your back and adjusts your throwing arm.  He runs his hand up your arm and moves your shoulder slightly.  “Try that,” he says softly to you.

You throw again and this time the knife hits the target, but it still off from center.  “Much better,” he says, sounding proud of you.  He picks up another knife and stands at the line to throw it.  The knife lands an inch from the first one he threw.

“I have an idea,” you say walking back to the throwing line with another knife.

“Hmm, what kind of idea?” he asks.

“How about we make a bet?” you suggest.

He raises an eyebrow, “What kind of bet?”

“Whoever gets the most points after ten throws wins.  Winner gets… whatever they want,” you suggest as you set up for your next throw.

He smiles, you know he assumes he will win easily.  “Very well, take another practice one and then we can start,” he says.

You nod and throw one more time, again hitting the target but not the center.  Loki laughs a little and as he collects all the knives that have been thrown and places them on the table, he asks you what you would like if you win.  He emphasizes the word if and you hit him lightly.  “Mean,” you smile at him.  “Ok… when I win, I want you to cook dinner without any magic.  I see you sneaking it when you think I’m not looking,” you tell him and he kisses you.

“I’m sure I could figure that out,” he agrees.  

“Ok Mischief, what do you want on the off chance you beat me?” you ask trying to sound over confident.

He takes your hands and he looks down at you. “When I win,” he says seriously, “I want you to move in with me.”

You feel your heart skip and all you can manage to say is, “What?”

He touches your cheek softly, “I want you to move in with me.  You sleep in my room every night but all your things are still in your room.  I don’t like when you leave… I want to come home to you everyday.”

“Loki…” you smile at him, “I would love that… but you have to win first.” You laugh a little and he puts his arms around you.  

“I don’t think that will be a problem love,” he pulls you close and kisses you.  "Do you want to go first?“

"Sure,” you say as you pick up one of the knives. Loki crosses his arms and takes a step back to give you room. You stand at the line and take your time aiming, then you take a deep breath and throw. The knife hits the smallest target right in the center and you hear Loki gasp from behind you.

“Did you just…” he looks at you in disbelief.

“Oh, that?” you ask pointing at the target. You smirk and tell him, “Beginners luck.”

“Mmhmm,” is his answer as he picks up one of the knives. He keeps his eyes on you as he makes his throw, his knife touching yours on the target.

“Show off,” you stick your tongue out at him as you trade places.

“Well, I intend to win,” he replies with a smile.

You pick up another knife, “I can see that… but you’re gonna have to work for it.”  You throw again and add to the cluster of knives at the center of the target.

“Beginners luck again?” he asks.

“Nope,” you smile and hand him a knife.  You wait until he is just about to let go of the knife and say, “Don’t mess up.”

His attention shifts for a second and his throw is just off from center.  He looks at you clears his throat, “Are you trying to cheat love?”

“Me? Cheat? How could you ever think that?” you ask innocently.  He shakes his head but you see a smile sneak across his lips.  You throw again, hitting the center of the slightly larger target.  Loki’s next throw lands next to yours.  You each go two more times, both of you always hitting the center of the target.  “Looks like we’re still tied,” you tell him as he uses his magic to pull the knives out of the targets and put them back on the table. 

“Seems like it,” he says.  “Interesting how you were so terrible at this when you were practicing,” he raises his eyebrow when you pick up your next knife.

“It is weird isn’t it?” you smirk.  You throw, hitting the center for the sixth time.  “Oh… I know what I forgot to tell you,” you say as you walk over to him.

“What’s that love?” he asks.

You stand on your toes and kiss his cheek, then whisper in his ear, “I used to come here all the time.  The axes are my favorite, but knives are more practical you know.”

He looks at you in disbelief, “How did I miss that?”

You smile at him, shrugging your shoulders as you hand him another knife.  He throws again, hitting the center.  The two of you continue until it is time for your last throws.  Neither of you have missed yet, always landing your knives in the middle of the target.  As you step up to the line for your final throw, you look back at Loki.  He smiles at you and you smile back, you face the target and aim.  You let go of the knife and it sinks into the wood, inches to the left of the target.  

“What was that?” he asked in surprise.

You look at him and say, “I missed… I guess if you make your next one, I have to move in with you.” You walk over to him, putting your arms around his neck as you reach up to kiss him.  He kisses you back, his hands on your sides.  “Don’t miss Loki,” you whisper to him.

“I don’t plan on it,” he kisses you again, then without letting go of you, he summons a knife from the table and throws it at the targets.  It lands perfectly in the center.  

“Oh no… I lost,” you pretend to pout as he strokes your cheek.  

He leans down to kiss you then says, “I know, how terrible.”

@michelleleewise@evansabove1981@ace-of-gay@butt-ugly-popsicle-stick@poetic-fiasco@lokisprettygirl22@soubi001@kats72@misswimberly@meibruges@juulle987@asgardianprincess1050@el-zef@xorpsbane@sweatyroadcowboyjudge@apine7@lulubelle814@annoyingcloudninja @yoongissidebitchh@ihategreeneggs @daggers-and-mischief@nonsensicalobsessions@chaotics17@redbluekjw@lokiprompts

Let me know if you want to be added!

The Country Club ✨

Loki x female reader

Part 4 ~ Careless whisper

Previous Part


You were currently giggling, hands on Bucky’s shoulders as his hands were on your waist, leading the dance. He bandaged up your hand nicely before you both took advantage of the minibar in your room. Thor and Jane really made this place wonderful. Careless Whisper was the song that serenaded your ears as you put your phone in a glass to boost the sound which was futile with you and Bucky’s singing as he twirled you around.

So I’m never gonna dance again. The way I danced with you.

“I bet he fucking dances with her.” You scoffed, thinking of Loki and Darcy.

“Forget them, you’re dancing with me.” Bucky grinned, dipping you as you both continued to sing to the music. Your sings turned to giggles hearing Buckys best singing voice.

We could have been so good together we could’ve lived this dance forever” he sang, looking into your eyes. Slowly, you leant up, closing the gap between you both before your lips lightly brushed against one another’s before you pulled back.

“Sorry, we’re drunk and you’re upset.” Bucky said, clearing his throat as he let go of you.

“Yeah.” You agreed, stepping closer to him as you placed your head against his chest “you can still hold me though.” You said quietly before he wrapped his arms around you, slowly swaying.

“Sure.” He murmured, kissing you on the head. You both stayed like that for a while longer before you made your way towards the bed that was overwhelmingly comfortable. Bucky held you close to him, stroking your hair out of your face as you closed your eyes.

“Don’t be gone when I wake up.” You mumbled half asleep.

“Course not doll.” He whispered, kissing your hairline.

Meanwhile, Loki had made his way back towards his room where Darcy was, sitting on the bed.

“Why aren’t you with y/n?” She questioned almost angrily.

“She didn’t want to speak to me.” Loki answered, kicking his shoes off.

“And you didn’t chase her?” Darcy scoffed.

“I—um.” Loki began.

“You said that if she thought we were going out, she’d be fawning over you. That’s what you said. But she isn’t Loki.” Darcy stressed.

“I know.”

“I’m not pretending again tomorrow, I can’t think of anything worse than pretending to be with you.” She sighed. “I just don’t wanna see y/n so sad anymore.” She said just above a whisper but Loki heard her. Not knowing how to answer, he put his head down. “She was really sad you know.” She spoke causing Loki to look back up at her “devastated even.”

“And for that I will be eternally sorry.” Loki answered.

“Whatever you say green meanie. Now off to the couch for you.” Darcy said, pointing to the couch.

“Don’t worry, I booked a separate room. Goodnight Darcy.” He said, gesturing to the door.

“Oh, for me?”


The following morning when you woke up, like promised, Bucky was still in your bed. You sat up, wincing when you looked at the blood soaked bandage on your hand. Now that you weren’t intoxicated, the pain flooded you. It was a nasty cut. Looking from your hand, you looked down at Bucky who was sleeping peacefully with his hair covering the pillow. You smiled to yourself at the sight before you made a move to stand, wanting to clean your hand and hopefully get a new bandage.

“Mornin.” Bucky called as you stood.

“Morning Bucky.” You answered.

“You’re really leaving me?” He chuckled, faking offence with a hand on his chest. “I don’t even get a hug or a kiss?”

“You can have a—” you began before you heard the door knock. Confused, you looked through the spy-hole to see who it was. Your jaw clenched when you saw Darcy.

“Who is it?” Bucky asked, standing out of the bed and making his way towards you.

“Shhh.” You silenced, placing a finger on your lips as you gestured for him to do the same.

The door knocked again as you pleaded for Bucky to be quiet.

“Please y/n, can we talk?.” She asked through the door.


“Tell her I’m not in.” You whispered to Bucky not wanting to speak to her.

“Um, y/n’s not in at the moment.”

“Oh hey Bucky.” She replied, a smile evident in her tone.

“Hi Darcy.” He answered.

“So, you’re in y/n’s room?” She questioned.

“Tell her to fuck off.” You whispered.

“Erm, I have to go.” He said, turning away from the door.

“Oh, okay, well I’ll see you around, we are here for three days.”

“Three days!” You exclaimed.

“Y/n?” Darcy called.

“Oh three days, oh my gosh.” Bucky answered in a high pitch voice clearly trying to mimic you.

“Yeah” Darcy nodded “well as I said, I’ll see you around.”

“That was a nightmare.” You spoke once you had checked that Darcy was gone.

“You’re telling me.” Bucky laughed “she definitely thinks we did something last night.”

“Oh really?” You questioned teasingly.

“Yeah, why else would I be in your room so early in the morning?” He answered, taking a step closer to you. You looked up at him for a few moments before you cleared your throat, looking away from him.

“Thanks for staying, you can go back to your own room if you’d like and I’ll see you at breakfast.” You excused before entering the en-suite.

“See ya.” Bucky said, sounding slightly deflated before you heard him leave.

“Y/n what are you doing?” You questioned yourself in the mirror. Who knew that seeing Loki would stir up so many emotions in you that you thought you had gotten over and who knew that Bucky looked so damn hot in the morning? You took a deep breath, grounding yourself as you let the news that you were going to be staying for three days wash over you. You could have left, you knew that but you didn’t want to disappoint Thor and Jane and you definitely didn’t want Loki thinking he had won again. No, you’ll stay, you’ll stay and show him just how over him you were.

The Country Club ✨

Loki x female reader

Part 3 ~ Carrie

Previous Part

Italics = flashback


Your grip on your glass tightened as you bit the inside of your cheek before slowly turning to face Loki as everyone fell silent. There he was, sexy as ever with a leg opener of an outfit on. Your gaze was so fixed on him that you almost didn’t see the gorgeous Darcy hanging off his arm.

“She’s not incompetent, she’s trying really hard.” Darcy scolded.

“I’ll take your word for it darling.” He replied.


Seething, you gasped as the glass in your hand shattered from your rage.

“Fuck. Sorry.” You murmured as shards of glass began burying themselves in your hand. Lokis eyes fell on you as you quickly stood up, holding your bloodied hand in the other as you made your way towards a toilet, careful to not brush against Loki as you escaped. Realising you weren’t familiar with the lay out of the place, you went towards the reception to ask where the toilets were but alas, the very competent receptionist was away from her desk. You quickly wiped your tear stained cheeks, accidentally getting blood on your face.

“Y/n.” You heard Loki before you practically sprinted away from him. Finding the toilets, you went inside of them before running your hand underneath the tap. You allowed your tears to spill freely as you wept, looking at yourself in the mirror only to be greeted by a modern day version of Carrie.

“Loki?” You sniffled, standing up from your bed and making your way through your empty flat. He didn’t leave many things at your place but whatever he had left was gone with him. You picked up your phone and called him but it was as if the number wasn’t recognised. You messaged him on all the social media platforms you had but he didn’t answer. You sat on the floor, back against the wall of your bedroom that doubled up as a bed last night as you cried. You called Thor but he hadn’t heard from Loki. You almost fell asleep on the floor from your agonising crying.

“Are you alright?” Loki asked, stepping into the toilets.

“Out!” You shouted “this is the ladies.”

“You’re bleeding.” He said, pointing to your hand “I have a bandage.”

“I don’t want your fucking bandage. Get out!” You scoffed, trying to wash the blood off of your face with a piece of tissue you had dampened with the water.

“Loki, what’s going on? Are you safe? What’s happened? Call me back as soon as you get this.” You spoke hurriedly to Lokis voicemail after not having heard from him in days. In that time, it was rare for you to not be crying into your pillow. Loki never did this, went missing with not so much as a word to you or Thor.

“Y/n stop.” Loki insisted, taking your injured hand in his before he began picking shards of glass out of it. You didn’t even register the pain, too transfixed by the sight of him. He looked the same, of course he did apart from his hair that had grown slightly longer. You watched his brows furrow in concentration as he focused on removing the shards of glass embedded into your hand. As always he was gentle.

It had been two months since you had seen or spoken to Loki. The days were fine, quiet but fine nonetheless, it was the nights that shrouded you in loneliness. You found solace in crying before bed, it was almost therapeutic, recalling the times you had both spend together in the bed before he abandoned you. The promises he made before he left without a trace. It became a routine, cry, sleep, live, die, cry, sleep. What hurt even more was the fact that Thor had told you that Loki had contacted him. At least he was safe, he just didn’t want to see you. Why?

A sob escaped you as you continued to look at Loki. His gaze snapped up to meet yours.

“It’s just a bit of glass, you’ll live.” He smiled.

“Why?” You sniffled “why did you go?”

“Y/n I—I” he began before you grabbed the bandage from his hand and pushed past him again, quickly making your way towards an elevator in the hopes that you’d have to escape him as he chased you but he didn’t. It made you even sadder.

You took the key card out of your pocket, reading the door number on it before you made your way towards your room hoping you could spend the rest of the night in there and then make your way home tomorrow once you were sober. To your surprise, Bucky was waiting outside, head on the door as he fought to stand up straight.

“I’m drunk but if you give me that bandage I will do my best to patch you up.” He offered, slightly slurring his words as he wrapped an arm around your shoulders “sorry y/n.”

“You haven’t done anything.” You assured, opening the door.

“Well I’m apologising for that dick.”

“Thanks Bucky.” You said with a small chuckle.

Thanks Bucky I guess

The Country Club ✨

Loki x female reader

Part 2 ~ The Reception

Previous Part

Italics = flashback


You followed your thankful satnav that sent you on the wrong course about three times before you reached your desired destination. Stepping out of the car outside a fancy grandiose looking guiding that had a waterfall at the front, you took advantage of the valet parking, taking your bag out of the car before walking towards the entrance, wheeling it next to you. You walked through the automatic doors, taking in the decor of the place. It could only be described as beautiful. Gold accents running through everything as well as tranquil music in the background. If heaven was a place ok earth, it’d be here.

“Hello.” You greeted the lady at the reception “I’m y/n.” You continued to speak, not knowing what to say to the young looking receptionist who stared blankly back at you. You began to think you were at the wrong place until you spotted Bucky, drink in hand walking inside.

“Y/n!” He cheered, stumbling towards you before pulling you into a hug. You could feel the bit of his drink that sloshed to the side of the glass before falling down your back. “I’ve missed you girl.”

“Bucky, how longs it been? Few months?” You laughed, pulling back from the crushing hug you’d give someone you hadn’t seen in years. “I see you’ve already taken advantage of the bar.” You said, gesturing to the drink in his hand.

“You know me.” He said with a coy smile. “This is Alexa, Janes friend Darcys niece or something like that, she doesn’t really know what she’s doing.” Bucky excused the girl still looking blankly at you both “but you’re trying.” He smiled reassuringly at her before turning back to you and mouthing a quick “she has no clue.”

“Can I have your last name please.” The girl finally spoke. You gave her your full name before she handed you a set of keys. “Would you like to leave your bag here, someone will take it to your room.” She offered.

“Um okay.” You answered, pocketing the key as Bucky grabbed your hand and pulled you to a reception room that looked even more heavenly than the place you just were. The bar was practically yelling at you to explore it.

“Wandas outside.” Bucky informed you before ordering himself another drink “and a gin and tonic.” He added to his order.

“Thanks.” You smiled, knowing it was for you.

“So is Thor, Jane, Steve and Natasha.” He continued. You breathed a sigh of relief not hearing Lokis name. Of course he wouldn’t be here. You felt silly for spritzing yourself with his favourite perfume. He always complimented it whenever you wore it saying no one could ever wear it like you did. You grabbed the gin and tonic and drank it in two quick sips before ordering another.

“Off we go doll.” Bucky said, linking his arm with yours as you both walked outside.

If Medusa decided she wanted to open a country club instead of turning wicked men to stone, it’d be this one. Bright green hedges arranged in a maze like pattern surrounded small statues. The sound of birds singing was a perfect match to the sound of waterfalls in the distance. From where you stood, you could see that the grounds were big, Thor and Jane had outdone themselves. Bucky began guiding you towards the decking where there were tables and chairs as well as all your fiends. Spotting you, Steve stood from his chair and made his way towards you.

“Y/n.” He smiled, pecking you on the cheek as he hugged you.

“Ah y/n is here!” Thor announced, putting his drink on the table as he and Jane made their ways towards you, their arms replacing Steve’s.

“Heyyy.” You replied, hugging them back before making your way to Wanda and Nat who were waiting in line to wrap their arms around you too.

“Looking hot as ever.” Nat winked.

Definitely not for Loki you thought, hugging her back before sitting down at a seat with your own drink as you all caught up. No one mentioned Loki, not even Thor, it was as he never existed. Each of them knew how upset you was when he left so perhaps they weren’t bringing him up for your benefit. After crying your heart out on a Group FaceTime call, you decided it was a ridiculous response considering that Loki and you hadn’t labelled anything. You failed to admit to them that you had admitted your feelings to him the night before he left. They all continued to talk about Thor and Janes new business venture as you thought back to that morning.

Squinting when you woke, you tried to block the sun out of your view as you reached an arm out to feel for Loki. Realising he wasn’t there, you opened your eyes fully to see where he was but he wasn’t in your room. You assumed he was in the kitchen or in the bathroom showering. You called out for him but he didn’t respond. Inside you felt a sinking feeling of dread as if your heart knew what had happened but you didn’t want to face it. You couldn’t. You sat up in the bed, holding the duvet over your naked body, feeling exposed as you called out for him again. The flat was silent, deathly silent and again, you knew something was wrong. You remained in the silence for a while longer, wiping any tears that thought they’d be able to freely fall down your cheeks. You knew that if you stood up and looked for him, he wouldn’t be there and it’d confirm your suspicions and so you didn’t. You sat in the bed, waiting for him to come back.

“So, any dates?” Nat asked, breaking you from your thoughts.

“Don’t make me laugh.” You answered, taking a sip of your drink.

“You know Steve here is just itching to take you out.” She teased causing Steve to spit out his drink as he blushed. You smiled at him before looking back at Nat.

“I don’t think he’d be able to handle it.” You smirked.

“You should go to one of those speed dating things with Darcy.” Jane suggested.

“Where is Darcy?” You questioned. You and her didn’t hang out much but whenever you did, it was hilarious. She’s definitely someone you’d want to drown your sadness away with.

“She’s—” Jane began before she was interrupted.

“Brother, this place is spectacular.”

Your heart stopped.


“Well, apart from that incompetent receptionist.” He added.


“Hey.” Darcy warned, appearing from behind him as she lightly patted his chest. “She’s my niece.”


The Country Club ✨

Loki x Female Reader

Part 1 ~ The Invitation

Contains smut

Italics = flashback


When you checked your post box this morning, the last thing you expected to see was a gold envelope sealed with wax. Excitedly you brought it back into your apartment before you cautiously opened it, not allowing your excitement to tear it open. Holding the paper, you carefully read through the words.

Dearest y/n,

Jane and I have decided to fulfil our dream of opening a country club—

“When on earth did they wanna do that?” You questioned aloud.

and we ask that as one of our closest friends, you come to our opening where you’ll be able to sample all of our facilities free of charge.

We hope to see you there for our opening and a reunion.

Kindest regards, Thor and Jane.

Instantly your heart dropped at reading the words. If you were there, you only assumed Loki would be there too, well, if he wasn’t dead. You hadn’t seen or heard from him in almost two years after that morning and you were finally over him, he was the last person you wanted to see. Flipping the invite over, you saw specific details including the date and time as well as the address of the place you had to go to. As much as you didn’t want to see Loki, you couldn’t disappoint Jane or Thor plus it would be nice to see them again as well as run into a few old faces. You just hoped that Loki stayed out of sight.

Picking up your phone, you called Wanda to see if she had gotten an invite too and if she was going. Her answer was yes for both before you added Bucky to the call who said the same. At least they’d be there you thought feeling slightly more optimistic about the whole event. You later tried to make yourself some breakfast which was more of a brunch now as your mind drifted to the thought of Loki. How he intoxicated you, shrouded you with himself before he disappeared. You spent months, more months than you’d like to admit blaming yourself, wondering what you did wrong, wondering why Loki felt the need to leave you without so much as a goodbye. You hadn’t cried for Loki in a while but the thought of seeing him again quickly had you welling up.

The week and a half leading up to you going to the country club passed impossibly quickly. The anxiety you felt about the whole situation was almost crippling but the thought of seeing everyone again, save Loki, was comforting. You had missed them. That’s the problem with becoming an adult, friends are busier, you see them less. Since receiving the invitation, you had spoken to Jane on the phone and couldn’t bring yourself to ask whether Loki would be in attendance. She spoke about how excited she was to see everyone and also told you to pack a bag for what you assumed was an overnight stay considering how vague she was being. You decided to pack a few extra things just incase.

When the day finally came for you to leave, you brushed your hair in the mirror as you remembered that night with Loki.

Unlike your usual moments of intimacy together, tonight was different, he was different. The dinner you prepared for you both was quickly pushed aside as Loki sat you on the table before falling to his knees as he opened your legs. Your hands nestled into his hair as his tongue delved between your warm folds. The room was quickly full of the noise of you mumbling praises to Loki as he ate you out.

After you came, he barely gave you time to recover before he was carrying you to the bedroom, legs wrapped around his waist. Entering, he pushed you against the wall as his lips found yours. You could taste yourself against him as you kissed him passionately. Clothes were discarded as he helped you lift your dress. Already dripping, Loki had no problem entering you causing you both to release a breath as he delved inside. Your back began to burn from the friction of being thrusted up against the wall but any pain in this moment of pleasure was bliss. You both continued to kiss, Loki occasionally breaking the kiss to move his lips to your neck. He drove you both to the precipice before stilling, kissing you one last time before bringing you both to the bed.

Spent, you absentmindedly ran your fingers through Lokis hair and you knew. You looked at him and you knew. You hadn’t put any labels on anything yet, not officially but you knew you loved him. Always have.

“What?” He grinned suspiciously, looking up at you from where he was nuzzled into the crook of your neck.

“I love you.” You confessed with your own smile, ignoring the feeling of Loki stiffening slightly and not in the desired way.

“Goodnight my darling.” He replied after a moment, quickly kissing you on the lips before closing his eyes. You knew something was wrong, your intuition was never wrong but you ignored it, falling asleep next to Loki too only to find him gone in the morning.

Snapping out of the thought, you grabbed your small cabin sized bag before grabbing your car keys and leaving. Sighing once you were in the car, you prayed that this reunion would go quickly and hopefully Lokiless.

Loki looking at y/n knowing he was leaving in the morning this is hopefully gonna be one of them quick ones

The Taipan, the prince and the winter soldier ❄️

Chapter 3

Previous Chapter

Next Chapter


“So I really have to stay here.” You sighed, sitting on Bucky’s bed in his room at the compound which was a stark difference to the place you both used to live back when you were with HYDRA. For example this place had pillows.

“Yes y/n. If we’re really going to take down Strucker once and for all, I need to make sure you’re safe.” He answered, sitting at his desk chair.

“Do I at least get to go home and grab some things then?” You questioned, laying back against the bed “I need clothes, my skincare bag, my blades.” You listed.

“We can go back there together later on—”

“I’ll go alone.” You interjected.

“But for now, let me introduce you to the gang, they should be back now.” He said excitedly, standing up.

“Gang?” You snorted.

“My palls.”

“You’re gonna make me gag.” You huffed as Bucky took your hand, pulling you up before you both left the room. You both headed back towards floor 7 which you assumed was the common area considering that when you arrived, everyone who you assumed were Becky’s ‘palls’ were there. They all seemed lost in a task before they sighted you and Bucky walking in. You felt slightly nervous under their gazes but you took a deep breath, relaxing yourself especially when your gaze met Lokis. He gave a curt nod of acknowledgement that you were thankful for. You shuffled closer to Bucky.

“Who’s your friend?” A man who you definitely recognised as Captain America asked, wriggling his brows as he stepped towards you.

“Take another step pretty boy and I’ll castrate you.” You grinned.

“Y/N!” Bucky exclaimed.

“Feisty.” Loki smirked.

“She’s not a friendly.” Steve murmured, taking a step backwards. 

“Y/n, this is Steve.” Bucky introduced. You replied with a quick smile before your stoic expression returned. “And this is Wanda.” He continued, gesturing to the girl that had a wide smile as she looked at you. You returned it recognising it’s falseness. It hid pain.

“I recognise you.” She spoke.

“I must have one of those faces.” You lied knowing that she looked familiar too.

“Remind me, how do you know eachother again?” Steve interjected. You glanced at Bucky who visibly winced. Looking away from him, your eyes met a different pair. Clearly she realised to.

“We used to date.” You smiled seeing that Bucky clearly wasn’t going to answer.

“No.” The red head who you recognised as Natasha Romanoff interrupted “they’re bound by trauma. Look at how close they’re standing plus Bucky gulped when you asked.” She continued, talking to Steve.

“Oh you’re good.” You smirked, looking at her.

“Oh you have no idea.” She winked.

“As the hot redhead put it, we’re bound by trauma.” You announced.

“Trauma?” Steve questioned.

“HYDRA.” Bucky murmured as you nodded.

“Baron Wolfgang von Strucker” Wanda spoke just above a whisper “that’s where I know you from.”

“We were there together. We took HYDRA down together and now we’ve got to team up again to take down Strucker because apparently we missed him last time. One final fight. That’s why I’ve been grounded here.” You huffed.

“You’re not grounded.” Bucky clarified.

“Course not, I just can’t can’t leave.” You sighed.

“She’s here because if anyone finds out what we’re doing, she’ll be in a lot of danger. We have to protect her.” Bucky said to the group who were watching you both bickering.

“If I needed to I could protect myself.” You opined, gesturing to yourself as your sleeve rode slightly up exposing the tattoo on your arm.

“You’re the Taipan.” Natasha said with a small gasp, noticing the snake tattoo. It was your turn to wink. “I knew you were a woman, a man could never be so swift.”

You looked over at Loki, giving him a small smile remembering his earlier remark. He returned the gesture by rolling his eyes.

“Why thank you Romanoff. I’m a fan of your work too well, your work before you teamed up with these lot.” You praised.

“Well an ally of Bucky’s is an ally of ours, you have my protection.” Steve assured. “Regardless of how violent you are.” He said under his breath. You gave him a small smile.

“I will do everything in my power to help you take down Strucker.” Wanda agreed.

“I’d be honoured to work with the Taipan plus I’m never one to turn down a fight.” Natasha said with a coy smile. You gave her a thankful one before you turned your attention towards Loki who was yet to speak.

“Hm, this could be fun.” He sniggered “count me in, I’ll protect you y/n.” He teased, raising his brow as if he was your knight in shining armour.

“Don’t need your protection.” You answered quickly.

“Y/n.” Bucky warned.

“Thank you Loki, thank you for your protection.” You answered.

“Right so you’ve met Steve, Wanda, Natasha and Loki, that concludes my friends, the rest are either on a mission or off earth.” Bucky said, saying the last bit slightly uncomfortably.

“Nice. Can I go home and grab some clothes now?”

“Grab something from my room to sleep in, we’ll sort out you going home tomorrow.” Bucky decided.



Earth Angel

Loki x female avenger reader

Contains smut

Drinks, laughter and of course charitable donations were passed through the gala. The sound of a live orchestra could be heard over the noise of the talkative crowd. The event consisted of some of the most wealthiest people as well as the Avengers who were not also guests but doubled up as Tony’s security. For someone so rich, you often teased him about how cheap he could be considering the fact that none of you were getting paid to ensure everyone’s safety tonight. You assumed it just came with the territory. You spent most of the night with Bucky and Natasha, often exchanging glances with Loki who seemed to have been getting along with some of the guests. You cut your eye at him seeing him dancing with one of the other females as he held her. Despite the fact that she was probably 80 and that you and Loki weren’t together, you found yourself feeling exceedingly jealous at their close proximity. He was yours.

You danced the night away with your own flock of men in the hopes that Loki felt as covetous as you did but alas, he simply gave you a small, daring smile whenever your eyes met.

Keep reading

I have to have one eye closed, practically asleep to write something

The Taipan, the prince and the Winter soldier ❄️

Chapter 2

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You reluctantly followed Bucky to where you knew he often stayed. The Avengers Compound. You grimaced as you both entered the private car park. After extensive security procedures that mostly consisted of Bucky saying you were one of his very close ‘lady friends’, you were allowed inside the building. Unfortunately you had no weapons on you as Bucky had made you leave them all in the car knowing you’d never get through security with them. Luckily enough, you were confident that Bucky wasn’t going to hurt you, if he was, he would have done it by now. He guided you both towards an elevator before pressing the button to the seventh floor.

“You hungry?” He asked, breaking the silence.

“You tell me that Strucker, who I thought we had dealt with is alive and you’re asking me if I’m hungry.” You scoffed. “Unbelievable.”

“If you’re not hungry all you had to do was say, geez.” He replied.

“No James, no I’m not hungry.” You replied as the doors opened revealing what appeared to be some sort of common room. Bucky stepped out and you followed cautiously along with him into the seemingly empty room.

“It’s just Bucky here.” He said, glancing down towards you next to him.

“What’s wrong with James?” You queried “it’s what I’ve always called you.”

“I prefer Bucky.” He stated.

“Fine, Bucky.” You answered with no arguments as you both entered a kitchen.

“Now I know you said you’re not hungry but I am.”

Ignoring him as he opened the fridge, pulling out different ingredients, you glanced around the kitchen, taking everything in. It was honestly huge. It had an island in the middle that had stools coming out of it as well as a huge window on the far wall that overlooked a lovely area of greenery and hills. You continued to look before something on the floor caught your attention.

“So, with a place like this, it’s not uncommon to see various different wildlife animals. You know, because of the location” You assumed, speaking aloud.

“I suppose so.” Bucky answered, making a sandwich.

“So it’s not uncommon to see snakes in the kitchen then?” You smiled, looking down at the snake that was continuing to slither towards you.

“What!” Bucky exclaimed.

“Don’t tell me you’re scared of this little thing.” You cooed, picking the snake up.

“That looks venomous. Put it down!” Bucky instructed, abandoning the butter knife as he stepped away from the counter.

“It’s not venomous.” You spoke absentmindedly, allowing it to wrap around your arm.

“H-how do you know?” He stuttered.

“You forget that I am nicknamed the Taipan. The most dangerous snake in this room is me.” You remarked, still looking at the snake “although you do look a little different don’t you? What’s your name eh?” You asked before the snake disappeared from your hand causing your eyes to widen in alarm.

“So you’re the famous Taipan, I thought you’d be a man.” You heard a voice from over your shoulder. Quickly spinning on your heels you were met with a face you had recognised. The man grinned at you as you glared at him.

“And you’re the man who tried to take over New York, I thought you’d be successful.” You quipped with a grin of your own as his fell. There were a few tense moments of silence between you both as you eyed each other up to see who’d pounce first before the sound of Bucky clearing his throat broke you both from the trance.

“Loki.” He greeted, offering his hand.

“Call me Taipan.” You answered, shaking it.

“That’s your name?” He asked.

Nodding, you smiled at him.

“Come on y/n, eat something.” Bucky called, gesturing to a sandwich he had made you.

“See you around Taipan.” Loki smirked before practically disappearing from his spot.

“What’s he, a magician?” You chuckled, picking up the sandwich from the plate and taking a bite of it.

“He’s Loki.” Bucky answered.

“So what’s the plan, when do we you know, kill Strucker?” You asked, continuing to eat the sandwich.

“It’s not that simple y/n.” He sighed.

“Not that simple? Why not?” You asked, furrowing your brows.

“He’s probably set up a whole network by now. Our job is to find out exactly who it is he’s working with and their plans. Once we’ve done that, we can breakdown everything he’s built.” Bucky explained, eating his own sandwich.

“We already know Struckers motives. What we need to do is find him and then kill him.” You countered.

“No y/n that’s now we’re doing this, we have to play this smart.” Bucky insisted.

“You can waste your time playing this smart but I’d much rather get my hands dirty.” You said, putting the rest of the sandwich on the plate.

“Look y/n we’re doing this my way or we’re not doing it.” Bucky stated.

“Your way? You think I can’t track down Strucker on my own?” You asked, slightly offended.

“If you could you would have known he was alive.”

“I thought he was DEAD!” You shouted.

“Fine, let’s say you do find him which I highly doubt you will, what then? What then huh? You wait for him to say a couple words and then you’re back to being his killing machine?” Bucky taunted.

“That’s not fair.” You spoke quieter, looking down.

“Look, it’s in both our best interests for us to work together. We ground each other okay.” He consoled, tilting your chin upwards “now finish your sandwich.”


Loki bath bomb

The Country Club ✨

Loki x female reader

Part 8 ~ Kidnap

Previous Part


After chastising yourself, you quickly got dressed before making your way to Bucky’a room. You wanted to apologise again and clear the air not wanting dinner with everyone to be the next time you saw him. Making your way towards his room, you hoped you didn’t bump into Loki, he was the last person you wanted to see right now especially after the whole conversation in the elevator where he spoke in riddles and practically cheated on Darcy when he kissed you. Oh my gosh, he cheated. You then wondered how you’d tell Darcy, if she even deserved your decency after being with Loki in the first place. Arriving at Bucky’s room, you knocked the door before patently waiting for him to open it.

“One second.” You heard him call from the other side of the door before he opened it. “Y/n.”

“I’m so sorry.” You apologised, walking past Bucky and into the room not wanting everyone to hear your conversation. “I—” you began before seeing the state of Bucky’s bed. “Oh.” You said awkwardly spotting the bottle of lotion on the bedside table as well as the explicit magazine on the bed. “Sorry are you busy?”

“No.” He answered quickly, stepping past you before shoving the magazine under his pillow as if that would make this situation any less awkward.

“I don’t want to interrupt—”

“It’s fine.” He assured.

“I mean I could come back if you—”

“I already finished.” He blurted.

“Okay.” You replied slowly, avoiding his gaze.

“What did you want to say?” He prompted, catching your attention again.

“I’m so sorry about earlier. I love you Bucky I do but as a friend.” You spoke.

“Yeah.” He agreed with a smile “I don’t know what we were thinking earlier. I love you like that too doll although I wouldn’t mind a repeat.” He teased jokingly.

“Oh quiet you.” You laughed before presenting your hand “forgive me?”

“Nothing to forgive.” He grinned “come let’s go get some drinks.” He suggested, grabbing your hand.

You both made your way towards the bar downstairs. “Did you speak to Darcy?” Bucky questioned after a while of you both drinking.

You took a deep breath remembering your earlier encounter with Loki. How were you going to tell her about it?

“No.” You answered “why?”

“She has a few things she needs to explain.”

“Like what?” You asked, sipping your drink.

“Her and Loki aren’t together.”

“What?” You gasped, spitting out your drink.

“They’re not together together.” He clarified uselessly.


“He’s only with her to make you je—” he began but you couldn’t hear it, you were too focused on the sight of Darcy and Loki walking in, hand in hand. Your breath hitched when he dropped her hand instead placing his hand on the small of her back as he lead them both towards a table. He whispered something into her ear that made her giggle and you saw red. How dare he do this to her after he kissed you. He wasn’t going to ruin someone else’s life. You quickly downed your drink before standing up, ignoring Bucky calling after you.

“Y/n.” Loki greeted once you reached their table.

“Don’t y/n me.” You scoffed “after everything you said earlier, you’re here doing that with her in my face.” You saw Darcy wearing a confused expression and so you looked at her “sorry to break it to you but Lokis a bastard and he kissed me earlier so he’s also a cheat as well as an absolute cunt.” You exclaimed causing Darcy to put a hand over mouth.

“Y/n hear them out.” Bucky said, arriving at the table as he put a steadying hand on your arm.

“Hear them out?” You huffed, looking between the three of them. They began to speak as you felt a deep hurt rising inside of you. It was if they were teaming up against you. Like the walls were closing in on you. You tried to keep your breathing even as their voices blended into one. You blinked, wanting to rid yourself of the double vision.

“We’re not together.” Darcy insisted.

“Darcy is telling the truth.” Bucky defended.

“Y/n, are you alright?” Loki asked, standing up.

“CAN YOU ALL JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP!” You yelled causing the three of them to fall silent as Loki sat back down. “I can’t hear when you’re all speaking over each other like a group of barbarians. One by one please, you have ten seconds, Loki you have five. Bucky you’re up.” You prompted Bucky to speak.

“Darcy and Loki aernt in a relationship in fact they’re only here to make you jealous” Bucky spoke quickly.

“And you knew?” You gasped feeling betrayed.

“I just found out.” He tried to justify.

“When?” You questioned through gritted teeth.

“Before.” He clarified knowing what you were referring to when you asked.

“Before. You were still gonna even though you knew their was a chance Loki still liked me.” You said as your lip trembled. Bucky was really willing to sleep with you with that knowledge. Prick.

“Love.” Loki interrupted.

“Shush you.” You said, pointing at Loki.

“Y/n—” Bucky began.

“You’re next.” You said, ignoring Bucky as you looked at Darcy.

“Loki has a lot of explaining to do I know that but please understand that we are not together y/n. He only loves you.” Darcy rushed, speaking hurriedly before taking a deep breath.

“Why do you all keep bringing up the L word, if Loki truly loved me he wouldn’t have done what he did.” You said as if Loki wasn’t in the room.

“I do love you please—” Loki spoke.

“And that’s your time up.” You interrupted before turning to leave, ignoring Loki calling after you as you fought to keep your tears hidden.

“I have been patient. Far too patient.” Loki opined, making his way towards you before standing infront of you. “You will hear me out and whatever you decide after is completely up to you, I’ll never bother you again if that’s what you want.” He insured.

“Fuck you.” You replied, pushing past him.

“Forgive me.” He sighed before picking you up and throwing you over his shoulder. So fucking strong for fuck sake, one of the many reasons you loved him.

“HELP! KIDNAP! HES KIDNAPPING ME!” You yelled as he carried you away.

“Shh.” He said, smile evident in his tone as he slapped the back of your thighs.





The Country Club ✨

Loki x female reader

Part 7 ~ Lucky/Boki

Previous Part

Italics = Flashbacks


Bucky’s hands roamed the sides of your body as he kissed you deeply. You began undoing your robe before he stopped the kiss, pulling back from you.

“Y/n wait, I spoke to Darcy.” He began.

“I really don’t wanna hear that right now.” You stressed, lifting his top up before he lifted his arms, helping you with the action. Once he was topless, you began peppering kisses over his chest. He wanted to stop you, he needed to speak to you but in that moment he couldn’t focus on anything other than the feeling of your lips against his skin. Feeling your lips trailing lower, he stepped backwards.

“Y/n stop.”

“You don’t want me?” You spoke sadly, looking away from him mostly out of embarrassment. Bucky instantly regretted pausing your moments, in reality there was nothing he wanted more but his earlier conversation with Darcy was keeping him from claiming you. The sound of you sniffling shook him from his trance. What the hell he thought, pulling you towards him by the cord that kept your robe tied before pressing his lips to yours again. As your robe slowly unravelled, you felt Bucky’s skin against yours. You melted in his embrace, gasping into the kiss when you felt him pick you up. You wrapped your legs around his waist, not breaking the kiss as he walked you backwards towards the bed. He practically threw you onto it before positioning himself above you. His lips travelled over your neck before he moved lower, placing soft kisses along your sternum as you closed your eyes. He cupped one of your breasts before flicking his tongue over your nipple causing you to open your eyes as you looked down, watching his actions. His other hand massaged the other one as he wrapped his lips around it, taking the erect bud into his mouth.

“Bucky.” You called out in ecstasy, hips beginning to slightly raise off of the bed.

“So pretty baby.” grinned, voice low as he looked up at you before releasing your breasts and once again travelling lower leaving open mouthed kisses down your abdomen. You didn’t even realise now naked you were until you felt Bucky opening your legs wider, exposing you to him. You felt the cold air against your core as Bucky kissed your inner thighs. There was no time to feel self conscious, Bucky’s mouth was already so close.

“Fuckk.” You moaned as he leisurely licked a stripe from your entrance before sucking on your clit. You began rocking your hips against his face as he circled your clit, eliciting small moans from you. Your hands lightly pulled at his hair causing him to groan against you sending vibrations straight to your core. Bucky wrapped his lips around your clit, continuing to suck on it as one of his fingers found your entrance. You praised him further feeling his finger entering you, curling inside as he continued to lap at your clit. You felt him humming against you in content as if he was feeling just as good as you were. “I’m soo closee, don’t stopp.” You begged, feeling yourself so close to the edge. Bucky’s tongue moved faster as his finger pumped in and out of you quicker, wanting to make you climax. Eyes tightly shut, your mind drifted to a memory you often thought back to every time you came.

“I’m so close sooo closee.” You moaned, desperately trying to buck your hips as Loki held you down, refusing to allow you to move as he ravaged you, his tongue nudging your clit as he used two fingers to enter you.

“Cum for me.” He commanded, lifting his head slightly as he continued moving his fingers in and out of you. Following his command, you let go, swimming in euphoria before Loki lowered his head again, drinking you in. He left you so pleasured, so sated. You were near unconscious from the blissful overstimulation.

Feeling the band snap, you gripped Bucky’s hair as you came, hips thrusting upwards as he continued to toy with your clit.

“Yesss Lokiii.” You moaned until you realised what you had said.

Bucky stopped his movements, eyes widening as he heard you.

“Ohmygosh.” You gasped as he sat up.

“Never gotten that one before.” He said awkwardly, running a hand through his hair.

“Ohmygosh Ohmygosh.” You continued, putting a hand over your mouth as you closed your legs, sitting up too.

“It’s fine. I know you’re not in love with me.” He chuckled.

“I’m so sorry.”

“It’s fine, honestly.” He lied, standing up and retrieving his top before using it to wipe his face.

You quickly picked up one of the sheets on the bed, wrapping it around yourself as you stood up in front of Bucky who was avoiding your gaze.

“Bucky you are amazing and boy do you know how to use your tongue but—” you began.

“But I’m not him.” He sighed. Instead of answering, it was your turn to look down. “Thought so.” He mumbled, turning around.

“Wait!” You called after him “I’d be happy to return the favour I mean—you’re really hard.” You said, glancing down at his erection through his jeans.

Bucky cleared his throat, picking up a pillow from the bed and using it to cover his boner before he spoke.

“No, no it’s fine.” He assured, making his way to the door. “But you should hear Darcy out if you still have feelings for Loki.” He said before leaving. Hearing the door close, you let out an embarrassed shriek before collapsing into the bed. Fucking great!





The Country Club ✨

Loki x female reader

Part 6 ~ Elevator

Previous Part


You spent the remainder of the spa day staying very far away from Loki. He was out of sight but unfortunately not out of mind. You decided you’d simply avoid him for the remainder of this trip and then go home and back to normal life. The fact that he didn’t approach you after getting out of the mud was evidence that he was hopefully going to leave you alone too, it was for the best. You were happy he had finally got the message or at least you thought you should have been. As you sat down, sipping on an iced tea, you saw Bucky taking to Darcy. You tried to fight the surge of jealousy and annoyance you felt but you couldn’t force Bucky to not talk to her plus they weren’t standing too close so at least that was something. Enough of watching them, you stood up, tightening your new mudless robe before making your way towards the elevator to head back to your room.

Entering the elevator, you were surprised to see the doors opening again before none other than Loki entered. You huffed as you pressed the button to your floor, staying at the opposite side in the hopes that he wouldn’t speak to you.

“That hurt.” He spoke, probably referring to his scrape with mud.

“Argh, you’re still alive.” You replied causing him to roll his eyes. Typical. “You could have waited for the next elevator or taken the stairs or even better, not have come.”

“And missed my brother and his wife’s opening?” He quipped, knitting is brows as he looked at you.

“Well it’s not like you’re new to being a let down that abandons people when they need you.” You scorned.

“You didn’t need me.” He answered, further pissing you off. Instead of replying, you remained silent waiting for the elevator to take you to your floor. The elevator felt as if it had stopped so you pressed the button to your floor again.

“For fuck sake, why is it taking so long.” You complained, pressing the button again.

“Well that isn’t going to solve anything.”

“Shut up Loki.” You said before the elevator made a strange noise before the lights flickered. “Oh gosh.” You gasped.

“I think we’re stuck.” Loki concluded, pressing the emergency call button whilst simultaneously shouting we’re stuck. Meanwhile, you were trying to keep your breathing even as you stood with your back firmly against the wall. Looking at you, Loki could tell that you were on the verge of a panic attack. Ending his hollering, he made his way to you. “Y/n, calm down.” He spoke softly.

“Calm down? You know I’m claustrophobic Loki.” You whined, still trying to breathe.

“Try to relax.”

“Loki get me out of here!”

With one arm still around you, Loki stretched his other arm out, continuing to press the emergency call button.

“No one’s answering.” He groaned.

“Use your phone.” You suggested, panicking even more.

“I don’t have it with me.” He answered. Of course not. You continued trying to take deep breaths knowing that a panic attack was the last thing that would better this situation.

“Why why would this have to happen?” You spoke frantically.

“Y/n, turn around and place your hands against the wall.” Loki suggested. Shaking your head, you slid down the wall, resting your head in your knees as you tried to not cry. “Okay, we’re sitting down.” He thought aloud before sitting down with you. “Breathe with me y/n.” He spoke softly, inhaling and exhaling as you looked up at him remembering the time he last comforted you during a panic attack. How he always used to comfort you. Your lip began to tremble.

“Why Loki?” You began to sob, repeating the question you asked yesterday “what did I ever do to you for you to hurt me so bad. All I ever did was love you. I love you.” By the time you finished getting your words out, you were fully crying as Loki cradled your head to his chest.

“Shh, shh.” He cooed, stroking your hair “I’m sorry.”

“Y-you could have at least called. Texted. I was worried sick. All I did was cry. I cried so much Loki.” You sniffled, looking up at him with tear stained cheeks.

“I’m sorry.” He said again, putting his hands on your cheeks, wiping the tears with his thumbs.

“I thought I had finished shedding tears for you but my heart is breaking again.” You wept.

“I just—I didn’t know what to say or do or—”

“So you left with no warning because you didn’t know how to tell me you didn’t love me?”

“No never that.” He assured, moving head head closer to yours.

“Then what?” You asked, moving closer to him too.

“I was scared.” He murmured, gaze quickly dipping to your lips.


“I loved you, I did but I knew I’d eventually ruin it.” He admitted, focusing on your lips as he spoke, moving closer almost closing the gap “I thought it would save you further heartbreak if I left.” He spoke, practically against your lips causing more tears to spill. “Don’t cry.” He soothed, kissing the tears off of your cheeks.

“That’s not fair, you don’t get to decide my life.”

“I know, I know, I’m sorry.” He apologised again before finally pecking you on the lips. You kissed him back lightly before quickly pulling away when you heard the lift moving again. You stood to your feet, wiping your face as the doors opened. Once they were open wide enough for you to leave, you quickly bolted out, not sparing a glance at Loki.

“What’s wrong doll?” Bucky asked, standing outside your room as he looked at you rushing towards him, not missing Loki in the elevator behind you. Unlocking your door, you pushed him inside before pulling him into a kiss.

“Nothing, just kiss me.” You replied before kissing him again.

Next chap sneak preview

Night in Asgardian Leather P9

Previous Chapter

A/N: Peep the title change

Thankfully Kyle wasn’t dead although he probably wished he was after the injuries he sustained and the prison he was going to be locked up into. You had a bath, drowning your emotions, finally feeling free after such a long time being tethered to such a horrible man. Loki tried his hardest to comfort you which you appreciated, you appreciated it greatly. The rest of the team kept their distance knowing that you didn’t want to talk about everything right now. You were grateful for their understanding. By the time it was bedtime, you shifted uncomfortably in your short nightdress thinking about all the events that lead you to this moment before your mind drifted into Loki.

You wondered if the real Loki had the same thoughts and emotions as the cloned version of him he had deployed to comfort you. Surely they did. Surely Loki knew what happened, Loki must have been speaking through the clone. Regardless, you had to know plus you couldn’t bare sleeping alone, not tonight. Standing from your bed, you made your way to Lokis room still in your nightdress considering that it was dark so no one would properly be able to see you anyways. Once you reached his door, you gently knocked it before hearing a “come in” from him. Seeing you, Loki sat slightly straighter, closing the book he had open in his hands. Your eyes ran over his exposed chest as he sat against the headboard, his bottom half shielded by his duvet.

“How can I help you y/n? Is there something you need?” He asked, beginning to stand from the bed.

“No.” You quickly assured “can I—can I.” You started, gesturing to his bed.

“Of course, be my guest.” He welcomed, pulling the covers back before you made your way to the bed, settling in under the warm duvet.

“Thank you.” You smiled.

“Y/n, I’m sorry.” He replied quietly “I should have—.” He continued before you put your finger to his lips.

“No.” You uttered “you’re not going to blame yourself. I won’t let Kyle make you doubt yourself Loki.”

“But—” he argued before you decided to press your lips to his, silencing him. You surprised even yourself with the action, almost gasping when Lokis hand found the back of your head as he deepened the kiss. His tongue ran over the bottom of your lip before slipping past your tongue. You began moving on top of him, Loki helping you before you were straddling him. Breaking the kiss, you caught your breath back before you realised you were sitting on top of Loki who’s hands were caressing your bare upper thighs. You looked down at the movement, seeing the tips of his fingers disappearing underneath your dress before reappearing again. Your eyes widened remembering that you didn’t in fact have any underwear on which Loki clearly noticed too. Seeing your expression change, Loki instantly stopped his movements, scolding himself for allowing you both to get this far. Clearly this was not what you wanted.

“I am terribly sorry.” He apologised, moving you off of him before your hands found his shoulders, steadying yourself.

“Stop.” You implored.


“I want you Loki. I’m finally admitting it. I want you.” You smiled.

As much as Loki had wanted to hear those words, he didn’t believe them, he couldn’t.

“Y/n stop.”

“Loki no listen, I—I love you.” You confessed.

“Oh y/n.” He murmured before kissing you again “I’ve always loved you.” He spoke against your lips. The kiss grew more heated as you began rolling your hips against his thighs, feeling him hardening beneath you. You had to feel him. His lips began to travel over your neck before they explored down your chest as Loki absentmindedly helped guide your movements over him. When he heard you moaning his name in his ear, he realised what was happening. Pausing your movements, he grinned at you as he reached his hand down between you both and began rubbing over your clit with his thumb causing your head to fall back as you writhed above him.

“Yesss Loki.” You moaned, so close to the edge.

“You’re so nice and wet for me.” He praised “want me to fuck you until you cum?” He cooed leaving you practically begging for him to take you. He freed himself, stroking the tip of his cock over your wet folds, lubricating himself before he plunged into you, holding you against him. You adjusted to his size quickly considering how wet you were after grinding over him. Your lips found his again before you began to move on top of him. Once again, Loki was guiding your movements as you rode him. The sound of his grunts and your panting as well as the sinful wet sounds you were both producing filled the room as well as the aroma of sex. Loki spoke against your ear telling you how much he loved you, how beautiful you were and how lucky he was to be inside of you. It was rare for his lips to not be on your body as he kissed either your lips or your neck as he took you both to utopia.

When you both finally came, you bit into Lokis shoulder trying to stifle your moan. You continued to sit on top of him with him buried into you as he kissed you softly for a while, simply appreciating you. Finally pulling out, he made his way to the bathroom to fetch something to clean you with before you stood up, making your way to the bathroom too where you suggested you shower together. Loki didn’t refuse. The night was a long one filled with passion and the declaration of love.

The end x

A/N: I COMPLETELY ABANDONED THIS WHY DID NO ONE SLAP ME thought I’d write one final bit to conclude, hope you all enjoyed!!








One Nighters

Here I’ve linked my quick mini series fics that could probably be read in one night sometimes you just want that quick fic fix - longer than a oneshot but something you can quickly binge no promises that these are actually any good Loki x reader

One of Starks Infamous Parties

Tony Stark throws a party and of course invites you, one of his dear friends. Half expecting the night to flow easily, you weren’t surprised when you spotted someone somewhere they shouldn’t be. Luckily Loki’s there to help.

Contains smut and defiantly awkward situations

Hot & Cold

Working as a SHIELD agent, you’re tasked with the chore of ‘babysitting’ Thors younger brother who is as annoying as he is handsome. Not only does he haunt you in the day, he evades your dreams too. Who knew hot and cold could mix so well together?

Contains smut

Tender is the Night

You’ve joined the Avengers to mostly mentor Loki whilst ensuring the rest of the team look good. After accusing Loki of being submissive as opposed to the dominant god he thinks he is, he vows to prove you wrong. Eventually he discovers you’re not who he thinks you are.

Contains smut


Y/n y/l/n is an upstanding citizen of todays society as well as her dad who she works alongside in their towns place of worship. All is well until an unexpected visitor pays her a visit in the hopes of contacting his father leaving y/n to either become a new friend of this visitor or perhaps the towns next victim.

Contains smut


Okay so maybe you lied about being in a relationship and so you joined a dating sight. What if your dream man was already waiting for you on it?

Mentions of smut

Friends with Benefits

Welcome to college where your roommate is Natasha and Bucky for some reason. You like to party and smoke Buckys exceptionally lovely plants as well as shacking up with none other than Thor AKA the hottest guy on campus who’s also your best friend until you finally start talking to his brother. Where was god hiding that one?

Contains smut

Post Mission

A quick quick mini fic about y/n and Loki giving each other some TLC after a mission

Contains smut

Night in Asgardian Leather

You’re a member of the most powerful team on earth - the avengers and yet you seem so inadequate in the face of your boyfriend Kyle who is far from loving unlike Loki. If only you could both see each other, really see eachother.

Contains smut and an abusive boyfriend

The Country Club ✨

Loki x female reader

Part 5 ~Stuck in the mud

Previous Part

Italics = flashbacks


Making your way to breakfast after showering, doing your hair and getting changed, you tried to avoid everyone’s gaze, embarrassed about what happened last night. You didn’t know which part was more embarrassing. The fact that you smashed a glass in your hand or the fact that Loki turned up with a new girlfriend after everything as if nothing had happened, as if he hadn’t disappeared and left you with no warning. There were arrows that pointed towards the breakfast buffet hall which you followed.

Walking inside, it was if all conversations seized to exist. You looked around at the familiar faces, all of which looked back at you, each with their own reassuring smiles. Taking a deep breath, you picked up a plate before placing some pastries onto it.

“How’s the hand?” You heard from over your shoulder.

“Please Loki please, just leave me alone.” You sighed.

“Can we speak?” He asked.

Why couldn’t he get the message NO!

“Are you hard of hearing?” You huffed, turning to face him.

“You’ve always been so stubborn.” He tutted as before you zoned out, remembering something.

“You’re a stubborn little thing aren’t you?” Loki grinned devilishly, standing behind you as you bent over your sofa as he spanked you.

“Yesss.” You answered.

“I thought you used to like me stubborn.” You quipped, snapping out of your thoughts as you glared at him.

“Maybe I still do.” He smirked, leaning down closer towards you. You looked up at him, watching as his eyes fell closed as he inhaled your scent. “How naughty, you know that’s my favourite.” He teased leaving you flustered. How dare he do what he done and then leave you flustered? He was such a prick, ultimate prick.

“Beautiful fucking prick” you whispered under your breath as you felt his hair tickling your cheek, he was so close. You quickly pushed the thought of just reaching up and kissing him away as you spun back around. How was it that he still had so much control over you even after he hurt you so bad? That must just be love, it’s easier to forgive and forget than it is to be apart. “Don’t be silly.” You murmured to yourself. Spotting Nat and Steve, you decided to sit with them.

“Hey guys.” You smiled.

“Morning y/n.” They both said in unison.

“Guys you don’t have to be awkward about the whole last night thing. Me and Loki broke up, well we weren’t really together, it’s confusing. Look can we just eat breakfast please. Stop with the questions.” You rambled.

“Y/n, no one asked any questions.” Nat clarified, placing a hand on your shoulder.

“Good, let’s eat.” You smiled before spotting Bucky walking in. You waved at him, a gesture he returned. You all ate, ensuring you didn’t talk about last night. You kept your gaze forwards, not wanting to see Loki in your peripheral vision especially if he was eating with Darcy. You knew you’d have to speak to her eventually but what would you even say? You weren’t close enough for this to be a violation of girl code but what about ethics. There must be a rule that states one shall not fuck the ex that made mutual friend cry after disappearing. Soon after, there was a bell chime noise before you heard Jane and Thor speaking.

“Morning guys, we’ve got a treat planned for you all.” Jane began “spaaa dayyy.” They said together, Thors deep voice dominating.

“Great.” You huffed.

After breakfast, you, Wanda and Bucky made your ways outside, taking in some of the sunshine whilst you tried your hardest to avoid Loki. He wasn’t worth your energy and so you wouldn’t give him any. Afterwards, Jane and Thor rounded everyone up before leading you all towards the spa retreat that they had on site. Your gaze didn’t focus on Loki but it did land on him a couple times and it was strange to see him and Darcy standing so far apart considering how close they were the night before. Maybe he left her too. He had a tendency to do that.

You and the rest of the girls opted for massages after changing into robes that were provided. Afterwards, you spotted the mud bath that was yet to be explored. Considering you were not alone, you opted for keeping the robe you wore tightly secured to you as you stepped in, almost slipping before steadying yourself, mindful of your injured hand. Closing your eyes, you sank into the mud. Pure relaxation. You let out a content hum.

“Now that’s a noise I haven’t heard in a while.”

“And suddenly I’m not feeling relaxed anymore.” You said, opening your eyes to be met by Loki who was standing at the edge of the bath.

“All I want are a few moments to explain.” He requested.

“Explain? Explain what? Why you left me? I honestly don’t want to hear it Loki.” You dismissed, willing yourself to not cry. “And thanks for embarrassing me last night. I hope you’re both really happy.” You added, regretting it when your voice broke at the end.

“That wasn’t my intention.” He assured.

“Listen Loki I’m only here to support my friends, I couldn’t care less about you okay.” You lied “bye.” You announced before trying to stand up, eyes widening when you couldn’t. There’s no way I’m fucking stuck you thought, trying to hoist yourself out again. Watching you struggle, Loki smirked, that same smirk he always had when you overcame your stubbornness and asked him for help. He was such a prick.

“Need any help?” He asked, offering his hand.

“I’d rather sink.” You scoffed.

“Stop being childish.” He chuckled making you even angrier. What the fuck was funny?

“Childish? No I’ll tell you what childish is. Childish was me knowing that regardless of how distraught I was, I would have still welcomed you back but you didn’t come back did you? You left me Loki so excuse me if I don’t allow you to just speak to me whenever you want because you don’t deserve it.” You said through gritted teeth as you welled up.

He was silent for a few moments as if letting your words drown him. He even looked slightly guilty. Good.

“At least let me help you out of the mud.” He offered his hand. Spotting Bucky coming towards you, you grabbed his hand getting his attention. Bucky helped you out of the mud as Loki watched with a clenched jaw before you pushed him in, surprising even yourself when he yelped, smacking into the mud. You regretted it when he landed weirdly, hair covered in mud. He didn’t even look at you. You didn’t mean to hurt him, not that he didn’t deserve it. Part of you wanted to hear him explain whatever stupidness he had thought of as to why he left you all alone in the hopes that it would be enough, enough for you to forgive him because that’s the problem with love. It was always easier to forgive and forget.

Sorry about that mate


The Rules of Midgardian Dating - GN One Shot

Summary: Loki asks you to court him, but you say no. He literally has no idea who you are! So he takes to Rom Coms to learn how to properly date a mortal.

Warnings: Some violence. Pretty fluffy, crack fic.

Words: ~5k

“I was wondering if you would do me the honor of courting me?”

“I beg your pardon?!”

Loki, the God of Mischief himself, just asked to court you. Court you! This was the last thing you were expecting on your normal Tuesday afternoon. You are the prize administrator for the Avengers, an average human who goes above and beyond for a rag tag group of above average humans, and non-humans alike. The relentless paperwork was the bane of your existence and made you want to claw your eyes out for some relief, but overall, you loved your job. And boy, did they appreciate you. If anyone hated boring paperwork, it was Tony Stark, so he made sure to express his thankfulness and your attention to detail every time he laid eyes on you. Your hours and pay are great, vacation days were plentiful, and while you technically worked for Tony and the Avengers, you considered them your friends.

So, when Loki joined the group, albeit very reluctantly, you expressed the same friendliness you gave the rest of the team. On the very first day he moved into the Tower, his brother Thor at his side, you greeted him with a wide, sweet smile and offered him your hand to shake. The god just looked at it, scoffed, and walked away. The interactions between the two of you did not change much from that day. Loki would never look you in the eye. Instead, he only offered side glances and whenever you asked him a question, usually pertaining to work, his response was either a grunt or a couple of words if he was feeling particularly generous.

The message was clear. You were lower than the dirt on his boots.

But there he stood, shuffling in those very boots, and still avoiding eye contact with you as if you were Medusa. The faint pink tint to his cheeks was endearing, you did admit to yourself. But as you looked at him, you started to feel one thing: irritation. He literally knows nothing about you, never engaged in meaningful conversation with you, and frankly sometimes made your job much more difficult than it needed to be due to his aloofness and he expected you to say yes to his courtship?

Okay, yes, he was the most handsome man you ever laid eyes on. Yes, he was a freakin’ prince and a God and an Avenger. But did he really expect that to be enough? The privilege was real.

Keep reading

I love this idea of Loki watching rom-coms to learn about Midgardian customes :)

You had me hooked at the first exchange:
“I was wondering if you would do me the honor of courting me?”

“I beg your pardon?!”

Little Drawbacks (Part two)

Pairing: Loki x Fem!Reader

Summary: An armed plot calls the avengers together again, this time with the ineffective help of the god of mischief. Given the complexity of the case, SHIELD was forced to call a retired agent back to the field.

Warnings for this chapter: Curses, mentions of blood and guns, shooting.

Previous Chapter ___ Next Chapter ___ Masterlist

Loki Taglist:@lokisprettygirl22@lucky-foxface@otakumultimuse-hiddlewhore@high-functioning-lokipath@thereadinggeek@el-zef@apine7

“You” I spoke silently.

His eyes were blue, as deep as the ocean itself. His skin was of a clean alabaster tone, unmarked, not a scar or blemish in sight. The black hair that hung down to brush his shoulders gleamed in the sunlight that shone behind him, as did the armor he wore.

His body was slim and he didn’t seem to be very strong, though judging from his posture and body language, he seemed to have an air of superiority, so he seemed threatening, but not necessarily strong.

“Do I know you?” he asked me, he seemed angry about something, “No, who are you?” he seemed very familiar, “Who else? You have the prince of Asgard before you, mortal” my silence made him rephrase, “Loki, god of mischief” oh, now I see why.

“Oh, cool, where can I find the others?” he widen his eyes, looking at me weirdly, “Four floors up, I’m coming there myself” I nodded, watching him coming in. I was absolutely right, he seemed like a bad person, however, not a bad man at heart.

“What?” I was staring and he noticed, shit! “Nothing, in your file you seemed with more muscle” he scoffed, “Did it looked blonde, in the picture?” I told him no, “Disappointed?” he leaned against the opposite wall, smirking, yet I knew he was hiding some insecurity.

“Not really” he seemed…surprised? But only for a moment. When the elevator’s bell chimed before the door opened, he shifted his body and vision straight into what it seemed to be a lounge.

The place was enormous, I had never seen a place that big, well, the stadium, but I mean like an apartment that huge.

“Ah, Reindeer Games, and…who are you girl? Thor will love this, Point Break! You brother finally has a girlfriend!” That was Tony Stark in all his nature, almost literally, he was just wearing a robe and he looked like he was just ran over.

“Brother!” A blonde buff man made himself present, holding a beer in his hand and a remote control in another, “Who’s this? A friend of yours?” Contrary to Stark’s tone, Thor seemed hopeful, not taking my presence as a way to mock the person beside me.

“Mister Odinson, I presume” the blonde nodded, a smile painted in his face, “Pleasure to meet you, may you be so kind to indicate where that son of a bitch, Fury, is at this moment?” I felt Loki’s stare, I turned to look at his amused expression before returning to the blonde prince, slightly annoyed for some reason.

“You should watch that mouth miss, what would your mother say?” His fucking one-eyed face appeared and I moved away from Loki. I sprinted and made myself very tiny, then grew again to hit Fury right under his chin, knocking him down to the floor.

“Speak Nicholas” I placed my heel right up in his chest, adding pressure so he wouldn’t dare to move, “Great punch, how about we gather everyone and then I’ll tell you everything?” Negotiating with me in that state would’ve been futile, but I was in no mood of a further drama, so with a sigh and a heavy groan I stepped away and allowed Tony to help Fury get up.

“How- how did you do that?” Thor rambled, dragging all his words, “I just can” my indifference felt cold in my mouth, he was just drunk and he really didn’t asked a prying question, “I really don’t know much about it, so like I said, I just can” his smile after I softened my tone made me feel better somehow.

I spent ten minutes waiting for the Avengers to gather in the room, along with Nick, the only sound echoing in the meeting room was my foot tapping the floor.

“Is it really necessary to have them all here? Can’t we just mail them the info?” I was growing out of patience, and fast.

“You will be on a team, you must include the team, you’re not going to do this alone Y/n” he paced.

“Why not? They’re gonna slow me down, and besides, you’ll be sending them to their deaths!” Slamming the table did no good, he was annoyed, he doesn’t bend the arm when he’s like that.

“They defeated Thanos” and yet he spoke as serenely as he could, I didn’t held back on what I thought, one of the reasons I was fired quit SHIELD.

“Who you think made the Black Order, dipshit? Those warriors that fought for Thanos that almost got Maximoff and The Vision killed?” I put emphasis on Vision. Those warriors were the very elite of killers, courtesy of that monster.

“And you think you have more chance to defeat him on your own?!” His booming voice made me flinch in my seat, he then pinched his nose in annoyance and walked towards me and held my hand, “I know you have a problem with heroes, but give them a chance, you’ll be free of your burden soon enough”.

That’s what I wanted, to finally get rid of all that weight that has been making me take the wrong choices, his death will be my ticket to an endless relaxation..at last.


“If you knew as well as you say, you wouldn’t force me to work with them”.

I don’t work with “heroes”.

The next thirty minutes were mainly Captain America explaining why I was there to begin with, not because it was a big story or anything, but because they wouldn’t shut up! It was a disaster.

“Okay, ENOUGH!” My voice made them turn to look at me, the only not surprised for my outburst was Fury, I think he saw it comming.

“YOU DON’T GET IT! We’re dealing with a mastermind in genetics and neuroscience, this son of a bitch can bring people form the fucking dead! Doctor Jasper Rosario is a fucking genius, he makes everyone look like a retarded baby, so to speak. He’s dangerous, vicious, he doesn’t feel empathy, and won’t stop at anything to get what he wants” I was at the verge of tears, but I managed to control myself.

“Then what does he want exactly?” Natasha asked, her tone was soft and understanding, but serious at the same time, it was oddly comforting.

“That’s what scares me the most, he has no pattern, no signs of achieving anything specific, he’s random and unpredictable, there’s no way to catch up with him. When you least expect him, he already turn the game to his favor”

“And how do you know this much about this Dr. Rosario?” Tony asked suspiciously, “Because I was on a mission when Dr. Rosario kidnapped and killed my brother and father”.

A dead silence took over, they had looks of pity and understanding, but I didn’t need that, “I want his head, there’s no place safe in the universe if he breathes, so when the moment comes I want none of you to stand in my way, or else you’ll join him”.

It wasn’t a threat, but a warning, once I have him in my range, I have no idea what I’ll do to him, or to those around me, so it’s better that they stay away from me as possible.

“Mischief, I’ve been told that you can teleport” I could see his nervousness before he changed it for a cheeky grin, “I can, want me to show you?” I blinked and he was behind me, holding my hand in his, interlacing his fingers with mine as he finished the phrase.

“I think this abilities of yours could be very useful in this particular case, would you care to join?” He hummed, thinking, or at least pretending to.

“Why should I help you, little mortal?” I could handle mortal, but not little, his attitude was infuriating, “Because you owe me, I saved your life” time for him to make up for that incident.

He looked at me rather confused, so before he could ask I answered his doubt, “The shooter in the helicopter, he was about to shoot you, if it weren’t for me, you wouldn’t be here today” and also that caused my early retirement.

“You fool, I’m a god, I can’t be injured by your weapons–” I took out my gun and shot at his hand, making a pretty wound, “WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT, YOU WHORE!” He yelled, having let out a cry of pain. When he more or less calmed down, he stared indignantly at all the blood dripping from the wound for a moment before I could answer him.

"To prove my point, you bleed, you’re as mortal as any of us. I saved your life, now it’s time to return the favor, or is it that you have no honor…your majesty?” His wound healed itself, leaving no mark, reluctantly he took my hand and squeezed it a couple times before bringing it to his lips, leaving a soft kiss on my knuckles.

“I will help you, but once he’s dead, we’re done” he looked down to my eyes, he was obviously angry, but his smirk was… distracting? I couldn’t read his emotions, so I just imitated his smirk, “Fair enough”.


There was this, impulse, my eyes fell to her lips, I felt so compelled to close our distance and kiss her, not very sure why, but I wanted to…Needed to.

Who are you Y/n?

Little Drawbacks (Part one)

Pairing: Loki x Fem!Reader

Summary: An armed plot calls the avengers together again, this time with the ineffective help of the god of mischief. Given the complexity of the case, SHIELD was forced to call a retired agent back to the field.

Warnings for this chapter: Curses, mentions of blood and guns.

Loki Taglist:@lokisprettygirl22@lucky-foxface@otakumultimuse-hiddlewhore@high-functioning-lokipath@thereadinggeek@el-zef

*Ok so before everything, yes, all the avengers are alive, let’s just pretend that, ok? and yes it will be 2021 after Thanos and all that mess, enjoy (And yes, I am aware that those are not the cannon dates, but let’s go this way k? Trust me)*

Next Chapter___Masterlist

Someone, anyone who heard it, would say “I’m sorry” or “My condolences”, that day nobody said shit, they just watched the crate of a boy of no less than thirteen years old go down into the dark hole to be covered by dirt.

No one cried for him, they couldn’t, my father didn’t like senseless emotions like pity or anger, that’s why he kept making me and my sister happy, “Happy as a clam” he used to say, all the fucking time. In the long run, it gets boring, emotions are something natural, something strictly linked to our most primitive instincts, the moment I opened my mouth to say something about it, it all started.


It was so weird.

That morning at 6:30, I stretched out and got out of bed to start the day, took a shower, chose a more or less simple outfit, ate an absolutely unhealthy breakfast, because I had leftover donuts from last night, and headed out.

My job was pretty simple, get behind the moldy desk, pretend to organize some documents and complete mission reports while I kept people away from hacking the system, along with three other agents. All tasks that required a steady hand to write, as Maria Hill called it the day I started to work.

Not that I didn’t enjoyed it, because I did, but my set of skills were enough to be a field agent, not some sort of paper-tidying doll with a cold, lifeless gaze, as most of the people who worked in the office had.

But that wasn’t the weird thing about that day.

To sum it up, Maria came to my desk and asked me to follow her to the roof, she looked very hurt and the smell of blood and sweat would attract attention, so I thought it would be better not to question her and follow her to the helicopter that was flying, more like hovering, over the roof.

“Get inside!” She screamed over the noise of the engines, I ran taking care of my head from the propellers and jumped into a seat, quickly fastening all possible seatbelts.

“What the hell is going on!” I caught her attention with the confused stare I shot at her.

“I’ll explain when we get there!” heard her through the headphones a man gave me and nodded in response. The city looked so pretty from up high, but you really didn’t had time to appreciate it, “Pretty weird seeing you without being glued to Fury’s leg, is he dead or something?” you yelled, earning a disapproval look from her and a soft giggle from the man next to you.

“He’s busy gathering the Avengers, we have a situation and I require stealth” Obviously I wasn’t going to fall for her lies, with a single arch of an eyebrow I made her spill the beans, “Barton was kidnapped” she confessed, “So replacement, I don’t feel at all offended” she sighed and handed you a classic yellow folder with the name ‘Loki’ written on it.

“Loki? Like the Norse god? Terrorists are so creative these days” settling the files on my lap I stared at the weapon, a scepter with a shiny rock, “No, he’s the actual god, a lunatic from outer space…literally” I gave her a confused look as I went through the little info they had about him, plus a few pictures.

“We’re holding him in a cell, but I have a hunch” she explained, “Too easy” she nodded and I knew, something was definitely up.

“This is everything on him so far, right?” I asked, there were a few side notes provided by his brother Thor, but weren’t really useful to loosen up the knot in my stomach.

‘Trickster god, now that’s reassuring. He looks like a well grown man, but if the reasons for this show are what appears here then there’re dealing with a brat that requires a good old fashioned beating’ I thought passing two fingers over my lips in a thoughtful way.

“What did you need me for again?” I questioned while handing her back the folder.

“I–” She was cut off by an explosion sound, it was deafening but thanks to the headphones it stopped midway. Part of the helicopter door to my left was destroyed and wide open.

In the sky, I saw SHIELD’s Helicarrier, along with several planes firing at the engines. Nothing came out of my mouth more than a gasp. “Y/N!” barely heard Maria scream my name. And then I saw the reason, part of my seat almost hung from the screws that held it to the helicopter, but I did not care that I was in danger of death, something in the distance caught my attention.

I was watching the man in the photos jump towards a transporter, his clothes appeared to be green adorned with gold. And he looked buff and tall. That much I could appreciate due to the distance. I noticed him how he stopped midway, a red dot appearing on his forehead.

“Motherfucker!” exclaimed a soldier next to me, aiming his gun at Loki, no second thoughts, I just unfastened my seatbelt and jumped on him, the shot bounced off the metal until it was lost in the air. When my eyes went back to the helicopter, the transporter’s gate was closed and it was taking off. My mouth fell agape.

What the fuck did I do?

“What were you thinking?! Agent Harper had Loki in his shooting range, and if not for your impertinence and insubordination he would not have escaped!” Fury yelled as he paced in his command center.

“There was something off with him, besides how dare you suppose that simple bullets would kill a god? you have to think about this more calmly” he turned around and scoffed, “We don’t have time to think about it, Loki has an army coming” images about a device started showing on the screens.

“Sir I—” he cut me off, “Y/n, for years you’ve been a remarkable agent, a loyal soldier, a good friend” he put his hand on my shoulder as he softened his tone in the end, “But you let yourself be pushed around by your own impulses, and that’s something I cannot have in war” I know exactly where he was going, “Were gonna have to let-“ before he could finish that sentence I shot him something that at least would put some extra money in my pocket, “I quit, and I demand due to years of service my right to retirement”.

The check-in agents took my chip away and handed me a box with some books and the cushion I had on my chair. It was a shitty situation, but this kind of incident had already happened in the past, despite my good performance, I did let myself go.

The idiot I had let go caused a literal war in the district I lived in, when I got to my apartment, the building was destroyed by a huge monster that crushed the roof and literally everything in front of me right after I opened the door.

But at that time? I didn’t give a fuck about it. I just turned around and let the actual agents deal with it.

BUT! Before I even realized it, it was April 2021, I was about to turn twenty-five years old in just ten days. “Agent Y/N Ora Rivers” but that motherfucker in the blue starred suit had to appear at my door, “No” I closed the door in the face of Captain America, because fuck it! “Miss Y/N, I really need to” his voice was like honey, but there was no way in hell I would go back, “NO! IT’S BEEN NINE FUCKING YEARS!!” I yelled against the door, “Miss Y/N! You’re needed back in SHIELD, there’s been a situation” I heard him try to sound convincing, “It’s about some issue with mutants, Fury told me you would know more about it”.

In that moment, that spark I had nine years ago, the adrenaline, the rage…It all came back.

“Move stipes, and radio everyone and tell them I’m in no mood for any bullshit” he tilted his cap out of curtsey and lead me to the jet just casually parked in the middle of my field, “Fucking great” I said getting in and taking one of the seats, one without a window.

“No window view?” he asked while sitting in front of me, my lack of response made him clear his throat and start with another option. “Steve Rogers, pleasure to meet you” I shook his hand, sadly I couldn’t be nicer to him, that couple of sentences regarding Fury and the whole thing happening, got me pretty on edge.

Cap never said a word after that, I think he thought I’d have to calm down before meeting with the team, I appreciated the gesture, but it wasn’t like he was very talkative per se, even after the plane dropped us off at the airport. He didn’t say much, other than ‘this way’ when he was about to make a wrong turn on the way out of the gate.

I felt very nervous about everything that was happening, on the one hand I was going to go back to work, but on the other hand, maybe my suspicions about who was causing an Avengers level threat could be right, that scared me.

Perhaps he noticed, because from one second to the next, the captain’s hand moved to my shoulder, his thumb lightly stroking the material of my shirt.

I smiled at him; he wasn’t going to get more than that.

“I have to fix a couple of things on the second floor, go straight to the last one, I’ll catch up with you in a bit” she pressed the button that said 'penthouse’ and got off at the second floor, just like he said.

I went up without any problem, I even thought that I had a decent meeting with my new companions and that stupid Fury, until the damn elevator door opened.


Title: Reunion

Pairing: Loki x Goddess!Reader

Summary: You were a goddess from the Greek pantheon and Loki’s former lover. Separated during the events of the first Thor movie and Loki’s initial supposed death, he learns you had given birth to his child during his time away. Initially disbelieving, his possessiveness for you finally brings him back to Midgard to take what is his. Story set somewhere after Thor: The Dark World, but before Avengers: Age of Ultron.

Notes: This started as just a prompt for Father’s Day back in June, and is more a “What If?” type spinoff from my main Loki x Goddess!Reader series still in progress. If you like the pairing though, you can check out more of that AU on my masterlist below. The daughter in this also remains unnamed as just like the reader, they’re yours to fill in the gaps how you will.

Warnings: Angst, self hatred, grief, but also eventual fluff/comfort.

My Masterlist


The first time Loki had ever heard of the child’s existence, it had been from Thor. Clumsily blurted out, really only moments after the thunder god had just snatched Loki by the throat, pulling them both from the sky.

They’d plummeted from the humans’ aircraft to then argue on some rocky cliff face in the middle of the night. Just another instance in a long line of disagreements between them to be sure, but on that night it had all been about Loki’s right to rule Midgard through the aid of the Chitauri.

The god of mischief had laughed in his brother’s face as well, honestly laughed at the sheer absurdity and the perceived desperation he thought the Asgardians must now have to stop him. The lows and the lies they would stoop to just to try and delay or distract him from his goals.

Yet Thor had insisted it was real, that you hadn’t known you were with child. And that by the time you had known, it’d been too late. The bifrost had been destroyed, and Loki lost along with it as far as anyone had believed.

But Loki’s mind had still been clouded then as well, unable to see the obvious truth in Thor’s anger. The scepter, the tesseract…and Thanos, it had all trapped him, amplified the worst in him. And everything, all of it had soon spun into further nightmare.

Because only such a short time later, he’d found himself defeated and alone in the dungeons directly beneath the very palace he’d once called home.

Alone except for Frigga and her visits. But even a mother’s love couldn’t save him then. She had told him again that it was fact. That you had had a child in the time he’d been gone, and Loki had still argued with her. He so clearly remembered the hurt in her eyes as well as he’d asked her why she would even care about such a bastard creature even if it were all true.

Shamefully, that disgust had been his first real reaction as he’d finally started to believe her. Because he’d carried all that self hatred, the wound still so fresh of learning that he was never a part of the family he’d been raised by. And to him, it’d been a legitimate question then. Why should the queen of Asgard concern herself with a half frost giant, half Olympian and whatever crime against the natural order that could possibly be?

But in that calm way of hers, in that forgiving voice of hers which he now wished so often he could only hear one more time, Frigga had said, “I care because she is my grandchild, just as you are my son. As you always have been and always will be.”

And then she too was gone.

The days that followed after Frigga’s murder were also a blur, himself consumed back into that abyss of loss. He had lost his identity, his home, his freedom, and all semblances he’d ever known of love in quick succession.

But even if he hadn’t been imprisoned, even if time had allowed him to reconcile with you somewhere in between his suffering under Thanos’ Black Order and his quest for vengeance for Frigga, he would not have tried to find you.

Because he could not, for all the realms, imagine that you would still love him. You’d only fallen for a lie after all, a version of himself that had never truly existed. There had never been a Loki Odinson. He was only ever an unwanted runt. Laufey’s son, left on a frozen rock to die.

But in some sort of cosmic joke, he still drew breath then even as he still did now. After being cast out by the frost giants, then cast out from Asgard. After failing Thanos at the hands of the Avengers, after losing to the dark elves on Svartalfheim…it had been defeat after defeat.

Yet through it all he’d kept crawling back out from the ashes, clawing towards eventual glory, towards glorious purpose.

And after his second “death” on Svartalfheim, he could have fled back into the universe, to anywhere. But the sentiments and the memories he had so often mocked Thor for, had still held too strong for him as well in the end.

He’d gone back to Asgard instead, back to his once home, and to the ghosts of his past there. Odin was only old and tired, then further weakened by the loss of Frigga. So Loki had mercifully relieved the old liar of that pain, that burden of the throne.

He’d placed the strongest magic he could upon his former father. He’d given Odin a new, conflict free identity and left him on Midgard, out of the way and out of his story at last.

Yet after the brief elation of such a long deserved victory, Loki’s thoughts had eventually turned back to what else he’d wanted when there was nothing more in Asgard to take. When those days had stretched longer one after another, himself alone again even among the adoration and respect he’d always most wanted.

So often as a youth, that final pinnacle of the throne had come with you alongside it in his mind’s eye. And with that kingship at last in hand, buried emotions had begun to resurface for the goddess who had once claimed to love him.

He didn’t care anymore if you would only see him as a monster now. He’d wanted to win properly, fully. So he’d needed you back in Asgard. He’d wanted everything that was his. And if that now even included a bastard half breed of a child, then so be it.

With Thor away again, off fighting and trying to tame the realms back into submission, that is when Loki had decided to visit Midgard once more with his intentions for you in mind.

And like anything he did, he’d initially tried to be calculating. Once he’d found you, he’d wanted to know your new habits. The times you came and went, whether you were always alone or not. He’d wanted to have a plan.

He knew how to gather that information. Piecing together what little Thor and Frigga had already told him, the new name you went by, and then tricking a human public records servant to look up the rest on their electronic machines had been simple enough.

You now lived in a place called Pensacola, Florida. Right on the beach of course, to be expected for any offspring of Poseidon. You worked at some sort of hospital for sea creatures, taking the wounded, mending them, and releasing them back into the ocean. Also unsurprising, as you had always liked tending to broken things hadn’t you?

Though even then, the thought of you living and working alongside these petty humans had irked him. They did not deserve you. And in disguise of course, he’d passed your new home several times, walking back and forth on the sidewalk to see if this place should be considered worthy for a goddess, to see if you were there.

The dwelling the records had said you lived in was built high, but more like a one story home on stilts. The living area appeared to all be on the second story, with long wooden stairs leading up to it. He’d seen many structures built that way as he’d walked though, supposing it was for storms. If the sea were to angrily rise, the water could run beneath to spare damage to the main quarters.

Yet that was laughable as well for a woman who could control the tides on a whim. And he’d just been thinking if he should inspect the inside, when his stomach had abruptly tightened.

He’d heard your voice. A sound that had not met his ears since before Thor’s botched coronation and the ill fated battle at Jotunheim that followed. His head had whipped around to see you walking down the sidewalk toward him then. You were laughing, though not at him as you’d looked down at the small child whose hand you now held.

“So, today was macaroni day? That’s exciting.” You’d smiled. “And you colored too?”

The child had some piece of paper in their other hand, trying to hold it up to be seen.

“Is that Elsa? Or Anna?” You’d asked teasingly.

“Elsa!” The little girl had exclaimed.

His breath had hitched in his chest at the sight. He had wanted to see you of course, he’d come here expressly for this very reason. But he didn’t expect the sudden, unique pain. He didn’t expect at all how it would actually feel.

You were a goddess. His goddess. He knew you would look the very same as you always had, it’d only been a little over three years now that the two of you had been apart. The light and warmth of yours that he’d held in his arms so many nights before, of course that had not changed.

But seeing you together then, you with what he now knew as his own child. Happy, playful…suddenly all he’d wanted to do was leave and never return. Because he couldn’t ruin this. What right did he really have to even be here? The girl wouldn’t know who he was. And if she did see his face, wouldn’t it only frighten her? Was she yet old enough to have seen replayed footage of the battle of New York on those human machines?

In the end, wasn’t he only the horned devil who’d opened the portal to unleash those alien hordes onto the streets of her world before the Avengers had stopped him? A monster is all he was. Not even standing there on behalf of love in that moment, but of possessive pride and arrogance.

To his further surprise though, he’d also felt that foreign wetness starting in his eyes just as the two of you had walked right past him on the sidewalk. Humans were riding up and down on bicycles, walking their dogs. To you he was just anyone else as you’d only paused nearer the bottom of the stairs to your home. He’d seen you reaching into your pocket with your free hand, pulling out a set of keys before you’d picked the child up into your arms to carry her up the stairs.

And as you’d held her, her head was then positioned over your shoulder. She’d looked back towards the street just by chance. And for only a moment, he’d made eye contact with her.

He could see himself in her features, he could see you as well. Her human looking skin tone may only be an illusion, so much like his own. But it didn’t matter. He knew she was worth protecting instantaneously then as they’d briefly locked eyes. How could he have ever thought anything less?

By the time you’d gone inside and the door had clicked shut, he was glad though as he couldn’t stifle the sound that then left him as his face contorted.

He had truly been the worst kind of fool.


A few days later

It was late Friday night, which you were glad for as this week had seemed particularly long. At the wildlife center it’d just been one crisis after another. Pelicans swallowing fish hooks, turtles swallowing plastic, even a young dolphin that’d been struck by a boat propellor.

If more humans could see on a day to day basis the kind of damage their carelessness caused, you really did think they’d at least try to change their ways for the better. They weren’t all inherently cruel in your mind, just terribly short sighted. It took real work to make them see any larger picture.

But, at least some were trying. Your coworkers among them, who were also pleasantly shocked this month when your facility had received another generous grant from Stark Industries for new equipment. Your friends had tried to ask you several times what on Earth your connection to that man was. And you’d just had to smile and say Tony Stark must enjoy a good tax write off.

In reality it was more Thor who you owed for that initial connection. The thunder god did drop in from time to time to check on his “favorite” and as you often pointed out, only niece. Thor had insisted from the beginning that you and your daughter live somewhere safe. And with Asgardian riches meaning little on Midgard, he’d gone to his fellow Avenger Iron Man requesting favors for you in exchange for Thor’s work consistently done in protecting this realm.

To your surprise though, Tony had actually taken a very hands on approach. He’d met you personally several times even in the beginning, though he still insisted on calling you Ariel. Which only much later you fully understood the joke of with your daughter’s growing penchant for those musical cartoons.

But Tony had bought this house. And his girlfriend Pepper had found you that job and the best daycare. But their gifts you still didn’t take for free either. Their world was your home too. And when they needed your help to fight back any new threat, they also knew exactly where to find you. You were now in Nick Fury’s files just like all the others. And they had and would call on you when necessary.


You looked over, seeing her holding up that tablet, which now had a spinning icon where whatever video she was watching had been. “Baby, it’s late. It’s just buffering. But screen time should have been over half an hour ago anyway.”

You used to tell her that the internet ran out after a certain time of night, but she was getting a little too smart for that now as you just extended your hand. “Come on, give it up. Go brush your teeth.”

You’d like to think that the strong headedness you were starting to see in her was only from her father’s side. But in reality, you could only imagine how many times you’d given that same pouty look to your own father before she did finally relinquish her precious tablet.

You quickly plugged it in, purposefully out of reach on the kitchen island before you went to help her get ready for bed.

It took a while, as always of course. So much bargaining. Could she have just one more cup of water? No, she didn’t want to sleep with this toy, it had to be that toy that you hadn’t seen for a week. Then digging through her toybox to find it, then it was the ceiling fan needs to be on. No it’s blowing on me, it needs to be off.

Mommy, leave the door cracked. No, leave it shut. Mommy, can you put the sounds on? No, not the water sounds, the thunder! Mommy, you’re sure there’s nothing in the closet?

It was just amazing how quickly someone so small could become a master of stall tactics when they really wanted to be.

By the time you were sure that she was finally asleep, her sound machine then going with her bedroom door shut, you probably should have been asleep yourself. But there was also something to be said for getting a rare moment alone.

You’d changed out of your work clothes at last, now just in underwear and a long t-shirt as you went back to the kitchen. You’d left only the overhead stove light on. And with the beach house’s open floor plan, it was enough to cast a dim light into the living room as well as you’d grabbed a bottle of wine off the counter, considering the label.

One of your coworkers had recommended this brand to try. You’d planned to pour just a bit into a glass and then go turn on one of those streaming shows in the living room that they’d also told you about. It wouldn’t have been a terrible way to wind down the night.

You’d opened one of the kitchen cupboards to pull out said wine glass, but the cupboard doors had a glass face themselves. And just as you’d begun to shut it, that’s when you caught the silhouette of a man reflected in black behind you.

The wine glass shattered as you released it to the floor. Yourself then whirling your body around, with your metal spear materializing into your hands even as the figure in the seemingly tailored black suit caught the weapon just as quickly in his own overly strong grip.

The silver of your spear still glinted in the low fluorescent light. The intruder’s pale hand enclosed around the side of it, having just stopped the deadly tip from reaching his throat.

But he said nothing at first, those familiar blue eyes just meeting the widening, horrified expression in your own gaze as recognition took hold of you.

You had never fainted in your life that you could remember, but you’d never felt closer to it either than you did in that very moment. Because it could notbe.

“You must have been told that I was dead once more,” Loki finally broke the silence though, realizing your truly stunned reaction could mean nothing else.

And it did sound like a voice from beyond the grave. The god you had loved for so very long. But he’d left you. He’d thrown all of it away to chase madness, to chase power and vengeance. He’d left you alone with only the memory of him, mourning him all the while raising a girl who would never even know her own father.

He must have still seen that heavy disbelief in your eyes though as he spoke quietly again after a few more moments. “I’m no imposter if that’s what you’re thinking…” But he looked thoughtful for a moment before continuing. “It is me, my goddess. Not a ghost, not an illusion…not a nightmare. Your mind would be too strong for such games regardless. Our connection would be too intimate to fabricate…don’t you know your lover when you see him?”

The tone, the stance, it was perfect. That was true. But you were not so arrogant as to think there would be no being capable of deceiving you to this scale.

In your shock it was difficult to think of proper questions though, even as you tried, your voice sounding embarrassingly weak. “Then, when and where was the last time we were together? What did you promise me then?”

He did seem to consider for only a moment, but with an expression that changed little before he answered. “You think I would forget sneaking you back into my quarters on Asgard that night before Thor’s coronation? And how long we made love over and over as you tried to both console me from that event’s sheer insult as well as dissuade me from letting the frost giants into Odin’s vault to disrupt it?”

But there was a hint of a tragic kind of humor in his eyes as he only continued. “I promised you I was in control. That no one would get hurt…that it’d all be fine. The coronation would be delayed and it’d be something we could just laugh about when I next came back to Midgard for you…”

But you never had seen him after. You’d returned home, and the next you’d known all the Olympians were buzzing that there had been a coup in Asgard. You were not allowed back then. You’d never been back since.

It might be true that a powerful psychic could still pull those little details from you though. But what were the odds that any psychic creature that skilled would also be so equally adept at shape shifting? To perfect his body, his voice as well…no, somehow in your heart you knew this was not deception. Even if a trick may have hurt far less.

And as that equally amazing yet horrible realization continued to settle over you, you finally began to lower your spear with one hand. But simultaneously your other palm just met the side of his face before you could stop yourself, with a slap that echoed through the room almost as loud as his brother’s thunder.

And you could see that equally familiar little flare of anger and surprise in his eyes as he turned his face back to look at you after the hit. The redness and beginnings of a bruise already starting to form on his pale cheek from the sheer force of it.

But you did not strike him again. Your eyes were already blurring then as the first tears formed, and you could soon feel them edging out down the sides of your face. Emotion drawn from a well of sadness you had thought would one day run dry. But it never did. You lived of course, you smiled and laughed even after he had been gone. But the mourning did not ever really leave you.

It could be in the middle of the day, anywhere, doing anything when a thought of him would cross your mind and that pit would swallow you whole all over again. You’d had to process his death twice already. And what being in any realm, of any status, deserved to go through that more than once with the one that they truly loved?

But his eyes were still on you as you saw his brief anger fade to confusion, and then…was it actually something closer to regret?

Your spear just clattered to the floor alongside the broken glass as you felt Loki’s arms wrap abruptly around you. That same grip that had held you for more nights than you could now count.

I should have come sooner…you did not deserve this.He said then, his voice sounding odd at last as if he may now be struggling to keep it even himself.

Youleftus,” You breathed harshly in return though, pulling back enough to look at him again with your now reddening eyes.

But you could see the sadness in his own face even more now, clearer then in a way that both only wounded and frustrated you further. It would have been easier honestly if you could make yourself hate him. If he could stand there just looking as arrogant and pompous as everyone else always thought that he was.

But here, right now as he held you in some insufficient attempt at comfort, he only looked near as broken as you.

And you couldn’t help it. Even though it made no sense, even though you should just be screaming at him, demanding explanations and apologies…you’d missed him so much. You had wanted him back so badly, more than you’d ever wanted anything else before.

And here he was. The Fates knowing more than you ever could as he escaped death once again. You moved forward before you even consciously decided to, and you were kissing him then through the tears. Your lips against his. And even after all that had happened, all that he had done, he still tasted just the same.

But he only pressed into it as well, just as hard, opening his mouth to taste you soon enough as if the two of you had never stopped.

There was a desperation more than you’d ever felt however. That sadness, anger, and hurt overflowing still even as you pushed him so his back was now against the kitchen island. You felt him widen the stance of his legs, letting you in between them as his hands moved roughly to your hips.

He hadn’t forgotten you. No, it was then that you knew that he’d never stopped wanting you either. But why then? Why did he let you think over and over that he was dead? Why did he put you through all of this!?

And as you finally broke the heated kiss to look at him again, both of you then a literal mess standing here in this modern mortal kitchen with shards of glass and your spear made by Hephaestus himself on the floor beneath you, you also knew that there would be no sleep had tonight.

You needed…no, you deservedanswers.


The broken glass had been cleaned up and your weapon put back away, all lights now turned off as you’d opened the blinds in the living room to let the moonlight in from off the beach instead.

You felt like your hands might be trying to shake slightly though, and after another moment’s thought you opened one of the windows slightly as well. That salt smell and cool sea air drifting in with the sound of the waves. It was a comfort and added bit of strength you felt you needed then as you rounded back to the couch.

And Loki just sat there waiting for you in the dark. Maddeningly elegant looking again in the moonlight, one leg crossed over the other and his eyes never leaving you.

You sat down on the couch with him as well, but with a little distance still. You felt like you hadn’t let out all of your pent up anger yet. But you knew that wouldn’t get you anywhere either.

“So how long have you been watching us?” Is what you finally asked. Knowing full well that him finally revealing himself to you again wouldn’t have been a spur of the moment decision on his part. To sneak in here so easily, he had to have learned the surroundings some time before now.

“Not long. Only this week,” He answered plainly though.

“Why?” You responded a little tersely, but not looking back at him. You felt the more you would look at him, the more your memories returned and the less objective you could be.

“I needed to see you.” He just gave another short answer.

“But you didn’t before?” You countered, knowing how long it’d already been since the convergence and everything Thor had said Loki had given his life for on Svartalfheim. Where had the god of mischief really been since then? What had he been doing?

He gave a kind of half sigh, and you felt him shift on the couch. “I didn’t come here to antagonize you. I swear to that. But I had to deal with Odin first before I could move forward with anything else in my life. And now that is finally done.”

“What?” You did look reflexively back to him at the mention of the Allfather and all the additional dire implications that could possibly mean. You knew Loki too well to think for a moment that anything between he and Odin right now could possibly have a peaceful ending. But he didn’t respond back right away, only frustrating you further. “Loki…if you’re still keeping secrets, this isn’t…it’s not going to work.”

Your feelings were already too raw, you couldn’t handle those old games right now.

But you only saw an odd look come into his eyes, it wasn’t sly or condescending by any means. Closer to a flicker of more desperation if anything before he spoke to you again.

“If I trust you, then you have to do the same in return. Of course I can tell you everything that’s happened since I escaped death on Svartalfheim. But I’m not ready to deal with my brother’s judgements just yet about my dealings with Odin. This must stay between us for now.”

Yet you still stiffened, aware of everything Thor had already done for you in Loki’s absence. And knowing that the only real confidants you had left in the mortal realm were now in the Avengers. Letting yourself become beholden to Loki once more, jeopardizing the life you’d made for you and your daughter here….it was a lot to ask. “You’ve got a lot of nerve giving me stipulations on anything right now, you understand that right?”

He smirked just a little, the first hint of one you’d seen since his arrival. But it still looked all too regretful. “Take the truth…I’ll tell it. That’s all I can offer you. Then whatever you feel -or don’t- for me afterward, I can do nothing but accept it. But I want you to show me the truth as well. I want to see the time I’ve missed. I want to know what I’ve cost us.” He continued quietly though, as you felt his hand graze yours as you held onto the couch. You hadn’t sat far enough away after all.

You knew what he was really asking for then. He wanted to take the shortcut of looking directly into your memories, which he could only do through physical touch. But all your emotion, all the pain, everything would be there, hot and searing as if it was happening again in real time.

But he needed to feel it too didn’t he? You did want him to, even as much as you knew you weren’t ready to relive any of it yourself. No, you couldn’t overthink this, or else you might lose your nerve as you answered. “Then get it over with please. Look into my mind…but before the morning comes you’re going to tell me why you did what you did as well. I can’t just let all that go, Loki. Even for you…”

“I know.” Was all he responded though. Yet there was a heaviness to it as he watched you finally move closer and he raised his open hand in front of you.

You knew what you had to do as you took a breath before bowing your head slightly, nearly touching it against his hand before he moved in to close the rest of the distance.

You felt the tension in him, the last bit of hesitation before his fingers gripped firmly upon your scalp. You tried to steel yourself as well before the gates opened up. But no one could, not to that kind of force as in only another instant it was like a switch had been flipped inside your brain. A hit akin to a bomb going off inside your consciousness as he forced his way in.

The invasiveness was painful enough on its own, but you didn’t fight as he pulled those last few years of memories rapidly to the surface. And it was all only the truth as the scenes flashed by faster and faster.

The night you’d first been in denial, learning the news that he had turned on his own family. Everyone just telling you that he had gone mad. And you arguing, even fighting to try and escape to go to him as your father Poseidon with the help of your brothers had locked you all in your family’s palace in the depths of the sea.

Zeus had commanded that no Olympian be allowed to interfere in Asgard’s battle for succession to the throne. And under penalty of death you’d had to wait and agonize, not knowing who would come out alive. Waiting for any bit of information, confused and frightened how this could even be before word finally came that Odin had retained the throne. Loki had been defeated.

But somehow when they’d eventually said that Loki had died, it was made even worse when the story had started to twist towards suicide. Because they’d told you he hadn’t been slain in battle at all, that he’d let go of the bifrost. He’d chosen to die as he’d fallen into the void.

That was what you’d been made to believe over and over, by so many who had of course never approved of your mixed race coupling with him to begin with. Some had even mocked you then too for the seeming realization that his pride and desire for the throne had been the only thing he couldn’t live without in the end. The only thing he appeared to truly love in the end.

But your depression, and the mourning that followed only became more complex as you’d realized his equally cruel parting gift. A pregnancy that kept you feeling sick and weak for months as your body had constantly tried to reject the foreign entity inside it. And the added stress of your father only hoping that the unborn would actually die so you could return to the fold and close that embarrassing chapter for your whole family at last.

Only your mother queen Amphitrite and your sister Rhode had not turned their backs on you during your difficult pregnancy. Helping you still hunt, still eat and defend yourself, yourself otherwise alone and exiled to the ocean’s most remote places before the child finally came.

But as you’d feared, the baby couldn’t even breathe underwater. You’d had to return to the surface just to keep her alive. That screaming, blue skinned child that you’d had no idea how to take care of at the time. The girl not truly Jotun, but not of your kind either, something trapped in between.

She could not survive the depths of the sea, nor was her foreign blood allowed on Olympus. So you’d had to finally give up your royal life in the oceans for good to raise her on land among the mortals.

But not long after had come the shock that Loki was still alive. Yet only starting that cycle of heartbreak all over again for you as you’d just had to watch on a human television as the man you’d loved unleashed a foreign army to wreak havoc in the very realm you were then attempting to safely raise his own daughter in. There had been so much anger and additional confusion within you at that new layer of betrayal.

But even when he had been defeated and imprisoned, you’d still begged to be able to see him. Even if he’d forsaken you, you desired to have some sort of closure at least. But Odin had refused your requests time and time again. Yes, the bifrost had also still been broken then, but you and the Allfather both knew there were other ways to cross the realms if he would only let you.

But Odin considered your child illegitimate, and insisted that neither of you had any rights in Asgard. There was no sense of goodwill to help you either when his anger and desire to further punish Loki was something insurmountable at the time. Only Frigga had reached out to you via the ravens, wanting to know as much about the girl she considered her grandchild as she could.

You had still retained hope however. In Frigga’s letters she had promised that Odin would eventually soften. She believed the Allfather’s disappointment and great hurt at Loki’s actions were being unfairly projected onto you and your daughter. But she saw it as temporary. She encouraged you to stay strong.

You had almost started to believe her too, before your world crashed to ashes all over again. Her letters had suddenly stopped. And one day, out the blue Thor had come to you with horrific new truth.

You’d been so relieved to see him for the most fleeting moment too, thinking maybe Frigga had sent him. That he may take you to visit Asgard at last, yourself briefly believing that Odin had finally relented. But it was not to be. Thor had instead come to tell you about the Queen’s murder and Loki’s self-sacrifice against the dark elves who had her blood on their hands. Frigga had been killed and Loki had avenged her. And even if not Asgardian by blood, Thor had been so adamant that Loki’s soul would have found Valhalla then.

And you’d cried in front of Thor that day, really cried in a way the you hadn’t allowed yourself with every set back before. You’d finally broken down as he’d held you, neither of you knowing what else to do. But he’d also promised you then that Loki’s daughter would never feel the pains you all had. He’d sworn that she would grow up safe on Midgard, happy. And with no other real choice, you had accepted his and Tony Stark’s eventual offer. This home, this life. You’d become an Avenger in order to protect her from worldly threats just like the attacks made by her own father, you’d-

As you felt Loki’s mind suddenly uncoil itself from your memories, you could also feel the new tears now running down your face again. You looked up at him, surprised that he’d broken the connection so soon.

But as you stared at him, you realized you weren’t the only one then in tears.


Loki blinked, that stinging wetness only growing stronger as he pulled his hand shakily back away from you.

He couldn’t take another moment. Every single thing you’d felt was as strong in his emotions now as if they’d come from within himself. And he’d had to stop when that final burst of your memories had showed that his own actions had pushed you right into being dependent on the very people he’d once most hated. You were now enlisted to fight against “villains” just like himself.

“You’re one of them,” He breathed, unable to stop that hint of accusation in his tone even as he only wanted to pull you back into his arms now.

You belonged to him. You were his goddess. But Tony goddamned Stark had provided you this home. His own mate and child were now indebted and even affectionate with that egotistical human.

It was irrational for him to feel this angry, some part of his logical mind still knew that of course. In none of your memories had he seen you take anyone else as a lover in any capacity. But the jealousy was so real, the many times Thor had now visited you as well. He’d seen that level of intimacy regardless, you’d needed them because you’d had no one else. And he hated it. The thought of you closer to them, trusting them now far more than himself.

But before you could argue the obvious that he had no right to criticize when he hadn’t been here to be your partner, when he’d left you with a fatherless child, he just took you around the waist regardless. He pulled you against him on the couch, his back leaning into the armrest and your chest now against his.

If you wanted to strike him again he didn’t care as he spoke unevenly, holding you tighter. “I never wanted this. You think I didn’t care about you, but that is not how it was. I was a lie! I was a lie Odin created, and I couldn’t accept it. Yes, I thought I had nothing left. Because I was a fool that believed you could only hate me as much as I hated myself…”

But he’d seen your mind, making it all the more heartbreaking with the truth that his being a frost giant had barely even registered in your important or painful memories. Because you truly did not care. You’d just wanted him back, in any way or form.

Your only anger towards him had been for being abandoned, for being left in the dark, not understanding his violence and his selfishness in these recent years. Your thinking that he now only cared more about conquering realms than he did about loving you or protecting his own child.

“I promised to tell you everything, and I will. But know I never would have hurt you. I never would have let the Chitauri touch you or the girl. I just wanted some kind of control back in my life. Even if I’d won then, I would have come back to you eventually. You’re all I have left…” And he only felt the slightest relief when you didn’t argue, when you didn’t berate him in all the ways he knew he still deserved, your warmth actually just settling further against his chest as he then laid his chin atop your head.

“I love you, I never stopped.” You did finally speak though, as he felt you reaching up to still wipe at your own eyes. “Don’t forget that again.”

He closed his eyes a moment, the pain of those words so real, but even he couldn’t deny them when he knew it was the truth. “Only actual death could ever separate me from you again, goddess.” He promised back. “I have so much to make amends to you for, but I’m here now. And I will not waste this chance if you’ll have me…”

He felt you shift, and as he opened his eyes again he could see you looking up at him once more. The simple touch of your soft hand then against his hair had him taking another breath before your lips met his again.

The physical comfort was so needed, so necessary as he let the two of you sink further down onto the couch. He took greedily still, even after so many years together, he kissed you like his survival depended on it.

Because maybe it did.

After a little while longer though, he felt you move again, you pulling a blanket that had been messily on top the couch then down around you both.

Evidently this is where the two of you would be resting tonight.

But there were still many hours until morning, and you had demanded the truth. He would tell you too. There’d be no more secrets between you. Before sunrise, you would know about Thanos, about the scepter and the tesseract, and how he’d escaped.

He would tell you where Odin really was and how he’d taken back Asgard from the former king. He could only be at your mercy now though, hoping you would understand enough to let him handle this how he needed to. He wasn’t ready to confess to Thor, but all illusions must fall in the end. Eventually that time would come as well. But not yet.

Right now was only about repairing what he’d had with you. And beginning the new chapter with the child he’d yet to even meet. He had failed the girl to this point, but he could at least start to make amends now. To try and be the real father that he had so wished Odin would have been.

By morning all could begin anew. Even devils got second, or in his case even third or fourth chances it seemed. He could and would not let this slip away from him again.


(Planning to do a part 2 on this, but no ETA at the moment. Thank you for reading! )
