#loki x reader fluff


Hands Off - Loki X Reader

Requested by:@fandoms-are-my-friends-1321

Hope you like it

Summary: Reader gets defensive when Clint gets physical with Loki.

Warnings: none

Thor insisted that you and Loki should tag along with him. He was pretty sure that it would be okay. He was going to visit the Avengers after a long time and he knew you always wanted to see other planets. Being their best friend as children and eventually starting to date Loki, you were pretty close with the Asgardian princes.

After the battle of New York, Loki was brought back to Asgard. It took a lot of convincing from you and Frigga to get him out of prison. Odin was a stubborn man but he always listened to his Queen. You were beyond happy that Loki was still alive. Despite being bullheaded and not wanting to admit it, Loki missed you so much. He couldn’t bear the thought of you being with someone else so he immediately proposed to you after getting out. Now you were engaged.

Thor was so excited to show you all of Midgard and his Avengers. You couldn’t bring yourself to hate them because they were just defending their home. I can’t say the same about Loki, though.

You wanted to go as well but didn’t want to upset Loki. He was aware of this so he said that you could go but with one condition: He has to come, too. You didn’t understand why he would want to see those people again after everything but he said he didn’t trust them. Even though you knew the Avengers wouldn’t hurt you (even if they tried, Thor could protect you) you accepted it. You were happy to have Loki with you.

From the moment you stepped into the Avengers compound, you knew that Loki was not forgiven yet. Everyone was sending him death glares but he didn’t seem to care. He was holding you very close to him. Thor showed you around and you met most of the Avengers. You heard bad things about them but it’s not like Loki would think very highly of any of them anyway. It was Natasha you liked the most. Despite being an assassin, she seemed pretty friendly and funny.

Sam was even better. Some of them were wary of you but you couldn’t blame them. They didn’t know Loki was being mind-controlled during the battle and in their eyes, you were in love with a murderer. You hoped that some day, they would understand Loki. Everyone.

It was getting late and Avengers decided that having dinner together would be a great idea now that Thor was back. You were heading to the dining room with Loki and Thor. All of a sudden you heard a man shouting.

“What the hell are you doing here?!” he pointed an arrow at Loki and he looked beyond pissed. That must be Agent Barton, you thought.

Loki rolled his eyes. “ I don’t mean any harm, Barton. Don’t create drama.”

The others came to see what happened and Tony stood in front of Clint. “Thor brought them here, bird boy. He is unarmed and point break is watching over him.” trying to calm him down. But Clint was having none of it.

“Bullshit. Did he just come here to visit us like a good friend? Do you really believe that this man can be any good? The last time he was here he killed thousands of people. He brainwashed me.” he pointed the arrow at Loki again but Steve took it from him. “That’s enough, Barton. If Thor says we can trust Loki, we can. This building is full of Shield agents and trained superheroes. We can defend ourselves if anything happens.”

He scoffed and started walking towards Loki. Now you were getting angry. Who was he to decide for everyone? Did he really think that he could hurt Loki with a fucking arrow?

No one was stopping him this time, kind of wanting to see what will happen. He put his hand on Loki’s shoulder harshly and before he could say anything. You pushed his hand off roughly. He almost fell backwards and looked at you with wide eyes, not expecting you to do that and definitely not expecting a small girl to be so strong.

“Get. your. hands. off.” You said through gritted teeth. Pulling out a dagger and pointing it at him. Thor was shocked. Everyone was shocked but Loki was smirking. You were always so sweet and calm, they didn’t see that coming. Thor spoke softly, not wanting to anger you further. “Lady Y/N…” You looked at him with questioning eyes. You still looked angry. Loki calmly took the dagger from your hand. “It’s okay, love.” You sighed, a bit calmer. You looked at Clint one last time and narrowed your eyes. “If you ever touch him again, I swear to Odin…” He was not talking. Tony laughed a little, easing the tension a little bit.

Loki kissed you sweetly and thanked you for defending him when everyone left. Even though he could easily defend himself against Clint, it felt good to know that there was someone who had his back.

You all had dinner like nothing happened after that but everyone was being a little more careful with Loki now.


A Second Chance - Part 2

Welp, guess I am going to make this a three parter. The third part will be the last part, I swear!

Summary: You didn’t really like Loki, but you lost your memories and Loki takes advantage of the situation by pretending to be your boyfriend. What could go wrong?

Warnings: Some smut if you squint. Also didn’t proof read this cuz I’m le tired. Sorry.

Words: ~ 3k

Part one on my master list.

You furrowed your brows at the man in front of you, who apparently was named Loki and was your boyfriend. None of this looked familiar, but something about him being so close to you felt…weird, but also right. You believed every word he said. Loki, or so he calls himself, was rubbing his thumb over your hand and you were thankful that you weren’t here in this hospital bed alone.

“I’m sorry that I don’t remember you.” You continued to look down at your joined hands and you genuinely did feel bad. How horrible must it be for him for his lover to forget who he was? You said so out loud and he gave your hand a gentle squeeze.

            “It’s okay, Darling. I am not upset. I am just glad you are okay.” His eyes were glassy, and he looked at you. The love and affection were apparent in his eyes, and you felt obligated to give him a little smile.

            “How long have we been together?” It was an innocent question, but Loki seemed thrown off by it. Thankfully, the God of Mischief was good at thinking on his feet.

            “It’s relatively new,” He cleared his throat awkwardly, “but we are very happy.” He looked so stiff, but you just assumed it was because his girlfriend forgot who he was and the stress of that.

            You laughed and that seemed to perk him up a bit, “I will take your word on it.”

Keep reading

Freaking amazing!! I’m completely in love with this

Shadows of the Past

Part 41 (Part 40)



“We are absolutely coming here again,” you say as the two of you leave.

She walks ahead of you, turns back and smiles, “And next time, I won’t let you win.”

You stop walking, “Let me win?”

“Mmhmm,” she says, walking backwards away from you.  You catch up to her easily, grabbing her by the waist and pulling her close to you.  “You’re just lucky that I wanted to move in with you,” she smirks.

“I am very lucky,” you keep her close to you, smiling down at her.  You lean down slowly but stop just before your lips touch hers, you wait until she reaches up but then you pull back. “But you forget, I like to win,” you wink at her and let her go.

“I hate you,” she says, rolling her eyes as she walks down the street.

“You love me,” you tell her.

You get to the intersection and wait at the light. She takes your hand and you look down at her. “Only a little,” she says with a smile, holding her thumb and pointer finger close together.

“A bit more than that I think,” you say as you cross the street.

“Maybe…” she pretends to think as you continue walking slowly. A sudden crack of thunder draws your attention to the sky. It was swiftly becoming much darker then it should be at this time in the afternoon. “I thought it wasn’t supposed to storm until late tonight,” she says as the dark clouds roll in.

“I thought so too,” you agree.

“Well that’s annoying…” she says to herself. Before you can say anything it starts to drizzle lightly and she groans. “And… there goes my plan,” she literally throws her hands up in defeat.

“What’s wrong?” you ask her. You try not to smile at how cute she looks when she is annoyed but it is hard not to.

“I wanted to take you somewhere but we can’t do it in this weather,” she says sounding upset but still not wanting to give away the surprise.

You pull her under the awning of a nearby store to get out of the encroaching storm. It has now gone from a light drizzle to a steady rain and you can tell it’s going to outright pour any minute. “We have the rest of the week. We can do it another day I’m sure,” you tell her.

“I know… but you were really going to like it,” she tells you.

“You could tell me what it is,” you joke and she elbows you lightly.  “It was worth a shot,” you say and she shakes her head.

“We should get back, those clouds look awful,” she says, changing the subject.  She peaks out from under the awning, “I think we should take the train.  Walking half an hour back in this would be pretty horrible.”  You agree and she takes your hand.  “Ok, the subway is two blocks that way, hopefully we can make it before the sky really opens,” she says hopefully. 

The two of you leave the cover of the awning and head quickly down the street, still holding her hand tightly. Before you get to the end of the block there is a flash of lighting followed almost instantly by the crash of thunder.  A few seconds later the steady rain becomes a heavy downpour and by the time you reach the subway entrance you are both completely soaked.  You follow Y/N down the steps quickly, glad to be out of the storm.  

She wipes her face and laughs, looking down at herself.  “I look and feel like a wet rat,” she says shaking her head.

“A cute one though,” you smile at her.  Then you let the green glow flow around you and dry you off.

She stares at you, “What the heck was that?”

“I don’t like being damp,” you say with a smirk.

“Care to help me out a bit?” she asks, holding out her arms, letting the water drip off her shirt.

“Hmm… no,” you laugh and make your way over to the turnstile.  “I like you all wet,” you joke.

“Wow… you said that out loud,” she says, obviously trying not to laugh.  She follows you through the turnstile.

"I couldn’t help it,” you say to her with a smirk.  You walk down to the platform and stand near one of the columns.  Its nearly empty down there which is how you prefer it.  You lean on the column and you can hear her water filler shoes squeaking on the ground.  

She huffs and crosses her arms looking at you, “Dry me off Loki.”

You simply smile at her and shake your head no.  She walks over to you, and stands directly in front of you.  You look down at her and act as innocent as you can, “Can I help you?”

“Dry me off,” she says again and you shake your head no.  “Fine, then we will both be wet,” she tells you as she closes the distance between the two of you.  She puts her arms around your neck and pushes her body against yours while you lean on the column.  You can feel the front of your shirt becoming soaked from being pressed against her.  The cool water drips off her hair and onto your arms when you put them around her.  She reaches up and kisses you, slowly at first then harder. You hold her tightly and only let go when you hear the train approach a few minutes later.  You look down at her and smile, covering the two of you in a green glow that dries you both completely.  “See, that wasn’t so hard was it Mischief,” she says with a smile as she takes your hand and you get on the train.   


“Good morning love,” Loki whispers in your ear.  You smile at the sound of his voice but still don’t want to open your eyes.  “I made coffee,” he says and you open one eye to see him standing next to the bed.  

You sit up in the bed and Loki sets a tray down for you.  “Did you make all of this?” you ask, not able to hide the surprise in your voice.  The tray has a cup of coffee, a bowl of cut fruit and a plate with eggs and toast.  

“Don’t get too excited until you taste it,” he jokes as he sits on his side of the bed.  

You start eating and drinking your coffee, Loki puts an arm around you and kisses your forehead.  You look up at him and kiss him, touching his cheek gently.  “I love you Loki,” you tell him with a smile when you finally pull away.  

“I love you too Y/N,” he says.  “And no, I’m not telling you what we are doing today.”

“Oh come on!” you say laughing.

He laughs and shakes his head, “It’s only fair, you kept all of yesterday a secret.”

You groan, “You learn way too quickly.”

(A few hours later)

You take Loki’s hand as you walk down the steps of the Metropolitan Museum of Art.  “That was so much fun, I really love this place,” you tell him with a wide smile.

“Me too, its one of my favorite museums in this city,” he says. When you reach the street he stops and you ask him where you are going now.  “Feel like taking a walk through the park for a bit?” he asks you and you nod in response.  

The two of you enter the park and wander the paths south behind the museum. He runs his fingers over your knuckles, never letting go of your hand.  You walk silently through the park, heading around the great lawn.  A few minutes later Loki asks you if you’ve ever been to the castle.  “No, I’ve heard its beautiful though,” you tell him.

He smiles and says, “Its just over this way.”

“How do you know the park so well?” you ask as you head towards Belvedere Castle.  He shrugs and smiles at you. “What did you memorize the map or something?” you laugh.

He nods and laughs as the castle comes into view, “I might have.”

You pull him towards you and kiss his cheek. As the castle comes into view you stop, look up at it and say, “Wow.” The two of you walk slowly around it, then you make your way to the top.  When you reach the top you walk to the edge and peer over the wall.  Loki stands behind you, wrapping his arms around you as you look out over the park.  He kisses the top of your head and then rests his chin on your shoulder.  A few minutes later, you put your hands on his and smile at him, but he doesn’t notice though.  He seems zoned out, looking off in the distance across the park. 

“Loki, are you ok?” you ask, trying to pull him from his thoughts.

“Hmmm?” he hums, blinking as he looks at you.

“I asked if you were ok.  You seemed far away,” you say.  

“Sorry… I was just thinking about the palace back on Asgard,” he says slowly. You turn to face him and wait for him to keep talking.  “The palace is nothing like this of course but standing here, looking out over everything… sometimes when I couldn’t sleep I would stand on the balcony in my room and look out over Asgard,” he says.

“I’m sorry,” you say slowly looking down.  

“For what?” he asks.

You shrug but don’t look at him, “That you’re so far from your home… and that you can’t go back.”

He puts his hand under your chin and slowly makes you look at him.  “Y/N, of course sometimes I miss Asgard but I have no intentions of going back there,” he tells you.  

“How can you be sure Loki? I mean its your home. Your mother is there, I know you want to see her and… I know you told Thor you wanted to go back  home when-” you start to ramble but he interrupts you.

“Stop,” he says gently. His fingers move from under your chin to your cheek and you close your eyes, feeling a single tear sneak out.  He wipes it away with his thumb, “Y/N I never should have said that, I didn’t mean it. Look at me love, please.”  You open your eyes slowly and he continues, “I only said that because I was scared… I thought you would better for you if I left… but I promise, I’m not going back.”

“You better not… or I’ll have to follow you there,” you tell him, trying to smile.

“Y/N, I love you,” he says, laughing a little.  Then he looks a bit more serious, putting his arms around you and holding you close to him.  “Truthfully, I haven’t thought about Asgard being my home since I found out my father and… and my mother lied to me about everything I had ever known,” he tells you and you hug him tightly.  

He kisses your forehead and says, “But tomorrow, you are moving in with me.  We’re going to have our own home, and that’s all I need Y/N.”  Loki then kisses you softly, his hands on your lower back and the back of your neck. Your arms are around him as you kiss him back. 

When he pulls away slightly, you say, “I love you Loki.” 

(LOK POV - a few hours later)

The two of you arrive back at your room and you are hopeful she likes her last surprise.  “Close your eyes,” you say before you open the door.

“Are you serious?” she asks laughing.

“Yes,” you say nodding.

She shakes her head but puts her hands over her eyes.  You wave your hand in front to make sure she can’t see and then you open the door.  You tap her shoulder and guide her forward into the room.  “Just wait here,” you tell her, leaving her standing a few feet into the room.  You close the door and with a quick bit of magic, everything ready.  “Ok… you can look,” you tell her.

She slowly uncovers her eyes and looks around, her mouth falls open and her eyes scan the room.  “Loki…” is all she manages to say at first.  “Loki, this is amazing,” she turns to take in everything around her.  

You can’t stop smiling, you love how excited she looks.  There are candles and flowers throughout the room and the table in the dining area is set for two with a meal waiting.  You stand in front of her and let a green glow wash over you.  You are now wearing a tailored black suit with a dark emerald green shirt and black tie.  

“Mischief, you look… wow,” she says giggling and you hold out your hand to her.  She takes it and you spin her, allowing a green glow to flow over her. She looks down at herself, gently touching the fabric of the emerald green dress you’ve conjured.  

“You look beautiful Y/N,” you tell her, spinning her one more time.  She blushes which you adore, you pull her tightly to you and kiss her.  You then guide her to the table, pulling her chair out for her.

“Such a gentleman,” she says with a smile.

“Well, I am a prince,” you remind her.  “And you should be treated like a queen,” you kiss her hand before sitting across from her.  You pour wine for the two of you and use your magic to serve the food.  The two of you laugh and talk all throughout the meal.  You can’t remember the last time you had smiled as much as you had in the last few days.  

When you finish eating, you stand, putting your napkin on the table.  You wave you hand and the food and plates vanish.  You offer her your hand and she takes it as she stands.  “May I have this dance?” you ask her, bowing slightly.

She laughs a little, “You can… but be warned, I have no idea how to dance.”

You put on her on her lower back and turn her to face you.  “Well, you are in luck.  I have been to countless balls,” you tell her.  She puts her hand on your back and you move it to your shoulder.  The you take her other hand and you begin to move, following the rhythm of the music playing.  

“I’m sorry,” she mumbles as she steps on your foot.

You laugh, “Its ok Y/N but it is easier if you look up then if you look at your feet.” She looks up at you and you smile warmly at her.  She gradually falls into step with you.  Occasionally you spin her or dip her, sometimes just to show off a bit.  She giggles when you do and you kiss her when she is back in your arms again.

After dancing for a bit, she rests her head on your shoulder and says, “Loki, I love you so much.”

You run your fingers up and down her back, “I love you too Y/N.”

“You know… I was thinking,” she says a few minutes later.

You laugh, “Am I supposed to guess what you were thinking about?”

She laughs and says no.  She pulls back a little so she can look up at you, “I was thinking about how I said I would follow you if you had run off back to Asgard.”

You kiss the top of her head, “I’m not going back.”

“I know, I know. But I’m just saying… if you did go and I followed you there… I would be in a lot of trouble,” she says.  

“Why?” you ask.

“Because if I saw Odin, I wouldn’t be able to keep my mouth shut.  I would tell him how horrible of a father he was to you.  How he never should have lied to you or treated you the way he did when you were growing up.  I’m pretty sure you would be visiting me in the dungeons really soon after I got there,” she tells you.  She reaches up and kisses you quickly.

“You are absolutely incredible, you know that Y/N,” you say to her with a smile. You look at her smiling back at you and you know she means it.  This little mortal would have barged into the palace to tell the king of Asgard he was a horrible father to you.  You touch her cheek gently, and bring her lips to yours.  You kiss her slowly, still swaying a bit but you stop as she bites your lower lip gently.  You pick her up with one arm around her waist and she wraps her legs around you.  You quickly carry her into the bedroom and kick the door closed. 

@michelleleewise@evansabove1981@ace-of-gay@butt-ugly-popsicle-stick@poetic-fiasco@lokisprettygirl22@soubi001@kats72@misswimberly@meibruges@juulle987@asgardianprincess1050@el-zef@xorpsbane@sweatyroadcowboyjudge@apine7@lulubelle814@annoyingcloudninja @yoongissidebitchh@ihategreeneggs @daggers-and-mischief@nonsensicalobsessions@chaotics17@redbluekjw@lokiprompts

Let me know if you want to be added!

Shadows of the Past

Part 40 (Part 39)



“Are you really not going to tell me where we are going?” Loki asks as you put on your jacket.

“Nope,” you tell him with a smile.  

He walks over to you, putting one arm around your waist and pulling you to him.  “Are you sure?” he asks as he raises his eyebrow.  

You try not to giggle and nod, “You’ll just have to wait until we get there.”

His hand settles on your lower back and he leans down slowly, his lips just inches from yours.  You can feel his breath lightly as he ghosts over your lips with his.  “I’m sure I could make you tell me,” he says in a whisper.

You look up at him an feel your resolve waiver, you can almost feel his lips.  You put your hand on his chest and push him away slightly.  “Oh, you are very smooth Mischief,” you say with a laugh.

He laughs and winks at you, “It was worth a try.”

“Just for that, I’m not going to tell you where we are going for lunch either,” you tell him, you reach up and kiss his cheek then untangle yourself from him.  

Loki pretends to be upset, putting his hand on his heart as you walk away from him towards the door.  “So rude, I thought you loved me,” he says.

“I don’t remember saying that,” you try not to smile.

“Hmmm, do I need to remind you?” he walks towards you again.  You bite your lip as he corners you against the wall near the door.  Your back against the wall, he’s careful not to touch your side, instead he puts his hands on your hips and lifts you.  You instinctively wrap your legs around him and he kisses from your collar bone slowly up your neck, making sure not to ignore a single inch of exposed skin.  You moan quietly as he bites your neck gently.  “What was that?” he asks and you can feel his smile against your skin.

You shake your head, “I didn’t say anything.” You smile at him and try to sound innocent.

Loki keeps you pinned against the wall and looks you in the eyes, “We’ll see about that.”  He puts his lips on yours, softly at first but then he kisses you harder.  You kiss Loki back, feeling him run his tongue against your lower lip. He then leaves your lips and kisses up your cheek and jaw to your ear. Loki bites your ear lobe and whispers, “Tell me you love me.”

You try not to moan and shake your head no.  You hear him chuckle lightly and your whole body is covered in goosebumps.  His hands grip yours hips tightly and one of your hands tangled in his hair while the other grabs at the fabric of his shirt.  He kisses you hard, his tongue pushing into your mouth.  He finally pulls back to let you catch your breath and he whispers in your ear again, “Tell me that you love me.”

You can’t help it, you give in, “I love you Loki, more than anything.”

He smiles at you, as if he won a game, “See, that wasn’t so hard was it?”  He sets you back down and kisses your lips quickly.  “I love you too, Y/N,” he tells you as he runs his fingers through your hair, looking down at you.  “We should go, don’t want to be late for this surprise, do we?”  You shake your head no, still catching your breath a bit as he opens the door.  He holds out his hand and you take it, walking down the hall together. 

You and Loki walk through the city for about half an hour when you finally turn a corner and tell him you are here.  He looks up at the building in front of you and stops.  “Wait… really?” he asks sounding more excited then he probably meant to.

You smile and nod, “I figured you might like it.”  

The two of you go inside and the man at the counter greets you both. “Hey, welcome to Damon’s Axe & Knife Range.  How can I help you guys?”

“I have a reservation for Y/N,” you tell him.  He checks his list and nods finding your name.  The man at the counter calls for someone from the back office to bring you down the hall to your room.  He gives you a quick explanation of the rules and leaves you. 

The room is longer than it is wide and at one end is a table with an assortment of hatchets and throwing knives.  At the other end is a wooden wall with several targets of different sizes.  Loki walks over to the knives and runs his fingers over them, you can’t help but smile as he picks one up.  You ask him what he thinks, he winks at you then he throws it at the target at the other end without looking.  

The knife hits dead center in the smallest target and he says, “This should be fun. Its been a while since I’ve done this, Stark doesn’t like the idea of me having my daggers around the Tower.”

You laugh and pick up one of the knives as you walk over to the throwing line.  You can feel Loki watching you as you take aim at one of the larger targets but the knife goes wide.  “Damnit,” you mumble as Loki walks up behind you. 

“Here,” he says as he uses his magic to bring the knife you threw to his hand.  He gives it back to you and positions himself behind you.  You take the knife and he puts one hand on your hip and the other on your arm, moving your body slightly.  He presses himself against your back and adjusts your throwing arm.  He runs his hand up your arm and moves your shoulder slightly.  “Try that,” he says softly to you.

You throw again and this time the knife hits the target, but it still off from center.  “Much better,” he says, sounding proud of you.  He picks up another knife and stands at the line to throw it.  The knife lands an inch from the first one he threw.

“I have an idea,” you say walking back to the throwing line with another knife.

“Hmm, what kind of idea?” he asks.

“How about we make a bet?” you suggest.

He raises an eyebrow, “What kind of bet?”

“Whoever gets the most points after ten throws wins.  Winner gets… whatever they want,” you suggest as you set up for your next throw.

He smiles, you know he assumes he will win easily.  “Very well, take another practice one and then we can start,” he says.

You nod and throw one more time, again hitting the target but not the center.  Loki laughs a little and as he collects all the knives that have been thrown and places them on the table, he asks you what you would like if you win.  He emphasizes the word if and you hit him lightly.  “Mean,” you smile at him.  “Ok… when I win, I want you to cook dinner without any magic.  I see you sneaking it when you think I’m not looking,” you tell him and he kisses you.

“I’m sure I could figure that out,” he agrees.  

“Ok Mischief, what do you want on the off chance you beat me?” you ask trying to sound over confident.

He takes your hands and he looks down at you. “When I win,” he says seriously, “I want you to move in with me.”

You feel your heart skip and all you can manage to say is, “What?”

He touches your cheek softly, “I want you to move in with me.  You sleep in my room every night but all your things are still in your room.  I don’t like when you leave… I want to come home to you everyday.”

“Loki…” you smile at him, “I would love that… but you have to win first.” You laugh a little and he puts his arms around you.  

“I don’t think that will be a problem love,” he pulls you close and kisses you.  "Do you want to go first?“

"Sure,” you say as you pick up one of the knives. Loki crosses his arms and takes a step back to give you room. You stand at the line and take your time aiming, then you take a deep breath and throw. The knife hits the smallest target right in the center and you hear Loki gasp from behind you.

“Did you just…” he looks at you in disbelief.

“Oh, that?” you ask pointing at the target. You smirk and tell him, “Beginners luck.”

“Mmhmm,” is his answer as he picks up one of the knives. He keeps his eyes on you as he makes his throw, his knife touching yours on the target.

“Show off,” you stick your tongue out at him as you trade places.

“Well, I intend to win,” he replies with a smile.

You pick up another knife, “I can see that… but you’re gonna have to work for it.”  You throw again and add to the cluster of knives at the center of the target.

“Beginners luck again?” he asks.

“Nope,” you smile and hand him a knife.  You wait until he is just about to let go of the knife and say, “Don’t mess up.”

His attention shifts for a second and his throw is just off from center.  He looks at you clears his throat, “Are you trying to cheat love?”

“Me? Cheat? How could you ever think that?” you ask innocently.  He shakes his head but you see a smile sneak across his lips.  You throw again, hitting the center of the slightly larger target.  Loki’s next throw lands next to yours.  You each go two more times, both of you always hitting the center of the target.  “Looks like we’re still tied,” you tell him as he uses his magic to pull the knives out of the targets and put them back on the table. 

“Seems like it,” he says.  “Interesting how you were so terrible at this when you were practicing,” he raises his eyebrow when you pick up your next knife.

“It is weird isn’t it?” you smirk.  You throw, hitting the center for the sixth time.  “Oh… I know what I forgot to tell you,” you say as you walk over to him.

“What’s that love?” he asks.

You stand on your toes and kiss his cheek, then whisper in his ear, “I used to come here all the time.  The axes are my favorite, but knives are more practical you know.”

He looks at you in disbelief, “How did I miss that?”

You smile at him, shrugging your shoulders as you hand him another knife.  He throws again, hitting the center.  The two of you continue until it is time for your last throws.  Neither of you have missed yet, always landing your knives in the middle of the target.  As you step up to the line for your final throw, you look back at Loki.  He smiles at you and you smile back, you face the target and aim.  You let go of the knife and it sinks into the wood, inches to the left of the target.  

“What was that?” he asked in surprise.

You look at him and say, “I missed… I guess if you make your next one, I have to move in with you.” You walk over to him, putting your arms around his neck as you reach up to kiss him.  He kisses you back, his hands on your sides.  “Don’t miss Loki,” you whisper to him.

“I don’t plan on it,” he kisses you again, then without letting go of you, he summons a knife from the table and throws it at the targets.  It lands perfectly in the center.  

“Oh no… I lost,” you pretend to pout as he strokes your cheek.  

He leans down to kiss you then says, “I know, how terrible.”

@michelleleewise@evansabove1981@ace-of-gay@butt-ugly-popsicle-stick@poetic-fiasco@lokisprettygirl22@soubi001@kats72@misswimberly@meibruges@juulle987@asgardianprincess1050@el-zef@xorpsbane@sweatyroadcowboyjudge@apine7@lulubelle814@annoyingcloudninja @yoongissidebitchh@ihategreeneggs @daggers-and-mischief@nonsensicalobsessions@chaotics17@redbluekjw@lokiprompts

Let me know if you want to be added!

Shadows of the Past and New Story Update!!

Hi everyone! So I know we are just getting to the really crazy part of Shadows of the Past but I need to slow down updating a bit. I have a pinched nerve in my shoulder blade and it seems to be getting worse, not better. I got steroids and muscle relaxers today so that’s going to slow me down. I’ll post as soon as I can! Thank you all for sticking with me so far, we are getting near the end and I promise it will be worth the wait!


I’m going to be starting a new story as soon as I finish this one. It will also be Loki x female reader.

The summary so far: You are a soldier in the palace on Asgard and you are already in an established relationship with Loki. After a tragic turn of events you end up on Earth with no memories and Loki, along with everyone else mourns you because they think you didn’t survive. You are picked up by SHIELD and they find your talents for fighting useful. A few years later you are sent on a mission to New Mexico when a hammer falls from the sky…. please let me know if you want to be tagged in this! There will be fluff and angst and some mild smut

@michelleleewise@evansabove1981@ace-of-gay@butt-ugly-popsicle-stick@poetic-fiasco@lokisprettygirl22@soubi001@kats72@misswimberly@meibruges@juulle987@asgardianprincess1050@el-zef@xorpsbane@sweatyroadcowboyjudge@lulubelle814@annoyingmarvelreader @yoongissidebitchh@ihategreeneggs @daggers-and-mischief@nonsensicalobsessions@chaotics17@redbluekjw@lokiprompts@lovingchoices14@roseeatta@hopefuldreamers-world


The Shifter - Chp 2

Summary: You dream of Loki and the Avengers again and face some tests and alone time with Loki.

Warnings: Some swearing. It’s very dialogue based but honestly I love this chapter so much.

Words: ~6k but it’s worth it I promise.

Check my masterlist for other chapters.

            When you woke up, you had a splitting headache. You were exhausted, but the thoughts of last night’s dream brought a smile to your face. Usually, you weren’t someone who would dream and when you did, typically you only remembered bits and pieces of it. But this? This was so vivid, so real and it was exciting. Who gets the chance to finally meet their favorite characters? It might have been the dreamworld, but it felt so real it didn’t matter to you.

            Finally, you dragged yourself out of bed and started your day. The idea of going to your boring office job, as exhausted as you were, was nauseating to you, but someone had to pay your bills. You took a shower, donned your classic office casual dresswear, hopped in your car, and went to your job. For eight hours, you sat at your computer, staring at your screen, and willing the clock to move faster. The job wasn’t terrible, but it was painfully boring. But it was your boss and coworker that made your job quite literally ‘the worst’. They were nosey, rude, and overall assholes. You kept to yourself to avoid the unnecessary drama and most days it worked out fine.

            Thankfully today was one of those days.

            You punched out and dragged yourself out of your office building when you felt the familiar vibrating of your phone. You dug it out of your pocket and saw it was your friend, Amanda video calling you.

            Hitting the screen, you answered it with a grin, “You know you are the only person I would answer the phone for, let alone video chat with.”

            She beamed at you, her bright and colorful hair radiating off your phone screen “I know, and I love you for it. What are you doing today?? We should get a bite to eat or something.”

            You groaned. The exhaustion was seeping into your bones and while you loved your dear friend, your social battery was practically gone. Looking at her bounce up and down, literally vibrating with energy on your screen sealed the deal for you. “Sorry, I have a date with my bed. I barely slept last night, and I need to rest.”

            “A date with your bed, or a date with Stephen and his dick?!” She teased, wiggling her eyebrows. You and Stephen had been in a relationship for almost two years now if you could even call it a relationship. Technically, you were, as they say, ‘Facebook official’ and he was your person to go to family outings with, spend time with, but most of the time you did your own thing, and he did his. The passion wasn’t roaring, but it was comfortable and familiar.

            You rolled your eyes, “BYE Amanda!” Then promptly hung up on your friend who was sticking her tongue at you.

            By the time you got home, you could barely keep your eyes open. The bed was calling your name and you weren’t going to resist its sweet siren song. You tossed yourself on the bed and let sleep take you. But much to your frustration, you felt yourself waking up again.

            “Can’t I just get one good night’s rest?!” You whined, lifting your head up. But your bed felt different. Its soft plushy fabric was replaced with something cold and hard. You shot up quickly and your head spun. You held your head as the spins took over.

            “Easy there, Dove.” You whipped your head towards the source of the voice. There, was a very tall, regal looking man with long dark hair. He held his hands behind his back, and he was smiling sweetly at you. You squinted your eyes; the hamster wheel of your mind spinning wildly to try and place this very familiar man. As you were looking at him, you saw where you were.

            A glass cell. You were trapped.

Keep reading

Khichuri, Ilish Bhaja and Beguni

Loki X Fem!Reader

Warnings: Food, kinda suggestive dialogue

A/N: It’s 1:46 am and I’m hungry ;-;

As always, don’t like if you won’t reblog/comment, or I’ll block you.

↩️Back to series masterlist


“Are you sure it won’t give you a headache, love? I really love that you’re making it, but you know it fucks your system over.” Loki gave you a worried glance, nibbling at a beguni as he watched you ladle out the khichuri.

“It’ll be fine,"you waved it off excitedly, choosing to ignore the memories of the times you had gotten sick after eating khichuri. Which was almost every time you had ever eaten it. "It’s been years since I’ve had this, I can’t give a shit right now.” You hadn’t so much as had a whiff of the typical scent of a rainy day Bengali lunch in years, you couldn’t bring yourself to care about the aftermath just yet.

“So you can find an excuse to keep me in bed all weekend even after I’ve cured your headache with seiðr?"Loki grinned, setting the bowls ofilish fries beside your plates. "This smells absolutely delicious, by the way.”

“Don’t pretend you don’t like it.” You stood up on your tiptoes and pulled him down to kiss his cheek. “We’re gonna stay in bed all weekend anyway, you know it.”

You had barely pulled the chair towards yourself when he wrapped his arms around your waist to attack your neck with very wet kisses. You shrieked, laughing and struggling to get away as he tickled you.

“Don’t tempt me, love.”

“I’ll tempt you later, I wanna eat now!”

“Okay, okay!”

Obviously, you got a headache later that evening. And obviously, he cured it with seiðr, just as he had predicted. It was worth it, you smiled to yourself as you pressed your nose into Loki’s neck and joined him in a deep slumber, serenaded by the whisper of rain on the window panes.

Grow as we Go (Loki x Female Reader) (College Au)

Read chapter 4 here//Series Masterlist

Chapter 5 (Last)

Summary : It only takes one date with Thor to make you realise how badly you have fucked up

Warning : Bullying, some violence, implied smut

(when you find your own gif look how pretty perfect college loki)

Your eyes teared up as you watched him leave. Why were you like this? You were happy with him, he made you feel so happy then why would you hurt him like that?

Natasha walked over to you and she just gave you a shrug that you knew was indication of how utterly disappointed she was in you

“You sabotage your own happiness y/n, why do you do that?” She told you as she hugged you “I hope you’ll get a chance to fix it because I have seen how happy he made you feel” when she walked away you saw Fandral storming towards you, you couldn’t catch a break.

“I take it back, you are the worst woman in the world and I hope he’d see that now” That was it. That was enough to make you want to hide from everyone, you ran towards the bathroom and locked yourself in one of the stalls as you cried your heart out. If you didn’t love Loki then why did you feel so heartbroken? 

Loki wasn’t any better, he thought things were turning around for you two but he should have known that you’d never pick him over Thor. He shouldn’t have gotten his hopes up because after having you like that, after making love to you and having you in his arms every night in the past few days, he was heartbroken completely. Earlier it was easy to pacify himself that you just weren’t meant to be his but now he couldn’t take the fact that he found you and then he lost you again like that.

You ran into Thor again as you came out of the bathroom and he asked you if you felt okay. So you nodded, what else were you supposed to say? He asked you out on a date and you should have said no but you couldn’t, it was Thor. The guy you always wanted. Or so you thought 

When you went home that day, you knocked on Loki’s door but he didn’t open up 

“Loki?” You called out to him but he didn’t respond, you deserved it, you don’t deserve to have him even as a friend after the way you have hurt him so cruelly. As you got ready for the date and stepped out, his eyes met with yours and you felt heartbroken again. He knew you were going to see Thor and that was enough to break him all over again.

The date sucked, you were distracted with thoughts of Loki throughout and even Thor noticed it. When he dropped you home he tried to kiss you, but as your lips met with his, you pushed him away, you hated kissing him. Despised it absolutely. Kissing Loki was electric, it made you feel tingly and he felt calm, comforting, soothing. With Thor you didn’t feel anything. 

“Are you alright, you’re being very weird” he said to you so you looked at him

“I need some time” you told him and he shrugged

“Well I am sorry if I ruined something between you and that loser, you deserve better anyways darling, someone like me” he tried to caress your cheek but you took a step back. You wanted to slap him for talking about Loki like that

“First of all I’m not your darling” only Loki’s darling. Only he gets to call you that

“Secondly, you don’t know him and he’s not a loser, he’s better than everyone around here, he’s the best” you ran inside the house, you couldn’t handle it anymore. You did sabotage your own happiness, Natasha was right. 

As soon as you got in you knocked on his door but he didn’t respond, so you opened it and he wasn’t there, where was he? You called him but he didn’t pick up, where could he go? The thought worried you so you called Fandral over and over again until he picked up, he was the only one Loki would go to if he was feeling hurt 

“What do you want?” He snapped at you as soon as he picked up

“Is he there? He’s not here” You asked him and your voice cracked with overwhelming fits of sobs 

“Well you have never cared about that before” he wasn’t wrong you haven’t cared about him before when you should have, he was lonely, hurting for you and because of you, and you were never there for him

“But I do now okay I care now and I love him, so tell me right now if he’s there” you raised your voice and Fandral sighed. You had your answer, you called a cab and went to his place, he buzzed you in and he looked very distressed

“Look he’s in the room and he’s not doing well, don’t hurt him more than you already did” Fandral told you and you headed straight for his room. 

Loki was on the bed, he was drunk so drunk 

“Lokiii” you called out to him and he sat up as he laughed and clapped his hands together

“I’m imagining her now, I’m losing it completely” he squinted his eyes so you walked towards him 

“You’re drunk” you mumbled softly as you sat down next to him 

“And you’re beautiful, always so fucking beautiful even when you cry” he placed his head down on your shoulder and you wrapped your arms around him tightly

“You’re actually here?” He pulled away after a while and you nodded


"Because I love you Loki and I have fucked up badly, I don’t even know if you’d ever forgive me but I just want you back, even if just your friendship, I would take it. I can’t lose you” you sobbed and no matter how hurt he felt with the heartbreak, the sight of you sobbing was more painful than his own anguish. You wanted him back? He couldn’t believe it and did you just confess that you love him?

“You love me or you’re feeling sorry for me?” He asked you and you shook your head 

“I love you and I’m feeling sorry but not for you, for myself, for being so blind towards your affections, for being so mean to you all this time when you only cared about me in return, you dated that witch for me, who does that?” You sobbed again and he smiled, he was drunk and a part of him feared that he was imagining it all. It’s not as if he didn’t imagine the exact scenario in his head like a million times since he stormed out on you this morning.

“That was pretty selfless of me I must say" he was adorable. So adorable.

"Insane, it was insane" 

"She’s Insane" 

"Completely Psychotic yess" 

You can’t lose him, you can’t lose this. You can’t lose how pure his feelings were towards you. How he cherished you as if you were the only girl in the world, he respected you and you wanted to cherish him the same way because he deserved all that and more. 

"I’m sorry, I’m so sorry Loki, you don’t deserve me..but I’d like to work for your apology, come home with me please?" 

He’d do anything for you, no matter what happens in his life he’d never not care about the girl he has been in love with since he was fifteen. He wanted to kiss you and tell you that he still loved you as much as he loved you this morning but then a part of him did want to punish you a little.

"Okay I will come home" 

"Thank you, thank you” you stood up and put your hand out for him, he stumbled as he stood up suddenly, he was heavily drunk.

“I kissed Thor and it was the worst feeling in the world” The first half of your sentence made him feel horrible but the second half made up for it. Since you couldn’t drive ofcourse, you called a cab and on the way he placed his head down on your shoulder as he passed out and you couldn’t help but think of a memory from your past.

You were seventeen and have smashed your dad’s car very badly and when you came home you were terrified of what he’ll do, so you didn’t tell them anything and waited for it to blow over in your face whenever he will see it in future. But Loki noticed how distressed you looked so you confided in him, next morning you saw Loki talking to your dad and he seemed so angry, you thought he had told him about the accident so you instantly stormed towards him and just said several awful things to him that you dont even remember now.

He looked so sad, so hurt, and then your dad grounded you for weeks. 

You found out later that he didn’t tell your dad that you caused the accident, he took the blame on himself so you won’t have to suffer, it was you that exposed yourself by being upset with him because you always thought he was out to ruin you and make your parents love him more than they loved you.

“Lokii?” You called out to him and he hummed in response

“I’m sorry about the things I said after the car accident” he opened his eyes and looked at you 

“You’re forgiven darling” he smiled and that made you feel a little better. 

One you both reached home, you made him drink loads of water, you changed his clothes, then you tucked him in the bed 

“Sleep with me” he mumbled as you were about to leave the room. That made you happy, he still wanted you around him.

“I’ll get changed and come back" 

You slept holding him that night, and he couldn’t have been happier, next day he woke up a little late and you were already gone for uni. He did find a note from you and his eyes teared up as he looked at the guitar case you left for him, when he opened it, he saw the shiny new guitar that looked almost identical to the one his mom gave him and when he read the note, he cried like a baby again.

"I couldn’t get it fixed, but I met a guy who builds instruments from scratch, so I gave him the pieces of the guitar your mom gave you and it’s all in there in this one. I know it’s not the same but I hope it brings you a little comfort" 

He instantly got ready and left for uni, he missed a class already but he just had to see you after that sweet gesture.

He was keeping his books in the locker when the witch from hell spoke from behind him 

"If it isn’t the loser that got dumped yesterday by the girl he had been lusting after for years” her minions chuckled as she finished her sentence. He turned around and tried to walk away but they formed a half circle around him, then he saw Thor and his band of bullies approaching him.

“What is your problem?” He asked Trinity and she got angry 

“Is he bothering you again?” Thor placed his arms around her shoulder and she started fake sobbing

“He touched me inappropriately” she sniffed and loki closed his eyes as he was ready to feel a punch, he didn’t want to fight or create a scene, he just wanted to see you. He Just wanted to kiss you.

“Don’t you dare put your hands on him” he heard your voice as you stood in front of him with your back pressed against his chest and your arms wrapped around him 

“Yeah what will you do huh?” Trinity crossed her arms as she smirked, 

“I always wanted to do this” you turned your head to look at Loki and he furrowed his brow. You were going to jump on him as soon as you’re home. 

“Do what?” He whispered softly 

You smiled and then you punched Trinity right in the nose, her minions gasped as her nose started bleeding and Thor seemed visibly upset 

“What are you looking at dickhead? Are you going to beat me up too with your friends? Go on” you mocked him and he just gulped in frustration, then he took Trinity to get nursed while she cried for real this time 

“You’re going to get suspended darling" 

You turned around and wrapped your arms around his neck, your eyes teared up as you looked at him

"Worth it” that’s when he kissed you. Everything was better again and you could hear Natasha squealing behind you


You got suspended for a week, for punching a fellow student in front of everyone and for once in your life you didn’t care how disappointed your parents would be in you when they found out. You were on his bed currently, copying the psych notes, you just wanted to pass the class and you had the hottest shirtless tutor in front of you. He had himself perched on his elbows right in front of you, with textbooks between you two, once in a while he would lean forward and just kiss the heck out of you. You loved it

“So when you become the hot shot psychologist, would I need an appointment to see you?” He chuckled as you said that then his smile faltered

“I have a game tomorrow” you kissed him softly as he said that 

“You also have a test tomorrow, you’re not going to miss the test now are you?" 

"My father would disown me if I don’t make it to this match" 

"Would it be so bad? You don’t need him, there are several other ways" 

"I don’t know the idea of drowning in student loans is not all that appealing to me" you sighed as he said that.

"You deserve to follow your dreams, lo, you know I’ll cheer you on whether you’re playing a sport or not, you’re not alone” he smiled and kissed your forehead. He was lucky that he had you at least. Maybe he can finally build the courage to stand up to his father. All in good times hopefully.

“Hmmm well we still have time to think about that, now that you’re done with those goddamned notes, come to me” you giggled as he sat up and got on top of you, he placed your arms over your head as he he took his time and ruined you with every thrust of his hips 

“Damn baby you feel like heaven, I just want to stay here forever and love you like this all my life, every fucking day of my life” he mumbled in your ears and you’d be lying if you said that’s not what you wanted as well. It took you long enough to realize what he meant to you but now that you did you know you’d never find a man who could make you feel the way he did. He was your home. He has been since you were fifteen.

“I love you lo, I love you so much..my roomie" 

Taglist @michelleleewise   @annoyingsweetsstranger   @soumya-13   @el-zef @12-pm-510   @daddylokisqueen   @mcufan72   @perhaps-just-june   @snigdha-14  @nixymarvelkins  @ladymischief11  @k-writer17  @123forgottherest  @niniyanyan @hibernocaledonian @froggiecky @howdidurhammergrowchris @sweetberry47@colifower@chaotics17

Series Masterlist

Grow as we Go (Loki x Female Reader) (College Au)

Summary : You have lived with Loki since you were 15, he annoys you to the core and you hate him but is that all there’s to your feelings about him?

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5 (last)

Build me Up, Break me Down (Loki x Female Reader)

Read chapter 25 here// Series Masterlist

Chapter 26

Summary : Loki hav some fun with your family members

Warning : mention of abuse, Loki being loki, loki being a good god boyfriend, dry humping

Loki avengers 1ALT

You woke up in the middle of the night as you had a dream about your mother. It must be all the talking today and sharing your past with Loki that brought those memories to the surface. Your face was pressed into his chest so you looked up at him, wiping the drool from his skin, being grateful that he wasn’t up to see that. He was holding you so tightly as if he was afraid they’d take you away and hurt you.

You tried to wriggle out of his embrace as you had to use the loo but that’s when he woke up from the sleep.

“Darling, don’t leave me” He could barely keep his eyes open as he mumbled, his voice was so soft and his words made you smile

“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to wake you, I have to use the bathroom”

“Mmm okay” you tried to get up but he didn’t loosen his grip on you


“Yes princess” that name would never not make you flushed. He opened his eyes again as he realised he was suffocating you with his hold, so he eased his grip on you. You smiled as you slipped out of his embrace and when you went to the bathroom you noticed all the expensive toiletries, as if he would care about that. He was happy just with a soap, for a royal god prince he was very low maintenance.

People in your family were very cheap, literally and otherwise so it really came as a surprise that they had all this fanciness laid out for him.

You couldn’t help but wonder if they knew he was coming, but how did they know? They must have seen him fighting for you on tv but nobody knew you two were together, or in a relationship, if that’s what it was.

When you came out you checked the clock. It was 5 am and maybe it was your surroundings or the grief you were feeling in the moment, but you couldn’t go back to sleep.

“Come to bed little mortal” he mumbled and you smiled but then you heard the noise your tummy made

“I’m hungry” he looked at you standing at the edge of the bed with that adorable look on your face that hinted towards your empty belly and he sat up, he grabbed your hand and kissed it softly before he placed his head down on it. Was he sleeping like that?

“Lokii baby go to sleep I will just go eat something and be right back” You caressed his head with your other hand, he didn’t get much sleep last night and nor today.

Did you just call him baby? He heard you accurately, right? He never understood that mortal term of endearment but coming from you it made him feel so mushy and warm.

“Just come here for a minute, I’m not letting you go out there alone” he made you sit down on his lap and pressed his head down on your chest, you sat sideways on him and your fingers played with his hair while he dozed off again for a moment.

You always wondered if he had ever been cuddled like this before, you knew he slept holding Penny in her arms, but it wasn’t like this, he didn’t seem to cling to her the way he did with you or maybe you just had wishful thinking but you wanted to be someone he could feel comfortable being so clingy with. When you met him, you never could have imagined holding him like this or having him be so protective of you. He always looked at you as if he wanted to kill you.

“Okay I’m up, let’s go feed that tummy of yours” you smiled as you stood up and he put a trouser on magically

“I should start storing the food in my vault, you get ravenous all the time” you looked at him confused as he said that

“Your vault?” You asked him and he nodded as you walked him towards the kitchen

“Where do you think I’m conjuring all my things from?” He raised his brow giving you a quizzical look

“I thought it was magic” he smiled and kissed your head as you said that

“I can not produce things, I can only conjure what I already have darling”

“So umm like magic tricks?” Wow that was educational for you.

Your smile didn’t last long as you found David in the kitchen, he was drinking all alone. Loki grabbed your hand and pulled you closer to him but he kept his eyes on David, he was angry and everything you told him was running through his head, he didn’t want to but he couldn’t help and picture this toe shaped ugly man forcing himself on you, the image of his sixteen year old sweet mortal being hurt by this monster was too painful for him to bear.

“Hello baby” That was it. Loki walked over to him and grabbed him by the collar, then he smashed his head into the refrigerator, you didn’t want him to kill someone today. Not before the funeral at least.

“Loki what are you doing..stop please stop” you came between them and tried to pull him off David, you could see the hurt, the rage in his eyes and you just wanted to calm him down so you wrapped your arms around his waist and took few steps back along with him so he could get away from David

“It’s grandma’s funeral today loki..please..please” he looked at you as he heard your pleading voice and his eyes softened.

You heard David screaming as he grabbed his head, he felt piercing pain in his head than that pain transferred to his nether region

“That’s what you used to hurt her, to rip her dignity” He walked over to David again and you were hoping this wouldn’t end in his death, at least not today

“I hope you can live without one now” Loki smirked and David’s eyes widened, he looked down and it was gone, he didn’t have a penis anymore,

“You’re a freak, a freak” he started crying as he ran out of the kitchen.

“What did you do, Loki?”

“Just a bit of fun, I’m the god of mischief afterall” you sighed as you walked towards him and hugged him

“You look hot when you get all angry” he smiled a little as he kissed you. Then he picked you up and made you sit down on the counter

“I thought you brought me here to feed yourself”

“That was the plan I promise” you mumbled as he pulled you closer wrapping your legs around him, you could feel his bulge rubbing against your core. He was always horny.

“How many bad memories do you have about this space?” You moaned as he grinded his hips into you, stimulating your clit with every friction

“Way too many, Bonny once brought her boyfriend home, and they were making out in the kitchen while I cooked and it made me so sad because I knew I’d never get someone like that” Oh Bonny was on his list after David, his wife, Martin, your dad and Marcia

“How wrong you were, hmm?” You bit on your lips as he sucked a mark on your neck

“You’re not my boyfriend, you’re my god and that’s better, so much better”

Oh he wanted to be anything you wanted him to be. He would give you everything.

“Mmm it is better, my little subject, it definitely is, all those bad memories must wound you, let’s make a good one darling, I want you to cum like this for me, right here” he whispered in your ear and you nodded desperately, You worried that someone would come out and see, but you didn’t care in the moment.

He kept moving his hips driving you more and more towards a clitoral orgasm. He noticed someone through his peripheral vision, and he knew who it was, it was your stepsisters, Bonny and Claire. Now he felt extremely territorial about you and as long as you’re his he’d never allow anyone to see you like this, they didn’t deserve to see you amidst such private moment, only he did.

You’re his. But then he thought about your sisters purposefully hurting your self esteem by pulling tricks like that and he wanted to hurt them the same way. They could only see your back, his bare half naked body was visible to them and he knew they were feeling envious of you, so jealous, so hurt.

“That’s it ..that’s my girl, I wish you could see how seductive you look like this, just taking whatever I’m giving you like a good girl” he didn’t whisper this time, his voice was low, husky, breathy but loud enough for them to hear and he smiled as he watched your sisters fuming with jealousy, they would never get a taste of him. He belonged to you now, only you. He was yours.

“Oh god, please I want to cum, please bless me with a release” you moaned as you wrapped your arms around him, placing your head between the crook of his neck sucking on his soft skin, earning a delicious moan that filled your ears.

“Let go princess, I have got you, I have got you” He stimulated your clit from over your clothes with his fingers and that did you in, your orgasm swept you off in waves, you felt floaty, this is the third time he had made you cum in matter of few hours. As your breathing calmed down, your lips latched onto him. You felt wet and you knew you’d have to take a shower before you get to eat now and it was all worth it. He watched your sisters running away, and that brought him some satisfaction, he would hurt them how they have hurt you. He’d make them all feel how they have made you feel all these years.

He picked you up in his arms and took you back to the bedroom, you both showered and then you took him back to the kitchen. It was around 7 am now and there was still time for the funeral ceremony.

“This time we eat” he chuckled as you got around the kitchen effortlessly. A skill you learned over the years of feeding these useless hogs.

You wanted to make the pancakes just for you two but he noticed how you made the batter enough for 10 people to eat, that’s how he knew that your pure kind heart still cared for these monsters, he knew that you cared about your dad at least if nobody else.

“Can I help with something?” He asked you so you shook your head

“Noo you just stand there and look pretty” you bit on your lips as you noticed the expression on his face. You called him pretty, you called a god pretty.

“Darling as much as I enjoy the godly treatment, I’d like to offer my help in doing chores, especially if we are going to live together, don’t expect me to just sit around while you do everything” your eyes teared up as he said that. You were used to doing everything by yourself, he was your god and he was someone you respected deeply so you’d never ask him to help you with chores but if he wanted to do it you won’t stop him either.

Rest of the people woke up soon after, you didn’t even look up when you saw Martin on the dining table, Loki noticed his eyes on you and he was enraged again. You liked him, you told him that you liked him because he was nice to you before he used you, Martin brought his new wife along with him and she kept glaring at you as if she knew about the history between you two.

Everything was awkward around you two, nobody was talking to you anymore, they wanted to talk to Loki but he was keeping to himself and he was only talking to you.

When everyone sat down on the dining table to eat breakfast, Loki finally spoke to them

“So Marcia, were you waiting for the opportunity to Marry y/n’s dad? Tell me did you pray to your God for her mom to perish so you could finally take her place?” Everyone gasped as he said that so casually while cutting a piece of pancake with his knife, you looked at him and he scrunched his forehead

“What are you talking about son and be a little respectful”

He chuckled as she said that

“That is hilarious you foolish mortal, Do not call me son, you were born merely 70 years ago I assume by looking at your features. I was born 1045 years ago to be astute” And another set of collective gasp was heard. First of all he called her 70 when she was merely in her early 50s, then he made her realize that he was older than everyone else around here.

He clicked his fingers and all the chairs disappeared except the one he was sitting on and yours, they all fell down and then he clicked his fingers again, their plates were on the floor in front of them.

“Since I’m a god, I would like for you mortals to be more respectful of my presence here. Eating on the floor can be very humbling” You noticed Marcia’s eyes tearing up as she felt the humiliation. They were scared of his powers and things he could do and hence none of them spoke a word.

“Can I sit down on my knees in front of you and serve you?” You whispered in his ears and he glared at you as he felt the blood rushing towards his cock

“Do not tempt me darling while I’m trying to teach a lesson here” you heard his voice in your head and your mouth curved into a sly smile

“Go on, start feeding, we don’t want to be late for her grandma’s funeral now do we?” They all started eating as he raised his voice, they always made you sit on the floor, you weren’t allowed to sit on any furniture, it was kind of satisfying to see them like this.

“Why is she sitting on the chair then?” Claire asked him and he smiled

“You’re right, my mistake” you looked at him as he said that

“Darling, sit here on my lap, a goddess should be on her celestial throne” he opened his legs wide and held out his hand for you, your eyes teared up at the gesture, you’d do anything for him, hell you would wash his dirty feet and drink the water if he’d ask you too. That’s how much you loved him. You wrapped your arms around his neck as you sat down on him

“Thank you” he noticed your teary eyes so he kissed your forehead. He didn’t show you any affection in public but he just had to show these awful beings that you were precious and extremely important to him. They spend their lives making you feel worthless and unworthy of love and watching you being treated so tenderly by a literal god was hurtful for their fragile ego.

“How far is the venue?” Loki asked your father and he cleared his throat

“Two miles”

“And when do we have to be there? At what time?”

“Around 11” Loki nodded in response

“Hmm that gives you all plenty of time to reach there by foot if you leave now, I shall see you all there” and then they all gasped again

“By foot are you fucking crazy?” Martin raised his voice and Loki’s jaw clenched

“Now since you spoke out of turn and so disrespectfully, you must run to the venue, if I find that you have stopped even once on the way, you would not enjoy what I’ll do with you, am I understood clearly? Because if not, I have several other means to specify what I mean” Loki glared at him and Martin looked down

“Don’t make this worse for yourself” you told him and he was this close to crying as he felt the humiliation, they were all so terrified and frustrated

“Now hurry up, I shall see you pathetic mortals at the venue, and don’t try to cheat, I would know, my clone will follow you because I do not trust you fools” he got up once you were both done eating and took you back to the guest room so you can get ready leaving them all to bash their heads together.

“You are so sexyyy” you mumbled as soon as you got Inside the room, he smiled and laid down on the bed to watch you undress and get ready. You did light makeup and put on a black formal dress, you both still had time, thankfully you didn’t have to walk to the venue, you feared for everyone who dared to get on his wrong side. He was so powerful and almost invincible especially when compared to mortals. You knew he wouldn’t just let it slide after what you told him about your past. And they deserved it, as long as he didn’t get in trouble by killing them, you were okay with it.

You laid down next to him, keeping your head on his arm and he instantly pulled you closer

“So umm this clone of yours, does he have a conscience?” He chuckled as you asked him that

“No he’s just a robot, he does what I ask him to, Nothing more, nothing less”

“But he’s a part of you right?”

“He is, I have used them during fornication before” your eyes widened as he said that

“You mean like there can be several of you at one time?” You put your chin on his chest and he tucked your hair behind your ears

“There can be as many as I want, yes. In any shape or form”

“Wowww” you were thinking about it he knew that.

“Let it out darling” you shook your head as he said that but then he noticed your eyes tearing up

“What? Did I say something wrong?”

“No no I’m just being silly Loki”

“Princess what is it?” You sat up on the bed and he mirrored your action

“It’s just I just ..there’s only one you, real you. And I just want him, nobody else, not even your clone” he pulled you closer so he could kiss you. Maybe he wasn’t the only one feeling territorial about you, you felt the same

“Oh darling I can not share you with anyone either, you’re mine and I won’t let anyone see you like that, not even my clone, however this morning I did torture your sisters as they burned with jealousy while I pleasured you in the kitchen” you weren’t shocked by that, he was torturing these people in the way they tortured you.

“Mmm I felt that, I knew someone was there, and I knew you won’t let a man see me like that”

“I’d never break your trust I promise, you’re mine only” you smiled as he said that. How did you get so lucky? He lost his smile as he thought about his heritage and how would you react once you see him like that.

“This is not me though, it’s not my natural form” he laid down again, placing one of his hand behind his head so you got on top of him

“I know you’re a frost giant Loki, I didn’t mean your body or your face when I said I’d only want you. I meant you, you as a whole. I meant your soul, it’s always going to be the same no matter what form or shape you take, you’ll always be my god” his eyes teared up as he heard the sincerity in your voice. He wasn’t ready to show you just yet but he knew he’d get there someday, especially if you continue to adore him with such affections

“Even if I look like a bilgesnipe?”

“I don’t know what that is but yes even if you look like a bilgesnipe”

You leaned down to kiss him, around 10 am you found the keys to your dad’s car and he drove you towards the venue. You saw your family midway, walking under the sun as his clone followed them. Loki was in black suit for the funeral but his clone was in all his Asgardian glory.

As you saw your grandmother in the casket, you couldn’t hold back the tears, you remembered the time you spent with her, it was only because of her you learned to read and had basic skills that helped you move forward in life. He held you close throughout the ceremony and he didn’t allow anyone to even touch you. During lunch, her lawyer found you and whatever money she had in her savings, she gave it to you, much to your family’s dismay. You didn’t feel that you deserved to keep it but Loki convinced you to accept it as a blessing. She also had a photo album that held pictures of your mother, some of them you have never seen before, your mom’s wedding dress was there too.

Worst part was she was your grandmother from your dad’s side but she still kept all those things, she truly loved her daughter in law and she loved you.

On your way back to the house, Loki noticed how lost you seemed, you had to get your stuff so you could get out of there. When he stopped the car outside the house, you felt him caressing your cheek so you leaned into his touch

“Talk to me darling”

“I just.. she was the only family I had left and now she’s gone too, I have no family now” your eyes teared up and so did his, that’s how he feels about Asgard and home, about Frigga. Even though she’s alive it’s not the same. Nothing is the same.

“You have me, I might not be your family darling but you have me and I won’t leave you alone, you’d never be alone again” you hugged him tightly as he said that. You didn’t know what the future will bring for you two but in that moment you felt content, safe, loved and cherished.

“Thank you loki, I love you” you mumbled softly and he kissed your forehead, he rubbed your hands with his thumbs and that’s when you realized that it’s how he showed his love. He might not say the words but he showed it in several ways.

You wanted to leave and go back to New York but loki had other plans

“Can we stay one more night, I’m not done with these buffoons”

A smile crept on your lips as you noticed the devilish grin on his features.

“Whatever you need my god”


Taglist : @michelleleewise     @el-zef     @mcufan72      @xorpsbane      @christineblood      @asgardianprincess1050      @123forgottherest      @ladymischief11      @elenaysusneuras      @lokischambermaid              @lokisgoddessofwar           @snigdha-14    @nixymarvelkins    @froggiecky       @keegansakura    @accio-peach    @catalina712    @lokiprompts  @chaotics17    @yourmajesty13    @k-writer17    @buckybarnesandmarvel @howdidurhammergrowchris @niniyanyan

Grow as we Go (Loki x Female Reader) (College Au)

Read chapter 3 here

Summary : Your relationship with Loki changes for good then the arrival of Thor changes it again. Would you realise what loki means to you before it’s too late?

Warning : Sex but nothing graphic.

Your lips moved in unison, he had his hands wrapped around your waist as they roamed up and down, you had nothing to hold as he was always half naked so you pressed your hands on his chest

“You’re hard” his eyes widened as you said that and so did yours when you realized what you have said “No I meant your pecs, hard, very hard”

He smiled as he stepped away from you. So that just happened. You didn’t know what he was thinking but you knew you wanted to do it again.

“So you said you have always wanted to do that?” His pale cheeks formed a rosy shin as you said that, he was blushing so deeply

“Darling I love you but you can be really daft at times” he smiled but then he realized what he has said

“You love me?”

“No I mean ..not like that.. like we have been living together and been friends for 5 years now of course I love you, like what am I? A monster?”

You smiled as he blabbed nervously and walked closer to him

“Well I wanted to do that since yesterday but.. ” you bit on your lips as you suddenly felt shy in his proximity. You have been living with him for years and suddenly he’s getting you all flustered


“I really liked it and I would like more” he cupped your cheeks, as soon as words left your mouth he kissed you again, when he pulled away he had you gasping for air.

“You’re my roommate darling and I ..I have liked you since I saw you” you raised your eyebrows as he said that

“Why? I was.. I was horrible to you”

“No not all the time, you do things, little things that nobody does for me” you smiled as he said that. He got nervous again as you pressed a kiss on his bare sternum,

“Let me take you out on a date?” He finally built the courage to ask you that and you smiled


“Tomorrow?” You nodded as he said that, you kissed him again before you left for your own room because you knew the more you stay there, the more you’d want to do things to him and with him and have him do bad naughty things to you. As you laid down in your bed that night, you pictured that kiss in your head a million times before sleep came for you. You took out your phone and went through the pictures, you found that old picture your parents took the day he came to live with your family. He was so tall and lanky but he still had the same smile. You noticed the frown you had in that picture while he was smiling like someone had hung the moon over his head.

Next day you both didn’t have uni, you went to the kitchen and he was Already making breakfast, you realized how weird it was to be insanely attracted to the guy you have been living with for years. Then you realized how hard it must have been for him all this time.

“Good morning” he noticed how adorable you looked, you had makeup on, that made him smile, he didn’t care about that, he loved looking at your swollen just out of bed face in the morning but you made an effort for him and that swelled his heart.

“Good morning darling, care for breakfast?” You walked closer to him to look at the pan and he fidgeted a little at the closeness. He wasn’t a virgin, not by long shot but you made him so nervous.

“That smells delish” you looked at him and then you bit on your lips “And so do you” he blushed again at the compliment and as you turned around to get something from the refrigerator he pressed his nose against his shoulder. He did smell delish and he was grateful for that.

You both were just chit chatting while you ate together and he had you laughing and giggling. He was a funny dude, very humorous, one of the many reasons you detested him.

“You know your best friend hates me?”

“Fandral?” He asked you and you nodded

“He doesn’t hate you, he just..I have spent nights at his house getting drunk and just talking about you while he had to pretend that he enjoyed listening to his buddy crying over an unrequited affection”

“Why didn’t you..tell me before?” You asked him and he looked at you so intensely you wanted to kiss him again, you wanted to feel those sparks and all the tingling sensations that followed with it

“I couldn’t lose you, or this, whatever we had, you fought with me, argued with me and those were the best parts of my day” your eyes teared up as he said that. You got up from your seat, and he tilted his head up to look at you, you leaned down and cupped his cheeks then you kissed him

“You’re silly loki, so silly but you’re always so right, I should go and prepare myself for the date” you smiled and he was just trying to supply the sufficient amount of oxygen to his brain.

As you got back to your room, you called Nat and she legit screamed in your ears

“Okay when you’re done hyperventilating, please tell me should I wear something sexy or just cas”

“Sexy always sexy, Girl blow his mind and then his cock tonight or I’ll be so disappointed”

“Shut up you’re so dirty” you giggled but the thought made you blush. God you have been thinking such dirty things about your roommate now, all those people who told you that you treated him like a brother can suck it now.

In the evening you got ready in a short white thin strapped dress, that looked virginal but very sexy. His eyes almost blew out of his socket as he saw you. He matched you accidentally with the white shirt he was wearing that he paired with a black pants. He looked like a perfect gentleman. The date was a blur to you, you wished you could focus on things he was saying and everything else but you could only focus on his lips as he talked, his veiny forearms as he drove, his scent as he got closer to you.

If that’s how he felt about you all this time and still kept his feelings to himself, you wanted to applaud him for that.

Normally on a date the guy drops you at home and you’re supposed to kiss him, maybe let him have a feel or two and then he leaves. Your situation was different, you lived with him.

Once you got inside the house, you asked him if he’d like a drink and he sat down on the couch.

You inched closer and closer to him and he was trying to hide the bulge forming in his pants

“So are you like this with all your girls” you pecked his cheek and he turned his body towards you, same as you, he tucked your hair behind your ears and you looked down

“Like what?”

“Like a gentleman, so respectful” you mumbled as you unbuttoned the top button of his shirt

“I can be whatever you want me to be, baby” oh baby. You liked that. You got on his lap and he took a deep breath

“I can take things slow or fast, it’s up to you, I’ll take whatever you give me because I’m over the moon with this development” you smiled and then your lips latched onto his neck, he let out a moan and that fired you up instantly. It wouldn’t be so bad to go to bed with him if he makes noises like that

“I’m a virgin” you whispered in his ears but he didn’t seem surprised by that

“I know”


“I just know, I’m sorry if that makes me look like a creep” you giggled and shook your head

“Are you okay with me having no experience?”

“It wouldn’t matter darling, it’s kind of perfect, I get to teach you everything” he rubbed your lips with his thumb and you closed your eyes. The only thing he has taught you in life was high school calculus and first year psych. But you’d like to learn this stuff from him.

“Lokiii Lokii” you mumbled his name and he hummed

“I want it”

“Baby take your time, I don’t want you to regret me”

His eyes teared up so you kissed him again

“Please I want it, I have waited long enough”

“Are you sure?” He asked you softly and you nodded.

He picked you up and took you to his bedroom. As soon as he laid you down on his bed, you could feel him all around you, he was gentle as he undressed you, so soft and the praises he whispered in your ears made your heart skip several beats. He opened you up slowly first with his fingers then he had his mouth on you, you felt so shy about that but he clasped his fingers with yours as he drank from you, the experience was cathartic as you came around him. Having him inside you felt like heaven, it did hurt, you were a virgin and he wasn’t exactly average, he was pretty perfect in every way and you couldn’t believe how blind you have been before. His breathing got erratic as he reached closer to his orgasm

“Ohh loki..oh baby”

“I love you y/n, I have always loved you, I love you so much” your eyes teared up as you felt him cumming, you wished you could feel him without the barrier of the condom but maybe someday. The confession thrilled you but you couldn’t respond because you didn’t know just yet. Did you love him or did you lust him? You just didn’t know.

Next morning when he woke up you weren’t there, his heart clenched instantly, did you regret it? He knocked on your door as he got ready for uni. When you opened the door you seemed happy, and that made him feel relieved.

Things felt perfect, for a week at least, you slept with him every night after that because you couldn’t just stop, he was irresistible.


“Okay maybe you’re not the worst woman in the world” you chuckled as Fandral said that.

You were losing your mind as you looked at the crowd that turned up for your play, but he was there backstage, kissing your forehead, soothing your nerves, telling you how proud he was of you.

“They didn’t come” your eyes teared up as you noticed the vacant seats where your parents were supposed to sit and he kissed you softly

“It’s okay baby, it’s okay”

The performance couldn’t have gone any better, it was the best night of your life in every way. Everyone loved you in the play, everyone wanted to congratulate you, they wanted to talk to you and you had a very handsome boyfriend. He told you that he didn’t want to pressure you, that you could take your time with this and your feelings about him and you appreciated that. You still had repressed feelings about Thor for some reason

It was Valentine’s day the next day and you had a gift for loki. So did he. But things didn’t turn out how you wanted them to, Thor was in front of you in the cafeteria asking you out for a date and you just stared at him for a good few minutes, you had a crush on him. The only reason you wanted to do this play was so that he’d notice you

“So would you like to be my valentine Miss?” Your mouth hung open as he asked you that,

“Ummm Thor..I ”

“Yes?” He kissed the back of your hand and that made you so nervous, so fucking nervous. You could feel everyone’s eyes around you, Natasha was glaring at you, and then you saw Loki, his eyes were teary as he walked out so you followed him

“Loki?” He was shoving the flowers he had for you in the locker, he was heartbroken and hurt, he saw the way you looked at him

“If you want to date him just go, I won’t stop you, you’re not tied to me” your eyes teared up too as he said that

“I like him”

“I know, I know”

“I don’t want to hurt you, I care about you loki and I ”

“Y/n? Just go..I’ll live, I’ll be fine” you felt hurt for him, you never wanted to hurt him but you had no idea what you were doing or if you were making a mistake.

“I just don’t know why you even like me Loki? I haven’t been the best person to you, you know that” he smiled as he wiped his tears

“I was 15 when my dad decided that it would be completely okay for him to send his 15 year old son to a new country. I was dejected when I came here, I didn’t even know if I’d be able to survive it but then I saw you ..and I just.. I felt okay, happy even. I didn’t know why, but that’s just how I felt. Then mama left me and I got the same feeling all over again but then at night when you sat next to me and held my hand to comfort me I felt okay, I knew I’ll survive as long as I had you. It’s not your fault that I felt that way about you, that you calmed my soul, that you made me feel normal for once and I always made your life harder didn’t I? So don’t let me do that again, go be with somebody who you want to be with alright?”

He slammed his locker shut and left you there to contemplate over his words and what he said. And it only took you losing him to make you realize that you indeed loved him.

That he was the only man you wanted to be with. But you lost him.

Taglist @michelleleewise  @annoyingsweetsstranger  @soumya-13  @el-zef @12-pm-510  @daddylokisqueen  @mcufan72  @perhaps-just-june  @snigdha-14 @nixymarvelkins @ladymischief11 @k-writer17 @123forgottherest @niniyanyan@hibernocaledonian@froggiecky@howdidurhammergrowchris@sweetberry47

Build me Up, Break me Down (Loki x Female Reader)

Read chapter 31 here// Series Masterlist

Chapter 32

Summary : Loki talks to you about his fears of you being a mortal.

Warning : 18+ Sex, mention of past abuse, PTSD symptoms, discussion of mortality and death.

Gif has nothing to do with chapter I just love how his mouth moves

Loki thor 1ALT

You went back to the party and it was in full swing, everyone had someone they partnered up with to dance the night out. Charlotte looked at your sad face and she excused herself from Thor to check up on you, you smiled as soon as you saw her coming

“You two look so good together” she giggled as you said that

“He said he’d take me to Asgard. Can you believe it?” You gasped, you knew Thor would like her.

“He better treat you right” she smiled but then she got worried about you

“Is everything okay with Mr hottie, did you guys talk?” She asked you and you nodded

“Don’t worry about that, we will be okay, just go have fun okay?” you nudged her to go back and she hugged you before she went back to the dance floor.

What were you even doing here? The one man you are here for won’t even talk to you more than what you have already heard before from him. You want to help him move on from that guilt, you know it’s not easy for him but how are you supposed to do that when he won’t even talk to you about his fears.

Loki wanted to disappear, he should have just gotten back to his room and stayed there until you left, that was the only way he could have kept you safe from him, but he didn’t want you to leave, he wanted to hold you and kiss you. He wanted to tell you that he was scared of hurting you again, that he was terrified of turning into that man again. And that he was scared of losing you to death. When he stepped inside the lounge, he found you standing all alone in the corner as you watched other couples dancing and having fun. He promised you that he won’t allow you to feel lonely again then what was he doing?

You saw him heading towards you so you straightened yourself up, your eyes teared up as you looked at him. He was so handsome it really hurt to look at him sometimes. He grabbed your hands in his and placed it around his shoulders, then his arms wrapped around waist, you gasped as he pulled you closer to him, thank goodness that those heels managed some of the height difference.

“Are we dancing?” he smiled as you asked him. He had told you before that he couldn’t dance, especially not in public

“Well I cannot do that.. whatever that is” he looked at Tony who was doing..well some kind of dance or voodoo, only he knew.

“But I can do what mother taught me” he clicked his fingers and the music changed, you swayed with him side to side, slowly, everytime you looked at him your eyes met with his. You knew people were staring, he has never shown you any sort of affection in public before. But then you realized that he might be using magic to hide you two from their view. So you kissed him, softly, very gently and he responded with his own tenderness.

Charlotte squealed and you looked at her.

“I thought they couldn’t see us, I’m sorry” he smiled as you got nervous then one of his hands crawled behind your head as he pulled you in for a kiss again. You have missed him so much, you have missed him holding you so tightly like this

“I’m sorry darling, for everything”

His eyes teared up so you cupped his cheeks

“Not your fault Loki, it’s not your fault, you have to stop blaming yourself”

“I wish I could, and everytime I close my eyes I wish I didn’t have visions of that night in my head but it’s there and I ..the things I said to you..you know I’d never say that to you if..”

“I know..I know baby ..hey I know okay?” You hugged him as tightly as you could so the only thing he’d feel in that moment is you, you wanted him to feel safe too and he felt safe with you.

Once you felt him relaxing in your embrace you eased your hold on him

“You want to spend some time with me all alone, just the two of us?” You asked him and his eyes teared up. He was afraid of being alone with you and that broke your heart. He nodded so you grabbed his arm and took him to his bedroom. As soon as you stepped inside you kissed him again, you didn’t want to rush him, there were things that needed to be talked about and you wanted to clear that up right now.

“Soo umm did you sleep with someone else in the past two months?”

Great. Just great. Maybe you should have saved that question for later but you couldn’t stop yourself.

“No darling, I couldn’t” you weren’t expecting him to stay loyal to you, you two were broken up and he loved having sex so it came as a surprise.

“I would ask but I know you wouldn’t do that”

“You know me far too well mister god”

He smiled as you stepped away from him and sat down on the bed to take off your heels, you weren’t used to wearing heels and they were killing your feet. You groaned and he was on his knees in front of you instantly

“Loki stop..you can’t do that” you grabbed his hand as he took your heels off one by one.

“Why?” He asked you as he pressed on the pad of your foot with his thumbs, you didn’t want to moan but it was way too satisfying

“You’re my god, you’re not supposed to do that” he smiled as he looked at you

“A god can kneel for his goddess” your face flushed, skin tingled and heart fluttered as he said that

“Come sit next to me” you patted on the bed next to you and he got up to sit next to you

“Talk to me dear god” you smiled as you looked at him

“We do need to talk”

“We sure do”

“You’re a mortal”

“Yess I am”

“I’m a god”

“Yes you are”

“You’ll be gone after few years and I’ll be here for thousands of years, that if we survive that monster Thanos will send after us gods”

“You will survive it and live to tell the story. I just know that. Are you afraid of losing me?” his eyes teared up at the question

“I’m afraid of losing you, being without you and I’m afraid of being alone again” you turned towards him and made him look at you

“You know if it was up to me I would never leave you alone, I’d be here until you’re sick of my face” you smiled and that made him smile too

“Sick of that pretty face? Never”

“There’s not much I can say to ease that fear of yours because it’s going to happen and we can’t change it but..I love you and I want to be with you for as long as I could” he sighed in response

“I want that too darling, I want that too” he pulled you on top of his lap and hugged you tightly, he hid himself between the crook of your neck because he didn’t want you to see how weak he felt in that moment

“Think of me like a pet when I’m gone”

“Don’t say that darling pleaseee”

“I’m serious, you can move on when I’m gone, you can find another lover, maybe someone immortal this time so you won’t have to lose her so soon? Just because you would find someone else, that doesn’t mean I was any less important to you, I’d still be your Little mortal and I’ll always be your favorite mortal” he knew you were trying to make him feel better and hopeful about the future, but your words only hurt him further, he didn’t want to cry standing at your grave sixty years from now. He didn’t want to lose you like that. Once you die, he’d never be able to hold you like this and the fear crushed him.

“You are my favorite darling, not just my favorite mortal but you are my favorite everything and I don’t want to lose you”

“You won’t, I’m here, live in the moment with me Loki, let’s just live and love each other, let’s make beautiful memories. You deserve to be happy, you deserve affection and love more than anyone else, and I want to drown you in it, I want to make you so happy”

You pressed your forehead against his hoping that he would choose to live in the present instead of worrying about the future, who knows what will happen ten years from now. Maybe things will change, maybe he’d fall out of love and it’d kill you to lose his affection like that but then you can’t let that fear stop you from enjoying the next few years of bliss. You never thought you’d find someone like him to call your own and now that you had him you weren’t ready to lose him at any cost or for any reason

“I wanted to give you everything you have never had, treat you the way you deserve to be treated, I promised you all that and more but I failed” you shook your head and made him look at you again.

“You didn’t fail, you never did and you already give me more than I could have imagined, just being here with you is my dream life, I never thought I’d find a man so loving, so thoughtful, a man who’d respect me enough to not hurt me, I got more than what I was looking for, and no matter what happens i’d always worship you my god because that’s who you are to me”

He looked at you all wide eyed and perplexed, maybe it was his Karma, he always thought of mortals as inferior beings, those who didn’t deserve any importance, and that’s why fate brought him to you so he’d fall for a mortal and get his comeuppance when your life would end right in front of his eyes. But he can’t hurt you anymore, you have been hurt all your life and he wants to change that, he wants to give you a happy life. You kissed his forehead and got off his lap

“Let me just call Charlotte, I hope she’s alright”

He perched himself on his elbow. You care so much, not just about him but everyone who shows you the slightest of affection. He would never meet someone as pure as his little mortal. His heart would break once in a while whenever the fear of losing you would overwhelm him but he knew that’s the burden he’d have to bear for you.

“So my brother and her were getting real chummy out there or I imagined it?” You giggled as he said that

“She’s having the best time of her life” you laid down on the bed next to him, on your front situating yourself on both of your elbows

“How’s your job going? Anyone bothering you?” he asked you as he tucked a strand of hair behind your ears and kissed your forehead

“Noo” you leaned forward to kiss him and then you got on top of him, he couldn’t have that for long so he flipped you over quickly. You took his jacket off and the t shirt followed, god you have been wanting to touch his bare skin since you got here, it’s been months since you got to have him rubbing against you so intimately, you have missed every little thing, every sound he makes, every whisper of his voice

He didn’t take your dress off, he just pulled your dress over your thighs and took your panties off, you unbuttoned his pants and he was hard already. He pulled the straps down and your bare breasts drove him even more wild.

“You are ethereal, have I ever told you that?” You bit on your lips at the compliment while his lips suckled on your nipples one by one. He looked up at you and the flashes from that night clouded his eyes again, he froze, he couldn’t move, he tried to get off you but you didn’t allow him to

“Hey hey look at me, look into my eyes loki please” you cupped his cheeks and his tears dripped down on your face “I’m safe here with you, you’d never hurt me, never ever”

“How do you know? How am I different from those men that hurt you before?” You felt offended not because of him but for him, how dare he compare your god to worms like those men

“Those men never asked questions like that because they didn’t care whether they were hurting me, that is reason enough for me, don’t you ever compare yourself with those evil men again”

You wiped his eyes and pecked on his lips, wrapping your legs around his waist you pushed his cock inside you slowly, he moaned as he felt your walls clenching around him, it’s been a long time, he placed his head down on your breasts as he pumped in and out of you slowly

“I have missed you darling, I’m sorry, I’m so sorry”

“I know I know..I have missed you inside me too, every night I craved you my god and I wanted to go down on my knees and pray to you but I was afraid you won’t answer me”

He just shook his head in response, he placed his arms around your head and kissed you again, his tongue played with yours while his hips continued to thrust in and out of you. “I love you princess” your eyes teared up, you couldn’t believe your ears. He knew he had to say it even though what he felt for you surpassed something as frivolous as the word love to him, because he didn’t just love you anymore, he worshiped the ground you walked on. But he knew you had been longing to hear it from him and he was going to give you everything.

“You love me?” You smiled and a moan escaped your lips as his cock brushed that sweet nerve Inside you

“Love you, yes, I love you darling and I’ll always love you”

When he finally came, he had you moaning and whimpering under him, it was the most emotionally satisfying sex of his life, the euphoria he felt as he looked into your eyes during both of your orgasms was unmatchable, it fired up every little inch of his skin and he felt it deep in his soul. That void inside him was filled again.

Once he calmed down he grabbed you in his arms and you showered with him, the cold water snapped you out of the bliss for a moment

“I’m sorry, I cannot handle warm water, let me fix it”

“It’s fine loki, just hold me” you held him as tightly as you could and you didn’t hate how cold it was around you, the temperature of his body along with water felt soothing in a way. You wondered how he looked in his natural form, he took another step forward today. He shared his fear and he was trying to move on from that incident. If things were to be like this you knew you’d see him all blue and big soon.

“Do you want to stay the night with me darling?”

“I want to stay all the nights with you” and he smiled genuinely, he seemed happy. That made you happy. He dressed you up in his clothes and you felt as if you were drowning in it but he found it really adorable.

“So if I wouldn’t have come here today, would you just let me go?”

You asked him as you fixed the bed and he rubbed his palm over his neck, from nervousness and guilt as well

“Noo, I wanted to get back to you every moment, I just .. didn’t think I deserved your affection, not even a smidgen of it”

Your eyes teared up as you noticed the sadness and hopelessness in his voice. You laid him down on the bed and got on top of him, he hasn’t been sleeping well and you haven’t been sleeping either, that was going to change tonight.

Didn’t take you both long enough to doze off, he was happy and content having you back in his arms. He has dreamt about this night since the day you left.

But then you woke up to him shivering and shaking, mumbling an apology over and over again, you knew he was thinking about that night again. The nightmares kept reminding him of the abuse he had forced upon you, you forgave him but he didn’t. And you knew it’d take some time for him to move on from that.

So you woke him up gently, wiped the sweat off his skin with your hands, and doused him in soft kisses all over his face until his breathing calmed down

“You’re okay baby, you’re safe, and I’m safe with you, you won’t hurt me I promise” you whispered in his ears softly

“I’m sorry..I’m so sorry” tears filled his eyes, his breathing remained shallow

“Noo no, don’t apologize, everything is okay now, we will get better okay? Go back to sleep”

He has never been so vulnerable in his life, even when he was he had no one to place the balm over his wounds, but now he had you. And the thought overwhelmed him again, he’d get used to you taking care of him like this and then someday you’ll leave him. Then he’ll be all alone again, without his princess to comfort him. The thought hurt him deeply, but there was nothing he could have done about it. So he wrapped his arms around you tightly and allowed himself to feel grateful and happy for this moment that he had you.

And he hoped that these moments and the memories of you will be enough for him to get by when you’re gone.

When you leave him forever.


Taglist : @michelleleewise         @el-zef     @mcufan72          @xorpsbane          @christineblood          @asgardianprincess1050          @123forgottherest          @ladymischief11          @elenaysusneuras          @lokischambermaid                  @lokisgoddessofwar               @snigdha-14        @nixymarvelkins        @froggiecky           @keegansakura        @accio-peach        @catalina712        @lokiprompts      @chaotics17        @yourmajesty13        @k-writer17        @buckybarnesandmarvel     @howdidurhammergrowchris     @niniyanyan   @multifandom-world8   @purplekitten30

Build me Up, Break me Down (Loki x Female Reader)

Read chapter 30 here// Series Masterlist

Chapter 31

Summary : Two months pass and you meet loki again at Bruce’s birthday party. Resisting you is harder than he thought it to be

Warning : The usual, 18+ , Some smut, mention of past abuse (if you have gone this far into the series you know what to expect)

  • Note : This chapter reminded me of lisik
Loki thor 1 ALT

“Should I go with this black fit dress or this blue one, the blue one reminds me of something grandma used to wear” Charlotte chuckled as she looked at you.

“Go with black, it’s strappy and sexy and you know who’s going to be there” she winked at you and you sighed. It’s been two months, a whole two months since you last saw him, when you proudly stepped out of his room announcing that you’d get him back. Now that you look back at that moment, you feel kind of silly for telling something like that to a god.

You remember the first few days that you spent in your bed, feeling lifeless and staring at the ceiling, you didn’t think you’d survive this heartbreak.

You didn’t try to get in touch with him, you remembered what Bruce said, he needed to heal, and so did you.

You knew Loki would never hurt you like that but that doesn’t mean what happened that night wasn’t traumatising, you couldn’t understand how you always end up in a situation like that. But as hard as it was for you, it was worse for him.

If you’d have done something like that to him you won’t be able to forgive yourself either. He took pride in being that one man you felt safe with, now he thinks he has taken it away from you, but that wasn’t true, you’d always feel safe with him. He was your Loki.

“What are you wearing?” You asked her and her eyes widened

“You want to take me to hulk’s birthday party at avengers tower?” She asked you and you smiled

“First of all do not call him Hulk, he doesn’t like that, secondly he said I can bring a friend and you’re the only one, I still don’t know why I’m invited, I have talked to him like five times since he treated me” She squealed and jumped up and down, her excitement excited you as well

“Oh my god okay I need to find a dress let me see”

A month ago Charlotte was evicted from her apartment so she needed a place to stay. You had a perfect spare room, it was Loki’s idea to get two bedrooms so whenever you two got into an argument he could go there to cool down and relax. He wanted to be around you all the time but he didn’t want to hurt you whenever he got angry. You still got his share of rent from him, you always felt him around you when you walked to work but maybe it was your desperation to see him that made you feel that way.

It was easy to pretend to be alright in front of her or everyone else, but at night when you crawled into your bed all alone and without him by your side you could only cry, you always cried yourself to sleep.


“I’m not coming, tell him that I sent my apologies” Loki stormed out after his training session, Thor was right about losing his brother again, he hadn’t seen Loki smiling in the last two months, since you left he just seemed like a robot working on an autopilot mode.

“Loki it’s his birthday, things have been getting good between you and other avengers, don’t ruin it. Just stay for an hour and then you can go back to sulking in your room” Loki glared at him as he said that

“I do not sulk, what’s with the bags?” Thor shoved all the bags in his hands as soon as Loki finished his words

“New clothes, midgardians tend to change their clothing every now and then, you must try new clothes” Loki rolled his eyes as he stepped inside the room, the bags were thrown in the corner of the room as he made his way to get showered.

He missed you, every little thing you did, he has missed it all. That day after you stormed out on him, he didn’t get in touch with you and he was thankful that you didn’t either, but that didn’t make it any easier for him to go on with what he has done to you and go on without you. He missed his sweet angel mortal in his life, everyday he woke up feeling hollow, and as the day proceeded that void inside him only got bigger and deeper, the only relief he got was when he slept at night and dreamt about you, he was lucky enough to see you, hold you and touch you or when sometimes he followed you to work to make sure nobody out there was bothering you.

He heard your cries at night, that’s when you let the walls down and allowed him to get in, he was linked with you, he wanted to keep you close, but hearing your cries only wounded him, knowing far too well that he was the reason for your misery killed him everyday.

On those nights when he wasn’t fortunate enough to dream about you, he re-lived that night he ruined you over and over again, same nightmare every time and it was a projection of his own memory, he always woke up crying and shuddering for hurting his princess like that. How could he do that to you after everything you have been through? Why wasn’t he strong enough to resist Thanos?


You got ready and looked at yourself in the mirror, the dress was Charlotte’s idea, it was fitting all your curves, and showing heck a lot of cleavage but you have seen the kind of dress people at the tower wore at such parties, you still felt pretty decent

“You look so sexy, Mr hottie better pull you aside and give you much needed loving” your face flushed as you thought about Mr hottie, you haven’t tried to talk to him but that doesn’t mean you haven’t been keeping a tab on him.

You called Thor once every few days to check up on him, in the beginning Loki was not getting better, then Thor started to take care of his meals and made sure he got proper sleep at night. You just wanted him to feel okay again, and then you wanted him to get back to you.

“Thank you, you look gorgeous too” you smiled as you looked at her. She had a gorgeous red dress on that made her look like a movie star, she had that hollywood classic features that actresses like Grace Kelly used to have

“Really? You think Thor would look at me twice?” You smiled as she said that.

“Well he sure would, he broke up with Jane so he’s single and ready to mingle”


To be frank you weren’t too upset about Jane being gone, she never seemed to respect Loki and held a grudge for something even Thor didn’t care about anymore. She just didn’t like Loki and that was enough for you to hate her.

When you reached the tower you took a deep breath, it’s been a while and there were several memories from worst to better to worst again. As you made your way through security, you spotted Happy Hogan, the head of security

“Sir happy, how are you?” You asked him and he just gave you his usual grumpy look

“I am good, how are you y/n?”

“I’m good, invited to hulk’s birthday and ummm I don’t know why but I have an evite to show for it which I’ll show you in a second if I can find it on my phone..just a second” you blabbed nervously and he shook his head

“No need, get up there and enjoy” he told you and Charlotte gave him a smile, you sighed as you both got in elevator

“Wow that was embarrassing for you”

“I got nervous”

“Don’t get nervous in front of Loki, get sexy, make him realise that he’s missing all that hot bod” you giggled as she said that. Your heart was running a mile per second as you thought about seeing him again, would he even look at you? Did he forget you? Did he move on with someone else? There were several questions and no answers.

When you reached the venue you greeted Natasha and Steve. Then you finally found Bruce and wished him a happy birthday.

“This is my friend Charlotte, we work together and live together”

You introduced her to everyone you met, you saw Penny there too and your heart broke. Why was she there? Was she there with him? For him? The anxiety rose more and more in the pit of your stomach, but as she walked over to you, you smiled

“Hi y/n how are you?”

“I’m fine, how are you, penny?” You didn’t want to come across as rude, it wasn’t her fault that you felt insecure about her past with Loki and if he really did get back together with her, there’s nothing you could do about it

“I’m good now, thanks to Loki” and your heart broke again, what did she mean?

“Thanks to Loki?” Your eyes teared up and her eyes widened

“Oh no not like that, I’m sorry, I just..you know what he did for me few months ago, that’s what I meant”

You took a deep breath, relief surged through your veins

“I’m sorry you had to go through something so awful”

“Thank you, you should go see him, he hasn’t been well lately” you looked at her as she said that. So they weren’t together right?

You got relaxed around her and Charlotte was enjoying the party then finally the one man she wanted to meet walked towards you two

“Oh my god he’s coming towards us, he’s hotter than the sun”

“Okay shhh Calm down” you glared at her

“Okay phewww” you smiled as Thor got closer

“Lady y/n it’s so good to see you again” he kissed the back of your hand like a gentleman and then he looked at Charlotte

“This is my roommate Charlotte”

“Charlotte? That’s a beautiful midgardian name for a beautiful lady” he took her hand in his and she almost fainted.

“Lady y/n can you do me a favor?”

“Sure what is it?” You asked him and he gave you a box

“New shoes for Loki, can you just give him that for me, he must be getting ready still” you looked at him shocked and then you grabbed the box

“Sure yeah um.. yeah I’ll give it to him”

You mumbled nervously

“I assume you remember your way to his chamber”

You smiled as you made your way towards his room, you felt nervous, shaky and your eyes teared up as you thought about seeing his face after so long. What if he doesn’t want to see you or talk to you, what if he’s mean again? Well you could always give him puppy eyes and that would probably work. You knocked on the door twice and then he opened it, he looked like a mess, but a hot mess, he had a black tshirt on paired with a trouser. His eyes teared up as he looked at you

“Y/n?” He called out to you and you smiled

“Gift from Thor” you showed him the shoe box and he took it from you

“Come in” you bit on your lips as you stepped inside. He looked at you up and down, that dress looked sinful on you, he had never seen you dress so sexily before, if he was still your man that dress would end up on the floor right now

You sat down on his bed and you could see the bundle of clothes he had on them

“I just couldn’t figure out what to wear, I’m so confused” you smiled as he said that

“I’ll choose a pair for you” you stood up and looked at the option, the clothes were new you could tell, they still had the tags on

“How come you are here?” He asked you but you didn’t look at him, you were busy choosing a perfect attire for him

“Bruce invited me, we stay in touch” his jaw clenched and nose flared as you said that, what do you mean you stay in touch. He felt jealous, so jealous but you don’t belong to him anymore.

“I’ll get showered” he grabbed a towel and as soon as he got Inside you let out the breath you were holding in. You chose a dark green jacket with white shirt underneath and a black fitted pants, you folded the rest of the clothes and kept it in his closet, your eyes glanced towards his old clothes so you took out an old shirt of him and wrapped it around your body. The shirts you had of him at home were losing his essence. You quickly put it back inside before he would come out and see you acting like a creep.

He stepped out of the bathroom with just a towel wrapped around his waist and that made you feel flushed so you turned around while he changed

“How are you y/n?”

“I’m okay, you?”


Once he dressed up you turned around again

“You look handsome” he smiled a little as you complimented him. He sat down on the bed to put the socks and the shoes on, but shoes had their laces out and he was so confused. You walked closer to him and got on your knees so you could help him with it. You placed his feet on your thighs and worked the lace, now all he could think about was the conversation he had with you on the couch in your family’s house, your hair kept coming in the way so you pushed them behind you.

His eyes were stuck to your submissive form and the clear view of that flesh you were showing off for him, he was tempted to pull you on top of him and suck several marks on your exposed cleavage. Once you were done with the one shoe you moved onto another, you looked up at him innocently and he was just staring at you with those pretty eyes of his, you could see several emotions flickering through them. Lust, longing, craving, love, that was your Loki. And he was aroused, you could tell. You still affected him and he still cared about you. That was a relief

“All done” you mumbled and stood up,

“Thank you darling” Oh how you have longed to hear that from him

“I’ll see you at the party” you turned around and left, there was a smile on your face that he couldn’t see.

You went back to the party and enjoyed a drink or two, you didn’t go talk to him again, you wanted him to come to you, but he was just staring at you while he sat at the bar drinking. Charlotte and Thor were dancing together, and you smiled as you looked at her. She sent you a filthy gesture with her hands that she was going to suck his cock later. Well You didn’t have to know that

When Thor went to the bar to grab a drink for Char he noticed Loki just glancing at you ever so often

“Go talk to her” Loki shrugged and shook his head

“Nothing has changed, everything is still the same, I’m still the man that destroyed her”

“You know that’s not true and you know that’s not how she feels,

Thor sighed and he went back to Charlotte, Loki wanted to do more than just talk with you but he can’t put your life in danger again. He turned around to get another drink and when he looked back he didn’t find you, he looked around but he couldn’t find you. That worried him. So he stepped out of the lounge quickly and he watched you heading towards the kitchen, he shouldn’t have followed you. He wasn’t strong enough to control himself from touching you if he did, but he couldn’t stop himself either.

He found you ransacking the refrigerator, you were probably looking for a snack or something but then you took out a popsicle and leaned yourself against the refrigerator as you sucked on it. It reminded you of him, that’s how he tasted, cold, hard, flavorsome. He couldn’t stop staring at you as you sucked on that phallus looking ice treat like that. You have always been a little minx and you must have known that he’d follow you

"I know you are there” he smiled when he heard you, once you were satisfied you threw the rest of the popsicle in the sink and washed your hand, he stepped inside the kitchen and walked closer to you

“Are you not afraid of being alone with me darling?” His eyes teared up as he spoke, so did yours, the pain might have subsided but the guilt didn’t lessen. He was still haunted by that night

“Afraid of my god? Never” you walked closer to him and your fingers latched onto his jacket as you pulled him closer, you looked up at him, your lips were so close to each other, he wanted to kiss you and so did you, but both of you were controlling the urge because there were several things that needed to be talked about. He never gave you the chance to talk,

“I’m not your god anymore” he whispered and your eyes teared up more

“You don’t get to decide that, I do, I choose my god and I only know one” you pressed a kiss on his chin and he moaned. Your hands sneaked inside his jacket and you grabbed the back of his neck, he shuddered as felt your nails grazing over his nape

“Where was your god that night? Hmm? Where was he when a monster like me hurt you like that, what is he going to do with me? How would he ever get justice for that?” You felt his pain as he spoke, he was hurting himself every moment for something that wasn’t in his control

“You think this isn’t punishment enough? This distance between us is worse than any punishment” you sucked on his lower lip and that was it, he wasn’t strong enough.

He picked you up and made you sit down on the counter, his hands cupped your cheeks as he kissed you feverishly, your lips felt cold, plump, wet and he was so turned on by that, you clutched onto his jacket and pulled him closer to you wrapping your legs around his waist.

“We need to stop darling, this can’t happen” you looked up at him, he looked tormented and you knew he was thinking about that night

“Do you miss me?” His eyes welled up more

“Why wouldn’t I miss you darling? I have been barely hanging on a thread without you” you wrapped your one arm around his neck and pressed your nose against the crook of his neck, inhaling his scent, god you have missed that more than anything. Your other hand wandered down and you rubbed his bulge over his pants earning a loud breathy moan. He latched his lips on your neck and you threw your head back to give him more space, you both have been starving without each other in the past two months. You pulled the zipper down and he wasn’t wearing a brief underneath so you pulled his cock out to stroke him

“Darling you have to stop” his mouth said something but he wasn’t showing any resistance with his actions

“Make me stop then” you stroked his cock up and down and he was so hard in your fist, every vain in his cock was pulsating with your touch,

“I can’t ..I’m not strong enough to push you away when you get like this, I never was” he pulled you closer and his tongue licked a swipe between the valley of your breasts. You wiped his precum off the tip of his cock and then you looked at him as you sucked your finger in, moaning at his taste.

He was just so entranced by your sexuality, he could never get enough of you he knew that, but then the guilt swooped in again so he took a step back, used his magic to calm himself down and zipped himself up, he placed his arms on the counter next to you so he could get his breathing under control

“I can not keep you safe, I tried and failed, you deserve a man who can keep you safe”

You stepped off the counter as he said that, you hugged him from behind and then you pressed soft kisses on his back before you stepped away

“My safety shouldn’t be your responsibility Loki, if I’m not safe with you, then I’m not safe anywhere and with anybody”

He turned around to look at you

“But I failed you so terribly, how can you even look at me with such adoration after what I did?” You smiled and grabbed his hands in yours

“Because it wasn’t you Loki. It wasn’t you that night, you’re not listening to me. How could I be mad at you for something that hurt you too, that crushed you more than it crushed me? you know what would have been worse? Thanos sending someone else to hurt me, for what it’s worth I’m glad it was your body on top of me that night instead of someone else”

Then you turned around to leave. He wished it was as easy for him to forgive himself the way you forgave him so easily. He didn’t want to lose you but he was afraid of losing you forever. Not just to seperation, but to death. He could have easily killed you that night.

At the end, you’re just a mortal After All and he had several decisions to make for both of you.


Taglist : @michelleleewise         @el-zef     @mcufan72          @xorpsbane          @christineblood          @asgardianprincess1050          @123forgottherest          @ladymischief11          @elenaysusneuras          @lokischambermaid                  @lokisgoddessofwar               @snigdha-14        @nixymarvelkins        @froggiecky           @keegansakura        @accio-peach        @catalina712        @lokiprompts      @chaotics17        @yourmajesty13        @k-writer17        @buckybarnesandmarvel     @howdidurhammergrowchris     @niniyanyan   @multifandom-world8   @purplekitten30

Little Things

Chapter 1: Little Meetings

Summary: A new man has arrived in Stark Tower. He is quiet, but cocky, and spends most of his time avoiding everyone.

“Mr. Stark is requesting everyone meet in the living room ASAP.” JARVIS speaks smooth and clear in my small room. I shuffle and stumble out of my mess of a room, messing with my spinning rings as I head to the living room.

I find a seat next to Bucky, the other avengers being still unsure of him. He flashes a quick smile at my fidgeting.

“How are you feeling today? Sensory wise and all that?” Bucky is always quiet with me, not wanting to stress me out. I give him a quick thumbs up before continuing to play with my rings. He chuckles and ruffles my hair.

“That’s good. Wonder what this meetings about.” I smile a little, shrugging.

“Dunno. We’ll see!” Just as I finish speaking, Stark walks in. He seems stressed, well more than usual any way.

“Team. I know you’re not gonna like this but it seems like I don’t have a choice. Trust me, I tried to get out of this. We have a new "member”. Loki. He won’t be working with us for a while, but he’s gonna be living here from now on and training with us. Like I said, I had no choice. Bring him in Point Break.“ I am not looking up as I hear two people walk in. One is clearly Thor with heavier and quicker steps, the other is soft and almost silent steps. They are just a bit slower than Thor’s pace.

"Ah! Thank you Stark! Now I know you all aren’t too fond of my brother, but I swear he has changed.” I can’t practically hear his excitement. He claps the other person on the back, while everyone is quiet, the energy is beyond tense.

The silence lasts too long. I look up.

“Ah… So you all still hate me… And they… Are afraid. Interesting. This will be fun.” The tall, dark haired man spoke smoothly, his voice incredibly soothing. I tilt my head at his words, realizing who he is.

“Oh! I’m not scared of you. I honestly have minimal knowledge of you. Loki right? I’m Y/N. Is this all Stark? I was in the middle of something and really want to get back to it.” The tall haired man seemed shocked then confused. Bucky seems to crack a smile when Stark waves me off and I dart out of the room.

“Peculiar Midgardians.”







Little Things Master List

Coming Soon!

Loki x ADHD Gender neutral Reader

Summary: Loki meets you in the avengers tower. He notices the odd way you act and the strange things you do, and decides to learn more. A loving relationship will also flourish between you and the young prince.

  • Chapter 1: Little Meetings
  • Chapter 2: Little Habits
  • Chapter 3: Little Lessons
  • Chapter 4: Little Gifts
  • Chapter 5: Little Feelings?
  • Chapter 6: Little Problems
  • Chapter 7: Little Love (End

Gonna write a whole story about someone with an ADHD reader. Pick who though. Eventually I’ll write all three tbh, so just choose the one you want first.

  • Adam & Eve
  • Loki
  • Bucky


You and Me, Always.

Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe

Paring: Loki X Female Reader

Contains: Campfire sex, protected sex. Friends to Lovers

Genre: Some Angst, Some Fluff, More than a little Smut

Word count: 6,000+

Based on a post from imagine-loki:

Imagine living at Avengers Tower where Loki also lives. After the election, you talk about packing your bags and leaving the country. At night Loki appears next to your bed, asking you to stay.

Tagging :@winterwriter8845and@reebgirl13

Written by request of @winterwriter8845 who wanted a Flangstysmutty fic involving Loki. I hope you all enjoy.

It was election night at Stark Tower.

Though there was food and drink everywhere, the atmosphere was more like a wake. Everyone in the room was paying attention to the election results, which had finally been announced. The winning candidate had been one that the Avengers had worked with before. A man who made it clear that he intended to use them as his own persona squad. He was a man whom no one on the team wanted at the helm, but here he was.

But as bad as the news was for the Avengers, they knew it was worse for one other: you.

The others noticed how quiet you had become as the news was announced. It took all you had to not be sick right there as you read the text on the news scroll announcing that the one man you feared most had claimed victory and in a few months, would be sworn in as President of the United States. That man would be your boss.

No one wanted to be the one to break the silence, but it fell to you to do so. Shock soon gave way to fury. Fury at the face of the man whom you loathed most in the word claiming victory.

“I’ve given years of my life to this country, nearly died for it more times than I care to count, and now I’m going to have to answer to him?!” You said, your voice starting low and quickly rising in volume to a shout.

“Y/N.. Stay calm” Natasha started to say. “It’s still early.”

“Stay calm?! He has made it clear more than once that my years of service as a SHIELD agent means nothing to him. I’m sure he will give me my walking papers personally.” You yelled.

We won’t let that happen.”

“He can’t do anything for several months yet.” Natasha added. “And even then his power is limited. Despite what he may think.

Quickly you had enough of the whole thing and turned to leave.

“Where are you going?” Sam Wilson asked as you passed by.

“To pack my things…or commit treason. Whichever will get me away from answering to him.”

“Please don’t leave Y/N, let us try and sort it out first.” Steve asked gently, already formulating a plan of action. He was not about to let you be given your walking papers if he had anything to say about it.

“Fine but forgive me if I don’t hold my breath. Good night.”

Emotionally and mentally exhausted, you retired to your private quarters for the night. Flopping onto your bed, you buried your face in the pillows and hopped for a fleeting moment that all this was one big nightmare and that you would wake up to good news and breakfast in bed courtesy of a handsome gentleman. A gentleman who just happened to be a God.

Remembering said gentleman, another worry came to your mind. He had mentioned before he left for his mission that there was something he wanted to tell you when he returned. Even though he assured you it was a good thing, after the day’s events, you were uncertain that there was any news he could give you that would make you feel better.

Keep reading
