#loki odinson fanfic


Little Bird - Mini

 Request: wanted to ask you if you could do a Loki x teen!Reader. Where the reader meets Loki in some way and she touches him and connect their souls ‘cause she has powers she doesn’t know about. And then some day she’s in pain or smth and Loki feels it and comes to her. And she finds out she just can connect her soul with someone she trusts. And loki is all sweet ? And angst maby. Please and thank you.

Pairing: Loki Odinson x teen!Reader

Chapter: Mini Story

A/N: Okay so I am not going to do official chapters but I think I will release a few mini stories about their lives together. Not sure how many I will do. I am really loving how adorable Loki is and his interaction with the reader. If you want to be tagged let me know. Hope ya’ll still enjoy it!


Chapter One       Chapter Two

“This is so not fair.” You whisper, out of breath.

             Loki’s lean figure slightly leans forward, hovering over your own. His breathing is heavy and his hair tries to cling to what is left of his bun. You take in a few deep breaths of your own and ignore the sweat dripping off of your body. The team has been making you physically train. Not with your powers but with punches, kicks, and flips. When they said you would get to train, you initially thought this meant you would get to control these so-called powers you seem to possess. Apparently not!

“Once you can control your own body during a fight, controlling your powers will become easier.” Loki grins. “Besides, I like you on the floor gazing up at me.”

             Loki takes pride in his little bedroom comment. Meanwhile you swing your leg around and knock him off his feet. A thud on the mat tells you that he is down and is time to get up. Using the little energy you have left, you push your body up into a standing position. Much like the way Nat or Steve do during a fight that in your opinion is a show-off move. Regardless, one night you asked Nat to teach you. You figured there may be some satisfaction in executing it one day. Funny how the time comes sooner than expected.

             Looking down at the god beneath you, you can’t help but allow a well deserved smirk to take residence across your lips. This is the first fight you have won, hopefully it won’t be the last. Taking in Loki’s appearance, you begin to understand what is so appealing about being the one left standing. The dominant person standing.

“Don’t get used to it, little bird.” Loki breathes. “I’ll get my rematch later.”

“STOP!” Tony’s voice booms through the intercom. “I can’t take any more of your sexual banter in the training room. Keep it in the bedroom!”

             A faint spread of heat rushes against your cheeks from Tony’s comment. Despite what most would think by looking at you, you are quite a private person about that area of your life. You know Tony is all talk and doesn’t mean anything by it. He doesn’t even know what is going on behind closed doors at the compound. It would be quite shocking for them all to find out.

             Tony gets called out for a meeting at Stark Industries and allows you to call it an early day. Thankfully he had to take Wanda and Vision so even they couldn’t make you practice meditating on your powers. Feeling them as a part of yourself and not as a threat, and accepting them. It will allow you to hone your powers and use them. Seems like there is a lot of stuff they are making you do first before actually letting you use your powers. Meanwhile, you’re sure they just went at it themselves without all this mumbo jumbo.

             Following Loki back to his bedroom you are lost in thought about how to improve at your training so you can get to the next level. It barely registers that you sit on his bed crisscross as Loki disappears to the closet to change out of his training gear. With the snap of his fingers, you are now out of your own training gear and in your favorite pair of sweats and tank top.

“Time for a rematch.” Loki’s low deeps voice appears behind you.

             His arms wrap around your torso and his fingers attack your stomach. You cry out in laughter and pain as you try to pry his hands off of you. As a child your father would constantly tickle you, usually in surprise attacks like this one. Twisting your body in his arms, you manage to face him. Loki’s smug face peers down at you. He thinks he has won. Guess again.

             Suddenly his fingers are no longer moving. His arms are slowly unwrapped from your body. Their movement falters for a moment as Loki attempts to fight back, but you quickly regain control. Electricity thrums through your arms as your magic overpowers his. You manage to lift his arms above his hands against his bed railing. With a bit more concentration you will a free length of lace to wrap a nicely tight bow across Loki’s wrists. Now you are the one looking smug.

“You’ve been practicing without me.” Loki is breathless once again. “I have to say, if I wasn’t a bit terrified I would be 100% turned on.”

             Leaning your body over his, you look deep into his eyes as you bring your face closer. As your lips meet, every nerve in your body is engulfed in flames. Never in your entire life have you met someone that makes you feel as alive as Loki. Even a simple kiss excites everything inside of you, even your bones. Never have you felt like losing such control but yet feeling as safe as could be. But before either of you could get carried away, you break the kiss and sit at the end of the bed.

“Definitely less terrified.” Loki gleams toward you. “Though we still need to be careful.”

             Loki’s reminder saddens you. With a flick of your wrist Loki is released from his lace bondage. He is the one person in the world that you want but yet you cannot fully have him. Tony’s remark earlier left you a little flustered. Only because the two of you haven’t actually had sex yet. Neither one of you is in a big rush, but since you can’t it makes you want it more. Funny how that is always the case?

             It was Loki’s idea. Since no one is sure of the full extent of your powers, he thinks it is best to keep emotions from an all-time high. You agreed and still do, most of the time. You often wonder if he is as miserable about it as you are. He doesn’t show it and you do your best to hid it as well. It isn’t always easy to be so close to him, alone, and not get what you want.

Sometimes you think Loki has another motive behind why you two should delay. He said he could be dangerous if he gets carried away. Since he has arrived in your life, outside of watching you sleep, you have been getting to know a lot about his past. He isn’t always eager to share but he does anyway. Some things take longer than others to surface but you know he is going to tell you in his time. You don’t want to rush him, but this particular comment definitely has peaked your interest.

“The first night in my room umm…” your cheeks turn a light pink as you think of the right words. “What did you mean by ‘I can get dangerous if I get carried away’?”

“I was hoping you didn’t remember that.” Loki lets out a shaking laugh. He takes your hands in his and concentrates on them instead of meeting your gaze. “I am not Asgardian like my brother. My birth father is from another realm where he is king of these horrible beasts.”

             Loki’s voice begins to waver. He takes a moment to calm himself before continuing. His breathing is uneven still as he recalls all that he has learned about his heritage.

“Basically they are ice monsters. Cold is their pleasure and they have no problem harming anyone to get what they want.” Loki sneaks a glance at you to gage your reaction. “My natural form is a lot.. bluer, colder. I highly suggest you never touch me in this form. Legend says a single touch can turn anyone into frozen stone. I’ve never tried it, and I really do not want to start with you.” Loki sighs and you know he is finally getting to his point. “I am afraid that if we are intimate with one another I may lose control and my glamour will fade, revealing my true form. I worry that it will frighten you, and I worry of what I can do to you.”

             You see that what is left of Loki’s calm and collected façade begin to fade. Obviously this isn’t a topic that he talks about often, and you feel honored that he could share it with you. Wrapping your arms around his neck, you sit on his lap and wrap your legs around his torso. As you stroke your fingers through his hair you feel a wet cold tear fall against your bare shoulder. Loki has been in pain a great deal of his life and has mastered the art of silent crying. You hope one day it won’t have to be so silent around you.

“Thank you for sharing with me.” Your voice is low, calming, soothing. “I believe we are what we decide to become, not who we are born. You may be blue and able to freeze things, but you are anything but a monster.”

             Loki’s grip around your hips tightens as you speak. Most people in the past, even his brother, has written him off as the bad guy. Until recently did people begin to see the hero and ally that Loki has always wanted to become.

“You’re my hero, Loki.”

             Loosening your hold on him, you peer into his tear stricken eyes. Leaning in close, you kiss his cheeks just below the eyes. Kissing away his tears. Revisiting Loki’s gaze, you look for an indication to stop but you find nothing. Again you lean in close and lightly brush your lips against his.

             The fiery heat radiates off of your body like before. Though something is different this time. A cool electrifying current passes through, starting at your lips and spreads through your whole body. The feeling excites you as you realize this streak is coming from Loki. He is letting down his walls little by little, staying up enough to keep you safe.

“I’m not going anywhere.” You assure him.

“Neither am I, little bird.” Loki’s cold breath brushes away your heated exterior. Quickly he gazes into your eyes before connecting his lips with yours once more.

Taglist:@drabby-abby@senpaiweird​ @clairewinchester14 

Request: wanted to ask you if you could do a Loki x teen!Reader. Where the reader meets Loki in some way and she touches him and connect their souls ‘cause she has powers she doesn’t know about. And then some day she’s in pain or smth and Loki feels it and comes to her. And she finds out she just can connect her soul with someone she trusts. And loki is all sweet ? And angst maby. Please and thank you.

Pairing: Loki Odinson x teen!Reader

Chapter: 2/2


Chapter 1

“Loki this place is amazing!” Your voice echoes across the high ceiling of the new Avenger compound.

“I need you to be a bit quitter,” Loki gently shushes you. “There are some people here I don’t want to know we are here.”

             People like your brother? you ask yourself. You don’t understand why it would be a problem for you to be here. Well, knowing exactly where the compound is could be a potential problem. But you wouldn’t dream of telling anyone anyway. These people protect the city and the world. Why would you want to muck that up? You’re afraid he may be ashamed to be seen with you. You know you barely know him. Though, there is this sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach that knows you would be crushed if you never saw him again.

“Ah Loki,” Dr. Banner peers around a screen full of laid out research. “This must be (Y/N), it is nice to meet you.”

             You can’t help but feel a little heat rise across your cheeks. At least there is someone here that may be happy to see you here. Even if it is only to run these mysterious tests. Loki has been acting on edge the moment you two arrived. Tiptoeing around every corner, constantly looking over his shoulder.

             Dr. Banner offers up a smile and a hand shake, and you politely share the same sentiment. Next he directs you to a white glowing table that he asks you to lay down on. You can feel slight nerves creep on your anxiety. Loki couldn’t really explain the test that will be performed, mostly because he doesn’t really understand it himself. The only thing he promises is that it will not hurt. But being a natural worrier, his assurance doesn’t help much.

“Okay, (Y/N). Just lay as still as you can. This machine is going to do a sweep of your vitals and scan for anything out of the ordinary for the average person. You should not feel a thing. Just relax.” Dr. Banner’s voice calms you down a bit and you focus on your breathing.

             Loki and Dr. Banner have gone into another room, and have been speaking over a microphone. He assures that there is nothing harmful that would keep them from being in the room. Apparently the machine will scan any person in the room, and they thought it would be best to keep the results separate. Something about making it easier to read. You’re not a doctor, yet anyway, so you’re not going to argue.

“I don’t know why you had to sneak her in.” Dr. Banner’s voice comes over the intercom. Looks like they forgot the mic was still on.

“You now that Thor thought this wasn’t a good idea.” Loki sighs. “He told me not to go back after the first night I saw her. I’m apparently bad luck, where I’m at trouble follows. When I got Tony to give me her address he gave me the same warning.”

“Well I can’t exactly disagree with them.” You can hear a smile in Banner’s voice.

             Your heart flutters in your chest. Loki wasn’t hiding you from everyone because he felt ashamed. It’s not because of you being a mortal. He went behind Thor and Tony’s wishes. Of which you are thankful for. Loki saved your life last night, and you want them to know that. Loki is your hero, not a bad luck charm.

             The two come back into the room and say that the test is over. Dr. Banner says that it will take just a moment for the results to come in. He offers to get you anything and you graciously accept the offer of a glass of water. You didn’t really need it but this gives you some time alone with Loki.

             Watching Loki’s demeanor, you can see that he has relaxed a bit since getting here. Though with his tightened shoulders you can still see he is on edge. You wonder of Tony visits this lab often. He expertise isn’t really in this area, but you could imagine he would pop in every once in a while.

“How are you feeling, little bird?” Loki’s voice is tender and he laces his fingers with yours.

“You’re not a bad luck charm.” You have this problem that if you can’t ease into a topic you just get right to the point. “The only reason I am sitting here right now is because of you. If Tony and Thor can’t get behind this then too bad for them. Especially if I end up having these powers you think I may have.” You can see a small smile dance on Loki’s lips at the idea of his brother’s face. “I would get to train with you. Even if I don’t, I really hope you stick around.”

             Loki doesn’t say anything, and he doesn’t have to. You can see in his eyes that he would really love to train with you if given the opportunity. The idea of getting to know him better makes you giddy. There is the idea that the media paints him, and an image that you have from your dreams. It would be nice to see the real him. The real Loki.

“Here you are, (Y/N).” Dr. Banner enters the room with your glass of water. You thank him before taking a small drink.

             Dr. Banner reviews your vitals and anything else the scan picked up. Loki sits next to you on the table, his hand still intertwined with yours. With every passing second you can feel your anxiety come back. What if you had powers but you wouldn’t be able to control? What if they had to take you down? Would Thor like you when you officially meet? The questions bounce back and forth between thoughts of possible powers and being accepted by this family Loki has.

“Okay,” Dr. Banner starts. “Vitals look good, heartrate was a bit elevated but could have just been nerves.” You smile to yourself and Loki gives your hand a knowing squeeze. “I am seeing an odd energy radiating off of you. It is faint, obviously barely tapped into. Loki, with what you were suggesting the other day I would like to test you as well.”

             As if in sync, you and Loki both nod together. You give him a kiss on the cheek and head out of the room with Dr. Banner. The dozen screens lining the walls, all moving in a dark room, begins to make you dizzy. Explaining you’d be back in a minute, you exit the room into the brightly lit hall way.

             Since you’ve been a little girl you have had some trouble with motion sickness. Seeing all those screens moving and changing made you aware that you were not. The subway is not your favorite mode of transport in the city. Only way you will ride it is if you don’t have a chance. Even then you keep your head toward the floor and pretend that you’re not actually moving.

“Hey, miss. Do you need some help?”

A male voice appears a few feet ahead of you. Looking up you can see that it is nonother than Tony Stark. Shit! You think to yourself. In reality you were hoping to run into him with Loki. You suck at explaining things and Loki has a smooth silver tongue. He is perfect for this.

“I’m okay, just got dizzy. I am just waiting on someone.” You try to play it off like there is no problem.

“Oh my God, he didn’t.” Tony swears under his breath. “You’re (Y/F/N) (Y/L/N), aren’t you? And Loki brought you here didn’t he?”

             Question after question rattles out of Tony. He doesn’t stop for you to confirm because he already knows. As he paces back and forth trying to get his thoughts in order you can see his face turn red. You would really hate to be on the receiving end of Iron Man. Thank goodness he doesn’t have his suit on right now.

             Loki and Dr. Banner come out into the hall looking for you. Looking into Loki’s eyes you can see the worry dissipate but quickly resurface by the presence of Tony. On instinct Loki comes to your side to make sure you’re okay, but keeps an eye on Tony. You can sense the light drum of his magic beneath his skin, ready to act as a shield for your defense. Though, even seeing how mad Tony is you can’t image he would do anything extreme.

“Okay reindeer games, you have exactly one minute to explain to me why she is here.” Tony’s eyes drill holes into Loki.

“I asked him to bring her.” Dr. Banner speaks up first. “Loki has been explain to me this interesting pull toward (Y/N) among other things. I wanted to test out a theory.”

“What theory is that?” Tony’s interest has peaked. His initial rage has submitted to his curiosity, for now.

“She is giving off some sort of energy that is unrecognizable from our planet. Loki shows a smaller trace of it, like a mark or a link.” Dr. Banner paces while trying to contain his excitement. “These two have been experiencing a pull toward each other. Loki can feel strong emotions from (Y/N), and she is like a drug for Loki. I just need to figure out the trigger.”

             Dr. Banner’s gaze passes between you and Loki as if he thinks the words will be spread across the air. You try to recall the day that you met Loki, the day he saved your life. How the moment he caught you, you felt instantly safe and drawn to him. If it wasn’t for him you would have been dead. Something happened between the two of you in that moment, before that this link didn’t exist. Suddenly, you have an idea.

“What if,” your voice starts off small. Honestly you aren’t sure if you should speak at all, but you clear your throat and continue. “What if we are linked because he saved me? I was so scared and when Loki saved me I was so relieved.”

“Maybe since you trusted reindeer games over here in that moment, and with untamed powers, caused you to link to him.”

“I like the sound of that.” Loki’s voice is low, only for you to hear.

             In response you lightly bump into him. Hopefully he gets the message to behave. But it was too late, your face was already heating up. Thankfully the two science dorks were too engrossed in this new theory to notice.

Looks like we get to train after all. Loki’s voice filters through your mind like waves.

             Loki told you about his ability to speak into someone’s mind. Normally he uses it as a suggestion for people to cause mischief. Though looks like he has a more effective way of communicating with you. You can’t help but wonder if you’ll be able to do the same someday.

“I think we have some unfinished training back at my place.” You whisper into Loki’s ear with a smirk.

And you think I’m the one that needs to behave.

             A small giggle threatens to rise from your throat. Turning it into a cough it gets the attention of Tony and Dr. Banner once again. Apparently the action looked a little bit more labored than normal. It also doesn’t help that Loki has a smug look on his face that he isn’t doing well to hide.

“Maybe it’s time you introduce me to your brother.” Two can play at this game. Loki’s triumphant look vanishes within seconds, leaving you the one looking smug. Oh yes this is going to be fun. 

Taglist: @drabby-abby@senpaiweird
