#loki laufeyson fanfic


Lost and Found

Pairing: Loki x reader

Warnings: mentions of pregnancy, imprisonment, I think that’s it………if I missed something I’m sorry

Summary: loki and frigga put their plan into action as you work to move on.

Part 15-



“You know what to do.” Frigga said as her and Loki walked down the corridor. He nodded slightly, breaking off heading to his chambers. A week had passed and he was running out of time. He closed the door, locking it, he couldn’t be disturbed if this was going to work, it had to be believable.

He sat on the bed, crossing his legs putting his feet under his knees. He closed his eyes and focused. He knew this would drain his power, but there was no other way. Summoning all of his seidr, he focused on his duplicate, willing it to life. He opened his eyes and he was in the corridor. He felt it flicker for a brief second, but pushed more of his seidr into it. He took a deep breath and started towards the throne room.

Frigga was standing by the doors. He walked up standing next to her. “Are you in your chambers?” She whispered. He looked at her and nodded. She smiled as they looked at eachother. “Let’s get you home.” She said as he nodded, and they both walked into the throne room. “Your highness, it seems I have been called away on urgent business in Jotunhiem, there has been an uprising that must be quelled.” Loki said standing in front of the steps. Thor looked at Loki, and then to Frigga. “Can not one of your generals handle this issue?” He asked standing up.

“I’m afraid not, the generals are overwhelmed, so I must return at once.” Loki said looking at him. Thor started walking down the steps, not taking his eyes off of Loki. “And when will you return, your bride will be here day after tomorrow.” Thor said circling around him. “I should return by then.” Loki said watching Thor. Thor suddenly smiled “very well brother, I shall accompany you to the bifrost.” Thor said extending his arm. Loki nodded and headed out of the room.

They made it to the bifrost, Loki and Frigga exchanged a look. “Hiemdall, King Loki must return to Jotunhiem briefly, will you open the bifrost?” Thor said smiling at Loki. Heimdall looked at Thor before looking to Frigga. “Yes my king.” He said, turning the sword opening the bifrost. “I will see you in two days time brother.” Thor smiled. Loki nodded and walked into the lights before Heimdall shut it down. Thor turned to leave nodding at Frigga “Mother” before leaving. Frigga looked to Heimdall “Thank you.” She said nodding. He nodded but didn’t say anything. She turned and quickly headed back towards the palace.

She made it to Loki’s chambers, looking around to ensure she was alone before slipping in. “Are you ok?” She asked seeing Loki rubbing his temples. “Fine, just drained. He wasn’t supposed to come with us.” He said looking at her. “It will be fine, we must go now.” She said rushing to the door, Loki following. They were both on high alert as they made their way to the stables, there were other pathways to earth, Loki just had to get there without being seen, and using all of his power to cast the duplicate left his seidr depleted, unable to disguise himself.

“Go, find your happiness son. I hope to one day see you again.” Frigga said hugging him. “Thank you mother.” He said hugging her back. “I must get back before I make noticed, you know the way.” She said looking at him. He nodded and smiled at her. She smiled back, and turned heading back to the palace. Loki ran into the stable pulling a horse out. “Brother, surprising seeing you here.” He heard. He stiffened “damn.” He said slowly turning to see Thor with several Einherjar. “I was wondering when you were going to stop falling for that.” Loki said, sarcasm laced in his tone. Thor huffed a laugh “take him to the dungeons.” Thor bellowed as the gaurds surrounded Loki.



You were making tea when you heard a knock on the door. You had had several people come look at the property but no serious inquiries, you were hoping this one would be the one, you couldn’t be here anymore. You ran to the door with a smile “oh, Dr Laing, what are you doing here?” You asked surprised. “Afternoon y/n, I’ve come to look at the property.” He said with a smile. “Oh, well come in, I’ll show you around.” You ushered him inside.

You went over the details of the house with him, giving him a tour before heading outside. “What happened there?” He asked pointing to the scorched grass. “Oh, just a freak incident a little while back, it should grow out fine though.” You said as he nodded. You showed him the fields, and took him to the stables. “I didn’t know you had horses y/n.” He said looking at you. “Oh, yeah they were my dad’s, that’s buttercup and daredevil.” You said pointing at them. “What will happen to them when you sell?” He asked looking at you. “I’m hoping to find someone who would want to keep them here, but if not I’m not sure yet.” You said closing the doors.

You went back to the house inviting him in. “I was making some tea, would you like some?” You asked heading to the kitchen. “Yes please.” He said looking around. You came back out ushering him to the table. “So y/n, I am very interested in your property, and I was wondering what your asking price was?” He asked sipping his tea. “Well I hadn’t totally decided yet, I just wanted to leave as soon as possible.” You said stirring your tea. “Well, I would defiantly love to go over that with you when you’ve made a decision.” He said looking at you. “That would be great, I’m sure we can come together on a price.” You said looking down.

“Are you entirely sure you want to sell?” He asked leaning forward. Clearing your throat “yes I am. There are too many memories here. I need to start over, somewhere new.” You said fighting your tears back. He nodded finishing his tea. “Well and I would love for the animals to stay, if that’s something you would agree to.” He said smiling. “Oh, I would love if they could.” You said with a smile. “Well then, I’ll leave you to decide, I’ll be in touch, and you know how to reach me.” He said standing. “Yes, as soon as I figure out the details I will call you.” You said walking him to the door.

“Good night y/n.” He said nodding “good night Dr Laing.” You said closing the door behind him. You sighed as he left, you were finally going to be able to move forward, and knowing the animals would be ok was a relief. You laid on the couch, wrapping the blanket around you, the tears you had been holding in escaping, running down to the pillow. You wrapped your arm around your stomach “We’ll be out of here soon little one.” You whispered. Closing your eyes letting the escape of sleep take you..


Lost and Found

Pairing: Loki x reader

Warnings: mentions of arranged marriage, sadness, mentions of pregnancy, depression.

Summary: loki and frigga work on their plan. As you try to find a way to move forward.

Part 14-



A week had gone by with no word from frigga as the wedding plans moved forward. Loki was pacing his chambers as he heard a knock. He ran to open it finding a gaurd standing there. “The king requires your presence.” He said backing up. Loki nodded, closing his door following. “Brother.” Thor bellowed as he entered the throne room. He only nodded as he stood before the throne. “Why have you called me?” Loki asked looking up at him. “Good news, I have found a suitable wife for you.” Thor said getting up walking down the steps. “She is on her way, and you shall be married in two weeks time.” He said clapping a hand down on Loki’s shoulder. “And why must I do this?” Loki asked moving away from Thor. “So solidify the alliance, you must marry an asgasdian.” Thor said simply. “You know very well I cannot take her back to Jotunhiem, she will perish” loki said looking at him. “We’ll figure that out, come, let’s go over the arrangements.” Thor said walking away, Loki following.

Loki stormed into his room slamming the door. He needed to do something but it was beginning to seem hopeless. “Loki, my son.” Loki looked up seeing frigga. “Have you found a way?” He asked walking to her. “I believe I have. Come.” She said motioning to the lais. They discussed her plan, making sure they worked out every detail. “I must go before I am missed, you know the plan.” She said standing up. “Yes, and we must act fast. I am to be married in two weeks.” Loki said following her to his door. “We will enact our plan soon, wait for my word.” She said. “And son, I am truly sorry for everything. And I hope one day you’ll be able to forgive me.” She said cupping his cheek. He closed his eyes and nodded. “I just need to be with her.” He said looking at her. “And you shall be, stay strong and be ready.” She said slipping out the door.

She made it to her chambers and heard a knock on the door, as Thor entered. “Mother, may I ask what it was you were doing in Loki’s chambers?” He asked coming to stand in the middle of the room. “I was only asking him of the progress of his union.” She said sitting down. He eyed her sitting across from her. “I would hope you two would not be plotting behind my back.” He said looking at her. “No my king, only catching up, I see him so little.” She said not breaking eye contact. “He is to be married in two weeks, and then he will return to Jotunhiem.” Thor said standing up. “And what of his bride? It is far too cold there for her to survive.” She asked looking at him. “He will need to remedy that, it is not my concern.” He said heading for the door. “And mother, no more sneaking around.” He said turning towards her. “Yes my king.” She said bowing her head. With that he was gone. She sighed, hoping their plan would work.



You went about your routine in a daze. You felt like you were on autopilot. You had been taking your vitamins everyday which helped you feel a bit better, but not much. Everything was overwhelming since you found out. You continued sleeping on the couch, unable to sleep in bed without him. Everything felt empty, lifeless as you wandered through your days.

Every night you would take your tea and sit on the porch watching the sunset, secretly hoping to see the rainbow lights again, hoping he would come home, and every night was the same, nothing. As you walked through the house everything reminded you of him. The front door where he would pounce on you when you came in, the kitchen where he would hold you until your coffee was done, the bathroom where he had taken care of you. You had made love to him in every room, every surface holding a memory of him. You went to his room, opening the door you were hit with the smell of him. You hadn’t come in here since he left. You just stood in the middle of the room, replaying everything in your mind.

I need to get up.” You said. “No you don’t” he said, snuggling into you.

“I love you Adam.” You said hugging him. “I love you more.” He said, leaning down kissing you.

You felt the tears run down your face as the memories flashed in your mind. You loved him, love him, but he didn’t feel the same, he left. You went to the living room, remembering your last night with him, staring into his eyes as he held you close to him, your bodies connected. In that moment you felt your souls connect. You had never made love to anyone so intimately. You laid on the couch, wrapping yourself in the blanket you let the tears fall. There was nothing you could do but try to move on.

You had decided to sell the farm. The memories being too much to handle. You rolled over onto your back, rubbing your stomach. “We’ll figure it out little one, I promise.” You sighed. You had a couple people coming to look at the farm tomorrow, hoping one would work out. You didn’t want to, but you couldn’t be here anymore, surrounded my the memories, the pain. You closed your eyes, hoping sleep would take you.


Lost and Found

Paring: Loki x reader

Warnings: mentions of illness, self esteem issues, mentions of birth control, mentions of arranged marriage.

Summary:you try to figure things out as life gets complicated.

Part 13-



A month had gone by and your stomach hadn’t eased, the nausea still hitting at random times. So you decided it was time to see the doctor. As you say in the waiting room, your nerves were a mess. The last time you were here you had Loki with you. You teared up remembering the day you decided to take care of him, be there for him, and now you had no one to be there for you.

Your name was called and they showed you to a room. You sat alone in silence. Thoughts whirling in your head when you heard a knock on the door. “Come in” you said straightening up. “Morning y/n, whay brings you in today?” Dr Laing asked sitting down. “Well I’m still feeling nauseous, and getting sick alot. I’ve been exhausted lately and I don’t know why.” You said. He looked over your chart and hummed. “Have you been under any stress lately?” He asked flipping through the pages. “Yes, a bit. Trying to keep the farm going has been hard.” You said looking down. “Any medications your taking?” He asked standing and walking to you. “Um, not really. Just over the counter pain killers and my birth control.” You said seeing him nod. “OK we’ll run a few tests and see what’s going on.” He smiled setting his clipboard down.

An hour later you were back in the room waiting for the doctor. You couldn’t help fidget either your hands as you waited. A knock came as the doctor came in. “Well y/n, we got your results back.” He sat looking at his clipboard “turns out your expecting.” Your eyes went wide as your jaw dropped. “H..how……I’ve been taking my medication for years.” You said looking at him. “Well that’s not always totally effective, and if you missed a couple doses…” he trailed off looking at you. Had you missed some, it was possible.

He handed you a prescription for vitamins “I want you to go pick those up and start taking them, vet plenty of rest, don’t exert yourself.” He said placing his hand on your shoulder. You looked down and nodded. “We’ll get you set up with ongoing appointments to make sure you and baby are healthy, and if you need anything call ok.” He said stepping back. “OK, Thank you.” You said sliding off the table heading to the receptionist. You drove home in a daze. You sat at the table looking at the bottle of vitamins. “How am I going to do this?” You thought to yourself as you layed your head on the table.



“What is it Heimdall?” Frigga asked walking into the bifrost. “You had asked me to keep an eye on the mortal, and there is news.” He said looking at her. “Is she OK? What happened?” She asked stepping closer. “She is with child my lady. Loki’s child.” He said. Frigga froze “I didn’t think that was possible. Are you certain it is Loki’s?” She asked stepping closer. “Yes my lady, I am certain.” He said looking at her. I must inform Loki at once.“ She said. "He is om Jotunhiem my lady, the king has ordered no one to go there until the alliance is complete.” Heimdall said. Frigga thought for a moment. “Then we shall bring him here, I’ll find a way.” She said as she left.

Frigga walked into the throne room “my king, any progress on the alliance with Jotunhiem?” She asked looking to Thor. “Indeed, I was about to send for king Loki to finalize it.” Thor said standing. “That is wonderful news my king, what else must be done?” Frigga asked walking with Thor towards the bifrost. “The arrangements have all been made, I shall return the casket to them, and Loki is to marry.” He said continuing to the bridge. “Marry? Marry who?” She asked stunned. “Asgard has no princess, so it will be a noble woman of my choosing. Once he is married the casket will be returned, cementing the alliance.” He said

“Are you sure that is wise my king? Loki has only ruled a short time, why not let him settle into his role before he marries.” Frigga said as they entered the bifrost “Heimdall, open the bifrost to Jotunhiem and summon king Loki.” Thor said. Heimdall looked to frigga who shook her head. “Yes my king” he said twisting the sword activating the bifrost. “Jotunhiem needs a queen and an heir to secure Loki’s rule. It shall be done.” Thor said. “Yes my king.” She said looking at the entrance as Loki walked through. She hadn’t seen him in his true form since he was an infant. He stood tall, clothed in white and gold leathers, a white cloak with fur lined the top, and a blue horned crown on his head, similar to his helm. His long black hair framed his face, his skin a deep blue, eyes blood red. She could see the ancestral ridges along his face. He stood emotionless, distant. “King Thor, why is it you have summoned me?” His voice boomed through the room. “Come, we have much to discuss.” Thor said heading to the bridge.

Loki went to follow when frigga softly touched his arm. He stopped and looked down at her. “Your highness, I must speak with you at once.” She whispered to him. He slightly nodded before following Thor. She shot Heimdall a look before following the kings to the palace. Frigga had to find a way to get Loki back to earth, back to his love. She just wasn’t sure how.

Frigga waited in Loki’s room, pacing as she waited for him. Suddenly she heard the chamber door slam shut. “That oaf expects me to marry!! I will not!!” He yelled throwing his cape on the chair. “King Loki, I must speak with you as once.” Frigga said watching Loki pace back and forth. “I agreed to take the throne, not marry!!” He yelled again, continuing pacing. “Loki!” She yelled getting his attention. “What is it!?” He looked at her, his red eyes staring into her. “You may want to sit down.” She said looking at him.

She sat across from him, thinking. “Well, what is it?” He asked leaning forward on the lais. She fidgeting her hands “Loki, son, it was a mistake bringing you here, I see that now.” She said looking at him. He didn’t say anything, just looked at her. “You were happy, loved. You found what others only dream to.” She said, seeing tears form in his eyes. “I fear is it too late, she won’t want me after leaving her.” He said shakely looking down. “You are wrong Loki, she loved you and loved you still.” She said looking at him. “Heimdall has kept watch over her, to make sure she is safe.” She said. Loki’s head shot up “and is she safe? What’s happened?” He asked looking at her.

“She is fine, she has been ill, but fine” frigga said. “Why is she ill? Tell me what’s going on?” He demanded standing up. “I cannot tell you, it is her who must.” Frigga said standing, walking to Loki. “We must find a way to return you to her, she needs you.” She said. “Go along with Thor, for now. I’ll come up with a plan.” She said as she hugged him. “I’m sorry Loki, for everything, but I will make this right.” She said as he hugged her. She pulled back looking at him, cupping his cheek his skin cold “you will hear from me, we will get you home.” She said wiping a tear from his cheek. He nodded and with that she left his chambers, determined to find a way.


Lost and Found

Pairing: Loki x reader

Warnings:depression, sadness, mentions of illness, stress, anxiety, manipulation, Thor being a jerk.

Summary: loki arrives back in asgard as you try to carry on

Part 12-



Arriving back on Asgard, Loki stormed out of the bifrost heading towards the palace. Making his way through the corridors towards his chambers. “Brother, we shall be meeting with the leader of Jotunhiem, asserting your claim to the throne, ready yourself to depart.” Thor said, Loki didn’t respond, only nodding before going inside. He closed the door looking around the room, he never thought he would be here again. He sat on the lais, thinking back to what had transpired…

Brother, why are you really here?” Loki asked Thor as they went into the house. “I need your assistance with Jotunhiem, they are threatening war and I can’t have that.” Thor said walking around the living room. “Why not ask Odin, he’s the one that banished me, why would he want my return.” Loki said sitting at the table. “Father has fallen into the Odinsleep, he isn’t aware we are here.” Thor said sitting across from Loki. “And what does all this have to do with me? I was cast out, I’ve made a life here, with y/n.” Loki said looking at Frigga as she sat down. “Do you truly think she will want to be with you when she finds out what you’ve done?” Thor asked looking at Loki.

She would, she’s kind and understanding.” Loki said looking between Thor and frigga. “Your a murderer Loki, will she forgive that?” Thor asked looking at loki. “That wasn’t my intention and you know it!” Loki yelled at Thor. “Enough brother! I have a deal I wish to discuss.” He said standing up. “You will return to Asgard, assume the throne of Jotunhiem preventing war, and barter and allegiance with Asgard.” Thor said looking at him. Loki scoffed “and if I don’t, if I choose to stay here with y/n?” He asked with a smirk. Thor loomed over Loki “either do you as I ask, or now with your memories restored you’ll spend the remainder of your days in the dungeons.” He said glaring at Loki “and as far as y/n, I’m not sure how the avengers would feel about her housing a war criminal.” Thor said pacing the room. “Thor….” frigga started “enough mother, I am king, he will do as I say, won’t you Loki?” He asked looking to Loki. “You wouldn’t do that to her!” Loki yelled standing In front of Thor. “I will do what is necessary for Asgard, you would do well to heed my warning, brother.” He said stepping closer. “What shall it be?” Thor asked. Loki looked to the porch seeing you sitting with your back to him “there will be no where she can hide from them, she will be imprisoned, assumed your accomplice.” Thor said.

Loki sighed, remembering how you took care of him, showed him kindness, love. No one had ever treated him that way, but he couldn’t let you spend your life imprisoned because of him. “I will do as you ask, but I will speak with her” Loki said heading towards the door. “Brother, it would be best if you end this, as you surely won’t return.” Thor said sitting down. Loki knew what he had to do and hated himself for it. He nodded and headed outside.

He put his head in his hands as he felt the tears well in his eyes. This wasn’t him, this isn’t what he wanted anymore, he wanted you. But he had to protect you, he couldn’t let you sit in a prison cell. The look on your face when he told you he didn’t love you would haunt him. He had told many lies in his long life, but that’s the one he’ll always regret.



You slowly opened your eyes looking around the room. You were hugging Adam’s…….well Loki’s pillow, you had hoped it had been a nightmare, but you weren’t that lucky. You walked to the living room, it was eerily silent. Everything felt empty without him here. You went to the kitchen, making your coffee before sitting at the table. You looked at the couch, thinking of your last night with him as your eyes teared up again. Did he think you wouldn’t understand? Did he think you wouldn’t accept him?

You wiped your face, sipping your coffee. You knew you had to take care of the animals but you couldn’t get your mind straight. The way he was so cold, distant, unfeeling. When he said he didn’t love you, you felt everything in you shatter. You’ve been left before, made to pick up the pieces and move on, but it’s never physically hurt. Just breathing felt like your chest would explode. You Inhaled a shaky breath taking a drink of your coffee, you stared at it for a minute before feeling your stomach gurgle. Putting your hand on yout stomach you felt a tightening as a wave of nausea hit you.

You to the bathroom as everything in you emptied from your stomach. You sat back leaning against the wall. You rubbed your stomach, thinking the stress was making you sick. You got up washing your face and brushing your teeth before heading back to the living room. You dumped your coffee down the drain before heading to get dressed, making your way to do your chores. You walked out seeing the burnt circle on your field and walked over, kneeling next to it. You ran your fingers through the burnt grass as you felt the tears stream down your cheek.

You wiped your face, heading to the stalls. You fed and took care of them before heading to the horses. Seeing daredevil made you instantly think of him. With his long black locks, stunning features and kind soul. You walked up rubbing his nose as he nudged your hand. “Im sorry boy, I don’t think he’s coming back.” You said shakely as daredevil shifted on his feet. You leaned forward wrapping my arms around his neck hugging him. He rested his head on your back, it almost felt like a hug.

You went back to the house seeing you were low on food, you made the decision to go to town. Maybe it would help get your mind off things. you walked through the grocery store in a daze, when your cart ran into another. “I’m so sorry, I wasn’t paying attention.” You said looking up seeing Dr. Laing. “No problem, no harm done.” He smiled. “Hey, how’s mystery man doing?” He asked looking at you. “Oh, his family came and got him, so he’s gone.” You said looking down. “I see, well how are you?” He asked. “I’m ok, still just dealing with the farm.” You said looking up. “Are you feeling ok, you don’t look well.” He said. “Oh im fine, just a little stomach upset ” you smiled, but he didn’t look like he believed you. “Well if it continues come see me.” He said and you nodded. “Take care of yourself ok?” He said rubbing your arm “I will.” You said nodding.

You made it back to the house. Unloading your groceries trying to distract yourself from how empty the house felt. You made a sandwich before heading to the living room. You sat down putting on a movie. You were about halfway done when the nausea hit again, running to empty your stomach. “What is wrong with me?” You thought as you brushed your teeth and headed change. You grabbed Loki’s pillow and blanket and laid on the couch, hoping the movie would distract you long enough for sleep to find you.


Lost and Found

Pairing: Loki x reader

Warnings: mentions of memory loss, mentions of past abuse,

Summary: life was perfect, until it wasn’t…..

Part 11-


You woke up to your alarm. You groaned before reaching up shutting it off. You rolled over but found you were in bed alone. “Adam?” You asked into the darkness but got no answer. You got up putting on your pajamas heading to the kitchen, seeing Adam pouring coffee into your cup. You walked up behind him hugging him. “Morning love.” He said putting his hand on your arm. “I never want to wake up alone again, that was terrible.” You said hugging him tighter. “My apologies love, I just wanted to get your coffee” he said turning around to look at you. You wrapped your arms around his neck “cuddles are better then coffee” you said kissing him. “I’ll keep that in mind” he said kissing you back.



Thor and frigga made their way to the bifrost. “Heimdall, I need you to locate Loki.” Thor said the the gatekeeper. “I have instructions not to allow him back into the realm your highness.” He said looking at Thor. “Odin is asleep, as I’m sure you know, and I hold the throne until he awakens. Now do as I ask.” Thor said walking closer. “I have seen the prince, I know where he is. But maybe it would be better to leave him as he is.” He said looking at frigga. “I only need know where he is, if you know, you will send us there at once.” Thor demanded. “My queen, you know what I speak of. Is he not happier now?” Heimdall asked looking at Frigga. “Send us there heimdall.” Thor said “yes my king.” He, opening the bifrost as Thor and frigga were pulled into it.


You both got dressed heading to the animals, your fingers linked with Adam’s. You made it to the horses, seeing daredevil perk up seeing Adam. “I missed you too.” Adam said rubbing his head as he nuzzled his nose into him. “You take him for a ride, I’m going to go check the corn real quick, see if it’s ready.” You said hugging Adam. “If it is we’ll take care of it as soon as I’m done.” He said leaning down kissing you. “I love you Adam.” You said smiling at him. “I love you more.” He whispered against your lips kissing you again. You headed to the field as he took daredevil out.

You kneeled down checking the stocks, when a flash of light appeared in front of you, colors swirling around, it looked like a rainbow. You put your arm over your eyes backing up. When the light faded you saw two figures, a tall blonde man in what looked like armor and a red cape and a woman in a long blue dress. Startled you threw an ear of corn at him, watching it bounce off hitting the ground. You looked at eachother for a moment. “Lady, I am looking for my brother.” He said walking closer as you tripped landing in the ground. “Y/n!” You heard Adam yell in the distance. “Adam!” You yelled back, backing away from the massive man. “Son don’t frighten the poor girl.” The woman said walking up next to him. “My apologies lady, I only seek my brother.” He said looking at you.

You got up as Adam ran from behind you pulling you behind him. “Who are you, what do you want?’ He demanded of the man. "Brother!” The man said walking towards Adam. He backed you both up, holding onto your hand. “I have no idea who you are, you need to leave.” Adam demanded looking at man. “Oh, right. Mother” he said turning around to the woman. She slowly made her way to stand in front of Adam. “Loki, my son, all will be made clear soon.” She said looking at him. “Whose Lo…” he started when the woman put her hand on his forehead. “What are you doing, get away from him!’ You yelled rushing the woman as the larger man grabbed your arm. You saw Adam’s eyes glow white as she whispered something. "Leave him alone!’ You yelled again struggling against the man. His eyes closed as she released him, you pulled away from the man rushing to Adam’s side. "Are you ok? What did she do?” You asked looking him over. He kept his eyes closed holding his head. “Adam answer me please.” You said grabbing his arm.

He opened his eyes, his emeralds meeting yours “I am not Adam, I am Loki, of Asgard.” He said calmly. “What’s Asgard, please tell me what’s going on!’ You yelled starting to panic. "He is prince of Asgard and the rightful king of Jotunhiem.” The blonde man said coming up next to you. “What is Jotunhiem?” You asked looking at him. “It is an ice planet, where the frost giants live.” He said. Your mind was reeling, nothing was making sense. “Thor, what are you and mother doing here?” Loki asked backing away from you. “Let us go inside and we can discuss it.” Frigga said looking at Loki.

They turned to the house leaving you standing there. Asgard, Jotunhiem, frost giant, none of it made sense. As you slowly made your way to the house you felt the heaviness in your chest, this sinking feeling that was overwhelming you. You sat on the porch staring into the distance while they were in the house. You watched as the sun began to set, the anxiety running through you when you heard the door open, and Loki sat on the opposite side of the steps from you, putting as much distance as possible between you. Your heart sank.

“Lady y/n.” He started, you closed your eyes at the formality of the name, was your Adam gone? You put your head down listening “I just wanted to explain, if I can, my brother and mother, Thor and frigga, have come to take me home.” He said fidgeting with his hands. “My…..Odin……stripped me of my memories and sent me here as punishment for my crimes, my mother has restored them.” He said looking out to the field. You lifted your head looking at him “Ad…..Loki, do you remember everything since coming here? With me?” You asked nervously. He put his head down nodding.

“So do you……do you still love me?” You hesitated. He looked at you, you could see the affection in his eyes, until it changed, he seemed distant, cold “that’s not who I am lady y/n, that man you found, I’m not him.” He said looking at you. “Yes it is, your more him then anything else. That Is you in here.” You said pointing at your heart. “That man I found in the field, that is who you are, not king of wherever that was, or prince of whatever, just plain and simple you, the man I fell in love with.” You said, feeling the tears welling in your eyes. “Lady y/n” he started “Don’t call me that, please.” You said scooting closer. He sighed “you have no idea what I’ve done, why I was cast out.” He said looking down “and I don’t care! I fell in love with you, all of you, that doesn’t matter.” You said reaching for his hand but he pulled it away.

Your heart sank, you looked into his eyes “was what we had nothing?” You asked looking at him. “Y/n I have been offered a pardon, and the promise of the throne that is rightfully mine.” He said stiffening. “Then I’ll come with you.” You said “you cant, you would die.” He said plainly “humans cannot go to where I am from.” He said looking out. Reality was starting to set in, this was more important to him. “Aren’t you human?” You asked looking at him. He snapped his head to look at you “I am a God, I will outlive you. Your existence is finite to mine.” He said going to stand, but you grabbed his hand. “Please, please don’t do this I love you! Don’t you love me?” You asked looking into his eyes. “I have to return home, and you must stay here. We cannot be together, I’m sorry y/n.” He said getting up. You jumped to your feet “tell me, tell me you don’t love me and what we had meant nothing to you!” You demanded. He stopped and turned to look at you. His eyes softened for a second before the cold facade returned. He stood straight looking you In the eye “I do not.” He said. You felt your heart shatter as the tears rolled down your cheek “you don’t mean that, you love me I know you do, and I love you.” You said stepping closer. “Y/n, it was a fling, nothing more. And now I must take my place among my people.” He said.

“But lo….” you started “enough y/n! You need to accept that this is how things are.” He said. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to get my things, I must leave soon” he said going into the house. You sank to the floor, pulling your knees to your chest. He was leaving, you meant nothing to him. You put your head on your knees, unable to stop your sobs. You heard the door open and you looked up seeing loki in a green and black leather outfit, similar to the one you found him in. “I realized nothing in there is mine.” He said clearing his throat. You saw the man and woman come out of the house looking at you. “I got all of that for you, you can take it of you want.” You said sniffling, wiping a tear away. “That’s not necessary.” He said, straightening, fixing his outfit. “Come brother, we must go.” You heard the other man, Thor say. You looked up at loki as he looked at you “goodbye lady y/n.” He nodded and turned walking down the steps toward the field. The woman, frigga, knelt down next to you “I am sorry my dear, I know you love him.” She said. You looked at her, tears in your eyes “if you knew you wouldn’t have convinced him to leave.” You said burying your head in your knees. You felt her touch your head “I truly am sorry.” She whispered as you felt her get up.

You looked up as they stood in the field, you got up rushing down the steps towards them. You lunged at loki, wrapping your arms around his neck, you felt him stiffen as you hugged him. “I’ll always love you.” You whispered into his hair as you let go backing up. You saw his eyes begin to water, but before he could say anything they were engulfed in the rainbow light, and then they were gone, leaving you alone in the field. You went back to the house, making your way to Loki’s room, running your hand through his clothes in the closet, gently sitting on the bed, seeing his book on the night stand. You grabbed his pillow, hugging it you, it smelled like him. You laid down, letting the sadness wash over you. He left, he was gone, and he wasn’t coming back. As reality hit you you sobbed into his pillow, hoping the void of sleep would take you soon.


Frozen Hearts

Paring: Loki x reader (eventually)

Warnings: swearing, teasing, sexual innuendos, nothing too bad to start

Summary: your an avenger, one of earth hero’s, confident in who you are and what you want, until a God started getting under your skin.

*avengers au, Loki and Thor make it back to earth after ragnarok, and are living in stark tower.

Part 1-


You had joined the avengers a couple years ago, shortly after the attack on New York, being recruited by none other then black widow. You had been on your own for most of your life, being left with a foster family you took off, deciding the only person you could rely on was yourself. She had seen you one day when you a few guys decided it would be fun to harass you. She was coming over to help you when she saw you take down all three by yourself. She came over, saying you had potential and asked you to join. “Why not.” You had said looking at her.

You kept to yourself mostly, not really wanting to make friends, but slowly they started to grow on you. Everytime bucky and sam got In a fight you couldn’t help laugh, or everytime Steve irritated Tony, you couldn’t help watch the madness unfold on the occasion you made it down to the lab. That’s where you had met Matt, he was a lab tech that worked with Bruce and Tony. A year into you being at the tower he had asked you out. You had told him no a few times, not wanting to get that close with anyone but he was persistent. Always sending you flowers, complimenting you, trying to make small talk. you decided to give him a shot, he was nice, and pretty cute. Tall and on the thinner side, with short blonde hair that curled all over his head, glasses and a killer smile.

You had been seeing Matt for a couple of weeks when Thor came to the tower, explaining that Asgard had been destroyed and they had to come to earth. You were sitting on the couch in the common room with Matt when Thor had come in, a tall dark haired man following behind him. You knew who he was, everyone did. “Y/n, this is my brother Loki, he’s going to be staying with us in the tower.” Thor smiled at you. You looked up at him “Hello Thor….Loki.” You said nodding at Loki as he stood there with his arms crossed. “Anyone told you it’s not polite to stare?” You asked looking at Loki. His eyes squinting at you “no one that mattered.” He said glaring. “And who is this?” Thor asked breaking you from your staring contest “this is my boyfriend Matt, Matt this is Thor and his brother.” You said looking at Thor. “Hi, nice to meet you both.” Matt said standing holding his hand out to them shaking Thor’s hand, while Loki glared at it. You got up grabbing Matt’s arm “ignore him, he has issues.” You said pulling Matt away.

Loki stared at you as you left “Well brother, it seems you may have met your match.” Thor laughed slapping Loki’s shoulder. He hummed before Thor drug him off to meet the rest of the team. You had developed a hate, dislike relationship with the God. Wherever he was, snide remarks followed. You both always falling into insults and rude comments around eachother. You couldn’t even be paired on missions because you made everyone miserable. You would have tried to get along with him If he wasn’t so insufferable.

So here you stood, a year later, standing in the kitchen making tea as the ignorant jerk made his way in. “Y/n, why are you up so late? Your pathetic boyfriend not satisfying you?” He asked smirking at you “and that’s my cue to leave.” You said grabbing your tea starting to leave. “You know where to find me if you want a real man.” He said making you stop. You turned around looking at him, he was leaned against the counter, arms crossed with a smile on his face. You slowly walked over to him looking him up and down “does it even still work? With all the women you bring to the tower I’m surprised it hasn’t fallen off.” You said glaring at him. His smile dropped as he stood up walking towards you “I would watch how you speak to me.” He said squinting his eyes at you. “Whatever you say princess.” You said starting to go back to your room when a woman came out of Loki’s room.

“Lokiiii baby where are you?” She screeched, her voice piercing your ears. “There’s one of them now.” You said leaving going to your room. You sat your tea down and threw yourself on the bed. A part of you wished that you got along with him, that you could have been friends with him. If you were being honest with yourself, a part of you thought he was attractive, beautiful even. The way his hair curled at the ends making you want to twirl it around your finger, the way his green eyes seemed to glow, the way his muscles flexed when you caught glimpses during training. You may have had a little crush on him, but there was no way anyone was going to find out, ever.

Let me know if you want to be tagged!!


Lost and Found

Pairing: Loki x reader

Warnings: swearing, all the fluff, smut, fluffy smut- its smuffy, that’s a thing right? Lol

Sunmary: you had settled down with loki in yout new life, and couldn’t be happier.



5 years later-

You washed your hands as you finished dinner. Turning everything off you went to the porch “guys, time for dinner!!” You yelled to the field. Seeing Loki wave you went back inside. Setting the plates down on the table as they came in. “Hey, Adam, you know you need to wash your hands first.” You said looking at your son. “Yes mom.” He said running to the bathroom. You felt Loki come up behind you, wrapping his long arms around your waist. “When are we going to work on our second?” He whispered in your ear. “Loki stop, he’ll be back in a second.” You said turning and slapping his chest. “I can’t help what you do to me love.” He said leaning down kissing you. You pulled back looking at him “behave…sir.” whispering the last part as you felt his arms squeeze tighter. “All done!” Adam yelled coming back to the table. You pulled away from Loki winking as you sat and ate.

You were laying in bed reading as Loki came in, closing your door. “He’s finally asleep, he didn’t want me to stop reading to him.” He laughed grabbing his pajamas. “Well you do have a beautiful voice.” You said setting your book down, seeing a slight blush on his cheeks. He climbed in bed laying next to you “what were we talking about earlier, oh that’s right.” He said, leaning forward kissing you. You turned your head, deepening the kiss as his tongue ran across your lip. You opened your mouth, letting his tongue massage yours. His hand making its way to the hem of your shirt. You moaned in his mouth as he slid his hand up cupping your breast, running his thumb over your nipple. He broke the kiss, moving to your neck “I need you y/n, I need to feel you.” He whispered nibbling your ear. “Take me…..sir.” you whispered into his hair. You heard him growl as he moved on top of you, pulling your shirt off throwing it across the room.

He leaned down his tongue diving back into your mouth, you slid your hand into his hair as the other gripped his back, slowly moving to grip his cheek, pulling him into you. “Eager are we?” He laughed kissing down your neck towards your chest. “Loki please…..” you sighed as he circled your nipple with his tongue. “Tell me what you need y/n.” He said sucking it into his mouth. You moaned as you felt his other hand reaching your core, his fingers gently opening you up. “You…..I need you…..my king.” You sighed moving your hips with his hand. “Anything for you love.” He said getting up removing his pants, slowly pulling yours down. He climbed back up to you, spreading your knees, settling between them.

You both moaned as he slowly slid inside you. “Norns, you feel like heaven.” He said resting his head on yours. “So do you.” You sighed as he bottomed out, taking a minute to adjust. He leaned on his elbows kissing you deeply as he slowly started to move. You slid both hands down his back, he moaned into your mouth as you firmly grabbed his cheeks, pulling him into you. He rested his forehead on your as he pulled out and you pulled him back in. He adjusted his weight as his hand went to your hip, pulling it up towards him with every thrust. You felt him adjust his angle and start hitting that one spot in you that drove you over the top. Your breath mixed together as he titled his head kissing you again. You moaned he thrust particular hard, hitting that spot. “God Loki……I’m……” you tried but your brain couldn’t form words as you felt the coil in your stomach tighten. “Come y/n, come for your king.” He growled as he thrust harder. You looked into his eyes as you came, holding him tight to you. He followed right after, feeling him filling you up.

He stilled inside as you both panted, trying to catch your breath. You looked up at him smiled, his lips swollen, hair a mess, he was perfect. You reached up, brushing his hair away from his face as he smiled at you. “You are so beautiful y/n.” He said rubbing his thumb on your cheek. He went to move but you grabbed onto him “no, not yet please. I want to feel you.” You said looking at him. He settled back smiling at you. “May I ask you something love?” He asked looking at you. “Anything.” You said running your fingers up and down his arms. “Well, you know how I told you my lifespan is longer then….yours.” he said looking down. You nodded waiting. “Well, before I came back, my mother gave me something, that I want to give you.” He said looking at you. “What is it?” You asked. He held put his hand as a green light shown from it and a small box appeared. “I’ll never get tired of that.” You smiled making him laugh.

“I want to spend eternity with you love, always and forever.” He said handing it to you. You awkwardly opened the box, looking inside “you gave me an apple?” You asked looking confused. “It’s not just and Apple, it’s one of idunns apples.” He said taking it out of the box handing to you. “Whose idunn, and why does she have golden apples?” You asked looking at it. “That’s not the point, the point is, if you eat it, you’ll live as long as me.” He said cupping your cheek. “You gave me a magic apple? Good magic right, not like snow white where she..” you trailed off pretending to sleep. He laughed looking at you “Yes, Good magic. We can be together forever.” He said smiling at you. You turned it in your hand looking at it. “What about Adam?” You asked looking at him. “When he is old enough to decide, he will have the same choice.” He said looking at you. “I understand if you need to think it over, or don’t want to, it’s a big choice and..” you stopped his rambling by kissing him. Pulling back looking into his eyes, you took a bite. “It doesn’t taste very good.” You said swallowing. He laughed kissing you.

“Loki, I want nothing more then to spend eternity with you.” You said finishing the apple. “Do I need to eat the core too, I will.” You said laughing “no, that’s not necessary” he laughed throwing it to the floor. You cupped his cheeks in your hands staring into his eyes “I love you Loki, I always will.” You said smiling. “I love you more y/n, and I always will.” He said leaning down kissing you.

well, we reached the end. Thank you all ao much for reading, commenting, reblogging, all of that. You guys are amazing!!!! Love you all


Lost and Found

Pairing: Loki x reader

Warnings: imprisonment, swearing, sadness, mentions of pregnancy.

Summary: Loki sits on his cell as the hopelessness consumes him, as you confirmed the sell of the farm.

Part 16-



Loki wasn’t sure how long he had been there, sitting on the floor, back against the wall, waiting for whatever was to come. Would he be sent back to Jotunhiem, or sentenced to life in this cell. He thought back to you, how your smile warmed his heart, when you hugged him he felt complete, loved. This place wasn’t home, you were. He wondered how you were doing, if you were safe, did you miss him as much as he missed you. He felt the tears stream down his cheeks, remembering the mornings you were snuggled up next to him, the way you comforted him, your kindness.

He brought his knees up to his chest, wrapping his arms around them, laying his head on his arms. He never wanted any of this, he only wanted you. He heard a sound from outside his cell, lifting his head, he saw someone there. “What do you want?” He asked, venom lacing his tone. “I am only here to talk.” He said coming closer. “What Is there to discuss, I’m where I belong am i not?” He asked looking at the figure. “Enough Loki!” He bellowed coming into the light. “I have spoken to Frigga about your time on Midgard, she told me of your mortal.”

Loki clenched his teeth “you will not speak of her……Odin.” he said looking up. He saw the glow of the cell drop as Odin walked in. “I have heard that she makes you happy yes?” He asked looking at Loki, he just shook his head and looked down “what does it matter, I have lost her.” Loki sighed. “Loki, I sent you to Midgard to learn the error of your ways, I thought by living amongst them you may once again find your humanity.” Odin said pacing back and forth. “I had not intended for Thor to lose his way.” He said looking to Loki. “He has been confined to his chambers until I can decide punishment for what he has done.” Odin said.

“And what is to become of me? Am I to rot in this cell?” Loki asked looking to Odin. “I have come to offer you a choice, either you can return to Jotunhiem, take up the throne and continue your rule, or you may return to Midgard, to your mortal, without the threat of repercussion.” Odin said standing in front of Loki. He stared up at him in disbelief, was he really going to let him return to you. “The choice is yours my son.” Odin said holding his hand out. “I wish to return to Midgard.” Loki said, gabbing Odin’s hand pulling him up. “Very well, Frigga is waiting at your chambers.” He said turning around. “Thank you.” Loki said looking to Odin, seeing him turn and nod slightly before leaving.

Loki ran to his chambers, seeing Frigga there “I must go immediately” he rushed inside. Looking around at his belongings he turned to Frigga “I don’t need any of this, I just need her.” He said walking towards the door. “May I accompany you to the bifrost?” She asked looking at him. He nodded and then made their way out. “Hiemdall, open the bifrost to Midgard please.” Loki said rushing in. “Yes, King Loki.” He said turning the sword. He smiled at Heimdall “just Loki.” He said as heimdall nodded. “Thank you for everything mother.” He said hugging Frigga. “Here, take this.” She said handing him a small box “what is it?” He asked looking at it “you’ll know when the time comes.” She said cupping his cheek. He tucked it into his pocket dimension before stepping back towards the lights “I love you my son” she called to him. “I love you mother.” He said smiling as the lights engulfed him.



You had spent the last few days packing, hiring a few guys to help you move everything to storage. You hadn’t called Dr Laing yet, but were planning to tomorrow, knowing it was your best plan to leave. You walked through your empty room, all but your clothes remained. You had put boxes in the spare room, but hadn’t been able to go in and pack everything, you thought about leaving all of it here, not wanting to be reminded of him. You walked to the now empty living room, only the couch remained. You sighed looking around, it felt cold.

You walked into the kitchen to make tea, setting the kettle on the stove, absently running your hand up and down the small bump. “It’s ok little one, we’ll be ok.” You whispered rubbing your belly. You finished making your tea, making your way to the porch, watching the sun set. You felt the tears well in your eyes as you rubbed your stomach, knowing this may be the last sunset you get to watch from this porch. You sighed finishing your tea before heading back inside. You laid on the couch, rolling over facing the back, you willed the tears away, hoping sleep would find you.

You weren’t sure how long you slept before you heard someone calling your name. You slowly opened your eyes thinking maybe you were dreaming. You rolled over, looking through the room but didn’t see anyone. You sat up rubbing your eyes as you saw someone In the hallway. You froze, who was in your house? Why were they here? You slowly got up, making your way to the front door, hoping to make it out before they saw you. “Y/n” you heard, making you freeze in your spot. You knew that voice. You slowly turned around, flipping on the light, you saw him standing there, exactly as you remembered him, his green eyes wide. “What…..what are you doing here?” You asked shakily.

He walked closer but you backed away so he stopped “y/n, I’m…….I’m sorry.” He whispered looking down. “"Why are you here!’ You yelled, feeling the lump in your throat. He looked up at you "I’ve come to apologize, I never meant to hurt you, I can explain.” He said holding his hand out but you backed away. “What is there to explain, you said enough when you left.” You said looking down. “No, please allow me to explain.” He asked looking at you. You rubbed your belly as you looked at him. “Are you unwell?” He asked watching you. “I suppose we do need to talk.” You sighed heading to the kitchen. You put the kettle on, getting two cups out setting them down. “Y/n, what is wrong?” He asked following you in. “Nothing is wrong Ad……Loki.” You sighed.

You turned to look at him, hands on your belly “Loki, I’m pregnant.” You said looking at him. He went silent, staring at you. “How long?” He asked looking at your belly. “It’s yours if that’s what your asking, I found out after you left.” You said crossing your arms. He nodded, leaning on the counter. “Don’t worry, I don’t want anything from you, I just thought you should know. And I’m selling the farm.” You said as the kettle went off. “Why?” He asked looking at you. “I can’t be here anymore. I can’t be reminded of you everyday, its too much.” You said sliding his tea to him walking out. You sat on the couch as he followed “y/n please, I’ve come back, I want to be here, I love you.” He said looking at you. “That’s not what you said when you left.” You looked at him. “I was being threatened, I had to say that to protect you, I’ve thought of nothing but you since I left.” He said coming closer. “I want to believe you, I do, but I just.” You started and were cut off when he kneeled in front of you grabbing your hands.

“Y/n, I’ve never felt like this about anyone else, only you, always you.” He said, you saw tears forming in his eyes “Please, let me explain, I’ll tell you everything.” He said looking at you. You sighed looking down “ok, go ahead.” You said looking at him. You listened as he told you about his attack on New York, how he was made to, about being sent here as punishment, how the man who came to get him threatened him. Your mind was reeling as he recounted everything. “And there’s one more thing I must tell you.” He said looking at you. He scooted closer, his torso between your knees as he closed his eyes. You watched his skin turn blue, opening his eyes to see red instead of the green you knew.

“I am a frost giant, king actually, but I abdicated, gave it up, I don’t want it. I only want you my love.” He said cupping your cheek, his skin was cold, but didn’t hurt you. “So, Loki, prince of asgard, king of Jotunhiem, adopted asgardian, and frost giant.” You said looking at him as he nodded. “I told you so.” You said tears forming in your eyes. “Told me what?” He asked “that you were a prince.” You said smiling. He smiled lunging forward, wrapping you in a hug. “I’m sorry y/n, so sorry.” He said holding you. “Please, never leave me again.” You whispered burying your face into his neck. “Never, I will die first.” He said rocking you. You sat there holding eachother “I love you…..Loki” you sighed. He buried his face in your neck, holding the back of your head “I love you more.” He sighed.


Marry me…

Pairing: Loki x avenger reader

Warnings: mentions of alcohol, depression, swearing, self esteem issues.

Summary: you and loki had only been together for a couple of years, but you knew you loved him with everything in you, so you decided to ask the question.

*Loki and reader established relationship, fluff to angst. Angst with happy ending. This is my first one shot, sorry if it’s terrible lol and as always, thanks for reading!!


You remember when Loki joined the team, dragged along by his brother Thor. The first time you met him, it was love at first site, not so much for him. Thor brought him into the common room, introducing him to everyone, you couldn’t help but stare. His long raven locks sitting just below his shoulders, curling at the ends, you wanted to touch it. His emerald eyes that could read your soul, the way he carried himself with an heir of confidence. “Ah y/n, this is my brother Loki, Loki this is y/n.” Thor had said introducing you. You held your hand out and smiled, but he crossed his arms and glared. “Brother, must I dwell with these…….mortals?” He asked looking at you. As soon as he spoke you were done for, his voice like honey to your ears. He was like a drug you needed more of.

Slowly you had broken his walls down. It took time, but you were patient. Sending him smiles when you saw him, making tea for him when you made yours, you were determined to pry your way into his heart. A few months into him being there he had pulled you aside “y/n, I was wondering if……possibly if you wanted to…….maybe…” he fidgeted with his hands. His shyness making you smile. You walked over grabbing his hands looking at him, he sighed looking at you “y/n, could I court you?” He had asked and you couldn’t have been happier, jumping into his arms “yes!” You yelled, grabbing a few glances from your team mates as you smiled at eachother. You smiled at the memories as you walked through the shop, picking out the perfect gift. It was your anniversary, and had the perfect evening planned. You loved him entirely and only ever wanted to be with him, and It was time to show him.

You sat across from Loki at the resteraunt. Him wearing his all black suit you wanted nothing more then to rip off of him. You held hands across the table as you ate dinner, enjoying the evening. When dinner was finished you knew it was now or never. “Loki, there’s something I wanted to ask you.” You said looking at him. “Anything y/n.” He said smiling at you. “Well, we’ve been together two years now, and I’ve never been happier, I love you so much.” You said looking into his eyes “I love you too y/n.” He said squeezing your hand. You pulled the small box from your purse “Loki laufeyson, will you marry me?” You asked smiling, opening the box to reveal a silver ring with a green inner bad wrapping around it. You saw the smile fall from his face as he looked between you and the ring. He hadn’t said anything and you were getting nervous. “Loki, say something please” you said setting the box on the table. He pulled his hand back setting it on his lap, dread beginning to fill you. “Y/n, I don’t know what to say.” He said in a monotone voice, staring at the ring. “You could say yes.” You joked smiling at him. He looked at you, silent for a moment “y/n, I can’t.” He said plainly. “Why not?” You asked him. “I just……I can’t.” He said.

“Can’t or won’t?” You asked looking at him. His silence told you everything. You cleared your throat “I should go.” You said grabbing your purse. “Y/n wait….” he said reaching for you, you stopped and looked at him. “I do love you y/n, but I can’t….” he tried, going silent. “But you can’t marry me. I know I’m just a mortal, but I thought for once I would be enough.” You said, sniffling, refusing to cry in front of him. “Y/n ..” he started but you cut him off “it’s fine Loki, its my fault. i was stupid enough to believe i was worthy of you, but I never will be will i?.” You said getting up. “I won’t bother you again.” You said quickly leaving the resteraunt before your tears fell.

You made it back to the tower, thankful Loki hadn’t followed you. You grabbed a few boxes, packing up what you could from your shared room, wiping your tears as you went. You grabbed your clothes from your side of the closet, heading to one of the vacant rooms. You headed back running into Thor “Lady y/n, what’s the matter?” He asked. “Your brother that’s what.” You said storming past him. You threw the rest of your things in the boxes as you started to move everything before Loki got back. “But y/n, I thought you and my brother were happy.” He said following you. “Yeah, so did i.” You said moving around him. “Either help me or leave please, I need to hurry and get this done.” You said making sure you grabbed everything.

Thor walked in grabbing one of your boxes following you to the other room. You made one more trip, making sure you had everything before shutting the door grabbing a bottle of wine and heading to your new room. “I am sorry about whatever happened between you and Loki, I will speak with him.” Thor said starting to leave. “Don’t bother, I’m not worth the trouble.” You sighed sitting at the end of the bed. “Lady y/n, i…” he started before you cut him off “please Thor, just leave.” You sighed hanging your head. As you heard the door click shut, you let the tears fall.

Loki had made it back to the tower, hoping to talk to you about what happened, but when he got to your room, he saw your things gone. He ran to the closet seeing your clothes gone. “Y/n!” He called out, checking the bathroom but you weren’t there. He ran and checked the common area, the library, the kitchen, but couldn’t find you. He ran to Thor’s room hoping he had seen you coming back “brother, have you seen y/n, I can’t find her.” He asked Thor. “Yes I’ve seen her, what did you do?” He asked crossing his arms. Loki sighed “she asked me to marry her and I said no.” He said looking down. “Why would you say no. I thought you were happy.” Thor asked. “I am! I love her, truly. But she doesn’t know what I am, how could she ever love a monster.” Loki said fidgeting with his hands. “You didn’t even give her a chance Loki, she would have understood. You should have trusted her.” Thor said shaking his head. “The only one who thinks your a monster is you, and until you can accept yourself, you’ll always be afraid.” Thor said. “Give her some space, she was rather upset when I saw her.” He said. “May I come in?” Loki asked. Thor nodded, moving aside to let Loki in.

It had been a week and no one had seen you. They tried knocking on your door but you kept it locked, not answering. only sneaking out when you knew everyone was asleep or gone to get more wine or whatever alcohol Tony had lying around. Trash littered your room, clothes all over the floor. You didn’t have the energy to pick them up. You stumbled out of your room, completely trashed, looking for Tony’s stash of alcohol to numb the pain. The tower was eerily silent, maybe everyone was gone. You found a half a bottle of scotch, taking a swig you decided it would be a good idea to go to the roof and look at the stars. You dragged yourself to the elevator, knocking into the wall a few times before making it. You got to the roof, realizing you were in your sleep shorts and tank top as the cold air hit you. You shrugged, taking another drink stumbling out.

You made it to the edge, standing on your toes looking over the wall down to the street. “Y/n!” You heard someone yell your name. You looked up trying to find the source of the voice. “Get away from there!” You heard it again, along with what sounded like someone running. “Whose there?” You slurred unable to focus as a hand gripped your wrist. You tried pulling away but you couldn’t get loose. “Let go of me!” You yelled at the voice. “What are you doing y/n?” You heard. You sighed “looking at the pretty stars, they twinkle like my Loki’s eyes.” You said tearing up. You put your head down “you see, i love him, but he doesn’t love me.” You said sniffling. “I’m sure that’s not true.” The voice said “yes it is! I was stupid, asked him to marry me, of course he said no, why wouldn’t he.” You said wiping your face. “Y/n, let’s get you to bed.” The voice said. “I don’t want to sleep, I’ll dream about him.” You said trying to sit down but were lifted up. “Shh it’s ok y/n, I’ve got you.” The voice said. “Your soft.” You hummed as your eyes drifted closed.

You slowly opened your eyes as the sun hit your face, making your head pound. You turned your head to see Loki sitting in a chair next to the bed, his eyes on you. “Go away Loki.” You huffed, moving to get out of bed. “Y/n, wait, please.” He said moving to in front of you. “I have nothing to say to you” you said trying to get up “well I have something to say to you.” He said placing his hands on your shoulders. “What is is?” You sighed holding your head. He handed you a cup of coffee and some pain meds before sitting back down. “Y/n, I would like to explain myself about why I told you no.” He said looking at you. “I don’t want to hear it.” You said shaking your head, starting to get up. “Well I want you to.” He said firmly. You looked at him and sat back down.

“The reason I said no, wasn’t because I don’t love you, I do, it’s because of my parentage, what I am.” He sighed looking down. “Asgardian, I already know that” you said looking at him. “No, I’m not asgardian.” He said looking at you. “What are you talking about Loki?” You asked getting frustrated. He sighed closing his eyes. You watched as his skin turned blue, ridges forming on his skin. He slowly opened his eyes, seeing his emerald eyes turning dark red. You sat there, unsure what to say. “I am a frost giant y/n, a monster, and I was afraid you would be frightened of me, that is why I said no” he said looking down. You scooted closer, looking at him. He looked the same but…..different. “Look at me please.” You said. His eyes meeting yours, you gazed into them. “Loki, regardless of what you are, you are still you, you always will be, I don’t care if you were a troll, I’d still love you.” You sighed. “I’m sorry y/n, I should have trusted you, I should have told you” he said shaking his head. “It’s ok Loki, I understand.” You said looking at him.

He leaned down, kneeling in front of you grabbing your hands “y/n, I love you with everything in me, I never want to lose you, I would be honored to be your husband.” He said pulling a box out of his pocket, be opened it revealing a silver banded ring, with an emerald in the middle, diamonds surrounding it. “If you still want me.” He said holding the ring out to you. You felt the tears in your eyes as you looked at him “I will always want you Loki.” You said lunging at him, hugging him. “Is that a yes?” He asked hugging you back. You laughed pulling back “Yes, Yes it is.” You smiled kissing him. He held your hand putting the ring on your finger, noticing him wearing the one you got him. You grabbed his hand “have you been wearing it?” You asked looking at him. “Since that night, yes.” He said holding your hand. You smiled at eachother, pulling him into another hug “I love you Loki.” You said sighing. “I love you too y/n.” He said.



Frozen Hearts

Pairing:Loki x reader

Warnings:self esteem issues, swearing, mentions of smut (fairly graphic), cheating, bullying

Summary: things get a tad awkward with Loki but you actively avoid it as things go south with Matt

Part 5-


You felt his lips on your neck as his hands roamed, cupping your beasts as he kissed you passionately. “I need you y/n.” He whispered as his lips traveled down your neck to your chest. You arched your back as you felt your knees being spread apart. “So needy love. I’ll give you what you want.” You heard him whisper as he lowered his head between your thighs.

Keep reading

Ooooh….. fuck Matt we are too good for him anyways

Also…. damnit Loki, why does he always pick creator horrible women

Ooh Bambi huh… I like that

Little Bird - Mini

 Request: wanted to ask you if you could do a Loki x teen!Reader. Where the reader meets Loki in some way and she touches him and connect their souls ‘cause she has powers she doesn’t know about. And then some day she’s in pain or smth and Loki feels it and comes to her. And she finds out she just can connect her soul with someone she trusts. And loki is all sweet ? And angst maby. Please and thank you.

Pairing: Loki Odinson x teen!Reader

Chapter: Mini Story

A/N: Okay so I am not going to do official chapters but I think I will release a few mini stories about their lives together. Not sure how many I will do. I am really loving how adorable Loki is and his interaction with the reader. If you want to be tagged let me know. Hope ya’ll still enjoy it!


Chapter One       Chapter Two

“This is so not fair.” You whisper, out of breath.

             Loki’s lean figure slightly leans forward, hovering over your own. His breathing is heavy and his hair tries to cling to what is left of his bun. You take in a few deep breaths of your own and ignore the sweat dripping off of your body. The team has been making you physically train. Not with your powers but with punches, kicks, and flips. When they said you would get to train, you initially thought this meant you would get to control these so-called powers you seem to possess. Apparently not!

“Once you can control your own body during a fight, controlling your powers will become easier.” Loki grins. “Besides, I like you on the floor gazing up at me.”

             Loki takes pride in his little bedroom comment. Meanwhile you swing your leg around and knock him off his feet. A thud on the mat tells you that he is down and is time to get up. Using the little energy you have left, you push your body up into a standing position. Much like the way Nat or Steve do during a fight that in your opinion is a show-off move. Regardless, one night you asked Nat to teach you. You figured there may be some satisfaction in executing it one day. Funny how the time comes sooner than expected.

             Looking down at the god beneath you, you can’t help but allow a well deserved smirk to take residence across your lips. This is the first fight you have won, hopefully it won’t be the last. Taking in Loki’s appearance, you begin to understand what is so appealing about being the one left standing. The dominant person standing.

“Don’t get used to it, little bird.” Loki breathes. “I’ll get my rematch later.”

“STOP!” Tony’s voice booms through the intercom. “I can’t take any more of your sexual banter in the training room. Keep it in the bedroom!”

             A faint spread of heat rushes against your cheeks from Tony’s comment. Despite what most would think by looking at you, you are quite a private person about that area of your life. You know Tony is all talk and doesn’t mean anything by it. He doesn’t even know what is going on behind closed doors at the compound. It would be quite shocking for them all to find out.

             Tony gets called out for a meeting at Stark Industries and allows you to call it an early day. Thankfully he had to take Wanda and Vision so even they couldn’t make you practice meditating on your powers. Feeling them as a part of yourself and not as a threat, and accepting them. It will allow you to hone your powers and use them. Seems like there is a lot of stuff they are making you do first before actually letting you use your powers. Meanwhile, you’re sure they just went at it themselves without all this mumbo jumbo.

             Following Loki back to his bedroom you are lost in thought about how to improve at your training so you can get to the next level. It barely registers that you sit on his bed crisscross as Loki disappears to the closet to change out of his training gear. With the snap of his fingers, you are now out of your own training gear and in your favorite pair of sweats and tank top.

“Time for a rematch.” Loki’s low deeps voice appears behind you.

             His arms wrap around your torso and his fingers attack your stomach. You cry out in laughter and pain as you try to pry his hands off of you. As a child your father would constantly tickle you, usually in surprise attacks like this one. Twisting your body in his arms, you manage to face him. Loki’s smug face peers down at you. He thinks he has won. Guess again.

             Suddenly his fingers are no longer moving. His arms are slowly unwrapped from your body. Their movement falters for a moment as Loki attempts to fight back, but you quickly regain control. Electricity thrums through your arms as your magic overpowers his. You manage to lift his arms above his hands against his bed railing. With a bit more concentration you will a free length of lace to wrap a nicely tight bow across Loki’s wrists. Now you are the one looking smug.

“You’ve been practicing without me.” Loki is breathless once again. “I have to say, if I wasn’t a bit terrified I would be 100% turned on.”

             Leaning your body over his, you look deep into his eyes as you bring your face closer. As your lips meet, every nerve in your body is engulfed in flames. Never in your entire life have you met someone that makes you feel as alive as Loki. Even a simple kiss excites everything inside of you, even your bones. Never have you felt like losing such control but yet feeling as safe as could be. But before either of you could get carried away, you break the kiss and sit at the end of the bed.

“Definitely less terrified.” Loki gleams toward you. “Though we still need to be careful.”

             Loki’s reminder saddens you. With a flick of your wrist Loki is released from his lace bondage. He is the one person in the world that you want but yet you cannot fully have him. Tony’s remark earlier left you a little flustered. Only because the two of you haven’t actually had sex yet. Neither one of you is in a big rush, but since you can’t it makes you want it more. Funny how that is always the case?

             It was Loki’s idea. Since no one is sure of the full extent of your powers, he thinks it is best to keep emotions from an all-time high. You agreed and still do, most of the time. You often wonder if he is as miserable about it as you are. He doesn’t show it and you do your best to hid it as well. It isn’t always easy to be so close to him, alone, and not get what you want.

Sometimes you think Loki has another motive behind why you two should delay. He said he could be dangerous if he gets carried away. Since he has arrived in your life, outside of watching you sleep, you have been getting to know a lot about his past. He isn’t always eager to share but he does anyway. Some things take longer than others to surface but you know he is going to tell you in his time. You don’t want to rush him, but this particular comment definitely has peaked your interest.

“The first night in my room umm…” your cheeks turn a light pink as you think of the right words. “What did you mean by ‘I can get dangerous if I get carried away’?”

“I was hoping you didn’t remember that.” Loki lets out a shaking laugh. He takes your hands in his and concentrates on them instead of meeting your gaze. “I am not Asgardian like my brother. My birth father is from another realm where he is king of these horrible beasts.”

             Loki’s voice begins to waver. He takes a moment to calm himself before continuing. His breathing is uneven still as he recalls all that he has learned about his heritage.

“Basically they are ice monsters. Cold is their pleasure and they have no problem harming anyone to get what they want.” Loki sneaks a glance at you to gage your reaction. “My natural form is a lot.. bluer, colder. I highly suggest you never touch me in this form. Legend says a single touch can turn anyone into frozen stone. I’ve never tried it, and I really do not want to start with you.” Loki sighs and you know he is finally getting to his point. “I am afraid that if we are intimate with one another I may lose control and my glamour will fade, revealing my true form. I worry that it will frighten you, and I worry of what I can do to you.”

             You see that what is left of Loki’s calm and collected façade begin to fade. Obviously this isn’t a topic that he talks about often, and you feel honored that he could share it with you. Wrapping your arms around his neck, you sit on his lap and wrap your legs around his torso. As you stroke your fingers through his hair you feel a wet cold tear fall against your bare shoulder. Loki has been in pain a great deal of his life and has mastered the art of silent crying. You hope one day it won’t have to be so silent around you.

“Thank you for sharing with me.” Your voice is low, calming, soothing. “I believe we are what we decide to become, not who we are born. You may be blue and able to freeze things, but you are anything but a monster.”

             Loki’s grip around your hips tightens as you speak. Most people in the past, even his brother, has written him off as the bad guy. Until recently did people begin to see the hero and ally that Loki has always wanted to become.

“You’re my hero, Loki.”

             Loosening your hold on him, you peer into his tear stricken eyes. Leaning in close, you kiss his cheeks just below the eyes. Kissing away his tears. Revisiting Loki’s gaze, you look for an indication to stop but you find nothing. Again you lean in close and lightly brush your lips against his.

             The fiery heat radiates off of your body like before. Though something is different this time. A cool electrifying current passes through, starting at your lips and spreads through your whole body. The feeling excites you as you realize this streak is coming from Loki. He is letting down his walls little by little, staying up enough to keep you safe.

“I’m not going anywhere.” You assure him.

“Neither am I, little bird.” Loki’s cold breath brushes away your heated exterior. Quickly he gazes into your eyes before connecting his lips with yours once more.

Taglist:@drabby-abby@senpaiweird​ @clairewinchester14 

Request: wanted to ask you if you could do a Loki x teen!Reader. Where the reader meets Loki in some way and she touches him and connect their souls ‘cause she has powers she doesn’t know about. And then some day she’s in pain or smth and Loki feels it and comes to her. And she finds out she just can connect her soul with someone she trusts. And loki is all sweet ? And angst maby. Please and thank you.

Pairing: Loki Odinson x teen!Reader

Chapter: 2/2


Chapter 1

“Loki this place is amazing!” Your voice echoes across the high ceiling of the new Avenger compound.

“I need you to be a bit quitter,” Loki gently shushes you. “There are some people here I don’t want to know we are here.”

             People like your brother? you ask yourself. You don’t understand why it would be a problem for you to be here. Well, knowing exactly where the compound is could be a potential problem. But you wouldn’t dream of telling anyone anyway. These people protect the city and the world. Why would you want to muck that up? You’re afraid he may be ashamed to be seen with you. You know you barely know him. Though, there is this sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach that knows you would be crushed if you never saw him again.

“Ah Loki,” Dr. Banner peers around a screen full of laid out research. “This must be (Y/N), it is nice to meet you.”

             You can’t help but feel a little heat rise across your cheeks. At least there is someone here that may be happy to see you here. Even if it is only to run these mysterious tests. Loki has been acting on edge the moment you two arrived. Tiptoeing around every corner, constantly looking over his shoulder.

             Dr. Banner offers up a smile and a hand shake, and you politely share the same sentiment. Next he directs you to a white glowing table that he asks you to lay down on. You can feel slight nerves creep on your anxiety. Loki couldn’t really explain the test that will be performed, mostly because he doesn’t really understand it himself. The only thing he promises is that it will not hurt. But being a natural worrier, his assurance doesn’t help much.

“Okay, (Y/N). Just lay as still as you can. This machine is going to do a sweep of your vitals and scan for anything out of the ordinary for the average person. You should not feel a thing. Just relax.” Dr. Banner’s voice calms you down a bit and you focus on your breathing.

             Loki and Dr. Banner have gone into another room, and have been speaking over a microphone. He assures that there is nothing harmful that would keep them from being in the room. Apparently the machine will scan any person in the room, and they thought it would be best to keep the results separate. Something about making it easier to read. You’re not a doctor, yet anyway, so you’re not going to argue.

“I don’t know why you had to sneak her in.” Dr. Banner’s voice comes over the intercom. Looks like they forgot the mic was still on.

“You now that Thor thought this wasn’t a good idea.” Loki sighs. “He told me not to go back after the first night I saw her. I’m apparently bad luck, where I’m at trouble follows. When I got Tony to give me her address he gave me the same warning.”

“Well I can’t exactly disagree with them.” You can hear a smile in Banner’s voice.

             Your heart flutters in your chest. Loki wasn’t hiding you from everyone because he felt ashamed. It’s not because of you being a mortal. He went behind Thor and Tony’s wishes. Of which you are thankful for. Loki saved your life last night, and you want them to know that. Loki is your hero, not a bad luck charm.

             The two come back into the room and say that the test is over. Dr. Banner says that it will take just a moment for the results to come in. He offers to get you anything and you graciously accept the offer of a glass of water. You didn’t really need it but this gives you some time alone with Loki.

             Watching Loki’s demeanor, you can see that he has relaxed a bit since getting here. Though with his tightened shoulders you can still see he is on edge. You wonder of Tony visits this lab often. He expertise isn’t really in this area, but you could imagine he would pop in every once in a while.

“How are you feeling, little bird?” Loki’s voice is tender and he laces his fingers with yours.

“You’re not a bad luck charm.” You have this problem that if you can’t ease into a topic you just get right to the point. “The only reason I am sitting here right now is because of you. If Tony and Thor can’t get behind this then too bad for them. Especially if I end up having these powers you think I may have.” You can see a small smile dance on Loki’s lips at the idea of his brother’s face. “I would get to train with you. Even if I don’t, I really hope you stick around.”

             Loki doesn’t say anything, and he doesn’t have to. You can see in his eyes that he would really love to train with you if given the opportunity. The idea of getting to know him better makes you giddy. There is the idea that the media paints him, and an image that you have from your dreams. It would be nice to see the real him. The real Loki.

“Here you are, (Y/N).” Dr. Banner enters the room with your glass of water. You thank him before taking a small drink.

             Dr. Banner reviews your vitals and anything else the scan picked up. Loki sits next to you on the table, his hand still intertwined with yours. With every passing second you can feel your anxiety come back. What if you had powers but you wouldn’t be able to control? What if they had to take you down? Would Thor like you when you officially meet? The questions bounce back and forth between thoughts of possible powers and being accepted by this family Loki has.

“Okay,” Dr. Banner starts. “Vitals look good, heartrate was a bit elevated but could have just been nerves.” You smile to yourself and Loki gives your hand a knowing squeeze. “I am seeing an odd energy radiating off of you. It is faint, obviously barely tapped into. Loki, with what you were suggesting the other day I would like to test you as well.”

             As if in sync, you and Loki both nod together. You give him a kiss on the cheek and head out of the room with Dr. Banner. The dozen screens lining the walls, all moving in a dark room, begins to make you dizzy. Explaining you’d be back in a minute, you exit the room into the brightly lit hall way.

             Since you’ve been a little girl you have had some trouble with motion sickness. Seeing all those screens moving and changing made you aware that you were not. The subway is not your favorite mode of transport in the city. Only way you will ride it is if you don’t have a chance. Even then you keep your head toward the floor and pretend that you’re not actually moving.

“Hey, miss. Do you need some help?”

A male voice appears a few feet ahead of you. Looking up you can see that it is nonother than Tony Stark. Shit! You think to yourself. In reality you were hoping to run into him with Loki. You suck at explaining things and Loki has a smooth silver tongue. He is perfect for this.

“I’m okay, just got dizzy. I am just waiting on someone.” You try to play it off like there is no problem.

“Oh my God, he didn’t.” Tony swears under his breath. “You’re (Y/F/N) (Y/L/N), aren’t you? And Loki brought you here didn’t he?”

             Question after question rattles out of Tony. He doesn’t stop for you to confirm because he already knows. As he paces back and forth trying to get his thoughts in order you can see his face turn red. You would really hate to be on the receiving end of Iron Man. Thank goodness he doesn’t have his suit on right now.

             Loki and Dr. Banner come out into the hall looking for you. Looking into Loki’s eyes you can see the worry dissipate but quickly resurface by the presence of Tony. On instinct Loki comes to your side to make sure you’re okay, but keeps an eye on Tony. You can sense the light drum of his magic beneath his skin, ready to act as a shield for your defense. Though, even seeing how mad Tony is you can’t image he would do anything extreme.

“Okay reindeer games, you have exactly one minute to explain to me why she is here.” Tony’s eyes drill holes into Loki.

“I asked him to bring her.” Dr. Banner speaks up first. “Loki has been explain to me this interesting pull toward (Y/N) among other things. I wanted to test out a theory.”

“What theory is that?” Tony’s interest has peaked. His initial rage has submitted to his curiosity, for now.

“She is giving off some sort of energy that is unrecognizable from our planet. Loki shows a smaller trace of it, like a mark or a link.” Dr. Banner paces while trying to contain his excitement. “These two have been experiencing a pull toward each other. Loki can feel strong emotions from (Y/N), and she is like a drug for Loki. I just need to figure out the trigger.”

             Dr. Banner’s gaze passes between you and Loki as if he thinks the words will be spread across the air. You try to recall the day that you met Loki, the day he saved your life. How the moment he caught you, you felt instantly safe and drawn to him. If it wasn’t for him you would have been dead. Something happened between the two of you in that moment, before that this link didn’t exist. Suddenly, you have an idea.

“What if,” your voice starts off small. Honestly you aren’t sure if you should speak at all, but you clear your throat and continue. “What if we are linked because he saved me? I was so scared and when Loki saved me I was so relieved.”

“Maybe since you trusted reindeer games over here in that moment, and with untamed powers, caused you to link to him.”

“I like the sound of that.” Loki’s voice is low, only for you to hear.

             In response you lightly bump into him. Hopefully he gets the message to behave. But it was too late, your face was already heating up. Thankfully the two science dorks were too engrossed in this new theory to notice.

Looks like we get to train after all. Loki’s voice filters through your mind like waves.

             Loki told you about his ability to speak into someone’s mind. Normally he uses it as a suggestion for people to cause mischief. Though looks like he has a more effective way of communicating with you. You can’t help but wonder if you’ll be able to do the same someday.

“I think we have some unfinished training back at my place.” You whisper into Loki’s ear with a smirk.

And you think I’m the one that needs to behave.

             A small giggle threatens to rise from your throat. Turning it into a cough it gets the attention of Tony and Dr. Banner once again. Apparently the action looked a little bit more labored than normal. It also doesn’t help that Loki has a smug look on his face that he isn’t doing well to hide.

“Maybe it’s time you introduce me to your brother.” Two can play at this game. Loki’s triumphant look vanishes within seconds, leaving you the one looking smug. Oh yes this is going to be fun. 

Taglist: @drabby-abby@senpaiweird


Character:Loki Laufeyson

Pairings:Loki Laufeyson x OC Fem!Reader| Thor Odinson x Reader (Friends) | Thor Odinson x Loki Laufeyson (Brothers)

Warnings ⚠️:Angst. All Angst.(It’s my mood these days, sorry) Mentions of Death.Little bit funny. Little Fluff. Memories. Post!Avengers: Infinity War.

Inspired by: Ecos de Amor | Jesse y Joy

Author’s Note: Hello. Hello.

This is one of these days when the hurts feelings invaded me.

This fic has been around in my head for a few days and just today I was able to finish writing it.

I’m in melancholic mode. I’m apologize about it now and so so sorry if I make cry someone.

And I miss Loki so so much.

I hope everyone’s well and I hope that you like reading this fic.

Thanks for the likes, reblogs and comments. It’s always appreciate XOXO


Y desde mí pecho, suena tu recuerdo, todo lo que fue de los dos son ecos de amor….

-Thor, where are you going? - Steve’s voice makes Thor stop at the threshold of the main building of the Avengers Complex, and let out a sigh. He knew that what he had to do was much more painful than thinking about the eternal grief of losing his father and his brother in the same day … How could he look at her face and tell her that Loki was gone?

- I have to go to see someone.

-Half the universe just disappeared, can’t it wait? - The God of Thunder shakes his head as he takes his brother’s dagger in his hands and places it in the pocket of the red jacket he wears while trying to maintain his composure in front of the rest of his companions, or the small percentage that remained from them. He didn’t want them to notice that he was unraveling inside - Thor …

-No, it can’t wait. I’ll be back in a few hours. I’ll be here for whatever you need me, don’t worry Cap.


The vibrating of the building wakes me up.

I blink a few times as I try to locate myself in time and space and hear the patter of rain against the glass door in front of the bed. The windows light up as soon as lightning appears in the skies and I feel exposed for a moment, as if someone is photographing me.

I tremble as a powerful thunder finishes waking me up and I look around. Despite the fact that the little nightstand is lit, I feel that darkness takes hold of that place. One of those thunders that I didn’t hear or that I had stopped paying attention to thanks to Loki’s distractions.

I had overcome both my fear of the dark as well as my fear of storms thanks to him.

I smile as I feel the empty space around me and the cold surrounds me. I can still feel his perfume against the pillow and his complaints when I told him that he reminded me of the scent of almonds.

I sigh as I hear in my head that melodic and hypnotic accent that I was totally in love with telling me that she was leaving on a warm summer morning because she had to take care of some business in Asgard and that she would be back before I could even notice it.

That day I discovered how romantic Loki could be when he said goodbye.

And from that day, more than four months had passed.

I look around the room as I see the rain pouring down through the window and I laugh when I remember the stories that Loki told me before going to sleep every time there was a storm and where the rain came from: One of the times it was because of the endless complaints of Thor, another for his crying when he lost a bet against Frandall or when Odin tried to hit him with lightning to punish him, and even though he knew I didn’t believe any of those stories, he just enjoyed making me laugh.

Although within all those jokes, he always heard him speak with great admiration for his brother. In a slip as he paced back and forth in the room he hinted at how in awe he was with the ease with which his brother could handle the weather. The way he moved his hands, trying to explain how Thor’s powers worked in a midgardian way so that I could understand him, it seemed the most adorable thing in the world.

For an alien God resentful of humanity, that was quite ironic.

I miss him too much, even if I don’t want to admit it. I turn between the sheets at the same time that another thunder sounds too close to the complex of buildings where my apartment is located, and as soon as I get out of bed, I notice that there is a shadow behind the balcony curtains. The wind moves them, but they prevent me from seeing who is on the other side.

I smile as I get closer, hoping to find Loki, but seeing that who is on the other side is holding what appears to be an ax in his hands makes me stay stuck in my place.

I knew that Loki had enemies but I didn’t think of being a clear target for them knowing that the entire universe was aware of Loki’s hatred of human beings.

For a minute I thought about the thunder too close, the rain and what if … Could it be possible?


Thor’s harsh voice reaches me through the window but I hear a hint of sadness in his voice. I don’t want to get too close but I do it close enough to unlock the door. I see him set the hammer against one of the glass doors and enter carefully, ducking across the threshold. As soon as he sees me I notice how changed he is since the last time I saw him: his long hair had disappeared as well as his right eye, which was hidden by a patch as if it were a pirate. I still hope to see one of his charming and warm smiles that he shared with his brother, but I notice that his eyes are surrounded by dark bags just as his pupil do not have that characteristic sparkle of the Odinson brothers.

-Sorry. You know I don’t like to arrive like this.

-Strange use of words since you’ve never been in my apartment - I try to downplay the fact that Thor might be here, but a tightness in my chest makes it a different situation.

I walk back to the bed as I sit on it to put on my slippers - What are you doing here? I was hoping that maybe, you were Loki.

He falls silent when he usually used to hear some kind of joke about it.

- Lara …

I know that tone of voice. My body tenses when I hear it and I feel a chill run down my spine. I feel that my heart begins to beat against my chest as if it were a machine about to explode and the air begins to lack, despite being only two people in the room.

I don’t want to ask but I know I won’t like the answer.

- Sorry.

A tear falls down my cheek as I turn to the messy bed and I feel the cold invade my hands as I touch the left side of it, where I used to find him lying down every time I came back from work.

Why do I think in the past tense when he hasn’t told me anything yet?

That“I am sorry” had not been for his interference, but it was for Loki.

Something had happened to him.

-Where is he? - My question sounds as loud as the thunder around us and I know it is not caused by the God in front of me, but as soon as his eyes meet mine, I feel my hands begin to tremble. I feel as if the world below me loses its stability and wants to push me to the center of the earth just by seeing how a tear, as if it were the reflection of mine, falls on the cheek of the Asgardian God.

-Loki won’t be back.

Ishake my head as I try to stand up and feel everything move around me. I feel like I lose my sense of balance like a satellite that has been pulled away from its orbit, where its center of gravity suddenly disappeared. - You’re lying to me. Where’s Loki?!

-Lara, listen to me, please - Thor approaches trying to take my hands, but I pulls me away as if he were burning iron. He tries to take my shirt, but he doesn’t succeed as I knocked his hand away from me, when I know that if he wanted to, he could immobilize me with a single movement. Or using his hammer. I try to hit him as I feel his words reach the rational side of my brain and strike like lightning on a wet surface.

Between the increasing intensity of the rain, my screams, and Thor’s attempts to calm me down, I feel a flash of light form around us and pain is present.

I lost him.

I lost him without even telling him that I loved him when he left for the last time.

I stay still as my tears fall and I feel Thor’s footsteps approach where I am standing, and the only thing I can do is shake my head and raise my hands with what little strength I have left trying to keep him away from me.

I feel his hand take mine and he pulls me into his arms, wrapping me in a hug that only finishes breaking down my resistance. I cry against his chest as I think of Loki and the little time I spent with him. At times when we fought as children and at times when we enjoyed each other’s company.


-He try to kill the Titan, which was stupid - Thor’s voice sounds low as I feel his grip tighten on my back and my sobs make my whole body shake - and still, he thought of you in everything moment.

-Don’t speak please …

- He wanted you to know that you were his favorite star. That you were everything to him and that he did it for you. To keep you safe.

My sobs get louder with each word that comes out of Thor’s mouth and I clench my fists around his body, wishing for a moment that I would wake up from that nightmare and that I was surrounded by Loki’s arms.

- He apologizes for hurting you, but he just wanted to try to stop him.

-It was worth it?

I barely turn away to see what was shaking his head and coming over for me to lean on him.

-No. It wasn’t enough. But Loki died defending his people, the woman he loved most, and his family. He died like a worthy avenger.

I nod as I remember that he just lost his brother.

-Sorry- I walk away and feel him release one of my hands to get something from behind his cloak and he hands me a golden dagger. I doubt whether to take it but he turns my left hand and leaves the dagger very delicately - Why?

I lay it on the bed as I turn to him, who is holding Loki’s helmet in his hands. I approach and he hands it to me at the same time that I extend my hands to take it.

-Because I know he would have wanted you to have them - I take care of the artifact and feel the energy flow around it when I bring it against my chest. It’s like he’s there, and I feel the tears running down my cheeks again - If you need me, feel free to find Rogers. He will know what to do if I am not here.

-Thank you … And I’m very sorry.

Thor just smiles as he wipes his tears and walks to the balcony’s doors.

-Me too, more for not hugged him when I had the opportunity.
