#lol yes



i dont even have a caption for this i just wish we’d seen this interaction on screen




tumblr friendships are hard to maintain like im sorry i know i havent talked to you in 5 months but you’re still super rad and i still consider us friends im just dumb

If I have ever messaged you or messaged me and never heard from me again, I still consider us friends. I just suck


im cured! (is salted and dried with seasonings) 


I think we’ve all lost sight of the fact that Gotham is in New Jersey and that the Batfamily should all have really intense Jersey accents


jonathan harker: cool, thanks for the crucifix, literally only taking this to end a socially awkward situation, why is this relevant?

all of us, with the cultural knowledge of how the story of Dracula works: 


oh yes i know of him. not in the sense that i am familiar with his work but i have seen my mutuals make insane and nonsensical comments about him. so


when bella got abandoned by edward we ALL got abandoned that was a group experience


Hi I do hope people realise that tumblr implementing the reblog toggle button for posts is to cover up and take away the attention of the humans blog situation that happened like a few days ago

awesome-fan-number-one: It’s almost harrassment at this point


It’s almost harrassment at this point

Post link


support graphic content creators, do you know how long it takes for photoshop to even open ?


you know what i don’t get? when like, people write romance stories where two characters are so in love w each other its all magnetism, but they? don’t even have fun together? or are even nice to each other sometimes?

“our love could level a thousand mountains and conquer a million cities”

ok but… are you even… like….. friends????



Tony Stark is the person who could wield Thor’s hammer in one hand and the Infinity Gauntlet in the other and still be like ‘lol this is fake I’m a terrible person Actually’

Tony Stark: *donates millions into a women’s shelter, reveals his Top Secret identity as Iron Man because a puppy was In Danger, anonymously rehabilitates criminals who’ve fought him, literally just goes into orphanages to holds babies to make them feel loved* 

Also Tony Stark: I’m irredeemable! Can’t save my soul! Awful person, remember thirteen years and four days ago when I was rude to that lady?? 0/10 stay away. What a waste of oxygen. 


me: this fic is VIBES ONLY. nothing but the vibes matter, who cares if I specify the setting or year????

also me about the exact same fic: If I do not know the specific model of lantern used in lighthouses that were in operation in the mid 1800′s as well as what type of fuel they burned then this entire story will crumble apart
