#look at her look at this queen


I saw that @midostree-art had an OC-Tober art challenge and had to partake in a few! We all know I have a ton of Ocs to work with lol

I have a few favorite Ocs but Fleur, Cha’l, Kiel and Azra are my most favorite.

For this one I could only draw Fleur who is sporting her new motherly glow! I’ve been itching to draw Fleur with a more prominent baby bump. Ahhh I’m so happy! I believe my last piece with Fleur was her break up with Tore when she was younger. This piece shows how much Fleur has grown since then. She’s so happy and in love with her wonderful husband Razer, Furbaby Jujubee and soon she and Razer’s bundle of joy.

OceanPetals’ baby is super cute and soon they’ll be revealed (we must keep up the mystery and suspense lol) For now let’s enjoy Fleur with her pregnancy glow!
