#lost tv show



I feel like each new season has worse plotlines and more bigotry than the last

I have made some mistakes my friends

I feel like each new season has worse plotlines and more bigotry than the last

Desmond: Quick, is anyone a doctor?!

Charlie: Uh, yeah, loads of people

Ben: “Ladies and Gentlemen” is unnecessarily gendered, overly formal, lengthy, and honestly puts me to sleep

Ben: “Cowards” on the other hand is inclusive to all genders, casual and fun, short and to the point, exciting, and dramatic

Sawyer: I’ve finally quit drinking for good

Sawyer: Now I drink for evil

Kate: Oh, so suddenly you don’t have a death wish?

Sawyer: Kate, I never had a death wish. It’s just that, I, personally, don’t believe that I can die

Kate: Jack is such a weirdo. I can’t believe I’m gonna sleep with him

Sun: Well… you don’t have to

Kate: Nah, I’m gonna

Jack: Fire at will!

Kate: Which one’s Will?

Jack: I don’t care!

Kate: Roger.

Sawyer: Who’s Roger?

Ben: See, you want to trust me, but there’s something holding you back

Locke: Yes, you’re untrustworthy 

Kate: I put the ‘bi’ in bitch

Jack: We can’t all be social butterflies, Kate. For some of us, interacting with organisms is difficult

Kate: It might help if you stopped calling it ‘interacting with organisms’

Ben: You’re really campaigning for asshole of the year, aren’t you?

Locke: As defending champion, are you nervous?

Kate: I like my women how I like my men

Kate: That’s it, that’s the joke. I’m bisexual

Kate: You can’t expect me to stab somebody on an empty stomach

Jack: I’d prefer you didn’t stab anyone at all

Juliet: I’m sorry I broke your glasses

Sawyer: That’s fine, I’ve seen enough

Jack: If your friend jumped off a cliff, would you just blindly follow them?

Charlie: Which friend? Was it Hurley?

Jack: What? No-

Charlie, diving off the cliff: Hurley, I’m coming!

Flight attendant: Before leaving, please make sure all small items are secure

Kate, whispering to Claire: Are you feeling safe?

Sun: Jack would throw himself in front of a moving car for you

Kate: Jack would throw himself in front of a moving car for fun

Kate: I don’t know how to tell all of you this, so I’m going to whisper it to Hurley, who will inevitably shout it out in surprise

Kate: *whispers to Hurley*


Claire: What’s the first thing you notice when a guy approaches you?

Kate: The audacity

Jack: I have created a new rule

Jack: No more stupid plans

Jack: And before you ask what qualifies as stupid, ask yourself this

Jack: Who would you go to to get permission?

Jack: If the answer is Kate, then it’s a stupid plan

Jack: If the answer is Sayid, then it’s probably okay

Kate: Hello, it is I, your favorite person

Sun: Actually, Jin is my favorite person

Kate: Okay then, it is I, that bitch
