#charlie pace

from the season 2 finale: Live Together, Die Alone

from the season 2 finale: Live Together, Die Alone

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I feel like each new season has worse plotlines and more bigotry than the last

I have made some mistakes my friends

I feel like each new season has worse plotlines and more bigotry than the last

Desmond: Quick, is anyone a doctor?!

Charlie: Uh, yeah, loads of people

Jack: If your friend jumped off a cliff, would you just blindly follow them?

Charlie: Which friend? Was it Hurley?

Jack: What? No-

Charlie, diving off the cliff: Hurley, I’m coming!

Charlie: This snack table might be more organized than my entire life

Charlie: Here’s some advice

Jack: I didn’t ask for any

Charlie: Too bad. I’m stuck here with my thoughts and you’re the only one who talks to me

Charlie: So, what’s the plan for tonight?

Hurley: Are you sure you want to talk about the P-A-R-T-Y directly in front of J-A-C-K?

Jack, sarcastically: It’s times like this I sure wish I could spell

Charlie: I’ve got a good idea, and nobody else thinks so

Jack: If you were a fruit, what would you be?

Charlie: I’d be a tomato because nobody considers me part of the group

Charlie: Would you date me if I was the last person on earth?

Claire: If you were the last person on earth, then I wouldn’t be on earth

Charlie: What’s the easiest way to steal a man’s wallet?

Sayid: Knife to the throat?

Sawyer: Gun to the back?

Kate: Poison in his cup?

Jack: You’re all horrible

Jack: We need a distraction. Is anyone here good at making annoying noises?

Charlie: My time has come

Charlie: What would you do if I was kidnapped?

Desmond: Nothing. I’d just wait for thirty minutes until they let you go voluntarily

Aries : Jack Shepard
Taurus : Sayid Jarrah
Gemini : Kate Austen
Cancer : Desmond Hume
Leo : John Locke
Virgo : Jacob
Libra : Claire Littleton
Scorpio : Hugo Reyes
Sagittarius : Ben Linus
Capricon : James Sawyer Ford
Aquarius : Charlie Pace
Pisces : Sun-Hwa Kwon
