#louis twd

thealexchen: Ofc I’m excited for Chenrich and Luchen but I cannot wait for the pure chaos and dumbasthealexchen: Ofc I’m excited for Chenrich and Luchen but I cannot wait for the pure chaos and dumbas


Ofc I’m excited for Chenrich and Luchen but I cannot wait for the pure chaos and dumbassery these two will unleash together

And also…

Post link

Synopsis: Clementine and her s/o are at a summer party with their friends. Things are fine until a certain s/o finds a hose to play with.

  • Clementine didn’t hesitate to say yes when Louis invited her to a summer barbecue.

  • She also didn’t hesitate to bring her partner along for the fun.

  • It was mid-July, and the day was perfect for a little get-together. Especially with school just around the corner.

  • Clem was laughing at something Louis said - some stupid joke about cashews.

  • So she was a bit taken aback when Violet, Louis, and Marlon - who were all just in front of her - were now scurrying away, they’re eyes widened with slight specks of humor in them.

  • Before she could question the change in atmosphere, she felt a freezing cold force hit her back.

  • She straightened up involuntarily, the cool liquid soaking into her t-shirt and sticking to her skin.

  • She definitely did not recognize the noise that came out of her mouth; it sounded like a half-gasp, half-squeal.

  • Bits of water splashed upward, landing on her hat and her hair - the humidity and heat immediately causing some of her hair to frizz up, some curls falling out of her pigtails.

  • Finally, in what felt like forever, the force of water left her, leaving the coolness etched on her skin and running down her back.

  • Clem released a breath she didn’t realize she was holding, and she immediately turned to her assailant.

  • Her partner was looking at her, eyes lit up in humor as their cheeks puffed out in a pathetic attempt to hold back their laughter.

  • Clem involuntarily shivered, feeling any thoughts of anger being replaced by mischief and humor.

  • “That was cold. At least give me a hug as an apology.” Clem said, her arms now spread open as she stepped towards them.

  • Her partner’s eyes widened as they dropped the still-running hose next to their feet. They immediately shook their head and began to back away as Clem advanced forward.

  • The water from the hose formed a small puddle of mud underneath her partner’s feet.

  • So when her partner stepped back again, Clem almost choked in laughter when they slipped on their bare feet and right on their ass into the cold puddle of mud.

  • The noise that left her partner’s lips caused Clem to burst into laughter.

  • Her partner felt frigid, but after getting their bearings, they switched positions to sit on their knees as they grabbed Clem’s leg, pulling her towards them.

  • Clem’s yell of surprise was cut off as the force of the ground met her backside. She felt the freezing water once again hit her back (which was just starting to warm back up).

  • Her partner laughed, letting out a small snort.

  • Clem loved it when they laughed so hard that they snorted.

  • She wanted to hear it again.

  • “So, about that hug,” Clem said, a grin on her face as she reached for the hose next to her.

  • “Oh no no no no- CLEM!” Her partner screeched as the water was sprayed onto them. Their yelling soon became a mix of laughs, snorts, and squeals.

  • Her partner would occasionally get ahold of the hose and drench Clem’s hair and hat.

  • Their friends were not amused, rolling their eyes at the situation that took place in front of them.

  • Well - except Louis - he practically ran inside and grabbed a bunch of water guns, determined to have an all-out war.

  • Clementine decided that summer was now her favorite season.

  • Well - any season was her favorite as long as she spent it with her partner.

  • As long as she had them, she could find enjoyment in anything.

“' .”

#the walking dead    #the walking dead game    #telltale games    #telltale    #skybound    #clementine    #clem twdg    #aj twdg    #alvin jr    #clouis    #violetine    #louis twd    #violet twd    #clem and aj    #youtube    

Made this about two weeks ago since I got back into The Walking Dead Game. Thank god Skybound finished it LOL. If you’d like, please watch it! But make sure you have tissues available.
