#love scene


Kelly Reilly Adulterous Sex Scene in Joe’s Palace

Sultry and freckled Kelly Reilly seduces a guy and has a passionate affair with him. She seems to lose her heart in it about halfway through, but it’s too late: we’ve seen her naked. She’s beautiful. All is right with the world. Click to see Kelly Reilly in Sherlock Holmes on Amazon.com
#kelly reilly    #sex scene    #nude scene    #adultery    #love scene    #erotic sex scene    #sexy redhead    #redheads    

Amy Acker Sex Scene

Recently starring in Joss Whedon’s “Cabin in the Woods” (which is an amazing film, by the way), Amy Acker gets it on with her new husband in the drama “A Near Death Experience”

Click here to watch A Near Death Experience on Amazon.com

Alternately, catch up on the Buffy spinoff Angel, which is amazing. Click here to instantly watch episodes of Angel on Amazon.com

Herrmann, you genius..

#vertigo    #love scene    #alfred hitchcock    #bernard herrmann    #soundtrack    #great film    #great music    #inspiration    #genius    #james stewart    #kim novak    