#love this

thesaracorn:Double Trouble doodle I did during one of my classes in uni last semester. Now I painted


Double Trouble doodle I did during one of my classes in uni last semester. 
Now I painted it as well, yay!

I have an exam in a few days woo so productive


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enchanted-swans:Knight RookWishHook and Alice have such a beautiful relationship, and I loved seeing


Knight Rook

WishHook and Alice have such a beautiful relationship, and I loved seeing Killian as a father. It’s one of my favorite duos of season 7. ♥
So here’s a collage frame of some of their best moments that I made back in 2018. I hope you enjoy it! ♥

You can also find this fanart on my Redbubble :)

I don’t put big watermarks so people can enjoy the fanarts. I trust your respect in people’s work. Thank you.

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Boys will be boys

Only acceptable use of the phrase

#love this    #ghjjgfgjgfj    
tekri: VillainDownload ->『SimFileShare!』 Category: HairAge: Teen- ElderGender: Female Swatches:tekri: VillainDownload ->『SimFileShare!』 Category: HairAge: Teen- ElderGender: Female Swatches:



Download ->SimFileShare!

Age: Teen- Elder

Swatches: 18 Ea thanks to Qwertysims!
Hat Chops
Shadow Map
Morphs may have some distortion at more extreme settings, but they’re there!

T.o.u: Recolors    Including the Mesh  ✓    More info. in our tou

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love thislove this


Happy Pride!

MAMA!LOKI prints available now on my Etsy!


From suggestion:

“i’ve never seen a Loki devotional go all-in on Their maternal aspects, and i would love to see one in your style”

squaffle:my favorite fellas from Treasure Planet & Atlantis


my favorite fellas from Treasure Planet & Atlantis

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“A helter skelter round her little finger and I ride it endlessly..”

mxrisacoulter:#camelove2021 | Day 7: Free Day ↳ Sibling appreciation mxrisacoulter:#camelove2021 | Day 7: Free Day ↳ Sibling appreciation mxrisacoulter:#camelove2021 | Day 7: Free Day ↳ Sibling appreciation


#camelove2021| Day 7: Free Day

Sibling appreciation

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oh but I adore how everyone in this stupid pirate show is just a guy

I haven’t seen ppl talk about it much but. the absolute lack of shredded abs. people show tummy and cleavage and there’s not the barest hint of muscle definition anywhere

obviously some of them are very fit but it never leaves “works a physically demanding job and happens to be naturally thin” territory

and guys are fat! guys have bellies and rounded shoulders and chubby cheeks and imperfect teeth and thinning hair and are styled weirdly (that’s a whole different post but the crew especially look so unprofessional styled it’s great)

and they are still all hot! they are hot and desirable and find each other hot and desirable and I love that

I love to see it! nobody in this show looks like they had a personal trainer. and not just the side characters, not just a token fat guy - obv Taika Waititi is the most beautiful man you’ve ever seen and that little bit of tummy pudge spilling out of his crop top made us all lose our collective minds. but it’s everyone else too; and it’s not the extend of it either. no other show would have let black pete within 10 feet of a romance arc, much less been this sweet and sincere about it

this show is so comfortable with the human body in all it’s glorious imperfection and I am in love with it

So much about this show is groundbreaking, but the fact that they chose actors of all different shapes, sizes, and ages, and then even when those actors were already very attractive - see Vico and Taika for example, they kind of made them LESS attractive to fit this characterisation of kinda grubby pirates. I’m still awed over the decision to keep Taika’s grey hair for his wig rather than just putting him in a fully black wig and beard (which would have been more historically accurate since blackbeard was no older than 35 in 1717 ) because the show isn’t afraid to shy away from this idea that older people can still find love.

I adore the fact that there isn’t a single traditional “CW style” overly attractive model young person with chisled cheekbones and abs for days like something out of an abercrombie & fitch advert and yet they still allow these characters to find love, and to find queer love at that.

I love the fact that even the women like Spanish Jackie, Evelyn Higgins, and even Mary Bonnet, aren’t played by stick thing 20 somethings. They are still beautiful women but they also don’t fit the “CW standard” as I like to call it.

Because I fucking hate that “CW standard”. People don’t look like that in real life so why should they in the media we watch? Why shouldn’t the short bald slightly weird pirate with a lisp get to fall in love? Why shouldn’t the kind hearted black pirate with a big belly also find romance? Its so beautiful and the more I think about this show the more I find myself tearing up at a creative team that actually put thought and care into their creation beyond what old white executives think is hot and what sells.

This show was so desperately needed. In an age where young people are killing themselves over whether they look “yassified” enough on their instagrams, where we are obsessed with filters and layering makeup on our faces like we’re icing a cake, and obsessing about thigh gaps and the perfect “slim/thick” ratio. Where young men are suffering severe depression all because they don’t have influencer style muscles, and in an age where love is cheap and easily dismissed by a simple swipe to the left, along comes this silly pirate show, that shows us that even the outcasts of society can find family, and acceptance, and love, and fucking hell, its beautiful.

The most conventionally, symmetrical, becheekboned attractive person on this show is David Jenkins, the creator/showrunner:

And they get rid of him in the pilot.


dinosaur sprinkles. look at this post with your eyes if you agree

A spoon laid on a matte green background, spilling brightly coloured dinosaur-shaped sprinkles in pink, purple, green, yellow, and orange.


I should have known, of course.

A little old hotel in the middle of nowhere, with a creaking wooden sign instead of neon? Red flag.

A hollow-eyed, weary-looking young woman at the desk who seemed hesitant to let me get a room? Red flag.

A picturesquely old-fashioned room with a patchwork quilt on the bed that smells a little too musty? HUGE red flag.

Only they’re actually not. Not the first two, anyway. I travel a lot. There are a lot more seems-haunted old-house-turned-traveller’s-rest places than most people think, and in my experience most night auditors are hollow-eyed, faintly eldritch, and disinclined to let someone check in just before dawn.

Of course, the patchwork quilt should have been a dead giveaway. Tired 80s decor and a chenille bedspread? Entirely normal. Patchwork quilt and nineteenth century charm for less than $100 a night? Sus. Very sus. Should have warned me then and there.

In my defense, I was really tired. I’d been driving for two nights and a day, I was exhausted, all my car snacks were gone, and I just wanted to close my eyes and get horizontal. I handed over some cash, stumbled upstairs, made sure the blinds were down, and passed out.

I didn’t wake up until late afternoon, and I felt like shit on a shingle when I did. It took me a couple of attempts to put on my pants and stumble out of the room to look for some sustenance. My expectations weren’t high, but most places at least have coffee-making facilities, and in a pinch a cup of coffee and chugging all the available milk will keep me going for a while. There might even be some of those little packages of cookies, which usually give me an upset stomach but are better than nothing.

There wasn’t a coffee station. What there was was a vending machine with a buzzing, flickering light inside it that made the dusty snacks look even less appealing than they already did.

I was debating whether to risk a can of soda of unknown brand and vintage - sugar and caffeine don’t readily go bad, and I was starving - when I heard a little cough behind me. “Are you a guest, dear?” the old woman said when I turned around to blink at her. She was thin and tottering, faded-looking, and while there weren’t actually cobwebs on her, she looked as if there should be.

“Yes. Is there a kitchen or something where I can get some food from this century?”

Her eyes flicked away. “There’s a diner,” she told me. “Not far down the road. You should try there. I’m afraid the facilities here aren’t what they once were.” She sighed deeply.

Belatedly, my sense for the uncanny started to tingle. “So I should check out and keep moving, huh?”

“Yes, dear. If you can,” she added, and she glanced over her shoulder. “Before sunset.”


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