#lovely moons





if you think I’ve been staring at this picture all day, you’re absolutely right

it’s worse if you zoom in it’s so much worse

club owner!Jin @hobateas@herecomesjoon

Bro .. why you do this. Like I’m glad it’s getting me into the Jin feelings. But I already have a lot of feelings.



Can i show you guys a photo i took with my boston bag? Its a cruddy photo but like it was an excitement photo


Okay!! Hecking adorable. The bag is pretty too!!




Pairing Namjoon x Reader
Genre/Tropes Fluff, Animal AU, dad!tan
Warnings Actual turtle Namjoon, Hes still clumsy though, and so is his son. :|
CrosspostAO3 - herecomessatvrn
Summary Namjoon and his son find themselves in an unfortunate situation.
AN This was a drabble request, and I’ve had the idea for a while, but just gotta get it out now. Thank you @minttangerines for this idea. Its so silly and sweet. And thank you @miscelunaaa for quickly reading this. You both are angels!

Master List |Tag List Form*
*No emails are collected

“Okay, so what did we learn here?” Namjoon looks up at the ceiling as he and his child are rocking on their shells. It’s not like they haven’t tried to get up. That’s how they both got into this mess in the first place. But there still seems to be a lesson somewhere here. About getting the right tools for the job, or making sure that you don’t hurt yourself in the process of helping others. 

But no, Namjoon is now stuck on his back as well, waiting for more help to arrive.

“Hey, daddy?”

Namjoon turns his head and looks at his child. “Yes?”

“What if- if we rocked like this…” His little limbs start flailing, trying to get some momentum going. It’s clear that the intent was to maybe rock over until they were upright again, but what happened instead, is that slowly, but surely, they were scooting across the floor, heading closer towards the door frame. 

“It’s not working.” Their voice is small and defeated. 

“No! Keep doing it! It’s working!” Namjoon joins now, rocking and scooting slowly across the room. 

In the middle of this ruckus is when you walk in. Frozen in the door frame, listening to the grunting of your two favorite clumsy people as they tried their best to right themselves. You’re overcome with fondness, but also, this is the fifth time this month you’ve had to set aright not just your child, but your husband too.

Tag List  @sunshinerainbowsbts@miscelunaaa@codeinebelle@playmetheclassics@baljinciaga@ot7nem@justaweird0@dvalitaes@canarystwin@sugalaritae​ @highly-functioning-mitochondria @isaaa1222 @reliablemitten​ @smileyluvbot

Like father, like son!

There is no world in which that clumsy and destructive gene wouldn’t be passed on to his kid.




Pairing Namjoon x Reader
Genre/Tropes Fluff, Animal AU, dad!tan
Warnings Actual turtle Namjoon, Hes still clumsy though, and so is his son. :|
CrosspostAO3 - herecomessatvrn
Summary Namjoon and his son find themselves in an unfortunate situation.
AN This was a drabble request, and I’ve had the idea for a while, but just gotta get it out now. Thank you @minttangerines for this idea. Its so silly and sweet. And thank you @miscelunaaa for quickly reading this. You both are angels!

Master List |Tag List Form*
*No emails are collected

“Okay, so what did we learn here?” Namjoon looks up at the ceiling as he and his child are rocking on their shells. It’s not like they haven’t tried to get up. That’s how they both got into this mess in the first place. But there still seems to be a lesson somewhere here. About getting the right tools for the job, or making sure that you don’t hurt yourself in the process of helping others. 

But no, Namjoon is now stuck on his back as well, waiting for more help to arrive.

“Hey, daddy?”

Namjoon turns his head and looks at his child. “Yes?”

“What if- if we rocked like this…” His little limbs start flailing, trying to get some momentum going. It’s clear that the intent was to maybe rock over until they were upright again, but what happened instead, is that slowly, but surely, they were scooting across the floor, heading closer towards the door frame. 

“It’s not working.” Their voice is small and defeated. 

“No! Keep doing it! It’s working!” Namjoon joins now, rocking and scooting slowly across the room. 

In the middle of this ruckus is when you walk in. Frozen in the door frame, listening to the grunting of your two favorite clumsy people as they tried their best to right themselves. You’re overcome with fondness, but also, this is the fifth time this month you’ve had to set aright not just your child, but your husband too.

Tag List  @sunshinerainbowsbts@miscelunaaa@codeinebelle@playmetheclassics@baljinciaga@ot7nem@justaweird0@dvalitaes@canarystwin@sugalaritae​ @highly-functioning-mitochondria @isaaa1222 @reliablemitten​ @smileyluvbot

Let me be frank. It has been an excruciating week here in the US. This story lit my cold dead heart up like a christmas tree. It is a delight I would have never expected from the prompt “turtle dad tan helping his kid get back on his feet” but WOW this is so fucking cute I want to cry. It really picked me up, I hope y’all give it a read. Saturn’s immense talent (and predilection for Dad!tan) is currently being used for good and not evil so we must enjoy it while the time is here

I am so glad that this brought you some joy!! Thank you again for doing a quick read and helping to tag this.



Useless Magic - JHS

Hoseok x Reader ft. Namjoon

Kind of Magical AU, Enemies to Lovers

Wc: ~4k

Warnings: Language, kissing, magic? Namjoon in a suit, bad jokes about coming in the back door

This is for the wonderful @wwilloww for the Possum Anniversary fic exchange! Thank you for being such a creative, welcoming, kind person. I am so glad to know you and am grateful for all the support you’ve given me and our little internet dumpster of love.

A/N: This is part of the Five Fridays world, but you do NOT need to know that story to read this. TL;DR - Jimin and Yoongi are half brothers whose great great grandmother “got freaky with the local woodsprite” and now they have quasi-useless magical powers including the ability to make baked goods come to life, turning Yoongi’s face plaid, and the ability to ‘see love’ as sparkly energy moving between people. Some people can see this magic, but most cannot. The ones who can, Yoongi and Jimin help them find love. This takes place before the Five Fridays timeline and I’ve taken some liberties with the original plot, but whatever it’s my blog and I make the rules.

Thank you @hamsterclaw@miscelunaaa@sunshinerainbowsbts for reading. Rei for inspiration to use ‘dimple’ as a verb and @vyduan for asking the critical question: “What are all these Koreans doing in Scotland?”

Mittens’ Masterlist


“Morning, Namjoon.”

You’ve just started to place the croissants in the pastry case when he walks in the door.

Namjoon is built like a tree. Like a sexy, human Groot. You want to poke your fingers in his dimples, which are now dimpling extra hard as he approaches the counter. And as per usual, he’s wearing a suit so perfectly cut, you want to send his tailor a gift basket.

“Morning, _______. Iced Americano, please.”

His voice is so low and rumbly, it makes your body hum a bit. He’s polite but his tone is a bit like he’s giving a command. And not in a bad way.

You nod and turn to head to the machine. This is your third week at Cafe Serendipity. You’re here in Edinburgh for the summer, mainly as a writers retreat to work on your book. You thought the summer would be nothing writing while gazing out at the heather. Maybe exploring old churches, hikes, and pints at the pub afterwards. Maybe snogging with some men in kilts.

Keep reading


OMG, the enthusiastic support from the pastries is amazing!!! Though I honestly would be so annoyed if someone slept coming in the back door to get coffee from me.

Atleast Hobi is cute.

I feel a little bad for Joon, but he gets a girl of his own though.
