



Substance 15- KNJ

Namjoon x Reader, Idol!AU

WC: ~2.6k

Explicit, 18+

Summary: You meet Kim Namjoon at the library during a yearlong fellowship in Seoul. You’ve never heard of BTS, but you like him. Is there a place in his life for you?

Warnings: condom-less sex in an established relationship; of age alcohol consumption, explicit domesticity

A/N: Thanks to @vyduan@sugalaritae for reading. And @thatlongspringnight for knowing exactly what this needed. Bold indicates Korean and as in previous chapters I imagine Namjoon and OC speak a mix of English and Korean. And there is a little Easter egg in here for @minttangerines

Mittens’ Masterlist




“Sonnyeo, this is such a lovely apartment.”

Audrey and her grandparents are at the Chuseok dinner at Namjoon’s apartment. They signed NDAs too. Her grandmother affectionately also calls you ‘granddaughter’ and she was thrilled you are seeing “a nice Korean boy.”

Your boss, Mi Hi, was also thrilled when you’d accepted their job offer. She’d even given you a bottle of champagne for the holiday. You can see Audrey at the bar opening it.

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@starbtslove @bluesharksandfish @Mschievous247 @stepping-into-the-light@rageyoudamnednerd@nochelunaxx@bangtannoonalvg@sahmfanficbts@illneverrecover@xjoonchildx@thatlongspringnight@katieraven@elenorabangtan

What can I say about @reliablemitten? That this is the best handle for dear Jess. Her fics are full of cozy lovely feelings like putting on warm woollen mittens in winter and every fic is one you can rely on to make your heart go pitter pat.

Read this. Let their love and their maturity and their wisdom sweep you away.



Substance 16.5–KNJ

Idol!AU, Strangers To Lovers

WC: 2.2k

Rating: Explicit, 18+

Warnings: Language, kissing

A/N: Thank you @sunshinerainbowsbts for reading.

Mittens’ Masterlist


Halmoni’s House


“They need to be a little thinner or they won’t cook correctly, sonnyeo.”

You nod and Audrey both nod and she gives your shoulder a squeeze.

You and Audrey are slicing veggies in Halmoni’s kitchen. She’s been watching your prep very carefully and providing pretty consistent correction. You love it, having a place where you can feel like family.

It’s been a little over a week since the restaurant incident. Audrey stayed with you for a few nights, just to keep you company.

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@dreamamubarak@itdoesntmatterwhy@sugalaritae@starbtslove @Bluesharksandfish @Mschievous247 @stepping-into-the-light@rageyoudamnednerd@nochelunaxx@bangtannoonalvg@sahmfanficbts@xjoonchildx@illneverrecover@thatlongspringnight@wwilloww@katieraven@elenorabangtan@socalintrov@yoongii-ah@Coree730

This is so sweet. How do you think of details like these?

“Afterwards, Audrey brings food down to the security detail in the car.”

To think of the security detail and being food to them?

I love this couple.




pairing: jungkook x female reader

genre: drabble series, slow burn, idiots to lovers, fluff, lil bit of angst, eventual smut

summary: This random guy has started doing laundry at your favorite laundromat each week (at the same time as you, no less!) and to be honest, it’s going to be a problem. You’re just not sure how yet.

rating: 18+ for eventual smut

word count: less than 500

warnings: Making out. Jungkook’s lip piercing ‍. The God of Destruction doing his thing womp womp.

notes: aaaaaaashjdfgkajshgd hello! Thank you for your patience while I like, idk, get my poop in a group. Last week was …. Well it was a lot, but less a lot than the week before?? So that’s good. I’m told by people who know these things that the skies have been going a biittttt bonkers recently, so when in doubt, blame the stars! Sometimes things are just out of our control, and that can be a really clarifying reminder. I hope this update finds you well! Lots of love <3

my masterlist|my disclaimers|read on ao3

previous|series masterlist|next


You can hardly believe this is happening. You’re still shocked that it’s happening at all. Jungkook is in your bedroom, and he asked to kiss you.

You said yes.

And now you’re standing next to your bed, with his lips on yours.

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Sigh. I love this. What a lovely little start to the week, Em. Thank you

I’m so happy I can help start it off on a good note!! Thank you for reading, Mitten


Namjoon Fic Recs (WIP)

All member fic recs are here. You can see all my fic recs with this tag, but wanted to gather my favorites in one place so I could keep adding to the list.

Previous Namjoon smut recs: Idol!AU,Non-Idol!AU

My Beloved Wonder@thatlongspringnight Everything about this is perfect. This Namjoon and his love OC, so wild and passionate he can’t really control it. The way he cares for her, the braids, the GLOSSARY?! I can’t tell which is hotter their love or Julie’s big brain (spoiler alert - it’s a tie). 18+

Guilty@xjoonchildx I’ve told Ana this before but I think about this Namjoon all the time. Tortured, leader Namjoon who bears the living and lives of his family in his shoulders. And pines for OC, holding back because he’s not sure he’ll be able to treat her right?! UGH. ☠️ I re-read the whole thing getting this link.

Unbroken@sahmfanficbts One of the first fics I read that stayed with me for a long time. It’s still on my mind when I garden and the other day Sam DM’d me an encouraging plant pun and it made me fall for her and this fic all over again. I also love how Sam never shies away from tougher parts of the human experience, especially when it comes to her female characters. I know she says these stories are a love letter to Namjoon, but I think they’re also a love letter to people and all our terrible, wonderful human flaws. 18+

Swedish Meatballs@sahmfanficbts Another from Sam about my favorite Tannie in my favorite place — IKEA. Very18+

House of Cards@xjoonchildx I have said this before but this fic was the first that stopped me in my tracks. The writing is so good, this Namjoon is so tortured in a way?

Wallflower@hesperantha I have not stopped thinking about this since I read it a year and a half ago. And have been screaming about it in Tumblr, AO3, and now in Max’s DMs (sorry, Max ). It broke my heart and I haven’t recovered.

Inferno@hamsterclaw THIS fic. THIS Namjoon. And this OC. I love Rei’s characters, how confident, smart, strong and clever they are. And the way they love each other despite the circumstances. So hot! So heartbreaking!

Captive@smasmashie What haven’t I said about this fic. It ruined me, it made me want to be an investment banker, and I’m still waiting for my LaMer from this Namjoon. Award for sexiest use of the word “tranches” in human history. And the end y’all. THE END. Very, very18+

Ristretto@shina913 The sweetest little cafe meet cute with Namjoon and his dimples. I want to bite it and eat it up like a bon bon.

Wedding Planner (AO3) How I love this story, the way the characters grow and learn. And the chemistry between OC and Namjoon?! It’s perfection.

Hammer It Home@gukslut Peak sexy, domestic roommateNamjoon.Sigh.

Thank you for including Ristretto in your recs, Mitten! One of my faves—which I wrote while in quarantine And I fully agree on the dimples. I’d like to drown myself in them.



Useless Magic - JHS

Hoseok x Reader ft. Namjoon

Kind of Magical AU, Enemies to Lovers

Wc: ~4k

Warnings: Language, kissing, magic? Namjoon in a suit, bad jokes about coming in the back door

This is for the wonderful @wwilloww for the Possum Anniversary fic exchange! Thank you for being such a creative, welcoming, kind person. I am so glad to know you and am grateful for all the support you’ve given me and our little internet dumpster of love.

A/N: This is part of the Five Fridays world, but you do NOT need to know that story to read this. TL;DR - Jimin and Yoongi are half brothers whose great great grandmother “got freaky with the local woodsprite” and now they have quasi-useless magical powers including the ability to make baked goods come to life, turning Yoongi’s face plaid, and the ability to ‘see love’ as sparkly energy moving between people. Some people can see this magic, but most cannot. The ones who can, Yoongi and Jimin help them find love. This takes place before the Five Fridays timeline and I’ve taken some liberties with the original plot, but whatever it’s my blog and I make the rules.

Thank you @hamsterclaw@miscelunaaa@sunshinerainbowsbts for reading. Rei for inspiration to use ‘dimple’ as a verb and @vyduan for asking the critical question: “What are all these Koreans doing in Scotland?”

Mittens’ Masterlist


“Morning, Namjoon.”

You’ve just started to place the croissants in the pastry case when he walks in the door.

Namjoon is built like a tree. Like a sexy, human Groot. You want to poke your fingers in his dimples, which are now dimpling extra hard as he approaches the counter. And as per usual, he’s wearing a suit so perfectly cut, you want to send his tailor a gift basket.

“Morning, _______. Iced Americano, please.”

His voice is so low and rumbly, it makes your body hum a bit. He’s polite but his tone is a bit like he’s giving a command. And not in a bad way.

You nod and turn to head to the machine. This is your third week at Cafe Serendipity. You’re here in Edinburgh for the summer, mainly as a writers retreat to work on your book. You thought the summer would be nothing writing while gazing out at the heather. Maybe exploring old churches, hikes, and pints at the pub afterwards. Maybe snogging with some men in kilts.

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OMG, the enthusiastic support from the pastries is amazing!!! Though I honestly would be so annoyed if someone slept coming in the back door to get coffee from me.

Atleast Hobi is cute.

I feel a little bad for Joon, but he gets a girl of his own though.


Useless Magic - JHS

Hoseok x Reader ft. Namjoon

Kind of Magical AU, Enemies to Lovers, Idiots to Lovers

Wc: ~4k

Warnings: Language, kissing, magic? Namjoon in a suit, bad jokes about coming in the back door, pastries sitting in judgement

This is for the wonderful @wwilloww for the Possum Anniversary fic exchange! Thank you for being such a creative, welcoming, kind person. I am so glad to know you and am grateful for all the support you’ve given me and our little internet dumpster of love.

A/N: This is part of the Five Fridays world, but you do NOT need to know that story to read this. TL;DR - Jimin and Yoongi are half brothers whose great great grandmother “got freaky with the local woodsprite” and now they have quasi-useless magical powers including the ability to make baked goods come to life, turning Yoongi’s face plaid, and the ability to ‘see love’ as sparkly energy moving between people. Some people can see this magic, but most cannot. The ones who can, Yoongi and Jimin help them find love. This takes place before the Five Fridays timeline and I’ve taken some liberties with the original plot, but whatever it’s my blog and I make the rules.

Thank you @hamsterclaw@miscelunaaa@sunshinerainbowsbts for reading. Rei for inspiration to use ‘dimple’ as a verb and @vyduan for asking the critical question: “What are all these Koreans doing in Scotland?” And @arizonapoppy for the phrase “pastries sitting in judgement” which I added to the warnings because it is so funny

Mittens’ Masterlist


“Morning, Namjoon.”

You’ve just started to place the croissants in the pastry case when he walks in the door.

Namjoon is built like a tree. Like a sexy, human Groot. You want to poke your fingers in his dimples, which are now dimpling extra hard as he approaches the counter. And as per usual, he’s wearing a suit so perfectly cut, you want to send his tailor a gift basket.

“Morning, _______. Iced Americano, please.”

His voice is so low and rumbly, it makes your body hum a bit. He’s polite but his tone is a bit like he’s giving a command. And not in a bad way.

You nod and turn to head to the machine. This is your third week at Cafe Serendipity. You’re here in Edinburgh for the summer, mainly as a writers retreat to work on your book. You thought the summer would be nothing writing while gazing out at the heather. Maybe exploring old churches, hikes, and pints at the pub afterwards. Maybe snogging with some men in kilts.

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ohhh ms mittens this was so FUN! i love the idea of this hoseok being so mortified that he actually hurt you.



Play by Play (myg)

summary- An accidental brush of Yoongi’s fingers suddenly leads to so much more.

word count- 3.1k 

pairing- idol!Yoongi x best friend!Reader

rating- R

genre- idolau, smut, fluff, f2l

warnings- Yoongi in that airport fit with that beautiful luscious hair, reader is obsessed with Yoongi’s fingers, finger sucking, hair pulling, dry humping to completion… yes you read that right

a.n- So after I read @kithtaehyung‘slike that, I went to bed and this is the wild dream I had. Full fantasy fulfilment for ya girl here ngl. A big thank you to @m-yg93 for beta reading and screaming with me.

❃ This fic was written as part of Festivaled Away: Burning Memories hosted by @bangtanbathhouse | ticket: concert/show, main event: musical artist au, games: oral fixation.

As always feedback appreciated, a reblog and a like goes a far way. Send me an ask!


The play was heinous. An over the top telling of feminist virtues that was so heavy handed it left a bitter taste in your mouth. And it was a musical. You’re a feminist, of course, but the playwright’s utter discounting of the audience’s intelligence left must to be desired. But Yoongi’s friend was in it and so you tagged along when he asked you to come, weak to your best friend’s whiny pout.

It’s not easy being friends with someone who has a mob of fans around him at all times. Perhaps if you were a man it would be easier, but for now you were relegated to the middle of the small audience while he and his two bodyguards sat front and center. How’s that for feminism?

If it wasn’t bad enough that you had to sit through a man’s awful retelling of the feminist movement, the playwright thought of handing out a quiz at the end just to be quirky. It was worse than any pop quiz in your high school history class, full of questions about dates and people you were sure were part of the play but you had glossed over in an effort to stay awake. The cherry on top was the title: So are you really a feminist?


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Gah! This was so perfect and so hot. This line had my soul leaving my body so fast:

his legs stretched as if taunting you with a throne.

Yoongi manspreading agenda ✊

Thank you for reading!!


Useless Magic - JHS

Hoseok x Reader ft. Namjoon

Kind of Magical AU, Enemies to Lovers

Wc: ~4k

Warnings: Language, kissing, magic? Namjoon in a suit, bad jokes about coming in the back door

This is for the wonderful @wwilloww for the Possum Anniversary fic exchange! Thank you for being such a creative, welcoming, kind person. I am so glad to know you and am grateful for all the support you’ve given me and our little internet dumpster of love.

A/N: This is part of the Five Fridays world, but you do NOT need to know that story to read this. TL;DR - Jimin and Yoongi are half brothers whose great great grandmother “got freaky with the local woodsprite” and now they have quasi-useless magical powers including the ability to make baked goods come to life, turning Yoongi’s face plaid, and the ability to ‘see love’ as sparkly energy moving between people. Some people can see this magic, but most cannot. The ones who can, Yoongi and Jimin help them find love. This takes place before the Five Fridays timeline and I’ve taken some liberties with the original plot, but whatever it’s my blog and I make the rules.

Thank you @hamsterclaw@miscelunaaa@sunshinerainbowsbts for reading. Rei for inspiration to use ‘dimple’ as a verb and @vyduan for asking the critical question: “What are all these Koreans doing in Scotland?”

Mittens’ Masterlist


“Morning, Namjoon.”

You’ve just started to place the croissants in the pastry case when he walks in the door.

Namjoon is built like a tree. Like a sexy, human Groot. You want to poke your fingers in his dimples, which are now dimpling extra hard as he approaches the counter. And as per usual, he’s wearing a suit so perfectly cut, you want to send his tailor a gift basket.

“Morning, _______. Iced Americano, please.”

His voice is so low and rumbly, it makes your body hum a bit. He’s polite but his tone is a bit like he’s giving a command. And not in a bad way.

You nod and turn to head to the machine. This is your third week at Cafe Serendipity. You’re here in Edinburgh for the summer, mainly as a writers retreat to work on your book. You thought the summer would be nothing writing while gazing out at the heather. Maybe exploring old churches, hikes, and pints at the pub afterwards. Maybe snogging with some men in kilts.

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Jess. Excuse me? ExCUSe mE?! What is this?! What is this beautiful precious delightful gift???? When you tagged me earlier today I was out walking the dog and I very nearly turned around and walked back the other way so I could sit down and gobble this up. This is such a delight to get to read, it has so many things that I absolutely love. Magic? Scottland?!?!? BANTER? Namjoon and Hoseok!?!! Geeze. And this YN is living my dream. It is my literal biggest dream to flee to Scotland and just write and live a rowdy but sometimes quiet life out there. So getting to read this was the ultimate daydream. If only Yoongi would hire ME at his coffee shop. Thank you so much for putting so much effort into such a beautiful story. I can’t wait to read more of them and I am just generally blown away by your incredible skills at weaving a beautiful story. Here’s to you!!!!!!
