#lovely moots




Play by Play (myg)

summary- An accidental brush of Yoongi’s fingers suddenly leads to so much more.

word count- 3.1k 

pairing- idol!Yoongi x best friend!Reader

rating- R

genre- idolau, smut, fluff, f2l

warnings- Yoongi in that airport fit with that beautiful luscious hair, reader is obsessed with Yoongi’s fingers, finger sucking, hair pulling, dry humping to completion… yes you read that right

a.n- So after I read @kithtaehyung‘slike that, I went to bed and this is the wild dream I had. Full fantasy fulfilment for ya girl here ngl. A big thank you to @m-yg93 for beta reading and screaming with me.

❃ This fic was written as part of Festivaled Away: Burning Memories hosted by @bangtanbathhouse | ticket: concert/show, main event: musical artist au, games: oral fixation.

As always feedback appreciated, a reblog and a like goes a far way. Send me an ask!


The play was heinous. An over the top telling of feminist virtues that was so heavy handed it left a bitter taste in your mouth. And it was a musical. You’re a feminist, of course, but the playwright’s utter discounting of the audience’s intelligence left must to be desired. But Yoongi’s friend was in it and so you tagged along when he asked you to come, weak to your best friend’s whiny pout.

It’s not easy being friends with someone who has a mob of fans around him at all times. Perhaps if you were a man it would be easier, but for now you were relegated to the middle of the small audience while he and his two bodyguards sat front and center. How’s that for feminism?

If it wasn’t bad enough that you had to sit through a man’s awful retelling of the feminist movement, the playwright thought of handing out a quiz at the end just to be quirky. It was worse than any pop quiz in your high school history class, full of questions about dates and people you were sure were part of the play but you had glossed over in an effort to stay awake. The cherry on top was the title: So are you really a feminist?


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The way I lost my absolute MIND when I got to beta this at 1:30am. It’s rare for a non smut piece to send me to the floor but this sure as hell did. The years of tension cumulating to rutting each together like teenagers?? Ugh, can you still hear me screaming?

I’m still screaming at your comments lol sometimes making out on the couch is so much more fun than sex ngl

Thanks for betaing JJ


POV: you’re on the floor at 2am because you beta-d your friends’ fics and you’ll never be as talented as them.




But thank you for beta-ing hehehehehe <3



Road Tripping Over You (jhs)

summary - You didn’t always hate Hoseok. In fact, if someone asked you six months ago you would’ve even said you loved your brother’s best friend - being in a relationship for over a year has that effect. But the rainbows and sunshine of your relationship were over, and now you had to spend six hours with the man who you wished you never had to see again.

word count - 6.8k

pairing - ex-boyfriend!Hoseok x reader

rating - R

genre - exes2lovers, enemies2lovers, angst, smut, fluff

warnings - Jimin’s a little shit, miscommunication, arguing, HOSEOK DRIVING ONE HANDED (yes that’s a warning), noona kink (don’t blame me, it came out), fingering, choking, anal play, double penetration, crying (but not during sex).

a.n- This was written for @bangtanbathhouse Hot Boy Summer, hosted by @kithtaehyung

Ticket:Road trip
Main Event: Lollipop (enemies to lovers)
Games:choking, double penetration

I hope y'all enjoy this angsty feral mess LOL

a very special thank you to @m-yg93and@pars-ley for brainstorming and to @alpacaseokand@raplinesmoon for beta reading! Love you!

Feedback appreciated! ❤️ let me know what you think!

There are always some people in your life that are a constant, your family, your closest friends. But then there are people who are a constant that you just wish weren’t around anymore. People you can’t shake no matter how much you wish you could. You can cut them out of your life, block them on every social media, delete their contact. Yet they pop up, again and again.

“Yo! Stop being dramatic and get in the fucking car!”

Hoseok is one of those people.

Rolling your eyes at his impatience, you shut the trunk loudly before making your way to the passenger seat, cursing your brother, Jimin, under your breath. You were well aware of his ploy to get the two of you back together, but you didn’t think that even he would stoop so low as to subject you to a six hour car ride with Jung Hoseok. Did Jimin really want you to end up in jail for murder?

“I swear to god, if you do that thing where you stare into space and narrate how much your life sucks like a fucking coming of age movie, I will leave you on the side of the road,” Hoseok groaned, turning up the airconditioning to save the two of you from the sweltering heat. Putting on your seatbelt, you decided to ignore him. You had done so for six months, another six hours would be nothing in comparison.

You didn’t always hate Hoseok. In fact, if someone asked you six months ago you would’ve even said you loved your brother’s best friend, being in a relationship for over a year has that effect. But that was before he decided that he simply did not want to be in your life anymore, giving you flimsy excuses for needing space and wanting to be independent before shattering your heart into pieces and stomping on them.

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If you like Hoseok and fan fic, read this.

That’s all i have to say, you’ll thank me. This is dope.

Ahhh thank you Ley!! I’m glad you enjoyed this hehe


I HATE @joheunsaram




Play by Play (myg)

summary- An accidental brush of Yoongi’s fingers suddenly leads to so much more.

word count- 3.1k 

pairing- idol!Yoongi x best friend!Reader

rating- R

genre- idolau, smut, fluff, f2l

warnings- Yoongi in that airport fit with that beautiful luscious hair, reader is obsessed with Yoongi’s fingers, finger sucking, hair pulling, dry humping to completion… yes you read that right

a.n- So after I read @kithtaehyung‘slike that, I went to bed and this is the wild dream I had. Full fantasy fulfilment for ya girl here ngl. A big thank you to @m-yg93 for beta reading and screaming with me.

❃ This fic was written as part of Festivaled Away: Burning Memories hosted by @bangtanbathhouse | ticket: concert/show, main event: musical artist au, games: oral fixation.

As always feedback appreciated, a reblog and a like goes a far way. Send me an ask!


The play was heinous. An over the top telling of feminist virtues that was so heavy handed it left a bitter taste in your mouth. And it was a musical. You’re a feminist, of course, but the playwright’s utter discounting of the audience’s intelligence left must to be desired. But Yoongi’s friend was in it and so you tagged along when he asked you to come, weak to your best friend’s whiny pout.

It’s not easy being friends with someone who has a mob of fans around him at all times. Perhaps if you were a man it would be easier, but for now you were relegated to the middle of the small audience while he and his two bodyguards sat front and center. How’s that for feminism?

If it wasn’t bad enough that you had to sit through a man’s awful retelling of the feminist movement, the playwright thought of handing out a quiz at the end just to be quirky. It was worse than any pop quiz in your high school history class, full of questions about dates and people you were sure were part of the play but you had glossed over in an effort to stay awake. The cherry on top was the title: So are you really a feminist?


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Gah! This was so perfect and so hot. This line had my soul leaving my body so fast:

his legs stretched as if taunting you with a throne.

Yoongi manspreading agenda ✊

Thank you for reading!!



Versus | MYG, JHS - Chapter 4

Pairing: Yoongi x Reader x Hoseok

Genre: smut, fluff, angst, crack, enemies to lovers, Villains!AU

Rating: M (18+)

Warnings: swearing, mentions of weapons - blades, mentions of blood, allusions to murder, allusions to sex, Jungkook is the world’s best assistant, Namjoon’s a master of malapropisms

Word Count: 2k

Disclaimer: NSFW, obviously I don’t own BTS - they just inspire me

Summary: Supervillain exes Yoongi and Hoseok are sick and tired of having their plans for world domination wrecked by you, aka Vitality, the world’s most powerful superhero. When fellow villain Jimin suggests a little competition to see who can bring you to your knees, they both eagerly accept. Now the battle is on as both men engage you in fight after fight to see who will conquer you first. Will you finally defeat these two, or will they destroy you - and possibly take each other out in the process?

A/N: Just taking a little break in the action! Please enjoy these conversations and marvel at how I am incapable of writing Jungkook as anything but soft, even when he’s a supervillain’s sidekick.

Unbeta’d as usual. I’d love to know what you think - my inbox is always open!

Chapter Three ✨ Series Masterlist ✨ Character Playlists

Chapter Four: Interlude

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this is just the most delightfully wacky wild ride on this entire site. sunny, you’re brilliant. i’ve laughed out loud so many times reading this and the way you write action? snark? dialogue?

star quality ✨

Ana, ahhhh, I’m blushing, thank you! I’m just happy if I can make someone else laugh with my writing, so I’m not just sitting here cracking myself up!
