



[short image ID; nine cute drawings of manta rays, all identical except for the colors, which are colorpicked from pride flags. The flags are loveless aromantic, lovequeer, aromantic allosexual, sapphic, polysexual, aromantic spectrum, angled aromantic asexual, demiboy, and cupio. End short image ID]

flags from left to right;

Loveless Aro | Lovequeer | Aroallo

Sapphic | Polysexual | Arospec

Angled Aroace | Demiboy | 4-Color Cupio

long image ID under the cut!

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You can get all of these designs at my Redbubble!


Earth’slove letter to me

A loveless aro’s love confession.

Nature is Earth’s love letter to me.

But if I’m being real,

what I feel is not love at all.

If I’m being real,

it’s more of an appreciation,

a healing of the soul.

Maybe love is the main appeal to most,

and honestly, I can’t blame them.

I’ve been stuck in the confines,

trying to decipher the very meaning of love,

trying to not feel like a monster for maybe

not feeling it at all.

Since when did not feeling something become a crime?

Perhaps I am just a ghost,

cursed to never experience the very meaning of life, of everything,

to never experience what makes us human.

Or maybe at one point, love was something my heart was familiar with.

And maybe somewhere along the way,

a noose was hung around its neck,

and it now lies dead, ashes upon my feet.

Here I am, living as the ghost of my past love.

And yet… The world around me still exists.

My heart may not beat for love,

but I cannot deny the fondness I feel

for the world’s many gifts.

My heart may not beat for love,

but the song of the mourning dove would be just as permissible.

My heart may not beat for love,

but the rain’s droplets on my skin fills me with excitement all the same.

My heart may not beat for love,

but still I cannot resist the swaying of the trees,

or the warmth of a flame.

My heart may not beat for love,

but the sight of the stars will never not appease

the longing in my soul being put at ease.

So, maybe love is the main appeal to most,

and for that, I cannot blame them.

But if I have to live as a ghost

among Strangers and Dead feelings,

at least I still have the beauty around me to turn to.

While everyone else is off with their true loves,

I’ll be in the meadows and under the canopies,

enjoying the warmth of the sun on my face,

learning what life could Truly be for me.

“aros are still human!!! they still love and feel emotions!!! ”

well i dont feel love and i’m pretty emotionless so i guess i’m a god
