#lucifer morningstar x yn


A/N:hello! I decided to write this story in second person, that’s why you might find the first chapter slightly changed. This took me forever to write; babysitting is hard! Anyway, I’ll leave you guys to this second part. Thank you for being here!

Part One


“So, tell me, what is it with you and this necklace?”

You groaned, “Lucifer, what are you talking about?”

Since the day you had met him, Lucifer had become obsessed with you. At first, he used to look at you and ask you from time to time what did you desire. As if that wasn’t weird enough, he kept mentioning that the reason why you were able to resist him was because you might have been similar to Chloe. At some point, you stopped trying to give a sense to what he was saying.

So now here you were, in your lab working on a new murder from the same church serial killer, with Lucifer asking you a new bizarre question. Apparently, he didn’t like it when you suggested that the reason why you were not attracted to him was simply because you… weren’t.

“Well it’s obvious! It must be that chunk of metal that’s blocking my powers,” Lucifer said gesturing towards your necklace.

You touched it instinctively. You had this necklace since your birth; you never took it off your neck. When you were a child you used to think that as long as you wore it, an angel would protect you. Then you grew up and realised it was just a fantasy. Nevertheless, that necklace with an angel wings pendant was very important to you, and even though you didn’t believe in angels anymore, you still felt safe having it around your neck.

“See? You are doing it again. You’re always touching it.”

You rolled your eyes and went back to work, “Lucifer, the reason why I’m touching it is because it means a lot to me, not because it has some kind of shielding powers against the Devil.”

Yeah, about the Devil thing. The first days you had known him, you had tried to avoid that metaphor he insisted on using. Soon, you realised that all of that religious talking was a part of him. Truth be told, you weren’t fond of him at first.

You didn’t have anything against him, you just couldn’t stand it when a person was trying to force on you their religious beliefs. However, Lucifer never tried to force you into believing that he was the devil. He simply told you - thousands of times, yes - but never imposed it on you. So you accepted this quirky side of him.

“Then you wouldn’t mind taking it off, would you now?”

You froze in the middle of your action. A dreadful feeling was spreading inside of you and you felt like choking.

You touched again your necklace and warmth surrounded you. As long as you had that necklace with you, you were safe.

“Miss Y/L/N? Are you okay?” Lucifer sounded concerned, but when he tried to come closer, you took a step back.

“Yeah, I am,” you muttered before turning your back at him and starting to work again. “Anyway, no, I won’t take it off.”

Lucifer made a whiny sound, “but what if my father has something to do with it? After all, those are angel wings! What if it is connected to one of my siblings? Maybe that is the reason why I have my angel wings back.”

You smiled, “I think your father has better things to do than sending one of his angels to give me a necklace, Lucifer.”

You jumped a little when you suddendly realised he was right behind you.

“You are a curious little human,” he said looking at you in a way you could not decipher. It was like he was trying to solve a puzzle.

You hummed, not paying much attention to that comment, which didn’t stop Lucifer from following you around the lab as if he was your shadow.

“You said you don’t believe in my father and yet you talk about what I say as if it’s true. Why?”

You shrugged, looking at him with a slight smile, “I don’t believe, that’s true, but you do. And that is enough for me to accept it and not mention that everything you say sounds crazy to me.”

Lucifer smiled, “as I said, you are an interesting little human.”


You were on a crime scene when it happened again. You had sensed it, just like the first time.

That morning, Ella called you because another body was found murdered in a church. The serial killer hit again. When you arrived there, you noticed that the same MO was used. This was the sixth case and you were nowhere near finding the killer.

This case was causing a lot of problems. Chloe was working days and nights trying to find the killer. You and Ella were doing your best but the killer was too good at his job. The crime scenes were always neat and security cameras never caught anything. You were all going crazy.

However, this morning the killer finally slipped. Apparently, they were interrupted before finishing the victim off. A priest had come in the church and immediately alerted the police. Sadly, the victim had passed away before he could reveal anything, but the priest was alive and now he was answering Chloe’s questions.

Lucifer was next to you when it happened.

You were collecting the last piece of evidence from the crime scene when you heard him speak.

“Good morning, Miss Y/L/N. I heard there’s a new update on the case.” He sounded quite joyful.

You looked at him and smiled lightly, “good morning to you. The killer was spotted by a priest, so they say.”

Lucifer chuckled, “oh? Strange, isn’t it? Our friend seemed quite the meticulous type.”

You frowned, “you are right,” you sounded alarmed and as if something hit you, you started running towards Chloe to tell her it was all a trap.

“Miss Y/L/N?” Lucifer called after you but it was too late.

Before you could reach Chloe, you heard a shot. It was a trap, just like you had thought and the target wasn’t the priest, it was you.

You heard Lucifer screaming your name, soon followed by Ella and Chloe.

Before the bullet could even reach you, everything went black and you collapsed on the floor. Your necklace was burning hot on your skin.


You were starting to wake up and the first thing you heard was someone screaming.

Then you were surrounded by a wave of pain. You knew the bullet didn’t even touch your skin, so you probably hit your head quite hard. Everything was fuzzy so you didn’t immediately realise that the screaming stopped and that a surprisingly worried Lucifer was staring at you.

“Miss Y/L/N?”

He was about to touch your cheek but he stopped.

“Miss Y/L/N, this would be an excellent moment for you to say something.” He tried to smile but you noticed that it didn’t reach his eyes.

You were so tired, you didn’t want to talk but Lucifer was so worried and… why was he so worried?

“Is a-anyone hurt?” You asked weakly.

He frowned, “yes, Miss Y/L/N, you are!”

You shook your head, “no no, not me.”

Lucifer was even more confused. What were you talking about? Why would anyone be hurt if you were the target? And why were you about to cry?

“I did it again,” you whispered. You started crying.

Lucifer was taken aback and he tried to touch you but he stopped again.

“What have you done, Miss Y/L/N?” He asked cautiously.

You sobbed, “I didn’t know I was the target otherwise I would have gone far away.”

“Bloody hell, Miss Y/L/N, what are you talking about?” Lucifer seemed a bit annoyed now.

“The explosion! I killed them,” you shouted before passing out again.


It had been two days since you came back home. Your head injury was healing well and the skin of your neck wasn’t even burnt. Just like the last time. You could swear the necklace had burnt your skin, and yet there wasn’t a single scratch. You had imagined it again.

You had learned from Ella that no one was hurt aside from you and when you asked about an explosion, she didn’t comment on it and said that there was none. You had immagined that too.

Chloe had tried to talk to you several times, and so had Lucifer. They couldn’t understand how the bullet didn’t even touch you. You were in his trajectory but you were fine and there was no trace of a bullet.

Truth was, you didn’t have an explanation. You just knew that no harm could be done to you. You had always wondered how you never got hurt as a child, or how dangerous things never happened to you.

Like that day when you were surfing. You could swear there were sharks, and yet they just swam peacefully around you. Or when your school caught fire and the flames hadn’t touched you once.

Or when you were involved in a car accident and your whole family died, but you survived without a scratch. Every time your life was in danger, you could feel your necklace burning your skin followed by an explosion, after which you would pass out. Once awake, your skin was intact and people around you were either dead or injured.

Maybe you really had a guardian angel.

You scoffed at the thought. Despite your effort to disclaim religion, your mother’s teachings were hard to forget.

You touched your necklace again. Your mother had always told you that an angel gave her that necklace and for that reason it would protect you as long as you wore it. Yes, it made you feel safe, but it was just a piece of metal, nothing more.

You heard knocking on the door and for a moment you thought about not answering it. You decided against it eventually.

“Hello, how can I help you detective?” Honestly, you were a bit annoyed that she showed up to your door uninvited.

“Hi, Y/N, sorry to disturb you but we just want to ask you few questions about the case,” she said apologetically.


“Well hello, Miss Y/L/N, missed me?” Lucifer entered the house with a charming smile and before you could mention anything, he sat on the couch as if he owned the place.

“So, shall we?” He grinned at you.

You scoffed. He could be insanely irritating sometimes. But you knew that deep down, you actually cared for him. You had realised that when you were at the hospital and you had found yourself glad that the first face you saw after waking up was Lucifer’s. Obviously, you would never tell him that, he was already cocky enough.

“What is it?” You asked tiredly.

“The Detective here seems to think that you are going to be the next victim. How funny, since we all know that you avoid churches like the Black Plague,” there was some kind of command in his voice, almost as if he was telling you not to go to a church. As if he was worried about you.

“I… I’m sorry, why would I be the next target?” You asked.

Chloe sighed, “we believe the killer was on the crime scene on the day of the shooting. You were obviously the target since there was no one close to you. The priest also said that he heard the killer, who we now know is a man, saying something about a girl.”

You couldn’t believe it, how was it possible?

“You don’t seem worried,” was Lucifer’s dry remark. He was studying your reaction.

You shook your head, “why me?”

Chloe looked sad, “we don’t know yet. It seemed like the killer was targeting atheists but the shooting felt personal. We believe you are in danger, Y/N.”

Lucifer got up with the biggest grin you had ever seen, “here comes the fun part!”

You raised an eyebrow, “oh really? I wonder where’s the fun in all of this,” you muttered sternly.

Lucifer opened his arm and pointed his hands at his entire figure, “me of course,” he said cockily. “You’ll be staying with me until you are safe again, Miss Y/L/N.”

Summary: Y/N is a blessed child protected by the Archangel Michael. After an accident, she moves to LA and joins the LAPD as a forensic scientist. She is an atheist, therefore, her path is destined to collide with Lucifer’s, which will cause Michael’s wrath. When a new serial killer strikes in LA, Y/N will finally learn the truth about herself.

Warnings: set somewhere around season 2 with a lot of changes taken from the other seasons, like Lucifer’s devil form. Therefore, if you haven’t watched all four seasons, I recommend you don’t read it. Despite my endless love for the Deckerstar, in this story they will just be partners.

A/N: hello! I decided to only post this story here on Tumblr and not Ao3 because honestly the latter would take away a lot of time which I really don’t have. Therefore, I decided to reduce the length of the story, which will still be around 10 chapters. So if you decide to join this adventure with me, welcome on board! And thank you for trusting me in case you decide to stay for the whole story. As always, sorry for any mistakes, English is not my first language and I am trying my best.

Part Two


There is a moment in life, a crystallised instant frozen into time, when your world is crumbling into ashes, a moment where you are put in front of two options: let the ashes and scraps bury you or fight back and change what is killing you.

Fighting back was the hardest choice, you had learned it the hard way. Deciding to put your past behind you, to move forward and start a new life where, hopefully, things would go your way, was the most arduous choice you had ever made; and yet, the best.

You moved to LA a couple of weeks ago, knowing absolutely no one, barely being able to rent a place where to live and a job to help you survive. You had left your hometown behind, not regretting your decision even for a second. There was nothing left for you in that shallow city. No friends, no family. When you chose LA as a new chance at a better life, you did it knowing that everything could go wrong. LA was the city of thousands of possibilities, where people pursued their dreams. The harsh truth was that you were alone and from that moment on, your future depended on you. You had no intention of messing it up again.

You now worked for the LAPD as a forensic scientist. You had worked all your life to achieve this goal and still could not believe that you finally made it. You had worked in many labs before, but you had never collaborated with the police. Maybe your second chance to a better life was becoming more real than you had first imagined.

“So, Y/N, where are you from exactly?” Ella Lopez asked. She was your colleague now and the best forensic you had ever met. She was a nice girl.

You hummed, “oh from a small town.”

Ella looked confused, but you decided to ignore it.

“So, what brings you to LA?” she asked cheerfully.

You looked at her. You felt a bit guilty for the way you were treating Ella. This was your second meeting and you could tell Ella was trying really hard to get to know you. To be honest, you didn’t want to act so cold with her. You genuinely liked Ella, in fact, you would have loved to be friends. However, you could not allow yourself to break Ella’s trust and heart, not considering how pure and joyful she was.

It was best for you to stay alone.

“Just work,” you replied not even looking at Ella but focusing on your microscope instead.

“Ookay, got it. You are not a talker. Well, I am, so don’t mind me occasionally talking to myself. Actually, I’d talk to you cuz you look pretty cool but hey I don’t wanna pressure you.”

You chuckled, “got it.” Despite your efforts to remain cold, you had the feeling that Ella was growing on you and you were becoming rather fond of her endless talking.

Ella nodded, “good. So, have you found anything interesting?”

You finally looked at her and allowed yourself to smile lightly, “not really, just what we already know. Victim was found dead inside of a church, 3 stabs in the heart, several injuries added post-mortem. No sign of the killer’s DNA on anything we’ve got so far.”

Ella groaned, “damn, who would kill someone in a church?”

You shrugged, “a fanatic, I guess. To be honest, it doesn’t seem to be personal,” you muttered getting closer to Ella so that you could both look at the photos taken on the crime scene. “Look at the way the body is displayed, it’s too methodical to be a rushed action dictated by anger.”

“Yeah, you might be right. So, what do you think we are dealing with?”

You shrugged again, “I don’t know. But clearly the killer had a whole scheme planned ahead.”

“Wait, it’s like you said,” Ella exclaimed taking the photo of the dead body and pointing a finger at it, “it’s clearly a methodical work which requires time, therefore, the killer knew exactly what to do and how to do it. They planned this, and I think it means that they had a lot of time to display the body like this. Who could have all this time in a church without no one noticing?”

“You are right, especially since these injuries post-mortem wouldn’t have been easy to add in such a precise way unless knowing that no one is going to disturb you.”

Ella smiled, jumping around and hugging you, “we are such a great team! I need to tell Chloe about our theory, I’ll be right back, partner!” and with that said she was gone.

You smiled, there was something inside you that was becoming warmer, a feeling you had long forgotten. Ella had called you partner and even though you were trying to avoid getting close to your co-workers, the thought of it was enough to leave you smiling like you had not done in a long time.

It felt good to finally have a theory about the case. You had joined the LAPD only two days ago and they were already working on this case. Apparently, a white man, around 45 years old, was found murdered in a church four days ago. The cause of death was three stabs in the chest but the gruesome part was the way his body was displayed in the middle of the church; the man was laying down with his arms stretched and two needles pinning his hands to the floor, while his legs were crossed and also pinned by a needle. The curious part was that the man was an atheist and that according to his wife he would never set foot on a church. The detective Decker was investigating the case when you joined them and apparently nothing had been found on the killer yet.

They still didn’t have much information on the person that could have killed that man but at least now they had a lead to follow.

You were still looking at the file when the door of the lab sprung open.

“Miss Lopez! Any update on-…” the person who had entered suddenly stopped and looked at you in annoyance, “you are not Miss Lopez!”

You raised an eyebrow and looked at the man, “clearly not.”

The man scoffed, “and who are you exactly?”

“Y/N Y/L/N. May I ask you the same question?”

“Oh, you must be the new lab geek. The detective had mentioned it earlier, I think,” he muttered to himself before looking at you and grinning, “I am Lucifer Morningstar.”

You were beyond shocked, just standing there with your mouth and eyes wide open. “Lucifer Morningstar? You serious?”

He chuckled, “of course! I am the Devil, darling.”

You burst into laughter. You could not believe what you had just heard.

Lucifer seemed offended, “something is amusing you, perhaps?”

He was now walking towards you, a serious and intense look in his eyes. You found yourself taking a step back, suddenly very aware of his closeness.

“I just find hard to believe that you are the Devil, Mr Morningstar.”

Lucifer smiled wickedly, “oh, do you now?”

He was getting too close. So close that you could finally notice how handsome this man looked, how dangerously attractive and charming he was.

“Tell me, Miss Y/L/N, what is it that you desire?”

You gulped and looked away. For some reason, you found that question frighteningly intimate. There was something about this man that made you feel naked, exposed, vulnerable. And you hated it. You clasped your necklace in your hand and, as if waking up from a dream, you narrowed your eyes. 

“I desire pizza. Now, if you’ll excuse me” you replied, walking away from him.

Lucifer blinked several times, he could swear his mojo was working, he could not understand what just happened.

“Who is that girl?” he whispered when the door of the lab closed in front of his face.
