#lucky numbers


Yes, lucky numbers that bring abundance and joy really exist for each of us. But these truly auspicious numbers are not assigned or chosen. Rather, they are found. It may take many years for them to make themselves apparent. But with tarot, it takes only half a year to find them. And once you do, you can trust that they are true.

STEP 1: Perform weekly readings.

At the beginning of every week, ask tarot what lies ahead. A spread with at least 10 cards is recommended.

STEP 2: Look for the dominant number.

For every reading, find the number that dominates your spread.

Did you get three 9s this week, with all the other numbers appearing less than thrice? Then 9 is the dominant number in that reading.

For the majority of tarot cards, this should be obvious. The Magician and the Ace of Cups are 1… The Emperor and the Four of Wands are 4… The Chariot and the Seven of Pentacles are 7… and so on.

For the cards that are numbered beyond 9, add their two digits together. The sum is your answer:

  • Justice = 11 =  1 +  1 =  2
  • Death = 13 = 1 + 3 =  4
  • Judgement = 20 = 2 + 0 = 2
  • Ten of Cups = 10 = 1 + 0 = 1
  • Pages = 11 = 1 + 1 = 2
  • Knights = 12 = 1 + 2 = 3
  • Queens = 13 = 1 + 3 = 4
  • Kings = 14 = 1 + 4 =  5

STEP 3: Evaluate your readings.

At the end of every week, record whether the reading was positive or negative, that is, whether your week went well or not.

STEP 4: Tally the scores.

If Week 1 went well, and its dominant number was 6, then give 6 one point.

If Week 2 went badly, and its dominant number was 8, then give 8 a negative point.

If Week 3 turned out to be neutral, and its dominant number was 4, then do not give any number a score.

After six months have passed, and you have the data for approximately 26 weekly readings, look for the two digits with the highest points. They are your lucky numbers.

STEP 5: Use your lucky numbers.

If 5 and 7 turn out to be the most auspicious for you, then maximize their benefit.

Schedule job interviews, contract signings and romantic dates on the 5th or 7th day of the month. Plan your trips to be 5 or 7 days long. May 7th and July 5th will be especially lucky for you.

Your fifth relationship could be your soulmate. Your seventh job could be the one you retire in. Apartment No. 75 on the corner of 5th and 7th Avenue could be the home that is meant for you.

When choosing numbers for the lottery or other raffles, pick combinations that end or begin with 5 and 7.

And when making important decisions, such as whether to go ahead with a risky surgery, and you end up seeing 5 and 7 everywhere on that day, then that is your promise that the procedure will be flawless.

Just decided my lucky/favourite number is 7.
