#all about tarot



When performing the Celtic Cross, there are three positions that can reveal when the event will happen: The Advice, The Ultimate Outcome, and The Underworld. Acknowledge all these possibilities. But your intuition will tell you which is most likely.


The Fool – Whenever you are ready

The Magician – It has already begun

The High Priestess – You know exactly when

The Empress – During harvest season

The Emperor – It is almost done

The Hierophant – It is finished

The Lovers – As soon as you make the choice

The Chariot – In just a few moments

Strength – The minute you accept it

The Hermit – Only after you meditate on it

The Wheel of Fortune – During your first or next Saturn Return

Justice – When you least expect it

The Hanged Man – When the circumstances change

Death – Whenever it is ready

Temperance – After the storm

The Devil – It is happening right now

The Tower – Soon, unexpectedly and suddenly

The Star – The more you believe, the sooner it will happen

The Moon – It cannot be determined at the moment

The Sun – In the summer or by sunrise

Judgement – Soon and inevitably

The World – In divine timing



Ace of Wands – One day

Two of Wands – Two days

Three of Wands – Three days

Four of Wands – Four days

Five of Wands – Five days

Six of Wands – Six days

Seven of Wands – Seven days

Eight of Wands – Eight days

Nine of Wands – Nine days

Ten of Wands – Ten days

Page of Wands – As we speak

Knight of Wands – End of November to most of December

Queen of Wands – End of March to most of April

King of Wands – End of July to most of August


Ace of Cups – One month

Two of Cups – Two months

Three of Cups – Three months

Four of Cups – Four months

Five of Cups – Five months

Six of Cups – Six months

Seven of Cups – Seven months

Eight of Cups – Eight months

Nine of Cups – Nine months

Ten of Cups – Ten months

Page of Cups – Very soon

Knight of Cups – End of February to most of March

Queen of Cups – End of June to most of July

King of Cups – End of October to most of November


Ace of Swords – One week

Two of Swords – Two weeks

Three of Swords – Three weeks

Four of Swords – Four weeks

Five of Swords – Five weeks

Six of Swords – Six weeks

Seven of Swords – Seven weeks

Eight of Swords – Eight weeks

Nine of Swords – Nine weeks

Ten of Swords – Ten weeks

Page of Swords – Now, behind the scenes

Knight of Swords – End of May to most of June

Queen of Swords – End of September to most of October

King of Swords – End of January to most of February


Ace of Pentacles – One year or one season (3 months)

Two of Pentacles – Two years or two seasons (6 months)

Three of Pentacles – Three years or three seasons (9 months)

Four of Pentacles – Four years or four seasons (one year)

Five of Pentacles – Five years or five seasons (15 months)

Six of Pentacles – Six years or six seasons (18 months)

Seven of Pentacles – Seven years or seven seasons (21 months)

Eight of Pentacles – Eight years or eight seasons (2 years)

Nine of Pentacles – Nine years or nine seasons (2 years and 3 months)

Ten of Pentacles – Ten years or ten seasons (2 years and 6 months)

Page of Pentacles – It will take quite a while

Knight of Pentacles – End of August to most of September

Queen of Pentacles – End of December to most of January

King of Pentacles – End of April to most of May

To Help You Remember:

  1. Wands are days, because they are fire, and fire moves fast.
  2. Swords are weeks, because while a sword is quick to cut, it first requires some thinking on the warrior’s part.
  3. Cups are months, because they are water, and water flows with the moon, which completes a cycle in roughly a month.
  4. Pentacles are seasons to years, because they are seeds, and some seeds only require a season to grow while others need a year.
  5. The timings for the Major Arcana and the Pages are related to the cards’ meanings. Once you know the meanings, you know the timings.
  6. The Kings, Queens and Knights are the Zodiac signs’ birthdays:
  • King of Wands – Leo (Fixed Fire)
  • Queen of Wands – Aries (Cardinal Fire)
  • Knight of Wands – Sagittarius (Mutable Fire)
  • King of Cups – Scorpio (Fixed Water)
  • Queen of Cups – Cancer (Cardinal Water)
  • Knight of Cups – Pisces (Mutable Water)
  • King of Swords – Aquarius (Fixed Air)
  • Queen of Swords – Libra (Cardinal Air)
  • Knight of Swords – Gemini (Mutable Air)
  • King of Pentacles – Taurus (Fixed Earth)
  • Queen of Pentacles – Capricorn (Cardinal Earth)
  • Knight of Pentacles – Virgo (Mutable Earth)
Tarot Cards & Their Simple Meanings (Yes, No, or Undecided):The Major Arcana0 The Fool - Yes1 Th

Tarot Cards & Their Simple Meanings (Yes, No, or Undecided):

The Major Arcana
0 The Fool - Yes
1 The Magician - Yes
2 The High Priestess - Undecided
3 The Empress - Yes
4 The Emperor - No
5 The Hierophant - Undecided
6 The Lovers - Yes
7 The Chariot - Yes
8 Strength - Yes
9 The Hermit - Undecided
10 Wheel of Fortune - Yes
11 Justice - Yes
12 The Hanged Man - Undecided
13 Death - No
14 Temperance - Undecided
15 The Devil - No
16 The Tower - No
17 The Star - Yes
18 The Moon - No
19 The Sun - Yes
20 Judgement - Yes
21 The World - Yes

Ace of Swords - Yes
Two of Swords - Undecided
Three of Swords - No
Four of Swords - Undecided
Five of Swords - No
Six of Swords - Yes
Seven of Swords - No
Eight of Swords - No
Nine of Swords - No
Ten of Swords - No
Page of Swords - Yes
Knight of Swords - Yes
Queen of Swords - No
King of Swords - Undecided

Ace of Pentacles - Yes
Two of Pentacles - Undecided
Three of Pentacles - Yes
Four of Pentacles - No
Five of Pentacles - No
Six of Pentacles - Yes
Seven of Pentacles - Undecided
Eight of Pentacles - Yes
Nine of Pentacles - Yes
Ten of Pentacles - Yes
Page of Pentacles - Yes
Knight of Pentacles - Yes
Queen of Pentacles - Yes
King of Pentacles - Yes

Ace of Wands - Yes
Two of Wands - Undecided
Three of Wands - Yes
Four of Wands - Yes
Five of Wands - No
Six of Wands - Yes
Seven of Wands - Undecided
Eight of Wands - Yes
Nine of Wands - Undecided
Ten of Wands - No
Page of Wands - Yes
Knight of Wands - Yes
Queen of Wands - Yes
King of Wands - Yes

Ace of Cups - Yes
Two of Cups - Yes
Three of Cups - Yes
Four of Cups - No
Five of Cups - No
Six of Cups - Yes
Seven of Cups - Undecided
Eight of Cups - No
Nine of Cups - Yes
Ten of Cups - Yes
Page of Cups - Yes
Knight of Cups - Yes
Queen of Cups - Yes
King of Cups - Yes

Post link

…if you are looking for affection

The Ace of Cups heralds new love — romantic, platonic or familial. It could mean entering a new relationship, meeting a new friend or reconciling with a sibling or a parent. Either way, if your heart is feeling homeless, this is your Ace.

…if you are looking for stability

The Ace of Pentacles promises a fountain of it — material, mental or emotional. It could mean a new job, a newfound trust in your abilities, or a realization that someone has your back. If life feels unsteady, this is the Ace you need.

…if you are looking for a purpose

The Ace of Wands guarantees a new passion — something that gives your life meaning. It could be in the form of a person, an object, or a situation. Whatever it is, if your life seems hollow and pointless, this Ace will fill that emptiness.

…if you are looking for clarity

The Ace of Swords vows to deliver it — to your mind, to your heart or to your environment, through physical or spiritual correspondence. If you are confused about love, your health or finances, this Ace offers healing realizations.

Something to add to your own tarot collection?

1) Your predictions come true.

Tarot, first and foremost, is about divining the future. Or as people who are afraid of admitting that tarot is a fortunetelling instrument would say, “seeing one of many possibilities”. So it all boils down to this. No matter how well you have memorized tarot’s meanings, history and symbology, if your predictions never come true, tarot is probably not for you.

2) Your advice helps.

A secondary purpose for tarot is to divine advice on how to best move forward. So if you advised someone to quit their job, and they end up being unable to find a new one for a while, to the point that they cannot even afford to eat three meals a day anymore, then you are not good at tarot. It is really that simple. You are not a good tarot reader unless people find your advice useful.

3) Tarot speaks to you.

When you do not merely recite tarot meanings you read in a book… or second-guess which of a card’s various meanings to use… when you no longer just enumerate keywords you found on a website… and when instead, the moment you pull a card, you just see or hear it speaking to you, that is a confirmation that tarot is meant for you.

Don’t worry. If you’re currently not good… there’s always room to improve.

As much as I enjoy doing Pick a Card readings on YouTube, it does not come close to the solemnity and sanctity of performing face-to-face sessions. With general readings, I have to speak broadly. But face-to-face, I become a conduit of the old gods… speaking truths unspoiled by my ego, my hopes, my thoughts.


Days before you visit, I will ask you to think of three questions on different aspects of your life. I will tell you that if you wish, for the first, I can simply give you an overview of your past, present and future.


Upon entering my sacred space, you will find that the lighting is warm and dim. You will hear quiet music around you to calm your mind. You will feel cool air that is refreshing to inhale. And the smell will be sweet. Like flowers in the air.


I will ask you to sit in front of me. Instead of tarot cards, you will see three wooden bowls on the round table between us.

The first contains dark chocolates. We will each have one. You, as an offering to your higher self, asking its permission to be deciphered. Me, as an offering to the old gods, who will use my voice to speak with.

The second bowl will have hot towels, one for each of us, to cleanse away any lingering negative energies. So that when we both touch the cards with our hands, tarot connects to our true energy.

The third bowl will have a different set of towels, simply for us to dry our hands with.

I will set them all aside, place a velvet cloth on the table, and a tarot deck in my hands.


Together, we will take four deep breaths. You, as you focus on your question. Me, as I calm my body before the old gods take over.

I will ask you to state your query. Let us say it is about love.

You will see me shuffle the cards as I say, “I call upon the Moirai, Holders of Destiny. Clotho, the Spinner, I summon you. Lachesis, the Allotter, I invoke you. Atropos, the Inevitable, I invite you. Venus, Goddess of Love, Beauty and Harmony — everything we desire in life — I seek you.”

I will relay your name and query to them. Let us say it is Jane. “I implore you to allow us a glimpse of Jane’s destiny. She would like to know about love. Will she find it? When and with whom? What can she look forward to? Anything she should be wary of? We would be grateful for anything you will allow us to know.”

So that the cards can touch the thread of your life, I will ask you to cut the deck in half, twice, and to break it in seven piles. I will put the deck back together and start laying out your cards in a Celtic Cross.


I will speak the position and name of each card as I lay it. After the spread is complete, you will hear me explain each of the thirteen.

The lights are dim for two reasons. Because the Fates live next to Hades and are not used to harsh lighting… and so that the light is focused only on me and your cards, when I show them to you one by one.

As I explain to you the symbols on each card, presenting them as evidence for every message, you will know that my words are not merely based on assumptions or taken from a scripted template. Because instead of hearing highfalutin words, you are seeing your very life… the people around you… your darkest fears… and your greatest hopes… painted on the cards right in front of your eyes.

I will speak your name repeatedly, helping you grasp that these hidden truths are being revealed to you directly.

After I have explained each card to you, I will close your reading by highlighting the advice, the warning, and above all, the prediction you received.

I will ask you if you have any clarifications. Instead of those, you will have exclamations. You will say something along the lines of, “I thought you would only say generic things. But instead you described my life in detail.” You will start laughing or crying. Sometimes both. I will offer you a tissue box so your tears do not wet my cards.

We will move on to your next question, repeating a part of the invocation.


You will ask me when you should come back. I will tell you that you probably should not. That sometimes, a person only needs to have one tarot reading in their life.

But in a few days, weeks or months, when my predictions have come true, you will come back anyway, asking more about your tomorrow and your yesterday.

Yes, lucky numbers that bring abundance and joy really exist for each of us. But these truly auspicious numbers are not assigned or chosen. Rather, they are found. It may take many years for them to make themselves apparent. But with tarot, it takes only half a year to find them. And once you do, you can trust that they are true.

STEP 1: Perform weekly readings.

At the beginning of every week, ask tarot what lies ahead. A spread with at least 10 cards is recommended.

STEP 2: Look for the dominant number.

For every reading, find the number that dominates your spread.

Did you get three 9s this week, with all the other numbers appearing less than thrice? Then 9 is the dominant number in that reading.

For the majority of tarot cards, this should be obvious. The Magician and the Ace of Cups are 1… The Emperor and the Four of Wands are 4… The Chariot and the Seven of Pentacles are 7… and so on.

For the cards that are numbered beyond 9, add their two digits together. The sum is your answer:

  • Justice = 11 =  1 +  1 =  2
  • Death = 13 = 1 + 3 =  4
  • Judgement = 20 = 2 + 0 = 2
  • Ten of Cups = 10 = 1 + 0 = 1
  • Pages = 11 = 1 + 1 = 2
  • Knights = 12 = 1 + 2 = 3
  • Queens = 13 = 1 + 3 = 4
  • Kings = 14 = 1 + 4 =  5

STEP 3: Evaluate your readings.

At the end of every week, record whether the reading was positive or negative, that is, whether your week went well or not.

STEP 4: Tally the scores.

If Week 1 went well, and its dominant number was 6, then give 6 one point.

If Week 2 went badly, and its dominant number was 8, then give 8 a negative point.

If Week 3 turned out to be neutral, and its dominant number was 4, then do not give any number a score.

After six months have passed, and you have the data for approximately 26 weekly readings, look for the two digits with the highest points. They are your lucky numbers.

STEP 5: Use your lucky numbers.

If 5 and 7 turn out to be the most auspicious for you, then maximize their benefit.

Schedule job interviews, contract signings and romantic dates on the 5th or 7th day of the month. Plan your trips to be 5 or 7 days long. May 7th and July 5th will be especially lucky for you.

Your fifth relationship could be your soulmate. Your seventh job could be the one you retire in. Apartment No. 75 on the corner of 5th and 7th Avenue could be the home that is meant for you.

When choosing numbers for the lottery or other raffles, pick combinations that end or begin with 5 and 7.

And when making important decisions, such as whether to go ahead with a risky surgery, and you end up seeing 5 and 7 everywhere on that day, then that is your promise that the procedure will be flawless.

To attain ultimate peace, love and happiness, who must you avoid and who can help?

Step 1: Lay the backdrop.

Pick out the four Tens from your deck.

  • Ten of Cups — Emotional Fulfillment
  • Ten of Pentacles — Material Abundance
  • Ten of Wands — Physical Insecurities
  • Ten of Swords — Mental Agony

Step 2: Identify your allies.

Shuffle the rest of your deck while asking your higher power, “Who will help me live my best life in this incarnation?”

Draw the first three cards from the top of the deck, and get the fourth from the bottom. Lay them from left to right on top of the backdrop.

  • Eight of Pentacles — The people who will help you achieve emotional fulfillment are those who are hardworking, independent and passionate. Seek individuals with such traits.
  • Six of Cups — The people who will help you achieve material abundance are those whose loyalty have stood the test of time. Friends and family who have been there for you since you were but a child.
  • Six of Wands — The people who will help you avoid physical insecurities are those who value their own health, fitness and beauty. People who know their worth. Learn from their example.
  • The High Priestess — The people who will help you avoid mental agony are those who are deeply spiritual and have a clear understanding of their life purpose. Seek and trust their guidance.

Step 3: Unmask your enemies.

Shuffle what remains of your deck while asking your higher power, “Who will keep me from living my best life in this incarnation?”

Draw the first three cards from the top of the deck, and get the fourth from the bottom. Lay them from left to right below the backdrop.

  • Eight of Cups — The people who will ruin your chances of achieving emotional fulfillment are those who have turned their back on your before. Past lovers and friends. Stay away from all of them.
  • King of Swords — The people who will ruin your chances of achieving material abundance are those with a cold and calculating nature. Workaholics with doubtful morals. Never be like them.
  • Four of Cups — The people who will infect you with physical insecurities are those who are lazy and in denial. People who make philosophical excuses for not working towards their health and fitness. 
  • Two of Pentacles — The people who will infect you with mental agony are those who only see you as a choice. The fickle and the flaky. Stay away from such individuals. Never grant them your trust.

Think of humans as living, breathing, walking projectors.

All the time, we are emitting pictures of our minds, our hearts, our souls. These images are invisible to the naked eye, but tarot can see them all.

That is why distance affects accuracy. The farther away you are, the less the cards can see the images you are projecting.

This is where your reader’s skills and intentions come into play.

If they are good, and if they really care, they will, metaphorically, find the best vantage point, so they can see your projections from afar and relay them to their cards. They will squint their eyes to focus on your images, and dim the other lights so yours will shine the brightest.

Some readers, though well-meaning, make the mistake of identifying the wrong light. Other readers do not even look for the right light at all. They see one, and they assume that is it. That is why many distance readings do not resonate.

But when the cards are right in front of you, staring at your projections, the reader barely has to make an effort at all. The cards are seeing your light directly.

That is why a face-to-face reading with an average reader could be just as, or even more, accurate than a distance reading from a tarot expert.

It is also why paid online readings tend to be more accurate. When a reader is being compensated for their services, they are more motivated to search for the right light among the crowd. It is simply human nature.

Of course there are also sincere readers who do it for free — learning and practice being their motivation.

Find a reader you really trust. Someone who seems truly respectful both of tarot and you. When it comes to looking at your projections, they are likely to have a great view.


Knight of Swords

At his worst, he will tell you he loves you, knowing that he does not. At his best, he will love you for a moment and the next, forget you ever existed. He cannot be trusted. His heart and soul are twisted.

Knight of Wands

If he says he loves you, he truly does. But know that when he wakes up in the morning, he may no longer feel the same. And while you may be disappointed, he will be just as confused and frustrated.

Knight of Cups

He will fight for your love… as well as for any other woman’s. He is in love with love itself, not with you. If he cannot win you, he will just move on to the next. In his heart there is no difference.

Knight of Pentacles

He will not say he loves you until he knows you feel the same. No expensive gifts or grand gestures until he believes you deserve them. Once he is certain, he will offer you everything. All or nothing.


Page of Swords

He will attack anyone who speaks or acts disrespectfully towards you. There will be no sweet moments. No kisses and embraces. He shows his love through protection. That to him is affection.

Page of Wands

He will keep asking you how you are. He is naturally caring and affectionate. He will tell you about his day, his feelings, his wishes. You will never feel his absence, no matter how busy he may be.

Page of Cups

He will always act like a child. An achievement means nothing until you praise him for it. Any woman he meets will need to earn your approval. He likes being your baby. It makes him happy.

Page of Pentacles

You will receive many gifts. As a child, he will craft little tokens. As a man, he will buy big presents. He will work very hard, not just to make something of himself, but to make you a proud parent.


King of Swords

He will be slightly distant. He needs space, and so will sometimes keep away. Your wellbeing matters more to him than your happiness. You could be bored. But you will be well provided for.

King of Wands

You will wake up every morning feeling loved. You will go to sleep every night knowing you are desired. Loyal and true, he will have countless women’s admiration, but will ignore their invitation.

King of Cups

He is a decent cook and a doting father. But financially, you may have to do all the work. Though he likes to lounge around, just drinking wine, you will always see the love in his eyes and hear it in his voice.

King of Pentacles

You will be spoiled. He will strive to give you all: luxurious food… exquisite jewelry… comforts that make life worth living. You will not hear “I love you” often. But you will feel it over and over again.

The High Priestess

A person or a situation that your higher self has memories of

The Lovers

The other half of your soul in this life and every other


An unfinished business you have in at least one of your past lives

The Moon

A suppressed past life memory that reveals itself in your dreams


People you sign a different kind of contract with each time you die

Six of Cups

Someone you shared mutual love with in one or more past lives

Eight of Cups Reversed

A person or situation that broke your heart in your most recent life

Ten of Cups

People who played a supportive role in each of your past lives

Four of Swords

A person you once died beside, or a goal you died trying to achieve

Six of Swords Reversed

A person whose role in all your lives is to teach you difficult lessons

Seven of Pentacles

A wish or a person you longed for but never had through many lives

Ten of Pentacles

People in your present who will stay throughout all your future lives


Past: You used to be more passionate than you are now.

Present: You are feeling very passionate at the moment.

Future: Your passion will soon be reawakened.


Past: You think someone had more passion for you than now.

Present: You know there is someone very passionate about you.

Future: You believe someone will soon feel passion for you.


Past: You have experienced a passionate connection in the past.

Present: You deeply wish to be able to express your true passions.

Future: You are waiting for someone to feel passionate about you.


Past: You used to be kinder and more loving than you are now.

Present: Your emotions are overflowing at the moment.

Future: Your pure and strong emotions will start flowing again.


Past: You think someone loved you more before compared to now.

Present: You know there is someone who is in love with you.

Future: You believe someone will soon fall in love with you.


Past: You experienced a worthy connection in the past.

Present: You deeply wish to be able to express your love.

Future: You are waiting for someone to fall in love with you.


Past: Your mind used to be much sharper than it is now.

Present: Your intelligence seems to be at its peak.

Future: You will soon feel powerful and influential again.


Past: You think people thought more highly of you then than now.

Present: You know there is someone who admires your mind.

Future: You believe someone will soon realize how clever you are.


Past: You have experienced acknowledgment of your intelligence.

Present: You deeply wish to prove your worth to people.

Future: You are waiting for someone to realize your worth.


Past: You used to be far more stable than you are now.

Present: You have never been this stable before.

Future: Your abundance and prosperity are about to come in.


Past: You think more people respected you then than now.

Present: You know there is someone who respects what you represent.

Future: You believe someone will soon recognize your achievements.


Past: You have experienced what it is like to be solid and stable.

Present: You deeply wish to be abundant in more ways than one.

Future: You are waiting to experience true and lasting stability.

Click here for the Pages.

The Kings in tarot are the Fixed signs of their suit. While the Queens are the Cardinals, and the Knights are the Mutables. But the Pages are not so precise. Nine out of ten times, they are one of three things: a messenger, a child, or you. As a messenger, they can be of any Zodiac sign. As a child, they can be anyone from a toddler to a young teen. And as you, they are your current state of mind.


As a messenger, he brings news about something you are passionate about, be that a person, a hobby, or a TV show.

As a child, he is an extrovert. Someone who loves to play outside, is energetic and sporty, and has a lot of friends.

As yourself, he is you at your most excited and passionate. Planning a trip… redecorating your apartment… anything that ignites you.


As a messenger, he brings news about love. An invitation to dinner and a movie. A compliment. A flirtatious text or comment.

As a child, he is the sweetest. The kind who always tells their parents they love them, and compliments random strangers in public.

As yourself, he is you at your kindest. When you do favors for others or help out a friend or a stranger, expecting nothing in return.


As a messenger, he brings clarity. He tells you if you got the job or not. If your crush likes you back or whether he is into someone else entirely.

As a child, he is intelligent. The math wiz or the next great poet. The clearly gifted. He tends to be introverted, distant and quiet.

As yourself, he is you at your most determined. Finishing a thesis… working double shifts… anything precise or intellectual.


As a messenger, he brings news about stability. Financial stability pertaining to a job, or stability in a commitment with someone you love.

As a child, he is hardworking. He has a part-time job, and helps his parents paint the fence, clean the car and whatnot. He likes to get busy.

As yourself, he is you not taking shortcuts. Reading the whole textbook when you only need to study a chapter… working harder than expected of you.

In the rare moments when Pages represent a partner or a potential lover, they are simply embodying the KnightsQueens or Kings of their suit. But the reason they appeared instead of them is to alert you that this person is either younger in age than you, or childish through and through.
