#luke alvez x reader


Request: Yes / No Hi!! A request for a Luke alvez x fem reader. Prompt #20 and #52, Luke and reader have had a few one night stands and reader gets upset because it’s just sex for Luke but reader wanted more ?? Hope that makes sense!! Much love Hi! Omg so I just sent a request and then went to the prompt list and saw I put 20 and 52 but I meant 20 and 62(Luke alvez x fem reader) tank u sm ☺️ @ready-4-fanfiction

Requests are closed <3 Have a nice day/night

Luke Alvez x Fem!Reader 

Word count: 738

Warnings: Honestly just kind of asshole Luke 

Y/N: Your Name 

Prompt(s): “You should’ve left me, you could never deserve the person I’ve become.”,  “ I hope you got what you wanted”


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(Not my photo, credit to whoever made it!)

Luke and I were friends and co-workers. Our relationship changed one drunken night after a tough case. We were at the bar with the rest of our co-workers, trying to get our minds off the horrible case we just witnessed. Luke and I were sitting at the bar together, drinking the sorrows away, when Luke looked over to me with a long sigh. 

“I think we need something better than alcohol to forget.” He said and I laughed. 

“What did you have in mind?” I asked. 

“Well, we’re two single adults, in need of some distraction.” He said with a small smirk. 

“Are you suggesting we have…” I trailed off with wide eyes. 

“Why not?” He shrugged and I thought for a moment. The very small sober part of me was trying to convince myself that this was a bad idea, but the stronger, drunker side of me was convinced it was the perfect solution. I downed my drink and placed the glass on the bar. 

“Fuck it.” I said and grabbed his hand, leading us both out of the bar. 

That was a year ago and I’ve found myself falling for Luke harder and harder each time we had sex. I knew this didn’t mean as much to Luke as it did to me and it was killing me. It only got worse when Luke showed up at my house on a day off. I looked at him confused, he looked nervous. 

“Hey Y/N, how’s it going?” He asked as I let him in. 

“Um… I’m good. What are you doing here, Luke?” I asked as I shut the door. 

“I needed to talk to you about… us.” He said and I felt my heart unintentionally skip a beat. 

“Uh, yeah sure… what about?” I asked, sitting down on my couch. 

“We need to stop having sex, I met someone.” He said with a smile and I couldn’t bring myself to feel happy for him. 

“O-Oh… That’s… That’s great.” I said and he furrowed his brow at me. 

“I thought you would be happy for me, I mean you’ve been looking at guys too, right?” He asked and I bit my lip and his eyes widened. 

“Wait, don’t tell me…” He trailed off. 

“I’m sorry Luke, I can’t really help how I feel about you…” I said, looking down at my hands. 

“No! This can’t be happening, I mean come on Y/N, we were just having sex to forget about our shitty cases!” He said and I looked up at him with wide eyes. 

“It’s not like I planned to fall for you, Luke! Like I said, I can’t help how I feel!” I said. 

“You should’ve left me, you could never deserve the person I’ve become.” He said and I rolled my eyes. 

“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?” I asked, crossing my arms. 

“It means that you’re not good enough for me. We were never gonna be anything more than sex.” He said and my jaw dropped. 

“I came to let you down easy, but I didn’t expect this!” He said and I shook my head. 

“I can’t believe you, Luke! I just bared my heart to you and you decided to tell me that I’m not good enough for you? You’re such an ass!” I shouted, standing up and glaring at him. 

“I’m just-” 

“Don’t.” I cut him off with a deeper glare. 

“Get out.” I said and pointed to my door. Luke sighed and walked towards my door. He opened it and stopped with one foot outside. 

“Y/N, I’m-” 

“Just go… I hope you got what you wanted…” I said and he sighed.

“I’m sorry…” He whispered before shutting the door and walking out of my personal life for good. I sat down on my couch and let the tears I didn’t know I was holding back fall. I can’t believe Luke did this… I can’t believe he said what he said… How could I not have seen this? How could I be so blind when it came to him? I should have never started this deal with him. It was such a stupid idea to get with a co-worker… Now work is going to be so awkward! Now everyone will figure out that I have feelings for Luke… Now everyone will see that Luke doesn’t give a damn about me and I’ll get those stupid pity looks… 

Tag list: @les-bio-lie@tashy-bear​ @ashwarren32 @hollie-blogs-blog1@schisbro87@lover-of-books-and-teas@nerdygaloresposts@teenwolfbitches28@genius2050@drw0301bieber@lady-of-lies@ravenmoore14@ravenempress101@cillianchamp@rowanthomasknapp@rachelxwayne​ @ready-4-fanfiction @pettyjayy​ @bruisedfists-and-splitlips @answer-the-sirens@andreasworlsboring101​ @liz-owl

NIGHTMARES . luke alvez . 2

Her fears included the possible, not the probable. | He wasn’t sure she wanted to be alone anymore.

Alethea’s eyes fluttered open, instantly narrowing as a sharp ray of light temporarily blinded her. It worked as a knife, slicing at the blanket of darkness that had moments before been wrapped around her consciousness. That blanket had then been left frayed, the strands obscuring the view of her surroundings. However, Alethea didn’t mind.; she felt more than safe where she led. In fact, the woman had turned to her side in search of the warmth of the man who had slept in what was now empty space.

Reaching out, Alethea found that the dip in the mattress was still present and the crumpled sheet was still radiating his body heat. Thought it wasn’t unusual for the man to wake before her – him having taken more to the strict regimen of his service that she had – it was uncommon for him to leave her before she had woken. On most normal occurrences, she would wake to see him scrolling through his phone as she remained curled into his side. So, to be greeted with an empty space, caused Alethea some confusion.

Pushing herself onto her elbows, she let out a small yawn and scanned the room, having heard slightly movement that she assumed was Luke. Her head was still stinging for the light that had awoken her, and her vison was still not as clear as it normally would have been, but she could see his general figure closing the door of the wardrobe. Having seen the man, her regular smile made it’s way to her face.

It was at that point that Luke had noticed her, the sound of her yawn having pulled his attention towards her. He returned her soft smile, crossing the room – still pulling his shirt over his arm – he took a seat beside her, “I got called in early.”

“That’s a shame,” Alethea hummed, smiling as his lips pressed against her own, “you’ll let me know you’re safe though, won’t you?”

Pushing her hair away from her face, Luke nodded, watching as she clenched her lip between her teeth, “I wouldn’t dream of doing anything else.” Once again he placed his lips to us, letting the kiss linger for longer than the last one. “I’ll make it up to you, I promise.”

She nodded at him, knowing that he did not understand the commitment that he had just made. They both consistently told themselves that this was the last time, that they wouldn’t return to the arms of the other again. Yet, both had become addicted to the taste of the other skin, and the way they fit so perfectly together. That was why Alethea kept waking up in Luke’s bed, and he kept leaving things at her apartment. They made excuses, saying that this was the closest either would get to a relationship and to commitment. Though, as every year passed, they got closer to telling the truth; they got closer but they were yet to cross the finish line.

Had it have been any other people, then the pair would have probably already been celebrating years of being together. However, they had both seen warzones and returned to jobs that showed them just what could happen to the people they loved. For that reason, they had remained locked in the complicated and reoccurring situation, never letting the other close enough to lose them.

Alethea rested her hand on Luke’s knee, whispering, “Just promise me that you’ll stay safe.”

“Okay,” he pulled away from the woman, collecting his weapon from the gun safe – which was tucked under the bed. He pressed his lips to hers once more before he crossed the room towards the door, turning back to ask, “Is there any chance you could feed Roxy before you go?”

“Sure,” She replied. “Now, go before you’re late. They won’t find the fugitives without you.”

Had she have been able to see Luke’s face, she would have been quick to detect the guilt that had been written across his features. However, he had already walked out of the room when she had called out to him. The man reassured himself that he wasn’t lying, he just didn’t correct her when she mentioned his work. Perhaps that was yet another sign that they shouldn’t progress their connection. However, he knew that he had to tell her the truth sooner, the woman being the closest person to him and the main person that Peter Lewis could use against him. Yet, as with every time, he didn’t correct her, he simply left her with an incomplete understanding of the danger he could put her in.

Having heard the front door slam, let out a large sigh and pushed her hair away from her face. The situation she lived in was less than desirable, but with everyone she had loved and lost she didn’t want to add anyone else to the list. Her closet was bolted shut at an attempt to stop anyone from seeing her skeletons, even Luke. Had he have known what she was hiding, he would never look at her the same again.

Before she could move, Roxy had entered the room and jumped to the bed. Alethea ruffled her fur as she mumbled, “Looks like it’s just you and me this morning, girl.”

The dog whined as she nuzzled Alethea’s face, causing the woman to smile uncontrollably. The simple happiness of having Roxy so comfortable with her, made the woman think about the last few years. When she had met Luke, Roxy was still a puppy, and in a way she was still an overgrown puppy. The man had been struggling to adapt to civilian life, and she was still having nightmares about what she had seen when she was deployed. Together, they had found ways to become comfortable with their lives. And they had continued to help other service leavers to find the relative peace they had.

Before she delve any further into her memory, Alethea’s phone buzzed beside her. Having glanced at the user ID, she became slightly lighter at the thought of the man at the other end of the call, “What brings you to the phone at this time?”

Roxy had placed curled up beside Alethea, laying her head on her lap, as the woman heard a sigh from the caller, “How much work do you have at the moment?”

“Not so much that it can’t be covered,” she answered. “Why?”

“We have a case that Emily would like for you to help us on.” David declared, the woman growing slightly confused by the mention of Emily – who she had been sure was working for Interpol in London. “It seems that your areas of expertise will be incredibly helpful.”

Alethea looked down at the dog in her lap, knowing that she would have to let Luke know that she had been called away so that he could find someone else to walk Roxy while they were both away, “You know that I will say yes, but when do you want me there?”

“As soon as possible.” David replied. “Thea, I need to warn you, this seems to be a bad one.”

She took a moment, knowing that the man was only trying to protect her, “I will make sure to keep that in mind.”

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