#luke hemmings one shots


job well done (l.r.h)

a/n: hi!! long time no post. so i’m finally back posting again, i’ve been really busy with work recently and haven’t been feeling as motivated to write when i’m off but I was finally able to get this one ready to post. so this is part two of “don’t mind the heat” with assistant!y/n, it’s mostly smut so if that’s not your favorite i’m gonna be posting a childhood bff!luke piece soon. anyway I hope you’re all doing well, comments and criticisms are always appreciated. if you have any suggestions or ideas, while my requests are closed, there’s a form further down on my blog called “what’s next” where you can give me a suggestion of what you’d like to see and vote for which of my wips i’ll be posting next. with that all being said, I hope you enjoy - emmy <333

pairing: luke hemmings x assistant!y/n 

summary: it’s finally time for you and luke’s first date and you were promised a night of movies, and popcorn. but how much watching will you really be doing?

warning(s): swearing, smut, oral sex (female receiving) 

word count: 3.4k 



“Don’t psych yourself out, it’s just Luke.” your friend said from where she sat on your bed watching you obsessively tuck and untuck your hair behind your ear, unsure which way suits you best. 

It’s just Luke. 

Only it’s not just Luke, it’s Luke your boss. Luke who somehow manages to awaken slews of butterflies in your tummy from just entering the room. Luke who writes your paychecks. Luke who gave you the best night of your life. It’s Lukeand that’s a big deal. 

“I feel like I have a giant pit in my stomach.” you admitted, finally deciding on tucking behind your ears. 

“Eat something babe.” she suggested. 

You swallowed thickly, scrunching up your face in disgust. 

“I can’t, I’ll throw up.” you responded, the idea of mixing food with your colossal nerves making you slightly nauseous. 

Your friend stood to her feet, walking up to where you sat at your vanity and placing both hands on your shoulders. 

“There’s no reason to be worried, okay? From what you’ve told me the kid’s essentially obsessed with you.” 

You smiled down to your lap at her words. 

“I really like him.” you mumbled, not looking up. “What if I get all awkward and fidgety like I normally get on dates?” 

“You won’t.” she assured. 

“Oh my god, I totally will.” you groaned. “I’ll get all choked up, and I won’t even know what to say when I see him.” 

“y/n, you see him literally everyday.” 

“This is different.” you argued. 

Things were different now. 

Some things had remained the same since you had returned from the trip about a week and a half ago. You still went to work each day, completed your tasks, spent copious amounts of time walking in the harsh California heat with Petunia, and then made your way back to your apartment to binge watch tacky rom-coms in the privacy of your bedroom. But there were some small changes since the trip, like Luke no longer greeting you each morning with a casual wave but instead by pressing a quick kiss to your lips, followed by a heartfelt mumble of, “G’morning, missed you.” 

Other than your quick interactions in the morning you hadn’t been seeing much of him, the album process was moving along quickly and he’d been at the studio almost all the time, normally returning after you had already gone home for the night. Due to his newly busy schedule the anticipated first date had to wait, but that morning as you arrived, bright and early to take Petunia to the groomers, Luke had mentioned he wouldn’t be working late. 

“Up for a movie tonight?” he had questioned casually before heading out. 

“Like a date?” 

“Our first date.” he said, grinning ear to ear. “If I’m remembering correctly, I promised you a Marvel movie, and Petunia.” 

“And popcorn.” you interrupted, making him laugh. 

“And popcorn.” he repeated to assure you. “Anyway, I managed to convince Mike to let me borrow some of  his DVDs, so if you’re free?”

“I’m free.” you blurted out, so eagerly you were almost embarrassed. 

“Great. I have to head to the studio right now, but I’ll text you the time.” he said, crossing the room to leave a peck on your cheek. “Can’t wait.” he continued as he pulled away. 

As you went about your day, the date approaching quickly, a bundle of nerves had started to build in your stomach causing you to panic by the time you had gotten back to your apartment. In need of moral support you called over your friend who essentially held your hand through the entire getting ready process, giving her input on possible outfits, and making the final call on what lipgloss you’d later be leaving traces of on Luke’s lips. Now as you sat in your room putting your shoes on, 20 minutes until you had to go to Luke’s she was providing you with words of encouragement, and, annoyingly, stressing the importance of condom use. 

“I promise I’ll be safe.” you guaranteed, crossing the room to smack a kiss to her cheek. “You were a huge help tonight, thank you. I’ve gotta head out but you can stay as long as you want, just lock the door when you leave?” 

“You got it.” she nodded. “Just don’t drive yourself crazy, you’ll do great.” 

You swallowed a lump in your throat and thanked her once more before heading out to your car. 

As you put your keys in the ignition your phone dinged from where it sat in your cup holder. When you picked it up it revealed a text from Luke with a picture of Petunia sprawled across the couch, the message underneath read, “Patiently awaiting your arrival.” and it made you wonder why you were so nervous in the first place. There’s no way you could embarrass yourself, Luke wouldn’t let you. 

The drive was quick and easy, you took the same route everyday to work so it was essentially muscle memory at this point. As you pulled into the driveway you gave yourself one more internal pep talk and reapplied a thin layer of cherry flavored gloss onto your lips before heading to the door. Luke swung it open before you even had the chance to knock, Petunia sitting by his feet panting excitedly. 

“Hi.” he chirped, his body falling slack against the doorway as he took in your near ethereal state. 

“Hi.” you returned, snaking your arms around his torso as you entered. 

“Y’look gorgeous.” he praised, pressing his lips to the top of your head. 

“Not so bad yourself.” you returned, nuzzling further into his side.

You wandered through the kitchen, Luke’s hands trailing further down your skin as you walked towards the living room. 

He explained how his day was as you walked, grabbing a bag of popcorn on the way. You nodded along and offered words of praise when he explained that they had a very productive day in the studio. 

“How ‘bout you?” he asked after finishing his recount of the day. 

At this point you had made it into the living room, and had -unfortunately- detached from one another. You dropped to the couch and Luke stood by the tv, fiddling with the dvd player. 

“Well,” you started. “First I took Pig to the groomers, but you already knew that.” 

As if on cue Petunia clambered into the room, nearly knocking Luke off his feet as she made her way to you. 

You laughed and reached out a hand to rub her head affectionately. 

“Did you hear us talking about you, pretty girl?

“I need to put some distance between the two of you.” Luke teased. “It’s like I don’t even exist when you’re around.” 

“We have a connection.” you threw back. “It’s a girl thing, you wouldn’t understand.”

Luke laughed and gathered a few DVDs in his hand, muttering, “Snubbed again.” 

“Movie time?” you asked.

“Infinity war?” he responded, holding up the disc. 

“Not unless you want to deal with the aftermath of Peter disappearing, and it involves a lot of tears.” 

Luke raised an eyebrow at you. 

“I have a soft spot for Tom Holland.” you added, pressing a hand to your heart.

“Right then,” he laughed. “Iron Man?” 

“Excellent choice.” 

As the intro played Luke settled beside you, hip to hip, and close enough that he could lean his head on your shoulder comfortably when the opportunity presented itself. 

You watched intently, grateful for the distraction from his mind muddling proximity, only getting interrupted by Luke’s repetitive yawning. 

“Are you tired?” you asked when he yawned for the third time within the span of ten minutes. 

“Hm?” he quipped, straightening his posture. “Not really.” 

You raised an eyebrow at him. 

“A little bit,” he admitted. “It was just a busy day in the studio today. I’m really more mentally drained than tired.” 

“Here,” you said, scooting a bit further down the couch. You patted your lap as an indication for him to lay his head down. “When I was in highschool and I’d be super stressed or had a really long day my mom would play with my hair for hours and it would really help me to relax.” you explained. “It works like a charm, promise.” 

“Are you sure this isn’t an excuse for you to touch my hair?” he teased, already moving towards you. 

“Caught me.” you shot back. 

As Luke settled, curling his legs up in an effort to keep them from hanging off the couch, your hand  found its way into his hair, stroking lightly from the root. 

He hummed in content as your movements found a steady rhythm. 

“Feels nice.” 

“Happy to help.” you muttered, turning your attention back to Robert Downey Jr. 

Only five minutes or so had passed before your focus on the movie was stolen once again, this time by the feeling of Luke’s hand, which had been resting on your knee, inching further up your skin, pausing sporadically to run his fingers across the smooth surface.

“Luke, what’re you doing?” you asked through shallow breaths. 

“Nothing.” he returned, feigning innocence. 

You huffed quietly in frustration, but attempted to continue watching, as his hand had become stationary again. 

 That lasted all of 2 minutes.

“Luke,” you sighed. 


“I thought you were tired.”

“M’not anymore.” he mumbled, pinching the skin of your upper thigh.

You jerked a bit but remained relatively unfazed.             

 “Good, we’ve got a movie to watch.” 

“Or we could do something else.” he preened quietly, turning his head so he could nudge the spot he had pinched with his nose, as if soothing his previous actions. 

Only there was nothing soothing about it, and you were anything but relaxed. You could practically feel your arousal spreading in the light blue lace panties you had selected earlier that night.

“They match his eyes.” you had teased, flinging them across the room to your friend, who dodged them easily and gave you a disapproving look. 

“You’re odd.” she laughed, shaking her head.

It was hard to laugh about them now as your mind turned to mush and the only thing it could conjure up was vivid images of Luke ripping them off of you. 

Luke’s voice broke you from your thoughts, “Missed you.” he hummed sweetly. 

Your fingers unconsciously tightened on his hair eliciting a subtle groan. 

“Missed you too.”  

As you spoke your eyes drifted down his features, cataloguing them in your brain. 

Luke could feel your eyes on him, practically burning into his head, making it exponentially harder for him to keep his hands to himself for much longer. 

He darted his gaze up to you, slyly muttering, “You’re missing the movie baby.” 

You sighed lightly at the pet name, your breath catching as Luke sat up abruptly, capturing your face in his hands.

His lips slotted effortlessly against yours. 

Your brief kisses over the past week had no comparison to what you were experiencing now, fireworks erupting in your brain, and nerves buzzing in your stomach. 

The kiss was nowhere near perfect, in fact it was needy and a bit sloppy but each time your tongue collided with his you felt dizzy and desperate, for his hands, his mouth, him. 

As his kisses traveled down your jaw to your neck your head dropped to the side, making your eye catch on the tv. 

“Luke, the movie.” you reminded, your voice taut. 

“We’ll finish it in the morning.” he breathed, clicking it off in one swift motion. 

“Bit presumptuous to assume I’ll be staying the night.” 

“Bit presumptuous to assume there’s anyway I’m letting you out of my bed after I’m done with you.” he threw back before smacking a quick kiss to your neck and pulling you to your feet. 

The walk to Luke’s bedroom was a blur of explorative hands and teasing words, your need for him taking you there in record time. 

When your back eventually knocked against his bedroom door, pressing him against you snugly, he tugged greedily on the clothes covering your burning skin. 

“Lu” you mewled, your hand searching aimlessly for the doorknob. 

By the time you found it, both of you stumbling clumsily into the room, you were almost completely naked. 

Luke’s eyes, completely fogged with lust, wracked over the vast expanse of skin in front of him, his hands itching with need beside him. 

After seamlessly guiding you over to the bed he pulled his shirt over his head, allowing you a chance to admire the tensing of his muscles as he stretched his arms into the air.

You dropped to the mattress, making it bounce a bit beneath you. 

“So pretty.” Luke said, running a knuckle lightly across your collarbone. You shivered under the touch, making him grin smugly. 

“Lay back back for me, baby?” 

You compliantly laid flat, Luke’s hands tight on your hips. 

His fingers traced slowly down your thighs causing you to languidly throw your head back.

“Need to taste you” he announced, voice gruff, fingers running across your hips lightly. 

You agreed with a breathy moan, bucking your hips up in the process. 

His hands gripped tightly on either side of you, fingers marking your hips in light purple bruises that looked nearly too pretty for him to handle. 

When his tongue finally met the sensitive area of nerves just above the place where you needed him most you jerked upwards, clenching around nothing as his tongue explored the new area. 

He had been fantasizing about tasting you since the night at the vacation house, wanting nothing more than his tongue relentlessly flicking over the tightly wound bud until you had that hazy, fucked look in your eyes that turned him into putty in your hand.

His hands remained tightly secured to your hips which were thrusting up eagerly, despite his hold.

“So fucking soaked f’me” he groaned, fingers lazily running over the sopping area beneath him.

“I could take you so easily baby”  he continued, lightly tracing his tongue over your opening, making you clench. “Slip in so nicely,” 

“Please,” you breathed, tightly. 

“D’ya need me, love?” he teased, cruelly. 

You nodded repeatedly, body lying exhausted on the mattress. 

“Need you, Lu.” you begged. 

In between strategically placing kisses across your hips and thighs, he spoke, “Been needing you all week, I could hardly get any work done knowing you were sitting at my house all by yourself.” 

The hazy image of your body pressed so tightly against his made getting anything done nearly impossible. Every strum on his guitar reminded him of  how flawlessly your fingers had played him. Every grueling harmony at the very top of his register echoed one of your sweet and haunting sighs of pleasure.

 So, for his time spent at the studio Luke was left wondering how he was supposed to focus on making new music when the the music the two of you had created together was on a constant loop in his mind. 

And he desperately needed more. 

He continued to run his tongue across your heat, his movements being the exact opposite of how he was feeling. He moved slowly against you, unrushed, and thorough. 

Your tear filled eyes locked on the ceiling, squeezing shut each time the tip of his nose bumped your clit. 

“Oh,” you choked when you felt two fingers begin a gentle prod at your needy opening. 

Luke groaned at your sounds of pleasure while circling your entrance teasingly. 

“Need something, Luke. Please.” you begged, as his fingers continued their mocking assault. 

He mouthed eagerly at your bare chest and slipped a finger in seamlessly, making you yelp in need. 

When you clenched around his single digit he spoke, “Feels good?” 

Your head bobbed up and down enthusiastically, hips pushing onto him for a deeper thrust. 

“Good, baby.” he praised, teasing another finger. 

You whined desperately as a heat traveled down your body, swirling in a flustering pit at the bottom of your stomach. 

“Nice and tight f’me, love.” he preened, slipping in another finger and speeding up his thrusts. 

When his fingers curled up, brushing against your g-spot you whined loudly. 

“Does that feel good, gorgeous? Show me how good you feel. C’mon, come around my fingers.” he commanded, the pacing of his thrusts speeding up significantly. 

He loved seeing you blissed out, completely at his mercy, pleasure overtaking you. 

You bucked defenselessly against him, chasing your release as satisfied moans and whines passed your lips, only encouraging Luke in his ravenous exploration of your heat.

Reaching your climax, your walls fluttered around his fingers, causing his cock to grow painfully hard in the constrictions of his pants. He offered heartfelt praises of, “good girl” with each spasm of your body while sliding a condom down his tender length. 

As you came down from your high, your head feeling lighter, and your body feeling heavier, seemingly sinking further into the mattress, Luke adjusted himself, complimenting your dazed expression as he aligned his aching member with your, now, leaking entrance. 

Before pushing into you he leaned down to attach his lips to yours, his tongue running against yours with a heavy sigh. 

A high pitched grunt rang through the room as he ran his head through your folds, slowly sliding his lips lazily from your mouth down your jaw. 

Breaking apart from you, he spoke through a gruff voice, “Please say you’re ready for me, baby.” you could feel his hot breath against your neck and you unconsciously pushed off the mattress, causing his head to dip into the slippery heat of your cunt. 

His breath hitched at the feeling and a quiet cry of approval gave him all the reassurance he needed to bury himself into you, eliciting a throaty yelp. 

His forehead fell against yours, the thin sheen of sweat covering the both of you creating a humid atmosphere, completely silent other than the saturated sounds of your bodies crashing together. 

“Baby,” he sighed brokenly, the feeling of you so close overwhelming him in record time. 

You clenched around him at the pet name, making his eyebrows pull together, his thrusts slowing in an effort to prolong your intimacy. 

“You gonna give me one more, angel?” he quipped confidently, the head of his cock nudging overwhelmingly against your most sensitive spot. Each nudge sent a wave of pleasure over your body from the very top of your head to the tips of your toes. The unrelenting pace and force soon left your body numb with it, making you incapable of doing anything but chanting Luke’s name, soft and breathy, and so fucking pretty he would do basically anything to ensure you didn’t stop. 

With a particularly forceful prod of your sensitivity your vision went blurry, the fuzzy image of stars overtaking you as your strained cry, accompanied by a throbbing grip on his length brought him to his own climax. 

His right hand slammed against the bed frame with a loud smack as you unwinded around him, while his left held your hip tightly, squeezing with each spasm of your hips. 

When he pulled out of you, with a hiss, he soothed the empty sting it left behind with a sincere kiss to your hairline. 

“So perfect.” he hailed, a hand rubbing soothingly on the sensitive smoothness of your thigh, as he took his spot beside you. 

Your bare chest heaved beside him, your head dropping to the side to admire the soft flutter of his eyelids as exhaustion carried across his face. 

You felt a fizzle of heat down your legs, carrying all the way to your toes, uncurling as you settled into a comfortable buzz of pleasure. 

The feeling of a soft kiss against your shoulder broke you from your cloud of pleasure to see Luke peering up at you in awe. 

“Hi, sweet girl.” he spoke softly. 

Unsure you had the strength to respond in words you squeaked quietly  in response, your shaky hand intertwining with his longingly. The second they clasped his thumb began running faintly across the back of your hand. 

He looked towards the ceiling, as if overtaken by the overwhelming reality of your connection. 

“M’so gone for you.” he admitted under his breath, as you watched him in admiration. 

“Me too.” you agreed in an exhale, turning on your side to snuggle against his warm skin. 

His head turned only enough to rest his lips lightly on your hairline, “Stay the night please?” 

You nodded against his mouth in agreement, too tired to respond verbally. 

“Good, I’m not planning on letting you go anytime soon.”
