#luke smith


Tommy Knight who played Luke Smith is 27 years old! When the fuck did that happen! Sinead Michael who played Skye is 21! Sara has adult children in 2020!


Summary: Martha’s interview to rejoin UNIT doesn’t go quite as she’d anticipated.

Notes: Written for Kate Stewart Week 2022 for the prompt New Recruit.

Big thanks to @thisbluespirit​ for beta-reading!

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“So tell me, Doctor Jones, why do you want to come back and work for us again?”

Martha Jones never thought she’d return to UNIT, not after leaving them following the business with Davros and the Daleks stealing the Earth. She and Mickey had got together, married even, and run around the place fighting aliens independently of either UNIT or Torchwood and Martha had, rashly it turned out, believe that this would be her life hereafter. Instead, she’d lost both Mickey and their son August to an attack by a lone Sontaran and finding herself unable to settle as a regular doctor, she’d decided to apply for a post with UNIT again. She’d been able to discover, through contact with Sarah Jane Smith’s adopted son, Luke, that UNIT were now under new management – one Kate Stewart, daughter of Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart, whom she’d known in her previous UNIT days, and who had adopted the motto ‘Science Leads’ for UNIT, which Martha found vastly more appealing than the militaristic ethos they’d had before.

“I’ll be honest with you, Ms Stewart, I can’t settle as a regular doctor and, without wishing to boast, I think you could use my unique skills and experiences as one of the Doctor’s former companions.”

Kate Stewart (tall, blonde, and gorgeous, in Martha’s eyes) smiled, but it wasn’t a particularly warm smile. “I thought that you were done with UNIT?” she asked, glancing down at the tablet in front of her. “You reported that you had had enough of the military mindset.”

“I had,” Martha agreed, knowing it was better to be honest. “But I’ve heard that UNIT’s ethos has changed and that ‘Science Leads’, now. Your father told me once, that he’d learned that from the Doctor and I know the Doctor would approve that you’ve been changing UNIT’s thinking.”

A little more warmth crept into Kate’s smile at that, although Martha wasn’t sure if it was the reference to her father or the Doctor. “Still, though, what does your husband think? I understood you and Mickey Smith were happy in your role as freelancers.” She glanced back down at the tablet. “And what about your son? He’s four now, isn’t he?”

She looked back up and Martha wasn’t sure what her face was doing, but she’d bet her expression was fairly stricken, despite her attempts to keep it neutral. “Mickey and August are dead.” Martha managed to choke the words out without actually bursting into tears, but it wasn’t easy. It’d only been six months, after all.

“Oh Martha, I’m so sorry.”

To her surprise, Kate got to her feet, grabbed a box of tissues off the top of the filing cabinet, then set them on her desk in front of Martha before crouching down beside her, one hand clasping her forearm.

“I’m sorry,” she said softly. “I had no idea. I thought our files were up-to-date.”

Martha grabbed a couple of tissues from the box and tried to stem the tears that had begun to flow. Part of her was surprised that Kate remained exactly where she was, her hand warm through Martha’s sleeve, but another part wasn’t. Martha discovered that she felt comforted by the older woman’s obvious care and concern for her.

Eventually her tears dried up and she blew her nose, then dropped several used tissues into the wastepaper bin that Kate offered her.

“Thanks,” she said, a little hoarsely.

“Do you want some water?” Kate asked. “As I’m sure you don’t need me to tell you, it’s always better to rehydrate after crying a lot.”

Martha nodded and Kate moved over to a corner of the room where an elegant oak sideboard held a coffee machine. She opened a door and revealed that it concealed a fridge, from which she removed a bottle of still water.

“Do you want to tell me what happened to Mickey and August?” Kate asked gently after Martha had drunk about half the bottle of water.

So Martha told her, as succinctly as she could, and without further tears, to her immense relief.

“Was this when there was that flap on in Conwy Castle?”

Martha nodded. “You were all busy dealing with those Hoix.”

Kate frowned. “And you know this, how?”

Martha huffed a weak laugh. “Luke Smith and Mr Smith.”

Kate’s face cleared. “I should’ve guessed you’d still be in touch with them.”

“Well, yes,” Martha said with an actual grin. “Us freelance alien fighters stuck together, you know.” Her grin slipped the next moment. “If Sarah Jane had been around –” She shook her head, leaving that thought unfinished. She knew that Kate and Sarah Jane had been friends and the pained expression on Kate’s face told her that she wasn’t over Sarah Jane’s death any more than Martha or Luke himself, for that matter.

Kate heaved a sigh. “I’m truly sorry for your loss,” she said softly. “If you’re sure that this is what you want to do, then we would be very grateful to have you back working for UNIT.” She held out her hand, across her desk, and Martha shook it, trying to ignore the tingling in her own hand at Kate’s touch. Developing a crush on her ultimate boss would be an unwise move.

“Thank you,” Martha said. “And yes, I’m very sure.”

“Then let me give you the tour.”

Kate got to her feet again and Martha followed her out of her office and into a corridor where a young woman with black glasses, a white lab coat, and an immensely long scarf came rushing towards them.

“Ma’am!” exclaimed the young woman, her excited demeanour making Martha smile involuntarily.

“What is it, Osgood?” asked Kate, a smile in her voice.

“An alien ship’s about to enter Earth’s atmosphere. It was – I don’t know, cloaked I supposed – before this, which is why we didn’t pick it up and I’m not sure whoever’s flying it has it under control.”

“Do you have a landing zone?” asked Kate.

“Yes, ma’am. Somewhere near Hastings.”

“Alright. I want Colonel Shindi and a couple of his men, including Captain Carter, Sam Bishop, you, and Doctor Jones here ready to move out in twenty minutes.”

“Doctor Jones?” repeated Osgood. “The Doctor Jones?”

Martha laughed softly. “Good to meet you, Ms Osgood.”

She held out a hand and Osgood shook it energetically, then began asking questions faster than Martha could respond.

Kate clasped her shoulder. “Breathe, Osgood,” she said firmly. “Let’s get the team assembled, first. You can quiz Doctor Jones en route.”

“Yes, ma’am.” She pulled an inhaler from her pocket and used it, then squeaked, “The Doctor Jones!” before disappearing.

“I’m sorry about that. I’m afraid you’ll probably find yourself bombarded with questions during the trip to Hastings.”

Martha laughed softly. “It’s fine. Not sure that I’ve ever had a fan before.” She glanced at Kate. “Do I have time to grab my doctor’s bag from my car before we head off?”

“Of course,” Kate said warmly. “I need to grab some things from my office, too. Why don’t we meet down in the car park?”

“Sounds good,” Martha agreed. She turned around and following the route she’d memorised on her way in, as she made her way to the underground car park that served UNIT HQ.

As she fished her bag out of the boot of her car Martha was surprised to feel a thrill of excitement run through her and felt even more astonished when she realised how much she’d missed this.

Perhaps re-joining UNIT was the best thing she could do. It certainly felt serendipitous that on the very day of her interview there was a possible alien incursion and she got to go and assist Kate and her team.

She shook her head, then locked her car with a grin.

Despite my better judgment, I went to see Significant Other, the new play by Joshua Harmon that receDespite my better judgment, I went to see Significant Other, the new play by Joshua Harmon that rece

Despite my better judgment, I went to see Significant Other, the new play by Joshua Harmon that recently transferred to Broadway from Roundabout, this past Sunday with my significant other, my best guy friend, and his significant other. I saw this shortly after I met J in 2015 while it was off-Broadway and it hit me hard in the emotions. I walked out of the Laura Pels thinking Gideon’s character surely killed himself after the lights went down. And to be honest, I kind of wanted to kill myself after the lights went down on Sunday afternoon, regardless of my relationship status. My friends concurred.

I want to start by saying that Gideon Glick is brilliant as the protagonist Jordan, a late twenty-somethings city-dweller. He gives a flawless performance of an extremely flawed character. He has genius comedic timing and I was exhausted watching him exert himself onstage for two and a half hours(ish). I would watch this guy read the phone book because he could make it entertaining. He has monologues that are pages long but he makes it look effortless.

Sas Goldman, who plays the first bride of the night Kiki, reminded me in a weird way of Tracee Chimo in Bachelorette. But in a totally good, weird way. Lindsay Mendez plays a wonderful best friend to Jordan, Laura, who gets caught up in wedding madness when she finally gets engaged. She was able to be strong even when hurt by Jordan’s page and a half tirade on the evening of her bachelorette party. And, last but not least, Rebecca Naomi Jones is the hilariously dark Vanessa who gives no fucks about anything until the day of her wedding.

The men in this show are not at all the focus. Hence why two actors play all six male characters (in addition to Jordan). John Behlman and Luke Smith both do a lovely job playing the various boyfriends and husbands and coworkers of the four main characters.

Because of its incredibly depressing tone, and it’s suicide-inducing ending, I’m not sure it’ll find it’s audience on Broadway, but I know that a lot (most) people could probably relate to Jordan’s feeling of being alone and feeling hopeless. There are lots of parts to make you laugh, and many to also make you feel all the feels. Like any good play should. 

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