#lulu reads




Pairing: Porn Director!Bucky x College Student!Reader

Warnings; SMUT 18+ Minors DNI ( head male recieving) cliff hangers!!

A/n: A part of me knew upon seeing this picture that i either needed to do a sugar daddy au or continue with my porn au’s but take it director style and well i bring you porn director Bucky. I hope i am able to have painted the picture through my words the way i imagine bucky to be if he was a porn director. Enjoy baby bun’s.


Your heart raced in your chest as you looked at the unread email; how much longer could you go without opening the inevitable?

You stared at it another minute longer, even refreshing the page in hopes that it was a mistake, it wasn’t.

‘2022-2023 Payment Deadline’ read the subject.

Dread washed over you as you hovered the cursor over the email that had been waiting to be opened since the start of the week, you had managed to avoid it this long, hoping the extra shifts you picked up at the café might have been enough, but you were sure they hadn’t been.

You right clicked, the email popping up in a new window almost instantly, you scrolled bypassing your schools financial aid poster to get to the main subject; your payment had bounced, just like you knew it had.

Remaining balance of 1,2000, due by August 27th, 2022 you wanted to cry.

Your eyes flitted down to the right reading the date on your desktops screen, August 13, 2022. A shaky puff of air left your lips, they were giving you two weeks to gather the amount or be dropped from your class altogether. The only class you found yourself being able to afford, the class now at threat of being lost.

“God,” you murmur letting yourself fall forward, arms bracing you against your desk, your head falling to your hands as you rummaged your mind for a solution. “What am I going to do,” you breathe, “I can barely afford to pay for my classes much less a bus back home.”

A knock sounded on your door, “Hey y/n I – are you okay?”

You looked over your shoulder to find your roommate standing there, a bag of your favorite take-out in hand, and a concerned look on her features. Tears threatened to fill your eyes as you looked at your trusted friend, “the payment bounced Tasha, I have till the 27th of this month to get the money together, or I’m going to have to find the money for a bus ticket back home.”

“Oh y/n,” Natasha murmurs softly as she moves over to you, she places the bag on the end of your bed before she’s moving over to you taking the spot closest to you. She places a hand on your arm, “and there’s no way for them to give you an extension, I’ve heard they sometimes offer students an extension at least to get them by the first week so they won’t miss out on their courses.”

You shake your head, turning the screen to the blonde, her eyes flit over the email, she lets out a sigh. “I’ve picked up extra shifts, stayed longer after hours, hell they’ve even started letting me take the tips thrown in the tip jar home but it hasn’t been enough, I doubt I’ll even have half the funds by the deadline, I’m screwed Tash.”

“Oh c’mon now y/n have a little faith, you and I have managed to make it this far, this isn’t first year anymore.” “But we’re barely getting by,” you argue, “or at least I am, did your payment go through?”

Your heart drops when Natasha nods her head, “yeah it did, but its only because of the money I received from that gig I offered you as well,” she adds.

You remembered that day; you and Natasha were rung dry as you wracked your brains, and your wallets for ways to not only make your month’s rent, but gather what you could for your tuition.

“Nat we should just cut our losses,” you sighed, “we barely made rent, I have nothing left and I’m sure you pulled out the last that you had, tuition this year just isn’t going to happen.”

“We’re nearly done y/n, I’m not going to miss out on a year, it’s just not feasible for me,” she argued

“And you think I want to miss out on a year,” you question, “of course not,” you answer, “but where do you want us to get almost 3,000 dollars from?”

Natasha sighed rubbing at her forehead, you both were stuck, you weren’t sure where else the two of you could turn to get that money before deadlines for tuition rolled in.

“Would you ever conisder working behind the camera for extra cash,” Natasha questions quietly after a few minutes of silence. You looked over at your friend, who looked just as spaced out as you felt, “what do you mean?”

Her gaze locks on yours, “an ex-coworker of mine Wanda before she left the diner gave me this card, a modeling site, she said they pay good money up front -”

“Natasha no!”

“Y/n,” she argued, “you haven’t even begun to let me explain myself, at least hear me out!”

You shook your head, “Tasha listen to what you’re saying, they pay good money up front, what modeling site does that,” you question, “what modeling site do you know of that pays there models up front.”

Her lips clamp shut, “I rest my case,” you mutter, “I’m sorry Nat,” you offer when you notice her crestfallen features, “I’m as desperate as you are but not that desperate, we can find another way.”

“You can find another way,” she murmurs, your eyes grow wide, “Nat please don’t tell me,“ She shakes her head, “3,000 dollars between the two of us is a lot, and tuition is due soon, we need the money, I need that money,” she urges.

“But Nat, you don’t even know what it is your friend did that got her that money up front!”

“Then come with me tomorrow evening and find out,” Nat argues back, “we can do this together, we can get the money up front together!”

You’re shaking your head no, “I’m sorry Nat, it’s like I said I’m as desperate as you are, but not that desperate.”

Natasha’s letting out a sigh as she pushes herself off the couch, “well should you change your mind, you can just let me know.”


Holy hotness. That was…*whimpers incoherent words* smoking hot. Bucky…I need more of him. Just give me more…


annoying neighbors and fake boyfriends- b. barnes

pairings: bucky barnes x reader, oc x reader
warnings: nosy neighbors, mutual pining, fake dating
about:request “You stayed over at my place one night but my nosy, annoying neighbour saw you leave. They always get on my case about being single so I told them that we’re dating to show them”
a/n: you have no idea how much fun it was to write this. if you want a part two… i wil one hundred thousand percent give it to you. now. a confession, i wrote this and finished it like two days after you requested but got caught up with a bunch of requests and didn’t get the chance to edit. i hope you enjoy!!

the keys in your grasp jingle and clink against each other when you move to quickly lock your door, even through your attempts to keep the noise down. you cringe when the bronze key, settled between two others on both sides, clangs loudly against the metal of your doorknob. quickly wrapping your fingers around all of the keys while your other hand is pressed against the wood of your door, you hold your breath and shut your eyes as if it mutes the noise.

when you hear nothing, you sigh softly, letting the shoulders you hadn’t even realized had tensed drop down, clicking your lock closed. you move to pick up your bag, sure you’re safe when the door across from you suddenly opens, light spilling out along with the woman living in the apartment, nestled in a deep purple robe that she tugs against her form, hair parted as if she was in the middle of doing it.

Keep reading

Her neighbor was the worst.



Pairing: AU!Dean x reader

Word Count: 563

Warnings: language, pining, Dean being a cute dumbass, a little angst, fluff

A/N: Told from Dean’s POV in third person.



Aw, that was cute. ♥️


Sam Winchester x Reader, AU!Hundercorp!Sam

NSFW, Voyeurism, Smut

570 Words 

Impala-Dreamer’s Masterlist  RebekahJordan.com Patreon  ~ Published Works  Buy Me A Coffee  ~  Feedback is Gold


Sam walked through the halls, his shoes gleaming against the tiled floor. He studied the place with narrow, inquisitive eyes, unsure of where he was headed, but too antsy to sit still. 

A few of the numbered doors found his interest, but many were locked to him. As he turned the corner, a hum caught his ear and he moved towards room twenty-one. 

Y/N’s voice filtered out and Sam pressed his forehead to the doorframe, peeking inside the crack. 

Inside, Y/N was on her knees on the bed, naked but for a thin, loose white tee covering her breasts. It was bunched up on her back, held there by Sam’s giant hand. The other was on her hip, pulling her back to meet each of his thrusts. 

Sam sucked in a quick breath and diverted his gaze, pulling away from the door. “My word…” 

He swallowed hard and stood up, adjusting the scarf around his throat. How strange to stumble upon your alternate self plowing fiercely into the ghost of your former lover. Sam cleared his throat, determined to walk away, but Y/N’s voice drew him back. 

“Fuck, Sam…” 

Her moan echoed in his mind and Sam set his hand on the door, carefully opening it another inch. He peeked inside and Y/N was on her back now, lying beneath the massive Hunter, her jaw dropped in blissful awe. 

“You like that?” the other Sam asked, biting his lip and rolling his hips to the left. “Feel good, babydoll?” 

Y/N’s eyes fluttered and she nodded breathlessly. “Yeah… oh, god, Sam!” 

Sam stared on, his cock twitching with every breath she took. Every moan was like a stroke down his shaft, every whimper a hungry kiss. 


Christ…that was hot…

As someone who greatly believes that Bend It Like Beckham should have been about lesbians*, it pleases me greatly that there are two sapphic books about soccer players coming out in 2023 (Cleat Cute boy Meryl Wilsner and You Don’t Have a Shot by Racquel Marie)

*and watched it at summer camp where we booed any time her romance with the coach guy happened 
