

119 more to go…..

Whenever I play minecraft it activates my primal urge to do arson

Don’t you ever just want to go ape shit

How Illagers are made

Everybody gangsta till eerie noise or disc 13 starts playing


Staring new characters like

Creeper with Gun!


Plurt! (Purple dirt)

Coming out in 2069!

Take a sip, babes!!


The shadows that move

At first you didn’t notice the dark figures that appeared at random. You were always focused on mining, farming, or fighting other creatures.

You were a somewhat peaceful inhabitant of this world, building a nice cottage and making a nice farm beside your cozy home. You bred your cows, watered your crops, and slept in your small house. It’s a quiet put nice life, even if you’re the only person you know that’s living in this area.

One night, out of the corner of your eye, you spot something outside of your window. It was two glowing objects, both a purple color. You could barely see floating things around them, the same color as the objects.

Staring at them through the window, you realize that they aren’t objects, but eyes.

You were extremely unsettled at this point, so you move away from the window and hop in bed.

Falling asleep wasn’t easy, as you felt the disturbing feeling of someone watching you. This deeply troubledyou, as the nearest village wasn’t near at all.

Eventually, when morning came, you tried to shake off the unnatural feeling. Getting ready to start the day, (you planned on mining today, as you were low on iron) you packed some food and gathered your equipment.

What you weren’t prepared for was the block of dirt sitting unassumingly near the door of your house. Frowning, you inspected it. It was just an ordinary block, however you recalled no instance of you placing it down in this particular spot.

The feeling of unease slowly crept back into your bones. Still, you did need that iron, and you weren’t one to veer of schedule.

Adventuring out, you find a nice cave that had a good amount of iron. The deeper you go, the more the unsettled you felt, but you pioneered onwards.

But at the corner of your eye, you see it again. A tall lanky figure with purple specks floating around it. At this point, the uneasy feeling was screaming at you to run and go home, but you’ve always been a curious being.

Daring to go closer, you cautiously kept you eyes on the figure. You were unsure why it hasn’t become hostile to you yet, as creepers and other mobs of the like most often did.

It’s back was turned to you, so bravely, you continued to move closer until it was a block away from you.

Slowly it turned around. For a brief moment, you thought it was friendly, like the villagers’ protective Iron Golum, but then you foolishly looked into the being’s eyes.

You heard whispers. They were screaming in agony. Your eyes stung, and they felt as if they were being repetitively stabbed with a sword. The brief second that your eyes met the tall being’s was agony.

Suddenly, with a horrible noise that sounded like an old record of a long drowned out screech, the tall being whisked away. Your eyes frantically moved around, unsure what was happening and terrified.

The being appeared in front of you for a split second, damaged you then vanished. Wildly, you swung your sword at air, desperately trying to hit the entity.

With no luck, you sprinted out of the cave, desperately wanting to go back home. The being, which was like a black void, kept on tormenting you, appearing at random, lowering your already low health.

Eventually you see the beginnings of your home. It stood there like a becon at midnight. You almost wept with joy. Sprinting as hadd as you could, you tried your best to make it to the door.

The entity was right at your heels, eventually bringing your health down to a sliver. You weren’t paying attention at this point, you were just trying to escape it and hide inside your home.

Reaching out, your fingertips manage to push the door open, only to be blocked by the being, which was still screaming at you. With one final hit, you closed your eyes. Permanently.





With this sword I will protect all my lesbian friends

With this axe I will protect all my gay friends

With this bow I will protect all my bi friends

With this trident I will protect all of my trans friends

And with this shield I will protect anyone under the plus (+) in LGBT+




With this sword I will protect all my lesbian friends

With this axe I will protect all my gay friends

With this bow I will protect all my bi friends

With this trident I will protect all of my trans friends



With this sword I will protect all my lesbian friends

With this axe I will protect all my gay friends

With this bow I will protect all my bi friends


With this sword I will protect all my lesbian friends

With this axe I will protect all my gay friends

With this sword I will protect all my lesbian friends
